Cable Clamp Kits 5745652--[ ] and 5745653--[ ]
5of 6Rev CTyco Electronics Corporation
5. Slide the outer ferrule over the inner ferrule.
6. Place the cable assembly into Hand Crimping
Tool 543344--1. Refer to instruction sheet
408--9315 for specific crimping instruction.
7. Crimp the ferrules and remove them from the
crimping tool. Trim the excess braid from between
the two ferrules.
8. Terminate the conductors with the contacts and
insert the contacts into the rear of the connector or
terminate to the connector according to the
appropriate document (refer to Section 1).
9. Position one half of the cable clamp on the
cable and connector. Ensure that the flange of the
connector is behind the flange edge of the clamp
and that the inner ferrule is positioned between the
two strain--relief bars of the clamp. See Figure 7.
10. Position the other half of the clamp on top of
the cable and secure it with pan head screws.
11. Insert the slide latch screws through the slide
latch and connector mounting holes, and secure
them in the tapped holes of the cable clamp.
To allow for proper slide latch operation, tighten the
screws to a torque between 0.17 and 0.23 Nm
[1.5 and 2.0 in--lb].
Figure 7
Strain Relief
6. GROMMET ASSEMBLY (Refer to Figure 8)
Refer to the notes in Figure 2 to select the proper
cable clamp kit with grommets for the cable being
used, and proceed as follows:
1. Cut the cable to the desired length. Slide the
appropriate size grommet onto the cable with the
large outside diameter toward the cable end being
2. Strip the cable jacket from the end of the
conductors. Take care not to cut any foil, braid, or
drain wire if present. Refer to Figure 3 for the cable
jacket strip length for HDP--20 and HDP--22
3. If the cable has neither braid nor foil, slide
the grommet to the end of the cable jacket, and
proceed Step 4.
If cable has only foil around the conductors, cut
the foil to end of the jacket and remove. If the drain
wire is present, trim to a length of approximately
15.24 mm [.600 in.] from the end of the jacket.
Slide the grommet to the end of the cable jacket,
bend any drain wire back over top of the grommet,
and proceed to Step 4.
If cable has only braid, trim the braid to
approximately 15.24 mm [.600 in.] from the end of
the cable jacket and fold the braid as evenly as
possible around the grommet. It may be easier to
fold the braid back over the jacket end first, then
slide the grommet under it. Proceed to Step 4.
If cable has both foil and braid, trim the foil,
braid, and any drain wire to approximately
15.24 mm [.600 in.] from the end of the cable
jacket. Slide the grommet to the end of the cable
jacket and fold the braid as evenly as possible
around the grommet. It may be easier to fold the
braid back over the jacket end first, then slide the
grommet under it. Cut the foil to end of the jacket
and remove. Fold the drain wire, if present, over
the braid, and proceed to Step 4.
4. Terminate the conductors with the contacts and
insert the contacts into the rear of the connector or
terminate the connector according to the
appropriate document (refer to Section 1).
5. Position one half of the cable clamp on the
cable and connector. Ensure that the large outside
diameter of the grommet is seated against the
connector side of the inner strain relief bar of the
cable clamp.
6. In a similar manner, position the other half of the
cable clamp and secure with attaching hardware.