Customer : ROXBURGH aBCTRONICS LIMITS) No. SSV96-0311 Date' Jan. 30. Attention: Your ref. No: Your P a r t. N o : 22 6070- SPEC I F I CAT IONS ALPS MODEL _ RS6011Y50K F.E.C. No: 698-052 Samp I e No. : Q0447764M ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. DSG ' HEAD OFFICE 1-7. YUK I GAYA-OHTSUKA-CHO. OHTA-KU. TOKYO 146 JAPAN APP' D - O' ENG. DEPT. DIVISION Sales 1.THIS SPECIFICATIONS APPLY TO No. SSV96-O311 SPECIFICATIONS RS6011YU POTENT IOETERS. ZCONTENTS OF THIS SPECIFICATIONS. 4SW2a*}O2M.4S00 4S0001-2Q0.4SO001-201 S6O2SN4O4A aMARKINS -MARKING ON ALL UNITS DATE CODE RESIST. VAL1E TAPER TRADE MARK Marking In specifications shows standard Td condition for application TITLE CLASS NO. STANDARD TYPE POTENTIOMETER (SLIDE) USED OH TPAI/fif ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. t-7 YUKICAYA OTSUKA-CHO ELECTRICAL 1. Overall resistance OTA-KU TOKYO JAPAN : Overall resistance tolerances : 2. Minimum resistance : Overall 5,10 resistance. 20,50 Across term*Jrj .cross term. 2-3 Rated power : 5. Rated voltage : 0.2 100 S5JL. 120 SOO ! . , 1000 500/ 300* 20 *BOO 220 .*32 80 Rated voltage- rJ P' (W) X t | 10 V 40 +^4 6. Dielectric test : Units shall be designed to withstand 300 volts A.C. 50 Hz R.H.S. between resistance elements and Tfi case for a period of one minute without damage or arcing. 20 7. Insulation resistance : Greater than 100 megohms between i-Uli I resistance elements and case when tested by a 250 volts D.C. insulation resistance meter. 8. Sliding lifeteet : nil t--r 60 (O) When the rated voltage exceeds the maximum operating voltage the maximum operating voltage shall be the rated voltage. Maximum operating voltage : A.C.200V . TM- m TTT (V) r : nominal overall resistance a TTT M-r 1= Watts. p : rated power SPECIFICATIONS m (SBS50) 3. Taper : ALPS " B' 4. 100 Unit : Q 200, TITLE TAPERED CURVE : ALfiS *B Unit : KQ 100 I 200 | 250 | 500 | 1.000 20 10 20 % NAME RESISTANCE TAPER -K- J- 15.000 cycles -TT 0 20 shall be operable with speed of 20 mm per sec.without 40 PERCENT VOLTAOB CHECK POINT 502TRAVEL FROM TERM.1 noise by static electricity. ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 4S6028N-302M <$$~tt*Q. 60 80 PERCENT TRAVEL TZRM.1 H0TE3I TT TOLERANCE 40- AO * too TITLE CLASSNO. TtTLE utssm STANDARD TYPE POTENTIOMETER (SLIDE) STANDARD TYPE POTENTIOMETER (SLIDE) (2) To be resistant with following static force applied to MECHANICAL 1. Travel : lever In vertical direction to lever driving for 10 Specified in particular Figure. 2. Operating force : 30-250 gf ( Note 1 ) 3. Starting force : Operating force + 100 gf max. C Note 1 ) (Note 1) Measuring temperature : 5*C - 35*C Measuring point seconds without damage. 4. Stop strength : 2 kgf*cm over : in case of pot., mounted to chassis (2) 0.5 kgf*cm over : in case of pot., mounted to P.C.B. <3) 2 with screws. : *+*:$ mm from lever end (Lever length > 6 mm) :1 mm from lever end (Lever lengths 6 mm) Sliding speed Q only with terminals. kgf*cm over : in case of pot., mounted to P.C.B. with both terminals and mounting 20 mm per sec. plate* : 5 kgf at a position 5 mm from mounting surface. 5 kgf 5 kgf (Lever length > 6 mm) i 5 kgf at a position 2 mm from mounting surface. (Lever length a 6 mm) Lever lateral play : (1) When an alternating bending moment of 250 gf-cm is applied perpendicular to the direction of lever travel, the bothslde movement of the lever shall be less than 2 ( 2XL/20 ) mm L: Lever length on the measurement point from mtg. surface. (Note 2) Exempt warping of insulated lever. Lever lateral play U " <2> Okgf *cn w 7. Lever inclination and twist : Twist 1 Inclination Inclination 2* max. 2* max. 2* max. LSS5 mm The bothside movement = 250 8. Resistance to soldering heat : of the lever shall be 3 sec. max. at 300*C less than 1.2 mm 6. Lever strength : (1) To be resistant with 5 kgf static force of pull or push applied to lever in thrust direction for 10 seconds without damage. ELECTRIC CO., LTD. APPO. mssr .S'ft f BATE mnr APPD. SPECIFICATIONS no JLL 4S0008-45M em I ' itA mssr ELECTRIC CO., LTD. ttrLT SPECIFICATIONS SB 4S0008-45M (2/2 PRECAUTION IN USE U/\' If it will be used the operating point away from the center line of the lever, it should be shorter as possible. UA" U/\" - I/A' - About the length of lever If conditions permit, it is advisable the shortest possible lever. The the longer the length up to operating more unfavorable slide feeling will- be to use point, oiven. Front chas i s Potent i ome t e r c t *r Regarding the operation of the lever. Please consider the above mentioned . and make sure nothing is wrong with the operation under installing in your appliance that you Plan to use our products actually. yysHAKtfl/A* -ftfto, vu (i^y) M Knob assembly on the lever and functioning the lever to be performed under the condition of P. C. B. without wo r p. ELECTRIC CO., LTD. APP OSC " /tv* 'Ja-A ttI TITLE SPECIFICATIONS ORIGIHU. SYMB 91-7-3 Y-Y K-N S-A DATE APPO CHKO DSGO ' i i DOCUMENT i i i NO. 4S0001-200 J G04477 64M FOLLOEW THE NEXT CONDITIONS FOR SOLDERING SOLDER I. JI S 63 % Z 32 8 2 Sn solder 2. BOARD IN specified USE -7h-JI/SffiXl3. .ftQSJPiSB'ffiBtS in 15J? JIS Z t = l. 6mm Do uble-faces through-hole board co pper laid laminate board, Pl ate 3. thickness (I) l/A " -lug (2) 77 7?3ttl (3) 0. 830. 0 (Bl (7; I 0 0 C 2 6 0 C CAS E TH E Single-face or {t) =1. 6 mm 7 U (4) 1 |Jt-hS g I N 3282. OF DIP max. tin I ftfelfi. max. tiH5tH:l (7* SOLDER ING (1) St ate potentiometer o f a lever in the P ositi on vicinity Flux (2) Sp ecifi c Gravity of type) 0 .830 . 01 (foaming Flux face (3) He ight of of the upper face leve I po sition at a half of A of the t he o pri nted f F urthe r. s urfac e i nstal (4) Pr eheat board. no of ling (Fig. flow of printed I 00 C (T emper ature board is (5) So lderi ng on the for reaching f lux Plate thickness invading on iis board I center, I) flux potentiometer c o n d i t ion max.. within of on the side allowed. the of minute side nstalling of Printed designated.) condition temperature1 260 C max S older Period '* within 5 seconds S older ing time is permitted soldering : only one T ime o f P. C. B. Potent i ome t e r iiiiiiiiiiiimiiminiii (Fig. 1) i IN g THE CASE OF MANUAL 300'Cmax. SOLDERING BA/0RB I Solder temperature Soldering period Time of soldering 300 C within only max. 3 seconds time is one p e r m i t t e d ELECTRIC CO., LTD. APPD. CHKD. 7" *" 'Ja-A fS title DSG SPECIFICATIONS 0RIGIW. SY MB 91-9-3 Y-Y S-A DOCUMENT S-S NO. DSGD J I I L 1/2 4S0001-20 1 J G044 7 7 64 M 5. ;i (2) ft* (3) ft* V (02) (4) U-h* K<7)56. ft* HU^ST. (S3) (5) G A/Eft It IIJ: 5ft* Ua-AA <*)"$. 7 'J 5. ft' 'Ja- MATT ERS TO BE NOT ED (1) D o not add any s t r ess o n terminals in the case For o f sold e r i n g. i n s t a nee. forced movement of p o t en t i 0 m e t e r with term inals being heated may p robabI y deter iora t e t h e electric features in connection d u e to g e n e r a t i o n of I o oseness b e t ween resist a n t board and terminals, (2) A void a u a a s o (3) U u s e of d 0 u b I e- f a c es through-hole board much it is necessary to as po s s i b I e. I f s a p p I y se it. Do not t h po t e n in w h i c h a hole a t o w n d ins tall land only o I d e r e d on a face i n s t a I I i n the side of s e c a u t i o n to D r e v e n t P r i n t ed board o t e n t i ome te r. P solder t a k e p I ace t o sold e r i n (4) n the case 1 mm a p of o t e n t i ome t he g r a d e (5) o he po t e n t i rinted boa g ng potentiometer. so I d e r i n g Process so as to f r om r i s ing up to the surface on t he of installing si de bee a u s e in rough-hole Plating to tiometer is inserted, hich terminals are oppsite to the face term i n a I defective contact may connecting Part due .(Fig . 2) h e a t I e a d w i r ing. or be m o r e may of e r body i n f I u f ome t e r r d. o t e n t i o me t e r. and e n c e and I of it so that a between the part. soldering i n g t he solder reserved soldering d e p e n ds 1 n s t a I of upon the Position size of a (Fig. 3) exerted size of of on a the solder e t c. Ther e f o r e. ma ke sure, in advance, a b n om a I s t a t e u n d er the conditions of o I d e r i n g to b e c a r r i e d our at present. a t h f n o Mounting side Potent i ome t e r Terminal K- o Qhti Solder (F i g. 3) (F i 9. 2) Solder i n9 area ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. APPO. CHKD. OSGO. ft* Ua-A TITLE ttI SPECIFICATIONS ORIGINAL SYMB 91-9-3 Y-Y S-A s-s DAT E APPO CHK( DSGD i DOCUMENT i i i NO. 2/2 4S0001-201 G0447764M 750. 5 7110. 2 67 TRAVEL 6010. 5 o (l$Afl]J:'J) *H in L= NOTES LUG MOUNTING HOLE DETAIL IVIEIEO FROM HOUtiTIHG SIDE) TERMINAL >* MOUNTING SCREW THREAD LENGTH IS CHASSIS THICKNESS +2imHAX. 2. TOP SIDE OF 30mm LENGTH KNOB SHALL BE MOUNTED TO FROM LEVER MTC. SURFACE. LEVER WITHIN IQltmCEi IKLE5S OIIEtllil SPEC 0. 3 L