MIL SPECS Icy oo001le5 Qudn??a &b Tt 1-19 MIL-S-19500/114E AMENDMENT 4 21 March 1984 SUPERSEDING AMENDMENT 3 3 November 1982 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, VOLTAGE REGULATOR B AND RB TYPES, 1N2804 THRU 1N2811, 1N2813, 1N2814, 1N2816, 1N2818 THRU 1N2820, 1N2822 THRU 1N2827, 1N2829, 1N2831 THRU 1N2838, 1N2840 THRU IN2846, 1N4557 THRU 1N4562, JAN, JANTX, JANTXV AND JANS This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-S-19500/114E, dated 26 September 1980, and is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 2 3.2: Delete "No aluminum case shall be permitted." PAGE 4 Add the following paragraph: 4.5.7 Reverse current. The specified reverse voltage shall be applied to pin 1 and pin 2 separately and the reverse current measured at each pin. PAGE 5 TABLE I, Subgroup 2, Reverse current, Conditions column: Add "see 4.5.7". TABLE I, Subgroup 2, Regulator voltage, Method column: Delete "4021" and substitute "4022". PAGE 8 TABLE IIb, Subgroup 6, LTPD column: Delete "5" and substitute "7". PAGE 11 TABLE V, Column 1: Delete "1N2812B8, RB" and substitute 1N2813B, RB". TABLE V, Column 11, 1N2842B, RB: Delete "99.8" and substitute "98.8". TABLE V, Column 14, 1N4559B, RB: Delete ".015" and substitute "2,015", TABLE V, Columns 12, 13, and 16: MNelete "Adc" and substitute "Adc". NOTE: The margins of this amendment are marked with asterisks to indicate where changes from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue. 1 of 2 FSC 5961MIL Custodians: Army - ER Havy - EC Air Force - 17 NASA - MSFC - EG02 Review activities: Army - MR, AR Navy - SH Air Force - 11, 19, 85 DLA - ES User activities: Army - SM Navy - AS, GG, MC, OS Air Force - 13 Agent: NLA - ES SPECS MIL-S-19500/114F AMENDMENT 4 1c Oo001e5 Oooo774 & i Preparing activity: Navy - EC (Project 5961-0918}MIL SPECS IC qooo12s aooa77s T By T4(-44 MIL~S-19500/114E 26 September 1980 UPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/114D 9 February 1973 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, VOLTAGE REGULATOR B AND RB TYPES, 1N2804 THRU 1N2811, 1N2813, 1N2814, 1N2816, 1N2818 THRU 1N2820, 1N2822 THRU 1N2827, 1N2829, 1N2837 THRU 1N2838, 1N2840 THRU 1N2846, 1N4557 THRU 1N4562, JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS This specification fs approved for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1.. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. The specification covers the deta] requirements for 50 watt, silicon voltage regulator diodes: B type (standard polarity); RB type (reverse polarity). Four levels of product assurance are provided for each device type as specified in MIL-S-19500. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1. (TO-3). 1.3 Maximum ratings. Maximum ratings are as shown in columns 4, 8, and 10 of table V herein and as follows: Derate P, = 50 W at Te 2 #75C at 0.5 W/C above Te > #75C. - 65 65C < Th, < 175C; -65C < Tere < 200C, 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics, Primary electrical characteristics are as shown in columns 2, 9, 12, and 14 of table V herein and as follows: Thermal resistance (Re yc) = 2.0C/W maximum. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY - MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-750 + Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Electronic Systems Command, ATTN: ELEX 5043, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C. 20360 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. ; THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS [A PAGES. FSC 961MIL-S-19500/114E MIL SPECS Ic oo00i1e5 0000776 1h , 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be in accordance th MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 3.2 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shat be as Specifled Tn MiL<S-T9508 and figure 1 herein. Current density of internal conductors shal] be as specified in 3.6.5 of MIL-S-19500. No aluminum'case shall be permitted. 3.2.1 Polarity. Standard units (B) shall have the anode connected to the base. The two pins shall be connected internally. Reversed units (RB) shall have the cathode connected to the base. 3.3 Marking. Marking shal] be -in accordance with MIL-S-19500. At the option of the manufacturer, ve marking of the country of origin may be omitted from the body of the semiconductor. 3.3.1 RB types. Reversed (cathode to base) units shall be marked with an "R" preceding the "B" ia the type designation and with a contrasting dot on the base plate. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shal] be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, nad as specified herein. Lot accumulation period shall be six months in lieu of six weeks. 4.2 Screening (JANS, JANTXVY and JANTX levels only}. Screening shall be ir accordance with HIL~$- 19500 (table II) and as specified herein. e following measuremease Shall be made in scordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be Screen (see Measurement table II of MIL-S-19500) JANS level JANTX and JANTXV levels 9 Ip, and Vy (for devices with Not applicable V2(NOM) > 10 Vde; see column 2 of table V) 1] Thy and Voi 4Ipy = 100% of initial Ip, and Vo value or 2 yAdc, whichever is greater; AV, = +1% of initial value (for devices with 7(NOM) >10 Vde; see column 2 of table V). 12 See 4.2.) See 4.2.1 13 Subgroups 2 (except forward voltage | Subgroup 2 (except forward ; test) and 3 of table I herein; AT py = {voltage test) of table I herein; 100% of initial value or 2 pAdc, AIp, = 100% of initial value or whichever is greater; AVD = +1% of 2 wAdc, whichever is greater; initial value AV, = +1% of initial valueMIL SPECS ch g000225 ooo0777 3 i MIL-S-19500/114E oe 1, SEATING PLANE a NOTE 2) i 8 } t 1 F he A oan af Dimensions Inches Millimeters symbol Min | Max Min | Max | Notes A .270 | .380 6.86 | 9.65 Bb .048 | .053 97 | 1.35 go | --- | .875 --- | 22.23 e 420 | .440 | 10,67 | 11.18 1 ey .205 | .225 5.21 | 5.72 1 oF | 060 | 135 1,52 | 3.43 Lf 312 | 500 | 7.92 | 12.70, L, --- | .050 --- | 1.27 Bp 151 |. 161 3.84 | 4.09 q 1.177 | 1.197. | 29.90 | 30.40 R 495 | .525 | 12.57 | 13.34 Ry 131 | .188 3.33 | 4.78 5 655 | .675 | 16.64] 17.15 NOTES: 1. 2 3. 4, 5 6 These dimensions should be measured at points .050 (1.27 om) .055 (1.40 mm) below seating plane. When gage is not used measurement will be made at the seating plane, The seating plane of the header shall be flat within .001 (.03 mm) concave to .004 (.10 mm): convex .001 (.03 mm) concave to .006 (.15 mm) convex overall. Dimensions are in inches. Metric equivalents are given for general information only and are based upon 1.00 inch = 25.4 nu, Pins 1 and 2 are internally connected with an interlock jumper. Devices with B suffix have the anode internally connected to the case and devices with RB suffix (reverse polarity) have the cathode internally connected to the case. FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions.MIL SPECS Tc ff, cooo1es Oooo77a8 5 i MIL-S-19500/114E 4.2.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: I, = Column 15 of table V at a Te = 750C. 4.3 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19 and as specified herein. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19 and as specified herein. Group A inspection shall be performed on each sublot. 4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance, with MIL-S-19500 and table T herefn. End point electrical measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein. 4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection'shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specifted for subgroup testing in table IVa (JANS) and table IVb (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-S-19500, and tables IIa and IIb herein. Electrical measurements (end points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein. 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be conducted {n accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table V of MIL-S-19500 and table III herein. Electrical measurements {end points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV erein. : 4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows: 4.5.1 Surge current lagu . The currents specified in column 10 of table V shall be applied in the reverse direction and shal] be superimposed on the current (I, = column 5 of table V) a total of five surges at l-minute intervals. Each individual surge shall be a 1/2 square wave pulse of 1/120 second duration or a 1/2 sine wave with the same effective (rms) current. 4.5.2 Voltage regulation Vo req)" A current at 10 percent of I, (column 8) shall be maintained until thermal equilibrum 1s obtained and the Vo shall be noted. The current shal} then be increased to a level of 50 percent of I, (column 8) and maintained at this level until thermal equilibrum is obtained, at which time the voltage change shal] not exceed column 9 of table V. During this test, the case temperature (T.) of the diode shall be equal to 30 +3C. 4.5.3 Regulator voltage. The test current (column 5 of table V) shall be applied until thermal equilibrum fs obtained. During this test, the case temperature (T,) of the diode shall be equal to 30 +3C. 4.5.4 Temperature coefficient of regulator voltage (=y7)- The device shall be temperature stabilized with current applied prior to reading regulator voltage at the specified case temperatures. 4.5.5 Inspection condition. Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be made at case temperature (T) of 30 +3C. 4.5.6 Test ratings. Test ratings shall be as shown in table V. Type numbers with the suffix "RB" shall have identical requirements as shown in table V for the corresponding B type except the polarity shall be as specified in 3.2.1 herein.MIL SPECS icf 0000125 9000779 7 I MIL-S-19500/114E TABLE I. Group A_ inspection. MIL~STD-750 LTPD Limits Inspections JAN : Method Conditions JANS oe Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 15 5 (c=0) isual and mechanical 2071 inspection Subgroup 2 3 5 Forward voltage 4011 Ie = 10 Ade Ve --~ 1.5 Vde Reverse current 4016 Vp = column 11 of Thy --- jColumn | pAdc . 12 of table V; DC method table V Regulator voltage 4021 I, = column 5 of Vy Column iColumn | Vdc table V 3 of 4 of , Fable V|table Vj Subgroup 3 5 High temperature operation Th = 150C Reverse current 4016 Vp = column 17 of Ipo --- {Column | yAde . 16 of table V; DC method table V Subgroup 4 5 small-signal breakdown 4051 I, = Column 5 of Za --- (Column | ohms impedance . = 6 of table Viloag 10% iz) table V Knee impedance 405) Toy = 5 mAdc; ; Zax --- {Column | ohms - 1 7 of Teig = 10% of Tay table V Subgroup 5 (Not applicable) Subgroup 6 JANS level only * 10 | Surge current (see 4.5.1) 4066 Tosy = Column 10 of i --- --- --- --- table V i ' End point electrical --- See table IV, steps: j measurements . 1, 3, and 4 | Subgroup 7 | (Not applicable) Subgroup 8 JANS level only ; 10 Voltage regulation --- Vv --- {Column | Vdc (see 4.5.2) Z(reg) 9 of table V Temperature eee (scat of 4071 I, = column 5 of | V2 --- (Column toc regulator voltage (see 4.5.4 Tos 14 of table V5 Ty ne +3C, table To = TY +100C | 1/ For JANS, all devices required by the specified LTPD shall be subjected to subgroups 2, 3, and 4 combined.TABLE IIa. Group B inspection for JANS devices. MIL SPECS ICH oood1es QoOoo7ed 3 i Inspection MIL-STD-750 Method Conditions Qualification and Smal] lot large lot quality quality conformance conformance inspection inspection LTPD n/c Subgroup 1 10 8/0 :ysical dimensions 2066 See figure 1 Subgroup 2 15 6/0 Solderability 2026 Resistance to solvents 1022 Subgroup 3 10 6/0 Thermal shock 1051 T(high) = 175C (temperature cycling) Hermetic seal 1071 a. Fine b. Gross Electrical measurements See table V, steps 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Die shear 2017 Subgroup 4 10 N/A Intermittent operating 1037 I, = Column 8 of table V; life = or. = = Te = 30 +3 C3 ton tore 3 minutes minimum for 2000 cycles Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Subgroup 5 10 12/2 Accelerated steady-state 1027 I, = column 15 of table V operation-life for 96 hours; Ts = 125C or adjusted, as required, to give an average lot T3F 275C Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6MIL SPECS Ic OO001e5 gog0go7a1 & I MIL-S-19500/114E TABLE IIa. Group B inspection for JANS devices - Continued. Inspection MIL-STD-750 " Method Conditions Qualification and Smal] lot . large lot quality quality conformance conformance inspection inspection LTPD n/c Subgroup 6 10 8/0 Thermal resistance 4081 Rec = 2.0C/W maximum Te = 30 +3C For purposes of this test "junction to case" shall be used in lieu of "junction to lead" and Rogc. shall be used in lieu of "Regt The case shall be the reference point for calculation of junction to case thermal resistance (Re jo): The mounting arrangement shall be with heat sink to case.MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/114E cl D000125 Oooo7ae ? I TABLE IIb. Group B inspection for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV devices. Inspection MIL-STD-750 Method Conditions LTPD Subgroup 1 15 Solderability 2026 Resistance to solvents 1022 Subgroup 2 10 Thermal shock 1051 T(high) = 175C (temperature cycling) Surge current (see 4.5.1) 4066 Toon = column 10 of table V Hermetic seal 1071 a. Fine leak b. Gross leak Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 1, 3, and 4 Subgroup 3 5 Steady-state operation 1027 T, = 150C; I, = column 15 of life c Z table V Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 2, 3, and 4 Subgroup 4 ] device/O failure for each sublot Decap internal visual 2075 (design verification) Bond strength 2037 All internal wires shall be 20(c=0) pulled separately Subgroup 5 15 Thermal resistance 4081 Rage =2.0C/W maximum Te = 30 +3C For purposes of this test "junction to case" shall be used in lieu of "junction to lead" and "Roc. shall be used in lieu of "Root The case shall be the reference point for calculation of junction to case thermal resistance (Re 0) The mounting arrangement shall be with heat sink to case. ; Subgroup 6 5 High-temperature life 1032 Th = 200C (non-operating) Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 2, 3, and 4MIL SPECS Ic g000125 g000783 4 a MIL-S-19500/114E TABLE IIT, Group C inspection for all quality levels. MIL-STD~750 Limits Inspections Method Conditions LTPD Symbol Min Max Unit Subgroup 1 15 Physical dimensions 2066 See figure 1 Subgroup 2 10 Thermal shock 1056 (glass strain) Hermetic seal 1071 a. Fine leak b. Gross leak Moisture resistance . 1021 External visual 2071 Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (gan) and steps 1, 3, and 4 (JAN, JANTX and JANTXV) Subgroup 3 10 Shock 2016 Vibration variable frequency 2056 Constant acceleration 2006. Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (JANS) and steps 1, 3, and 4 (JAN, JANTX and JANTXV) Subgroup 4 15 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) 1041 Subgroup 5 Not applicable. Subgroup 6 += 10 Steady state operation 1026 Ta = 150C; I, = Column 15 life c Z of table V Electrical measurements See table IV, steps 2, 3, 4, and 6 (JANS) and steps 2, 3, and 4 (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXY) Subgroup 7 JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV levels 10 only Temperature Peoe (eee ace ) 407] I, = Column 5 of table V VZ ooo rolunn /o regulator voltage (see 4.5.4 = . 14 of ty 30 +3C, To. = Ty +100C table V each sublot Voltage regulation ose Each sublot Vv --3 Column Vdc (see 4.5.2) 2(reg) 0 of table VIMIL SPECS IC faooo1es Oooo7ay o ff TABLE IV. Groups 8 and C etectrical measurements. MIL-STD-750 Limits Step Inspection Method Conditions Symbo! Min Hox Unit 1 Reverse current 4016 OC method; Vp = Column 11 Tey e-- |Column| vAdc of table V 12 of table v 2 Reverse current 4016 DC method; Vp = Column 11 Try --- {Column| yAdc N 13 of of table V. table v 3 Regulator voltage 4022 I, = Column 5 of table V V Column |Column} Vdc 2 2 Bot {4 of table Vitable 4 V 4 Small signal 4051 1, = Colin 5 of table V zy --- {Column| ohms breakdown impedance I = 10% of 1 6 of sig . Zz table v 5 Knee impedance 4051 I Ky" 5 mAdc; ZK --- jColumn| ohms 1. = 0.5 mAdc 7 of sig table v 6 Forward voltage 4011 Tp = 10 Ade Ave V/ #50 mVdc change from previous- ly measured value. J/ Devices which exceed the Group A limits for this test shall not be accepted. 10MIL SPECS Tcffoooo1es oooor7es 2 & MIL~8-19500/114E TABLE V. Gharacteriatics and ratings. @l i Col 2 | Col 3 | Col 4 | Gol 5 Col 6 | Col 7 | Col 8 Gol 9 Gol 10 | col 11 | Cot 12 | Gol 13 | Col 14 Col 15 Gol Te | Vz Yz Iz 22 22K Iz | Yzcreg) | Iz5 Vp Tri la) 2 Iz Ip2 Voltage Won Mon Max Test Imped- | Knee Max de | Voltage | Tc=30C | Reverse | Reverse | Reverse | Tempera- [| Max de Reverse group . current ance imped- | current | regule- voltage | current | current ture current Current (eee 4.8.6 To=30C ance Tce=30C tion dc de coeffi- |Tc=l50C | de Tye150 volts ; voles | volts wade ohms ohas made volta sac volts Adc Adc xtc made ac 1845578, RB 3.9 3.70 4.09 3200 0.16 400 10000 0.66 40.0 0.5 150 300 -.050 3200 uv 2H4558B,RB 4.3 4.08 4.51 2900 0.16 500 9000 0.58 38.0 0.5 150 300 -.035 2950 1N4559B,RB 4.7 4.46 4.93 2650 0.12 600 8000 0.40 35.0 1.0 100 200 O15 2650 1N4560B RB 5.2 4.84 5.35 2450 0.12 650 7500 0.36 32.0 3.0 -20 50 1035 2450 1845015, RB 5.6 5.32 5.88 2250 0.12 900 7000 0.34 30.0 1.0 20 50 2050 2250 145625, RB 6.2 5.89 6.51 2000 0.14 1006 6500 0.36 25.0 2.0 20 50 +055 2000 le 1828045 , RB 6.8 6.46 7014 1850 0.2 70 7000 0.4 37.0 4.5 4150 300 0.057 1850 10900 1N2805B,RB 7.5 7.13 7.87 1700 0.3 70 6360 0.5 33.0 5.0 100 200 +067 1700 750 1K28005,RB 6.2 7.79 8.61 1500 0.4 70 5800 0.6 29.0 5.4 50 100 2070 1500 500 : 1N28078 8B 9.1 8.65 9.55 41370 0.5 70 5240 Q.7 26.5 6.1 25 50 0075 1370 400 1 1N28085,RB | 10 9.501 10.50 1200 0.6 80 4760 6.9 24.0 6.7 25 50 081 1200 30G IN2809B,RB ] 11 10.45 11.55 1100 0.8 80 4330 1.0 21.5 6.4 10 20 +085 4100 200 _ IN2820B, RB | 12 11.40 | 12.60 1000 1.0 80 3970 1.1 20.0 9.1 10 20 2079 1000 1 IN28L1B,RB ) 13 12.35] 13.65 960 1.1 80 3750 1.2 18.5 969 10 20 2080 900 3N2812B,RB | 15 14.25 15.75 830 14 80 3170 1.5 15.5 HL. 10 20 082 830 i 1N2814B,KB | 16 35.20 16.80 780 1.6 80 2970 1.6 44.75 22.2 10 20 083 780 | IN28168,RB 18 17.10] 18.90 700 2.0 80 2640 1.9 12.75 13.7 10 20 2085 700! 1N2618B,RB [20 19,00 | 21.00 630 2.4 80 2380 2.3 11.75 15.2 10 20 2086 630 1N2819B,RB 422 20.90 | 23.10 570 2.5 80 2160 2.5 10.5 16.7 10 20 2087 5700 1N2820B,RB | 24 22,80 | 25.20 520 266 30 1980 2.6 9.75 18.2 10 20 088 5200 1 I 1N2822B,RB [27 25.65 | 28.35 460 2.8 90 1760 2.9 8.25 20.6 10 20 2090 460 182823B,KB [30 28.50 | 31.50 420 3.0 90 1590 3.0 7475 22.8 10 20 09 420! 1H2824B,RB [33 31,35 | 34.65 380 3.2 90 1440 3.2 7.25 25.1 10 20 092 33u ' 1N2825B,RB {36 34.20} 37.80 350 3.5 90 1320 3.4 6.5 27.4 10 20 2093 350 t 1N28265,RB |39 37.10 | 40,90 320 4.0 90 1220 3-6 5.88 29.7 10 20 2094 320 ; "2N2827B,RB [43 40.90 | 45,10 290 4.5 90 i110 3.8 $.38 32.7 10 20 0095 290 : IN2829B,Rb ]4? 44.65 | 49.35 270 5.0 100 1020 4.0 4.90 35.8 10 20 2095 270 * 1N2831B,RB |51 48.45 | 53.55 245 542 100 930 &.4 4.63 38.8 10 20 +096 245 1N2832B,RB 156 $3.20 | 58.80 220 6.0 110 850 4.75 4.13 42.6 10 20 2090 220 ! : 1H2833B,RB f62 58.90 | 65.10 206 ? 120 770 5.0 3.68 47.1 10 20 2097 200 ! 1N28545,KB 163 64.60 | 71.40 180 8 140 700 5.5 3.35 51.7 10 20 2097 180 . + 1N2835B,RB 175 7he25 | 78.75 170 9 150 640 5.75 3.00 $6.0 10 20 2098 170 ' AN2830B,RB [82 77.90 | 85.10 150 it 160 580 6.25 2.75 62.2 10 20 +098 150 . 1N2837B,RB |9t 86.45 | 95.55 140 15 180 530 6.75 2.35 69.2 10 20 +099 140 : 1N2838B,RB }100 95.0 105.0 420 20 200 480 705 2.25 76.0 10 20 100 120 | LH2840H,RB {110 104.5 115.5 110 30 220 430 9.0 2.05 83.6 410 20 106 110 | 1N2841B,RB [120 114.0 120.0 100 40 240 400 y.5 1.88 91,2 10 20 2100 100 . 1N2842B,RB [130 423.5 130.5 95 50 275 370 10.0 1.73 99.8 10 20 +100 LP) j INZ28455,RB F150 142.5 57.65 a5 75 400 320 12.0 1,50 116.0 10 20 100 85 AN2844B,RB {100 152.0 168.0 80 80 450 300 13.0 1.43 121.6 10 20 100 ao ! IN2845B,RB [i800 171.0 189.0 68 90 525 260 14.5 1.25 136.8 10 20 100 08 | 1N2846B,KB [200 190.0 [210.0 65 hoo 000 240 16.0 1.10 152.0 10 20 +100 65 | d/ [nis test 15 not applicable for devices 1N4557B, RB tnrougn [N45025,R5. llKIL-S-19890/114E MIL SPECS TCM oooo1es oono78b 4 I 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging, Fackaging shal] be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S-15560 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 Orde-ing data. The contract or purchase order should specify: a. Inspection data submittal, when required. Custodians: Preparing activity: fery on ER Navy - EC heavy - 6C Fay Forne - 47 Agent: RASA = MSPC-G92 DLA - ES Review activities: (Project 5961-0709! Army - HT, An Navy ~ ct Ais Fotis - TT, 79, 85 DLA - ES User activities: Army - S4 Navy - AS, C5, MC, OS Air Forze - 13, 19 1S. G.P.O., 1980 Jacket # 703-091 / PO # TS ~