Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 1 Doc. 79/0056~00A
6175 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 455-0660, Fax (858) 455-0770
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 2 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................5
Applications Support ....................................................................................................5
FCC Labeling Requirement..........................................................................................5
Hardware Section..........................................................................................................6
Evaluation Kit Contents & Requirements .....................................................................7
Evaluation Kit Configuration.........................................................................................8
Evaluation Kit Setup.....................................................................................................9
Software Section.........................................................................................................13
Software Installation Instructions................................................................................14
Printer Port Programming...........................................................................................14
Software Operation Instructions.................................................................................14
Programming Tip........................................................................................................15
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 3 Doc. 79/0056~00A
© Copyright 2001 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by electronic, mechanical or any other means
without prior written permission of Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp., the Peregrine logotype, and UTSi are registered
trademarks of Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. PE3336 is a trademark of Peregrine
Semiconductor Corp.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. reserves the right to make improvements to the
hardware, firmware or software described in this manual at any time and without notice.
While the accompanying material has been carefully reviewed to insure the most
accurate information possible, the data are not warranted for absolute accuracy or
completeness and are subject to change without notification.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. Life Support Policy
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. products are not intended for use in life-critical
situations, or as critical components in life-support devices or systems.
Life-support devices or systems are defined as devices or systems that are intended for
surgical implant into the body, or that support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform
when used in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer, might
result in injury to the user.
FCC Compliance Statement
This device is intended for use only in a research and development environment. It has
not been tested for compliance with FCC regulations regarding interference with radio
frequency energy. It might cause harmful interference with radio communications. The
user assumes responsibility for any interference caused by this device.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 4 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 5 Doc. 79/0056~00A
This Evaluation Kit is specifically designed for evaluating the PE3336 3 GHz Integer-N
PLL. The Evaluation Kit allows maximum flexibility for optimizing phase noise, spur, lock
time and power performance for specific applications. Using the hardware and software
provided in the Evaluation Kit both serial and direct modes of programming can be
Applications Support
If you have a problem with your evaluation kit, software, or if you have applications
questions call (858) 455-0660 and ask for applications support.
You may also contact us by fax or e-mail:
Fax: (858) 455-0770
FCC Labeling Requirement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
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Evaluation Kit Contents & Requirements
The Evaluation Kit includes all of the specific software and hardware required to evaluate
the PE3336. Included in the Evaluation Kit are:
1 PE3336 Evaluation Board
1 PE3336 3 GHz Integer-N PLL
1 Peregrine CD-ROM with application software included
2 Jumpers
1 4-Wire Interface Cable with GND
3 Power Supply Cables
1 Set of Evaluation Kit Data Plots
In order to program the part using serial programming mode the Evaluation Kit software
will need to be installed on a computer with the following minimum requirements:
PC Compatible with Windows™ ’95/98/2000
Parallel Port
HTML Browser to access CD contents
CAUTION: The PE3336-EK circuit contains components that might be damaged by
exposure to voltages in excess of the specified voltage, including voltages produced by
electrostatic discharges. Handle the board in accordance with procedures for handling
static-sensitive components. Avoid applying excessive voltages to the power supply
terminals or signal inputs or outputs.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 8 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Evaluation Kit Configuration
The PE3336 Evaluation Board is configured with an on-board VCO, TCXO reference and
a second order active loop filter. The loop filter is followed by a low pass filter after the
Op Amp. The VCO tuning range is 3000 MHz to 3500 MHz and the reference oscillator
runs at 10 MHz. The active loop filter is designed for a 1 MHz comparison frequency and
a 3000 MHz output frequency with unity gain crossover at 75 kHz, phase margin of 65
degrees and 1.2 dB of peaking. The data provided was measured in this configuration
with the default jumper settings shown in Figure 2.
Two jumpers (JP1 & J3) configure the Evaluation Board to operate with either the on-
board reference oscillator (TCXO) or an external reference applied to J10. Figure 2
shows the proper configuration for utilizing the TCXO reference. JP1 in the middle-to-
right connection as shown connects the output of the TCXO to the PLL FR input, while J3
installed provides power to the TCXO. Do not connect any external reference to J10 if
the on-board reference is selected. Figure 3 displays the proper configuration for
utilizing an external reference source. JP1 is in the middle-to-left connection, which
connects the PLL FR input to the J10 SMA connector and the jumper on J3 is removed to
power-down the TCXO.
The PE3336 Evaluation Kit also allows for manual programming using the fifteen on-
board switches. Setting the BMODE Control switch ON (BMODE switch S3-1) enables
direct mode programming. Setting the BMODE Control switch to the OFF position (S3-1)
and the A3-S_mode switch to the ON position (S3-8) the serial programming mode is
enabled allowing for software control.
The default jumper and switch settings are shown in Figure 2, which will place the part
into serial programming mode utilizing the on-board reference. Peregrine Semiconductor
recommends that the default settings be used initially to bring up the evaluation board
and duplicate the enclosed measured data.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 9 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Evaluation Kit Setup
1. Verify a jumper is placed on the connector J3 and REF Selector (JP1) is positioned
to select the on-board reference as shown in Figure 2.
2. Connect power supply cables to the Evaluation Kit board as shown in Figure 1.
Verify all supplies are turned off prior to connecting to evaluation board.
! Connect the +3 V supply to VccPLL (J7 Pins 1 & 3)
! Connect the +5 V supply to VccVCO (J7 Pins 31 & 33)
! Connect the ±6 V supply to VccOpAmp
J7-13: +6 V Red Connector
J7-15 & J7-17: GND Green Connector
J7-19: -6 V Black Connector
3. Using the application software provided and described in detail in the next section,
serial and direct programming can be evaluated. To enable software control of the
evaluation board, ensure all DIP switches are turned OFF except for ENH (S1-1) and
A3-S_Mode (S3-8) as shown in Figure 2. The 4-wire interface cable (3-wire serial
interface and GND) should be connected from your computer’s printer port to J1 on
the evaluation board to enable software control.
4. Direct mode programming can be evaluated manually without the Application
Software enabled. To enable direct mode programming, both the ENH (S1-1) and
the Bmode (S3-1) DIP switches should be turned on. The on-board DIPswitches
can then be used to manually program the PLL. Note that M7 register is not
available in the direct mode programming. Instructions for programming PLL
registers are available in the datasheet.
5. The output of the on-board VCO can be measured by connecting a spectrum
analyzer to port J5. Additional GND posts and test points are available on the
Evaluation Board for measurement flexibility.
6. Refer to the next section for further information on configuring and running the
application software.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 10 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Figure 1. Typical Setup for Evaluation Kit Measurements
J1: 8-Wire Serial Interface to
Com puter Printer Port
(Supplied in Kit )
+3 V Supply
+/-6 V Supply
+5 V Supply
J7: 1,3
J7 : 13 ,1 5,17 , 1 9
J7: 31,33
J10: External Reference Input
(Do not connect if on-board TCXO is used)
J5: VCO Output to Spectrum Analyzer
(J7 Ha r ness Supp li ed in Kit )
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 11 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Figure 2. Evaluation Kit Default Jumper & Switch Settings.
External Reference Input JP1 set to utilize
on-boa r d re f er enc e
J3 on-board
re fe r enc e s upp ly
VCO Output
S1 Switc h 1 ON
Enhanc e d Mod e OFF
S2 Switc h 8 ON
Serial Programming Enabled
PLL +3 V Supply
J7: 1,3
Op Am p +/-6 V Supply
J7: 13,15,17,19
VCO +5 V Supply
J7: 31, 33
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 12 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Figure 3. Jumper Setting to Disable On-board Reference.
Ext ernal Ref erence Input JP1 set to utilize
external referenc e
(le ft two pins shorted)
J3 jumper removed
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Software Installation Instructions
In order to setup the Evaluation Software on your computer:
1. Start Microsoft Windows™ ’95/98/2000.
2. Insert the Peregrine CD into CDROM drive. If your computer has AutoPlay enabled
and the splash screen automatically appears, select the Products link at the bottom of
the splash screen. If the Peregrine splash screen does not automatically appear,
utilize Windows Explorer to browse the CD directory and open the file \cd\startup.htm.
3. Select the PE3336 link on the Products page to obtain product information and
evaluation kit documentation.
4. Select the Evaluation Board Software link and choose the option of “Run this program
from its current location.” Identify the desired directory for installation and select the
Unzip option when the WinZip Self-Extractor window appears.
5. Utilize Explorer to run Setup.exe from your hard disk directory and follow the
instructions on the screen. This will install the Evaluation Kit Application Software in
the selected directory and add a shortcut to the Windows Start menu.
Printer Port Programming
When programming the PE3336 in serial mode using the computer printer port option,
the following software programming features are not available:
! Enhancement modes
! Parallel and Direct interface modes
! Ping-pong mode
Ping-pong mode may be implemented on the evaluation setup by attaching a square-
wave generator to J1-5 pin of the Serial Control connector and programming both
primary and secondary registers.
Software Operation Instructions
To run the PE3336 using your computer’s parallel port follow steps 1 through 7 below
and reference Figure 4.
Step 1: Start the Peregrine Integer-N PLL EK Control program. This is a generic
program for all Interger-N PLL’s at Peregrine Semiconductor.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 15 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Step 2: Select the PE3336 from the pull-down menu button in the upper left corner of
the program screen. This selection will enable certain product specific modes
of operation.
Step 3: If the on-board reference is being used, set the reference frequency to 10 MHz
by typing 10 into the reference frequency box. If an external reference is
applied, type in the appropriate reference value in MHz.
Step 4: Set reference counter (R counter) to 9 by entering it into the R counter box in
the "R M A Select" box in the bottom left corner. Note that the numbers in the
orange boxes are computed values and cannot be directly typed in.
Step 5: Verify frequency step = 1.000 MHz.
Step 6: Set Frequency to 3000 MHz by typing it into the secondary register frequency
box. Once the frequency values are entered by "Enter" key in the keyboard,
the software will automatically send out data to program PLL. You can also
click the "Send Data" button to program PLL.
Step 7: Verify on the spectrum analyzer that the part locks at 3000 MHz.
Programming Tip
When the PLL is first powered on and before programming, the Op Amp output could be
resting at a negative voltage preventing proper VCO operation. The PLL will not lock in
this condition. If this mode occurs, the power supply for Op Amp (± 6V) should be
cycled. To prevent this from happening, the following power on sequence is
1. Turn on power supplies for PLL VDD and VCO VCC.
2. Program PLL.
3. Turn on the power supply for the Op Amp.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation 16 Doc. 79/0056~00A
Figure 4. PE3336 Software Control Panel
! Light blue number boxes identify user defined program states and can be
modified by utilizing the arrows next to the boxes or clicking into the box and
typing the appropriate value. Either clicking on the light blue switches or typing
the counter variable into the text box can program the registers.
! The primary or secondary register can be selected utilizing the switch identified in
the upper right side of the panel.
! The prescaler can be either enabled or bypassed depending on switch position.
! Data is sent to the evaluation board with every change in register value. To force
data across the bus, click on the dark blue “Send Data” button below the loop
Pulldown product menu Register Selection
Prescaler Bypass Option