MAX97001 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX97001
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Software Startup
Upon starting the program, the MAX97001 EV kit soft-
ware automatically searches for the USB interface cir-
cuit and then for the MAX97001 device address. The
MAX97001 EV kit enters the normal operating mode
when the USB connection is detected and has found the
device address. If the USB connection is not detected,
the software prompts the user to retry or enter the demo
Demo Mode
The MAX97001 EV kit software enters the demo mode
when the USB connection is not detected, or by select-
ing the Options | Demo Mode menu item in the main
window. When in demo mode, all software communica-
tion to the EV kit circuit is disabled; however, most of the
software GUI is functional. Demo mode allows the user
to evaluate the software without hardware connectivity.
If the USB cable is connected to the EV kit, but power
is not applied to PVDD, the EV kit GUI acts like it is in
demo mode. In such a case, the EV kit is connected to
the PC through USB and I2C commands can be sent to
the MAX97001. However, without power, the MAX97001
does not acknowledge the I2C commands. When power
is applied, press the Reset button to detect the pres-
ence of the MAX97001.
Write All/Read All/Reset
The Write All button writes the current settings to all the
registers on the GUI. The EV kit software GUI performs
I2C write commands as changes occur on the GUI. The
Read All button changes the GUI settings to match
the MAX97001 register settings. To change settings
one time, enter demo mode by selecting the Options |
Demo Mode menu item, change the GUI to the required
settings, exit demo mode by selecting Options | Demo
Mode, and then press the Write All button. If further
changes are not required, enter demo mode to dis-
able communication to the MAX97001. To obtain the
MAX97001 settings, exit demo mode and press the
Read All button. The Reset button clears the EV kit soft-
ware GUI and reprograms the MAX97001 to the default
MAX97001 Master Controls
The EV kit software’s MAX97001 Master Controls group
box contains ENABLE, Volume Slew Disable, and Zero
Crossing Detection Disable checkboxes. The ENABLE
checkbox, which is also called the software shutdown,
enables or disables the MAX97001. The Volume Slew
Disable checkbox, when checked, disables the volume
slewing. The Zero Crossing Detection Disable check-
box disables the zero-crossing detection (ZCD) during a
volume change operation when checked. When enabled
(unchecked), the ZCD forces all volume adjustment to
be made when the output signal is crossing zero, thus
reducing audio clicks during volume changes.
Input Gain
The MAX97001 EV kit software’s Input Gain group
box selects the input channel preamp gain for the
MAX97001. The MAX97001 input channel preamp gain
is selectable between -6dB, -3dB, 0dB, +3dB, +6dB,
+9dB, and +18dB.
Charge Pump
The MAX97001 features an internal charge pump for
Maxim’s Class H DirectDrive architecture. The charge
pump operates in two modes, fixed mode and high-effi-
ciency mode. By default, the MAX97001 charge pump
operates in high-efficiency mode. High-efficiency mode
on the charge pump dynamically changes the internal
supply rails. To have fixed internal supply rails, check the
Fixed Mode checkbox in the Charge Pump group box.
Within fixed mode, there are two options for the supply
rails shown in the drop-down list, Q1.8V and Q0.9V.
Distortion Limiter
The distortion limiter limits distortion based on the
defined THD level and has programmable release time.
Switch Enable
The MAX97001 features an internal switch that can
bypass the Class D amplifier and allow an external
amplifier to power the same speaker connected to the
MAX97001 EV kit without requiring external switches.
Connect the external amplifier output to COM1 and
COM2, and enable in the software by checking the
Switch Closed checkbox in the Analog Switch group
Low-Power Mode
The MAX97001’s low-power mode minimizes current
consumption when only using the headphone amplifier.
Low-power mode transmits a single-ended audio signal
to the headphone amplifier from either INA or INB, or a
differential signal from INA and INB. Low-power mode
can be enabled by clicking on the LP Mode drop-down
list. The volume control and mixer are bypassed in this
The speaker, left headphone, and right headphone
each have an independent mixer. The MAX97001 EV kit
accepts a pair of single-ended audio inputs for stereo