LS2000 PermaSleeve® Wire Marker Sleeves - # PS -
SIZE: 2.000" W x 1.660" H (50.800 mm W x 42.160
mm H)
MATERIAL: Per maSleeve® Heat-Shr ink Polyolefin
QTY/UOM: 100/Roll
CA TA LOG #: PS-2231-1000-WT
PRODUCT #: 32206
Description for LS2000 PermaSleeve® Wire Marker Sleeves
P erm aSleeve® H eat Shrink able Wire M ark er Sleev es for the LS2000 prin ter.
Spec if ic ation Of LS2000 Pe rmaSlee ve® Wire Marker Sleeves
Application(s): Pan el Id enti fi c ation , Wire & Cable Mark ing
Approval(s)/Compliance: MI L -ST D -202, SAE-AS-81531, SAE-DT L -23053/5 Cl ass 1, UL Recogni zed
Size: 2.000" W x 1.660" H ( 50.800 mm W x 42.160 mm H )
Range of Wi r e Diameter: 0.333" - 0.950" (8.45 mm - 24.13 mm)
Printable Sides: One-Si ded Printabl e
Max Char ac ter s Ac r o ss : L ARG E - L S 2000: 15, B M X C: 15. SMALL - L S2000: 31, B MXC: 31
Max L ines of P ri n t: 11
Shrink Ratio: 3-to-1
Label Type/Style: Sleeve
Color: White
Wire Gauge: 1 to 500
Finish: Matte
Qty Per Row: 0
Material Type: Polyolefin
Material Description : PermaSleev H eat-S hr i n k P olyolefi n
Brady Materi al #: B-342
Recommended Ribbon Series: T he B rady R4300 Seri es and R6600 Seri es bl ack ri bb on i s recommend ed for best thermal transfer prin t performance. The B rady R5000 Seri es hi gh
performance ribbon i s recommended for best dot m atri x pri nt performance.
Suggested Ri bbon Part#: 0
Printer Compatibility: LS2000
S pec ial Properties: Heat-shrinkable, Self-Extinguishing
RoHS Compatibility: Compli ant wi th RoHS D i rective. NOT E: All statements concerni ng RoH S D i rective compli ance refer to 2005/618/E C MCV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Product compliance i s based upon i nformati on p rovided by suppl i ers of the raw material s used by Brady to manufacture these
products, or by i ndependent l aboratory testing of these products. As such, Brady m akes no independent representations or warranties, expres s or
im plied, and assum es no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 100/Roll…/… 1/1