Prelim i nary Dat a Shee t
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can be supplied by CONCEPT. Refer to the “Description & Application Manual for 1SP0635 SCALE-2
IGBT Drivers” for more information.
6) If the specified value is ex c eed ed, this indicates a drive r overload. It sho uld be not ed that the driver is
not protected against overload.
7) The given power can only be fully exploited without slaves 1SP0635D2Sx (no parallel connection of
IGBT modules). If t he specified value is excee ded, this indicates a driver overload. It should be noted
that the driver is not protected against overload. From 70°C to 85°C, the maximum permissible output
power can be linearly interpolated from the given data.
8) The given power can be fully exploited with slaves 1SP0635D2Sx (parallel connection of IGBT
modules). If the specified value is exceeded, this indicates a driver overload. It should be noted that
the driver is not protected against overload. From 70°C to 85°C, the maximum permissible output
power can be line arly interpolated from the given data. Note that the DC/DC converter on the master
1SP0635x2Mx is dimensi oned to supply the maste r as well as three conne cted s la ves 1SP 0635 D2Sx at
full load.
9) The gate current is limited by the gate resistors located on the driver.
10) HiPot testing (= dielectric testing) must generally be restricted to suitable components. This gate
driver is suited for HiPot te sting. Never theless, it is strongly recommended to limi t the testing time to
1s slots. Excessive HiPot testing may lead to insulation degradation.
11) This limit is due to a ctive cl amping under sw itching co nditions. Refer to the “ Description & Ap plication
Manual for 1SP0635 SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers”.
12) Due to the Dynamic Active Advanced Clamping Function (DA2C) implemented on the driver, the DC-
link voltage ca n be increased in the off-state condition (e.g. after emergency shut-down). This value is
only vali d when t he IGBTs are in the o ff state (not sw itching). The time during which the voltage can
be applied should be limited to short periods ( < 60 seconds). Refer to the “Description & Application
Manual for 1SP0635 SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers”.
13) The maximum dynamic voltage between auxiliary emitters of parallel-connected drivers due to
asymmetrical operation at turn-on and turn-off must be limit ed to the given value.
14) Maximum allowed rate of change of auxiliary emitter voltage of parallel connected drivers. This
specification guarantees that the drive information will be transferred reliably even with high rate of
change o f auxiliary emitter voltages (asymmetrical operation).
15) Dynamic voltages between auxiliary emitters of paralle l connected dri vers at tur n-on and t urn-o ff le ad
to equa lizing curr ents over the X2 or X3 bus. The pe ak and RMS values of the re sulting curr ent must
be limited to the given value.
16) Undervoltage monitoring of the secondary-side supply voltage (Viso to Vee and Vee to COM which
correspond with the approximate turn-on and turn-off gate-emitter voltages). If the corresponding
voltage drops below this limit on 1SP063 5x2Mx (ma sters) , all para lleled IGBTs (master a nd slaves) are
switched off and a fa ult is transmitt ed to the status output. If the corresp onding voltage drops below
this limit on 1SP0635D2Sx (slaves), the corresponding IGBT is switched off. A fault will be generated
by the gate-monitoring function on the master which will turn off all paralleled IGBTs after the
corresponding delay.
17) The mean value VGE,mean of all gate voltages (master and all slaves) is filtered and compared to the
given values at turn-on and turn-off. If the specified values are exceeded (V GE,mean<VGE,on,min at turn-
on resp. VGE,mean>VGE,off,max at turn-off) after the given filter delay, the driver turns off all parallel-
connected IGBTs and a fault is transmitted to the status output.
18) A dynamic Vce protection is implemented on the driver. The maximum allowed Vce voltage at turn-on
is dynamically adjusted in order to better fit the IGBT characteristics at turn-on. At the end of the
turn-on process, the given static value applies.
19) The r esulting pulse widt h of the dire ct output of the ga te drive unit for short-circuit type I (excluding
the delay of the gate resistors) is the sum of the response time plus the delay to IGBT turn-off.
20) The turn-off event of the IGBT is delayed by the specified time after the response time.
21) Including the delay of the external fiber-optic links (cable length: 1m). Measured from the transition
of the t urn-on or turn-o ff command at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to the direct
output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
22) Output rise and fall times are measured between 10% and 90% of the nominal output swing. The
values are given for the driver side of the gate resistors with 2Ω/1uF load. The time constant of the