Application Note 1591
14 April 17, 2015
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To graphically display the results of ALS conversions, first select
the mode of operation by using the radio buttons in the “Register
1 Configure” area such as GREEN, BLUE, RED or
GREEN/RED/BLUE”. Second, select ADC resolution, select the
range, and then click radio buttons for interrupt source either
GREEN, RED or BLUE. Next, select interrupt persistence, then set
the high or low limit at the window “upper” and “lower”, click
“write” button to get interrupt trigger. After all these are
configured, click the “Start” button shown in the upper-left of
Figure 44. GREEN, RED or BLUE conversions can happen (and are
displayed) once at every 105ms if the individual channel is
selected. GREEN/RED/BLUE conversion can happen (and are
displayed) once at every 315ms if GREEN/RED/BLUE is selected.
Other options GREEN/RED or GREEN/BLUE can happen (and are
displayed) once at every 210ms if GREEN/RED or GREEN/BLUE
are selected. “RGB data” block on the right side of Figure 45
displays raw code data for each channel Green, Red and Blue.
Additionally, the calculated CTT, CIE-x and CIE-y will show where
the RGB sensor (ISL29124, ISL29125) based on the CIE 1931 xy
chromaticity space with chromaticities of black-body light
sources of various temperatures.
Because the ALS conversions are inherently 12-bit (212-1 = 4095
count maximum) or (216-1 = 65535 count maximum) the graph
may require rescaling to view results every time it is being
changed from 12-bit ADC to 16-bit ADC resolution. To set a new
maximum and minimum graphical scale, change the numbers in
the “Scale Max” and “Scale Min” boxes, then click “Manual
Re-Scale” or click on “Automatic Re-scale”.
To save a series of GREEN, RED, BLUE or GREEN/RED/BLUE
measurements to disk, see the “Save Measurements to File” box
at the very bottom of the GUI. The user may click “Browse” to
select a filename/filepath and click “Write to Disk” to write the
currently graphed data to disk.
• If suffering from poor USB connection, the USB port may need
to change.
• If the Proximity sensor is unable to measure anything within a
certain distance, the sensor has saturated and the Selectivity
parameter needs to be increased.
• If the program says connection fail and the sensor instantly
stops working, then simply unplug it from the computer and
plug it back in. If the problem still persists, unplug, close the
program, plug it back in, and reopen the program.
• If, during a measurement, the program crashes or instantly the
Evaluation board is no longer detected as being connected,
then unplug and plug back in.
• If too much noise is being picked up, increase the Frequency
• If you require better detection of far distances, increasing the
current parameter will help.
• Also recall that since this is an optoelectrical part with a clear
package, performance may be sensitive to aggressive
scratching or damaging.
• If the message “Please check USB connection” appears right
after trying to run the program, you have an older version of
the software GUI or the USB is not connected to the PC. Go
back and check the micro-controller board to see if it is
marked “HID” version or not. If not, you have the “Jungle”
• If you have WIN7 installed on your PC and you are trying to run
an Intersil Program, you will get the message shown in the
• The screen shown in Figure 48 may be caused by the PC
monitor. The solution is to resize the set custom text size (DPI)
by going to Control Panel ->Appearance and Personalization ->
Display -> Set custom text size (DPI) and choose “Scale to this
percentage of normal size: 100%” (96pixels/inch).
For other questions, comments, and feedback, contact the local
Intersil FAE/Sales team.