7. Functional overview
7.1 Introduction
The BGX13P creates a Bluetooth 5 compliant BLE cable replacement interface, facilitating a BLE link to a second embedded device or
a mobile device. An embedded MCU controls the device and communicates across the BLE link through a serial interface and control
signals. Parameters stored in non-volatile memory and configurable through the serial interface adjust performance characteristics of
the device. Silicon Labs offers iOS and Android mobile libraries for Blue Gecko Xpress devices to speed mobile development and sim-
plify communication with the device. This library also controls OTA management, facilitating secure and reliable updates to the device’s
embedded stack.
This functional overview does not cover each command supported by the command API. The complete command API specification is
available at http://www.docs.silabs.com/bgx/1.0/
7.2 Communication Use Cases
The BGX13P family facilitates two types of BLE communication links:
• BGX-to-mobile
• BGX-to-BGX
In the BGX-to-mobile communication use case, the BGX13P operates as a peripheral that is discoverable and connectable when con-
figured to that state through either the command API or the pin states driven by the embedded MCU. Using the Xpress mobile library,
mobile applications can scan for BGX13P devices, connect, and communicate with the device in both streaming and remote command
modes, where the mobile app can execute command API functions remotely.
In the BGX-to-BGX communication use case, one BGX13P must be configured as the central and one or more other BGX devices
should be configured as a peripheral. Devices can be configured at runtime through the command API, or those settings can be saved
to non-volatile memory so that each device wakes from power-on or low power states as either a peripheral or central. For more infor-
mation on advertising and connection options, please see the command API documentation.
7.3 Embedded Interface
The BGX13P family uses a 8-N-1 USART interface for data and flow control signalling. The interface is used both for a raw data
streaming interface and a command interface, depending on additional hardware pin configuration.
UART_TX and UART_RX are defined with flow directions relative to the BGX. Bytes sent from the embedded host to the BGX use the
UART_RX pin. Bytes sent from the BGX to the embedded host appear on the UART_TX pin.
UART_CTS is a digital input that controls the state of the UART_RTS digital output on the other end of the wireless link. Assertion of a
CTS/RTS pair signals that the embedded MCU driving its respective UART_CTS is available to receive bytes.
The baud rate of the BGX13P is a configurable parameter. For information on the process by which a baud rate change gets processed
and executed by the device, please see the command API documentation.
State control signals and visual indicators described below can be assigned to any of the GPIO pins through the command API. These
settings can be stored in non-volatile memory and take effect during the next power cycle. For information on configuration of standard
GPIO and available special function I/O available on the device, please see the command API documentation.
7.4 Command Mode and Streaming Mode
The BGX13P is designed to wake and offer optimized serial interface with hardware follow control. When operating in a peripheral role
and when flow control signals are monitored, the device may never need to leave streaming mode during operation.
However, when use cases require more advanced runtime configuration, the device can switch to command interface through pin or
escape sequence. Commands defined here can control scanning, advertising, connection state, and GPIO settings.
The command interface is also used to configure and store customizable parameters.
Streaming mode can be switched to command mode through an escape sequence of characters if the sequence has been previously
saved in the device's configuration. A comand can be issued in command mode to switch to streaming mode. Stream mode and com-
mand mode entrance can be controlled through a device port pin state, if a pin has been previously defined for that purpose.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Functional overview
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