BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module
Data Sheet
The BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module family of serial replacement modules elim-
inates Bluetooth firmware development complexity with a serial interface that can oper-
ate as a raw data stream or control the device through a abstracted command API. The
BGX13P can facilitate a device-to-device cable replacement link or communicate with
mobile devices through the Xpress Bluetooth mobile library. The device integrates a
Bluetooth 5 compliant stack to future-proof applications as Bluetooth 5 adoption increa-
The device is targeted for applications where ultra-small size, reliable high-performance
RF, low-power consumption, and fast time-to-market are key requirements. At 12.9 ×
15.0 × 2.0 mm (W × L × H) the BGX13P module fits applications where size is a con-
straint. BGX13P also integrates a high-performance, ultra-robust antenna, which re-
quires minimal PCB, plastic, and metal clearance. The total PCB area required by
BGX13P is only 51 mm2. The BGX13P has Bluetooth, CE, full FCC, Japanese and
South Korean certifications.
BGX13P modules can be used in a wide variety of applications:
Bluetooth 5 low energy compliant
Serial interface with hardware flow control
GPIO control through command API
Integrated antenna
TX power up to 8 dBm
Encrypted bonding and connectivity
Integrated DC-DC Converter
Onboard Bluetooth stack
Centralized OTA through mobile app
Health, sports, and wellness devices
Industrial, home, and building automation
Smart phone, tablet, and PC accessories
Serial interface
Raw data
RX/TX and flow
Bluetooth 5
control | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5
This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice.
1. Ordering Information
Table 1.1. Ordering Information
Ordering Code Protocol Stack
Frequency Band
@ Max TX Power Antenna GPIO Packaging
BGX13P22GA-V21R Bluetooth Low
2.4 GHz @ 8 dBm Built-in 8 Reel
BGX13P22GA-V21 Bluetooth Low
2.4 GHz @ 8 dBm Built-in 8 Tray
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Ordering Information | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 2
Table of Contents
1. Ordering Information ............................
2. Electrical Specifications ...........................5
2.1 Electrical Characteristics ..........................5
2.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................5
2.1.2 Operating Conditions ..........................5
2.1.3 Power Consumption...........................6
2.1.4 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver Characteristics ....................7
2.1.5 Non-Volatile Configuration Storage......................8
2.1.6 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) ........................9
3. Typical Connection Diagrams ........................10
3.1 UART Interface with Embedded Host ......................10
4. Layout Guidelines ............................11
4.1 Module Placement and Application PCB Layout Guidelines ...............11
4.2 Effect of Plastic and Metal Materials .......................12
4.3 Locating the Module Close to Human Body ....................12
4.4 2D Radiation Pattern Plots ..........................13
5. Hardware Design Guidelines ........................15
5.1 Power Supply Requirements .........................15
5.2 Reset Functions .............................15
5.3 Debug and Firmware Updates .........................15
6. Pin Definitions ..............................16
6.1 BGX13P Device Pinout ...........................16
7. Functional overview ............................ 18
7.1 Introduction ...............................18
7.2 Communication Use Cases..........................18
7.3 Embedded Interface ............................18
7.4 Command Mode and Streaming Mode ......................18
7.5 Command API ..............................19
7.6 GPIO Control ..............................19
7.7 Device Configuration ............................19
7.8 Security Features .............................19
7.9 OTA .................................19
7.10 Direct Test Mode Support ..........................19
8. Package Specifications ..........................20
8.1 BGX13P Package Marking ..........................20
8.2 BGX13P Dimensions ............................21 | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 3
8.3 BGX13P Module Footprint ..........................21
8.4 BGX13P Recommended PCB Land Pattern ....................22
9. Soldering Recommendations ........................23
9.1 Soldering Recommendations .........................23
10. Certifications ..............................24
10.1 Bluetooth ...............................24
10.2 CE .................................24
10.3 FCC .................................24
10.4 ISED Canada ..............................25
10.5 Japan ................................27
10.6 KC (South-Korea) ............................27
11. Revision History............................. 28 | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 4
2. Electrical Specifications
2.1 Electrical Characteristics
All electrical parameters in all tables are specified under the following conditions, unless stated otherwise:
Typical values are based on TAMB = 25°C and VDD = 3.3 V, by production test and/or technology characterization.
Radio performance numbers are measured in conducted mode, based on Silicon Laboratories reference designs using output pow-
er-specific external RF impedance-matching networks for interfacing to a 50 Ω antenna.
Minimum and maximum values represent the worst conditions across supply voltage, process variation, and operating temperature,
unless stated otherwise.
The BGX13P module has only one external supply pin (VDD). There are several internal supply rails mentioned in the electrical specifi-
cations, whose connections vary based on transmit power configuration. Refer to for the relationship between the module's external
VDD pin and internal voltage supply rails.
Refer to for more details about operational supply and temperature limits.
2.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses above those listed below may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of
the devices at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure
to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. For more information on the available quality and relia-
bility data, see the Quality and Reliability Monitor Report at
Table 2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Storage temperature range TSTG -50 150 °C
Voltage on any supply pin VDDMAX -0.3 3.8 V
Voltage ramp rate on any
supply pin
DC voltage on any GPIO pin VDIGPIN -0.3 VDD+0.3 V
Maximum RF level at input PRFMAX2G4 10 dBm
Total current into supply pins IVDDMAX Source 200 mA
Total current into VSS
ground lines
IVSSMAX Sink 200 mA
Current per I/O pin IIOMAX Sink 50 mA
Source 50 mA
Current for all I/O pins IIOALLMAX Sink 200 mA
Source 200 mA
Junction temperature TJ-40 105 °C
2.1.2 Operating Conditions
The following subsections define the operating conditions for the module.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 5 General Operating Conditions
Table 2.2. General Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Operating ambient tempera-
ture range
TA-40 25 85 °C
VDD operating supply volt-
VVDD 2.4 3.3 3.8 V
2.1.3 Power Consumption
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are: VDD = 3.3 V. T = 25°C. Minimum and maximum values in this table represent the
worst conditions across process variation at T = 25°C.
Table 2.3. Power Consumption
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Active supply current, Un-
connected, Idle
IACTIVE_IDLE Baud rate ≤ 9600 bps 3 µA
Baud rate > 9600 bps 3.25 mA
Active supply current, Adver-
IACTIVE_ADV Interval = 546.25 ms, Baud rate ≤
9600 bps
90 µA
Interval = 20 ms, Baud rate ≤
9600 bps
2 mA
Interval = 546.25 ms, Baud rate >
9600 bps
3.3 mA
Interval = 20 ms, Baud rate >
9600 bps
4.7 mA
Active supply current, Con-
nected, 15 ms Interval
IACTIVE_CONN Idle, Baud Rate ≤ 9600 bps 660 µA
TX/RX (acknowledged) at highest
throughput, Baud Rate ≤ 9600
3.5 mA
TX/RX (unacknowledged) at high-
est throughput, Baud Rate ≤ 9600
4 mA
Idle, Baud Rate > 9600 bps 3.5 mA
TX/RX (acknowledged) at highest
throughput, Baud Rate > 9600
5.25 mA
TX/RX (unacknowledged) at high-
est throughput, Baud Rate > 9600
7 mA
Supply current in low power
ILPM Radio disabled 3 µA
Radio enabled, Advertising, Inter-
val = 546.25 ms
90 µA
Radio enabled, Advertising, Inter-
val = 20 ms
2 mA
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 6
2.1.4 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver Characteristics RF Transmitter General Characteristics for 2.4 GHz Band
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are: T = 25°C, VDD = 3.3 V. DC-DC on. Crystal frequency = 38.4 MHz. RF center fre-
quency 2.45 GHz. Conducted measurement from the antenna feedpoint.
Table 2.4. RF Transmitter General Characteristics for 2.4 GHz Band
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Maximum TX power1, 2 POUTMAX 8 dBm
Minimum active TX Power POUTMIN CW -27 dBm
Output power step size POUTSTEP -5 dBm< Output power < 0 dBm 0.5 dB
0 dBm < output power <
0.5 dB
Output power variation vs
supply at POUTMAX
POUTVAR_V 2.4 V < VVDD < 3.3 V 0.05 dB
Output power variation vs
temperature at POUTMAX
POUTVAR_T From -40 to +85 °C 1.7 dB
Output power variation vs RF
frequency at POUTMAX
POUTVAR_F Over RF tuning frequency range 0.3 dB
RF tuning frequency range FRANGE 2400 2483.5 MHz
1. Supported transmit power levels are determined by the ordering part number (OPN). Transmit power ratings for all devices cov-
ered in this datasheet can be found in the Max TX Power column of the Ordering Information Table.
2. The FCC-rated TXP for the BGM13P module family is 19 dBM. For the CE, Japan, and Korea, the maximum TXP is nominally 8
dBM. The maximum TXP for each region is reported in the formal certification test reports. The end-product manufacturer must
make sure that the country limitations are taken into account when configuring the module. RF Receiver General Characteristics for 2.4 GHz Band
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are: T = 25°C, VDD = 3.3 V. DC-DC on. Crystal frequency = 38.4 MHz. RF center fre-
quency 2.45 GHz. Conducted measurement from the antenna feedpoint.
Table 2.5. RF Receiver General Characteristics for 2.4 GHz Band
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
RF tuning frequency range FRANGE 2400 2483.5 MHz
Receive mode maximum
spurious emission
SPURRX 30 MHz to 1 GHz -57 dBm
1 GHz to 12 GHz -47 dBm
Max spurious emissions dur-
ing active receive mode, per
FCC Part 15.109(a)
SPURRX_FCC 216 MHz to 960 MHz, Conducted
-55.2 dBm
Above 960 MHz, Conducted
-47.2 dBm
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 7 RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Low Energy in the 2.4GHz Band, 1 Mbps Data Rate
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are: T = 25°C, VDD = 3.3 V. DC-DC on. Crystal frequency = 38.4 MHz. RF center fre-
quency 2.45 GHz. Conducted measurement from the antenna feedpoint.
Table 2.6. RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Low Energy in the 2.4 GHz Band, 1 Mbps Data Rate
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Sensitivity, 0.1% BER SENS Signal is reference signal1. Using
DC-DC converter.
-94.8 dBm
With non-ideal signals as speci-
fied in RF-PHY.TS.4.2.2, section
-94.4 dBm
1. Reference signal is defined 2GFSK at -67 dBm, Modulation index = 0.5, BT = 0.5, Bit rate = 1 Mbps, desired data = PRBS9;
interferer data = PRBS15; frequency accuracy better than 1 ppm. RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Low Energy in the 2.4GHz Band, 2 Mbps Data Rate
Unless otherwise indicated, typical conditions are: T = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V. DC-DC on. Crystal frequency=38.4 MHz. RF center fre-
quency 2.45 GHz. Conducted measurement from the antenna feedpoint.
Table 2.7. RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Low Energy in the 2.4GHz Band, 2 Mbps Data Rate
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Sensitivity, 0.1% BER SENS Signal is reference signal1. Using
DC-DC converter.
-91.2 dBm
With non-ideal signals as speci-
fied in RF-PHY.TS.4.2.2, section
-91.1 dBm
1. Reference signal is defined 2GFSK at -67 dBm, Modulation index = 0.5, BT = 0.5, Bit rate = 2 Mbps, desired data = PRBS9;
interferer data = PRBS15; frequency accuracy better than 1 ppm.
2.1.5 Non-Volatile Configuration Storage
Table 2.8. Non-Volatile Configuration Storage
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Update cycles before failure UC 10000 cycles
Data retention RET 10 years
Supply voltage during update VDD 1.62 3.6 V
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 8
2.1.6 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO)
Table 2.9. General-Purpose I/O (GPIO)
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Input low voltage VIL GPIO pins VDD*0.3 V
Input high voltage VIH GPIO pins VDD*0.7 V
Output high voltage relative
to VDD
VOH Sourcing 3 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,
Drive Strength = Weak
VDD*0.8 V
Sourcing 1.2 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,
Drive Strength = Weak
VDD*0.6 V
Sourcing 20 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,
Drive Strength = Strong
VDD*0.8 V
Sourcing 8 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,
Drive Strength = Strong
VDD*0.6 V
Output low voltage relative to
VOL Sinking 3 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,
Drive Strength = Weak
VDD*0.2 V
Sinking 1.2 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,
Drive Strength = Weak
VDD*0.4 V
Sinking 20 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,
Drive Strength = Strong
VDD*0.2 V
Sinking 8 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,
Drive Strength = Strong
VDD*0.4 V
Input leakage current IIOLEAK All GPIO pins, GPIO ≤ VDD 0.1 30 nA
I/O pin pull-up/pull-down re-
RPUD 30 40 65 kΩ
Pulse width of pulses re-
moved by the glitch suppres-
sion filter
tIOGLITCH 15 25 45 ns
Output fall time, From 70%
to 30% of VDD
tIOOF CL = 50 pF,
Drive Strength = Strong
1.8 ns
CL = 50 pF,
Drive Strength = Weak
4.5 ns
Output rise time, From 30%
to 70% of VDD
tIOOR CL = 50 pF,
Drive Strength = Strong
2.2 ns
CL = 50 pF,
Drive Strength = Weak
7.4 ns
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 9
3. Typical Connection Diagrams
3.1 UART Interface with Embedded Host
The BGX13P uses the UART interface to stream data and access the command API. Typical power supply, programming/debug, and
host interface connections are shown in the figure below.
+3.3 V
Host CPU
+3.3 V
Figure 3.1. Connection Diagram
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Typical Connection Diagrams | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 10
4. Layout Guidelines
For optimal performance of the BGX13P (with integrated antenna), please follow the PCB layout guidelines and ground plane recom-
mendations indicated in this section.
4.1 Module Placement and Application PCB Layout Guidelines
Place the module at the edge of the PCB, as shown in Figure 4.1 Recommended Application PCB Layout for BGX13P with Integra-
ted Antenna on page 11.
Do not place any metal (traces, components, battery, etc.) within the clearance area of the antenna.
Connect all ground pads directly to a solid ground plane.
Place the ground vias as close to the ground pads as possible.
Do not place plastic or any other dielectric material in contact with the antenna.
Place vias close to
each of the
module’s GND pads
Place vias along all PCB edges
Align module edge with PCB edge
Wireless Module
(Top View)
Antenna Clearance
No metal in this area
Figure 4.1. Recommended Application PCB Layout for BGX13P with Integrated Antenna
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Layout Guidelines | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 11
Figure 4.2 Non-optimal Module Placements for BGX13P with Integrated Antenna on page 12 shows examples of layouts that will re-
sult in severely degraded RF performance.
Figure 4.2. Non-optimal Module Placements for BGX13P with Integrated Antenna
The amount of ground plane surrounding the sides of the module will also impact the maximum RF range, as shown in Figure
4.3 Impact of GND Plane Size vs. Range for BGX13P on page 12.
Figure 4.3. Impact of GND Plane Size vs. Range for BGX13P
4.2 Effect of Plastic and Metal Materials
Do not place plastic or any other dielectric material in close proximity to the antenna.
Any metallic objects in close proximity to the antenna will prevent the antenna from radiating freely. The minimum recommended dis-
tance of metallic and/or conductive objects is 10 mm in any direction from the antenna except in the directions of the application PCB
ground planes.
4.3 Locating the Module Close to Human Body
Placing the module in contact with or very close to the human body will negatively impact antenna efficiency and reduce range.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Layout Guidelines | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 12
4.4 2D Radiation Pattern Plots
Figure 4.4. Typical 2D Radiation Pattern – Front View
Figure 4.5. Typical 2D Radiation Pattern – Side View
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Layout Guidelines | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 13
Figure 4.6. Typical 2D Radiation Pattern – Top View
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Layout Guidelines | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 14
5. Hardware Design Guidelines
The BGX13P is an easy-to-use module with regard to hardware application design. The additional guidelines in this section should be
followed to guarantee optimal performance.
5.1 Power Supply Requirements
Coin cell batteries cannot withstand high peak currents (e.g. higher than 15 mA). If the peak current exceeds 15 mA, the recommenda-
tion is to place a 47 - 100 µF capacitor in parallel with the coin cell battery to improve battery life time. Note that the total current con-
sumption of the application is a combination of the radio, peripherals, and MCU current consumption, and all power consumers must be
taken into account. BGX13P should be powered by a unipolar supply voltage with nominal value of 3.3 V.
5.2 Reset Functions
The BGX13P can be reset by three different methods: by pulling the RESET line low, by the internal watchdog timer, or by software
command. The reset state in BGX13P does not provide any power saving functionality and is not recommended as a means to con-
serve power. BGX13P has an internal system power-up reset function. The RESET pin includes an on-chip pull-up resistor and can be
left unconnected if no external reset switch or source is used.
5.3 Debug and Firmware Updates
This section contains information on debugging and firmware update methods. For additional information, refer to Section 7.9 OTA
describing firmware update behavior.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Hardware Design Guidelines | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 15
6. Pin Definitions
6.1 BGX13P Device Pinout
Figure 6.1. BGX13P Device Pinout
The following table provides package pin connections and general descriptions of pin functionality.
For GPIOx configuration information, please see the BGX13 command API documentation.
Table 6.1. BGX13P Device Pinout
Pin Name Pin(s) Description
GND 1, 12, 20, 31 Ground
GPIO0 2 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO1 3 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO2 4 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO3 9 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO4 10 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO5 14 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPIO6 15 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
GPI07 16 Pin with input/output functionality configured through the command API.
UART_TX 5 Digital output
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Pin Definitions | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 16
Pin Name Pin(s) Description
UART_RX 6 Digital input
UART_CTS 7 Digital input
UART_RTS 8 Digital output
Reset input, active low. To Apply an external reset source to this pin, it is required
to only drive this pin low during reset, and let the internal pull-up ensure that reset
is released.
VDD 29 Module Power Supply.
BOOT 19 Digital input to force module entrance into DFU bootlading state. See command
API documentation for functional details.
No Connect.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Pin Definitions | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 17
7. Functional overview
7.1 Introduction
The BGX13P creates a Bluetooth 5 compliant BLE cable replacement interface, facilitating a BLE link to a second embedded device or
a mobile device. An embedded MCU controls the device and communicates across the BLE link through a serial interface and control
signals. Parameters stored in non-volatile memory and configurable through the serial interface adjust performance characteristics of
the device. Silicon Labs offers iOS and Android mobile libraries for Blue Gecko Xpress devices to speed mobile development and sim-
plify communication with the device. This library also controls OTA management, facilitating secure and reliable updates to the device’s
embedded stack.
This functional overview does not cover each command supported by the command API. The complete command API specification is
available at
7.2 Communication Use Cases
The BGX13P family facilitates two types of BLE communication links:
In the BGX-to-mobile communication use case, the BGX13P operates as a peripheral that is discoverable and connectable when con-
figured to that state through either the command API or the pin states driven by the embedded MCU. Using the Xpress mobile library,
mobile applications can scan for BGX13P devices, connect, and communicate with the device in both streaming and remote command
modes, where the mobile app can execute command API functions remotely.
In the BGX-to-BGX communication use case, one BGX13P must be configured as the central and one or more other BGX devices
should be configured as a peripheral. Devices can be configured at runtime through the command API, or those settings can be saved
to non-volatile memory so that each device wakes from power-on or low power states as either a peripheral or central. For more infor-
mation on advertising and connection options, please see the command API documentation.
7.3 Embedded Interface
The BGX13P family uses a 8-N-1 USART interface for data and flow control signalling. The interface is used both for a raw data
streaming interface and a command interface, depending on additional hardware pin configuration.
UART_TX and UART_RX are defined with flow directions relative to the BGX. Bytes sent from the embedded host to the BGX use the
UART_RX pin. Bytes sent from the BGX to the embedded host appear on the UART_TX pin.
UART_CTS is a digital input that controls the state of the UART_RTS digital output on the other end of the wireless link. Assertion of a
CTS/RTS pair signals that the embedded MCU driving its respective UART_CTS is available to receive bytes.
The baud rate of the BGX13P is a configurable parameter. For information on the process by which a baud rate change gets processed
and executed by the device, please see the command API documentation.
State control signals and visual indicators described below can be assigned to any of the GPIO pins through the command API. These
settings can be stored in non-volatile memory and take effect during the next power cycle. For information on configuration of standard
GPIO and available special function I/O available on the device, please see the command API documentation.
7.4 Command Mode and Streaming Mode
The BGX13P is designed to wake and offer optimized serial interface with hardware follow control. When operating in a peripheral role
and when flow control signals are monitored, the device may never need to leave streaming mode during operation.
However, when use cases require more advanced runtime configuration, the device can switch to command interface through pin or
escape sequence. Commands defined here can control scanning, advertising, connection state, and GPIO settings.
The command interface is also used to configure and store customizable parameters.
Streaming mode can be switched to command mode through an escape sequence of characters if the sequence has been previously
saved in the device's configuration. A comand can be issued in command mode to switch to streaming mode. Stream mode and com-
mand mode entrance can be controlled through a device port pin state, if a pin has been previously defined for that purpose.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Functional overview | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 18
7.5 Command API
Each command begins with a command name followed by arguments, and the syntax of each command is defined in the command API
The command interface saves settings as key-value pairs. These values can be used at runtime to modify the operational state, and
they can also be stored in non-volatile memory. Values stored in non-volatile memory function to configure the device's startup/default
7.6 GPIO Control
The BGX13P offers 8 GPIO pins. These pins can be configured as state control pins or visual indicator pins. Alternatively, they can be
used as general purpose I/O pins. Digital output settings can be set and digital input state can be read through the command interface
locally or remotely through the remote command execution using the mobile libraries.
7.7 Device Configuration
Device configuration is handled through the command API, where commands are executed when the serial interface is set to operate in
command mode. These commands can also be executed remotely through the mobile library unless prohibited through previous config-
Additionally, a device configuration can be generated and saved using Simplicity Studio's Xpress Configurator tool. A generated config-
uration can be submitted to Silicon Labs through the process defined in that application. Silicon Labs will then validate the configuration
request, generate a custom orderable part number, and deliver first article samples for testing. Developers should contact sales repre-
sentatives for more information about this process. Once first article samples have been validated by the customer, this custom ordera-
ble part number can be ordered directly from Silicon Labs.
7.8 Security Features
BGX13P devices communicate with LE secure connections,establishing encrypted communication upon connection.
Device OTA requires an encrypted image signed by Silicon Laboratories. Only firmware developed, signed, and encrypted by Silicon
Labs can be bootloaded successfully on the device.
7.9 OTA
The BGX13P supports secure OTA of the embedded stack and the command interface. Images are encrypted and signed by Silicon
Laboratories. OTA can be performed through the mobile library APIs. Specific device firmware versions can be selected and program-
med through these APIs. See command API documentation for more information.
Orders of the default device OPN will ship with the latest release version of the device firmware. The firmware version is not guaranteed
to be the same for all items shipped. No firmware update for an OPN will break backwards compatibility with existing functionality, with-
in functional limits specified in this document and as noted in command API documentation.
Contact Silicon Labs technical support for information on customer factory programming options for custom OPN ordering with a speci-
fied device firmware version and for customer factory programming options.
7.10 Direct Test Mode Support
The BGX13P 's command API offers a command set that configure the device to support the Direct Test Mode (DTM) protocol as de-
fined in the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.2, Volume 6, part F.
See the command API for information about commands to support specific DTM test procedures.
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Functional overview | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 19
8. Package Specifications
8.1 BGX13P Package Marking
The figure below shows the module markings printed on the RF-shield.
Figure 8.1. BGX13P Package Marking
The module marking consists of:
BGX13Pxxxxxxx - Part number designation
Model: BGX13Pxxx – Model number designation
IC: 5123A-BGM13P
CE Logo
Japan Logo and ID: 209-J00282
YY – The last 2 digits of the assembly year
WW – The 2 digit work week when the device was assembled
TTTT – A trace or manufacturing code. The first letter is the device revision.
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Package Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 20
8.2 BGX13P Dimensions
Figure 8.2. BGX13P Package Dimensions
8.3 BGX13P Module Footprint
The figure below shows the Module footprint and PCB dimensions.
Figure 8.3. BGX13P Footprint
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8.4 BGX13P Recommended PCB Land Pattern
The figure below shows the recommended land pattern. The antenna clearance section is not required for BGX13P module versions
with a U.FL connector.
Figure 8.4. BGX13P Recommended PCB Land Pattern
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Package Specifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 22
9. Soldering Recommendations
9.1 Soldering Recommendations
This section describes the soldering recommendations for the BGX13P module.
BGX13P is compatible with industrial-standard reflow profile for Pb-free solders. The reflow profile used is dependent on the thermal
mass of the entire populated PCB, heat transfer efficiency of the oven, and particular type of solder paste used.
Refer to technical documentations of particular solder paste for profile configurations.
Avoid using more than two reflow cycles.
A no-clean, type-3 solder paste is recommended.
A stainless steel, laser-cut, and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release.
Recommended stencil thickness is 0.100 mm (4 mils).
Refer to the recommended PCB land pattern for an example stencil aperture size.
For further recommendation, please refer to the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020, IPC-SM-782 and IPC 7351 guidelines.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Soldering Recommendations | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 23
10. Certifications
10.1 Bluetooth
The BGX13P Bluetooth Declarion ID is: 101562.
10.2 CE
The BGX13P module is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant requirements of the Radio Equipment Directive
(RED) (2014/53/EU).
Please note that every application using the BGX13P will need to perform the radio EMC tests on the end product, according to EN 301
The conduced test results can be inherited from the modules test report to the test report of the end product using BGX13P. EN300328
radiated spurious emission test must be repeated with the end product assembly. Test documentation and software for the EN 300 328
radiated spurious emissions testing can be requested from Silicon Labs support.
A formal DoC is available via
10.3 FCC
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Silicon Labs could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specif-
ic operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter meets both portable and mobile limits as demonstrated
in the RF Exposure Analysis. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter
except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.
OEM Responsibilities to comply with FCC Regulations:
OEM integrator is responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module instal-
led (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).
With BGX13P22 the antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 9 mm is maintained between the radi-
ator (antenna) and all persons at all times.
The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accord-
ance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.
Important Note:
In the event that the above conditions cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC
authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM inte-
grator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.
End Product Labeling
The variants of BGX13P Modules are labeled with their own FCC ID. If the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside
another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed
module. In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:
"Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: QOQBGM13P"
"Contains FCC ID: QOQBGM13P"
The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module or
change RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Certifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 24
10.4 ISED Canada
This radio transmitter (IC: 5123A-BGM13P) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed above, with
the maximum permissible gain indicared. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated
for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference; and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device
RF Exposure Statement
Exception from routine SAR evaluation limits are given in RSS-102 Issue 5.
The models BGM13P22A and BGM13P22E meet the given requirements when the minimum separation distance to human body is 20
RF exposure or SAR evaluation is not required when the separation distance is same or more than stated above. If the separation dis-
tance is less than stated above the OEM integrator is responsible for evaluating the SAR.
OEM Responsibilities to comply with IC Regulations
The BGX13P modules have been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following conditions:
The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance as stated above is maintained between the radiator (an-
tenna) and all persons at all times.
The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still respon-
sible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital
device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).
In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the ISEDC
authorization is no longer considered valid and the IC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integra-
tor will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate ISEDC authorization.
End Product Labeling
The BGX13P module is labeled with its own IC ID. If the IC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the
outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. In that case, the final
end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:
Contains Transmitter Module IC: 5123A-BGM13P
Contains IC: 5123A-BGM13P”
The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module or
change RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Certifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 25
ISEDC (Français)
Industrie Canada a approuvé l’utilisation de cet émetteur radio (IC: 5123A-BGM13P) en conjonction avec des antennes de type dipo-
laire à 2.14dBi ou des antennes embarquées, intégrée au produit. L’utilisation de tout autre type d’antenne avec ce composant est pro-
Ce composant est conforme aux normes RSS, exonérées de licence d'Industrie Canada. Son mode de fonctionnement est soumis aux
deux conditions suivantes:
1. Ce composant ne doit pas générer d’interférences.
2. Ce composant doit pouvoir est soumis à tout type de perturbation y compris celle pouvant nuire à son bon fonctionnement.
Déclaration d'exposition RF
L'exception tirée des limites courantes d'évaluation SAR est donnée dans le document RSS-102 Issue 5.
Les modules BGM13P22A and BGM13P22E répondent aux exigences requises lorsque la distance minimale de séparation avec le
corps humain est de 20 mm.
La déclaration d’exposition RF ou l'évaluation SAR n'est pas nécessaire lorsque la distance de séparation est identique ou supérieure à
celle indiquée ci-dessus. Si la distance de séparation est inférieure à celle mentionnées plus haut, il incombe à l'intégrateur OEM de
procédé à une évaluation SAR.
Responsabilités des OEM pour une mise en conformité avec le Règlement du Circuit Intégré
Le module BGX13P a été approuvé pour l'intégration dans des produits finaux exclusivement réalisés par des OEM sous les conditions
L'antenne (s) doit être installée de sorte qu'une distance de séparation minimale indiquée ci-dessus soit maintenue entre le radiateur
(antenne) et toutes les personnes avoisinante, ce à tout moment.
Le module émetteur ne doit pas être localisé ou fonctionner avec une autre antenne ou un autre transmetteur que celle indiquée
plus haut.
Tant que les deux conditions ci-dessus sont respectées, il n’est pas nécessaire de tester ce transmetteur de façon plus poussée. Ce-
pendant, il incombe à l’intégrateur OEM de s’assurer de la bonne conformité du produit fini avec les autres normes auxquelles il pour-
rait être soumis de fait de l’utilisation de ce module (par exemple, les émissions des périphériques numériques, les exigences de pé-
riphériques PC, etc.).
ans le cas où ces conditions ne peuvent être satisfaites (pour certaines configurations ou co-implantation avec un autre émetteur), l'au-
torisation ISEDC n'est plus considérée comme valide et le numéro d’identification ID IC ne peut pas être apposé sur le produit final.
Dans ces circonstances, l'intégrateur OEM sera responsable de la réévaluation du produit final (y compris le transmetteur) et de l'ob-
tention d'une autorisation ISEDC distincte.
Étiquetage des produits finis
Les modules BGX13P sont étiquetés avec leur propre ID IC. Si l'ID IC n'est pas visible lorsque le module est intégré au sein d'un autre
produit, cet autre produit dans lequel le module est installé devra porter une étiquette faisant apparaitre les référence du module inté-
gré. Dans un tel cas, sur le produit final doit se trouver une étiquette aisément lisible sur laquelle figurent les informations suivantes:
Contient le module transmetteur: 5123A-BGM13P
Contient le circuit: 5123A-BGM13P”
L'intégrateur OEM doit être conscient qu’il ne doit pas fournir, dans le manuel d’utilisation, d'informations relatives à la façon d'installer
ou de d’enlever ce module RF ainsi que sur la procédure à suivre pour modifier les paramètres liés à la radio.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Certifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 26
10.5 Japan
The BGX13P is certified in Japan with certification number 209-J00282.
The module is not labeled with Japan certification mark and ID because of the small physical size. A manufacturer who integrates a
radio module in their host equipment must place the certification mark and certification number on the outside of the host equipment.
The certification mark and certification number must be placed close to the text in the Japanese language which is provided below.
“This equipment contains specified radio equipment that has been certified to the Technical Regulation Conformity Certification under
the Radio Law.”
10.6 KC (South-Korea)
BGX13P has certification in South-Korea.
Certification number: TBD
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Certifications | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 27
11. Revision History
Revision 0.5
August 2018
Public Release
Revision 0.1
July 2018
Initial Release.
BGX13P Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet
Revision History | Building a more connected world. Preliminary Rev. 0.5 | 28
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Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or
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Silicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®,
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