pass the buffer altogether. Refer to Section 8.0 USING THE
DATA BUFFER for use of these pins
The two MULT input pins (MULT0 and MULT1) are used to
select the CLK Multiplier for the internal PLL, or to bypass the
PLL. Refer to Section 7.0 CLOCK OPTIONS for more infor-
The ADC08B200 has 12 digital output pins: 8 Digital Data
Output pins, DRDY, WENSYNC, EF and FF
6.1 Digital Data Outputs
This 8-bit bus is LVTTL/LVCMOS compatible, with a Straight
Binary output format. Data is clocked out on this bus in one
of two ways. When the internal buffer is bypassed, data is
clocked out at the sample clock rate. When the internal buffer
is used, data is clocked out at the RCLK rate. In either case,
data is clocked out on the rising edge of the appropriate clock.
Refer to Section 7.0 CLOCK OPTIONS for information on
sample rate determination.
When the Capture Buffer is bypassed, data is read directly
from the converter at the sample clock rate.
When the capture buffer is used, data is read from the capture
buffer and presented at these pins when the REN input is
high. If OEDGE/TEN is high, the digital data output and DRDY
are held low when no valid data is being sent out. If OEDGE/
TEN is low, the digital data and DRDY are held high when no
valid data is being sent out. These pins source data at the
converter sample rate when the buffer is disabled.
Whether the buffer is enabled or not, the output data is pro-
vided synchronous with DRDY. That is, the data transition
occurs with the edge of DRDY defined by OEDGE/TEN such
that the data transitions on the rise of DRDY if OEDGE/TEN
is high or on the fall of DRDY if OEDGE/TEN is low.
The data output drivers are capable of sourcing and sinking
a relatively high current to enable rapid charging and dis-
charging of the output capacitance, thereby allowing fast
output rise and fall times. The data outputs should be as lightly
loaded as possible to minimize on-chip noise and the resulting
loss of SNR performance. Note the specified load capaci-
tance at the heading of the Electrical Characteristics Table.
6.2 The DRDY Pin
This output is intended for use to latch output data into a re-
ceiving device and transitions with the transition of the digital
data outputs. The synchronizing edge of the DRDY signal can
be selected with the OEDGE input. When the buffer is not
used, DRDY is active as long as the ADC is functioning. When
the buffer is enabled, DRDY is active only while data is being
sent out. When no valid data is being sent out, the DRDY
output sense is the opposite of the OEDGE input. As long as
PD is low, this signal is always active (not high impedance)
whether or not the buffer is enabled.
The DRDY output should be have a load that is identical to
the load of the digital data outputs to ensure that one DRDY
output edge transitions at the same time as does the data.
6.3 The WENSYNC Pin
This output is synchronous with the internal sample clock and
is provided as an indication as to when sampling takes place.
The actual point in time when sampling takes place is as in-
dicated in the "Capture and Write Enable" Timing Diagram.
6.4 The EF Pin
This Empty Flag goes high, synchronous with the internal
sample clock, when the Capture Buffer is empty, either by the
buffer having been completely read or upon RESET of the
device. This output goes low when one or more bytes is writ-
ten to the buffer. When EF goes high, the DRDY and Data
outputs stop switching and both DRDY and the Data lines re-
main low if OEDGE=1, or high if OEDGE=0.
6.5 The FF Pin
The Full Flag output indicates that the buffer is full and goes
high, synchronous with the internal sample clock, when the
capture buffer is full. If the WEN input remains high, the rise
of the next sample clock after the FF output goes high will
cause the buffer pointer to "wrap around" and start writing
over the previous data unless the ASW input is high. The FF
signal goes low when the REN signal goes high and the full
condition no longer exists. This signal also goes low upon a
RESET of the device.
The ADC08B200 incorporates a PLL to facilitate clocking.
The PLL, like any PLL or DLL, can add phase noise to the
clock signal and so to the conversion process. The effect of
this phase noise increases with higher analog signal input
frequencies. If a stable clock source at the desired sample
rate is available, it is preferable to use that clock as the sample
clock for the ADC08B200, bypassing the PLL. If such a source
is not available, the internal PLL may be used to multiply the
input clock frequency by 2, 4 or 8 to obtain the desired sample
rate from a lower frequency clock source.
Bypassing the PLL or setting the CLK frequency multiplier is
accomplished through the use of the two MULT pins as indi-
cated in Table 1. Expected noise performance with and with-
out the use of the PLL is indicated in the Typical Performance
Characteristics of this data sheet.
TABLE 1. MULT Pin Function
CLK Freq.
Range (MHz)
0 0 1 1 - 210
0 1 2 15 - 105
1 0 4 15 - 50
1 1 8 15 - 25
The internal sampling clock frequency is the input clock fre-
quency at the CLK pin multiplied by the multiplier in Table 1.
When the PLL is bypassed, the input clock at the CLK pin is
used as the sample clock and the PLL is disabled.
The Data Buffer has read and write pointers and the first word
written to it is the first word read from it. The Data Buffer is
configurable to 256-, 512-, or 1024- bytes, and must be com-
pletely filled to the configured number of bytes before it can
be read. The "FF" flag goes high once the configured number
of bytes is in the buffer are read. Once the data buffer contents
are completely read, indicated by the "EF" flag going high, the
same data cannot be read again. It is possible to read back
only part of the contents, after which a RESET must be is-
sued, clearing the remaining data stored in the data buffer,
before the buffer may be written to again.
The WEN (Write Enable) input is used to enable writing to the
buffer, while the REN (Read Enable) input is used to enable
reading from the buffer. If both of these are high, the WEN
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