June 2008
8-Bit, 200 MSPS A/D Converter with Capture Buffer
General Description
The ADC08B200 is a high speed analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) with an integrated capture buffer. The 8-bit, 200 MSPS
A/D core is based upon the proven ADC08200 with integrated
track-and-hold and is optimized for low power consumption.
This device contains a selectable size capture buffer of up to
1,024 bytes that allows fast capture of an input signal with a
slower readout rate. An on-chip clock PLL circuit provides the
option of on-chip clock rate multiplication to provide the high
speed sampling clock.
The ADC08B200 is resistant to latch-up and the outputs are
short-circuit proof. The top and bottom of the ADC08B200's
reference ladder are available for connections, enabling a
wide range of input possibilities. The digital outputs are TTL/
CMOS compatible with a separate output power supply pin to
support interfacing with 2.7V to 3.3V logic. The digital inputs
and outputs are low voltage TTL/CMOS compatible and the
output data format is straight binary.
The ADC08B200 is offered in a 48-pin plastic package
(TQFP) and is specified over the extended industrial temper-
ature range of −40°C to +105°C. An evaluation board is
available to assist in the easy evaluation of the ADC08B200.
Single-ended input
Selectable capture buffer size
PLL for clock multiplication
Reference Ladder Top and Bottom accessible
Linear power scaling with sample rate
FPGA training pattern
Power-down feature
Key Specifications
(PLL Bypassed)
Resolution 8 Bits
Maximum sampling frequency 200 MSPS (min)
DNL ±0.4 LSB (typ)
ENOB (fIN= 49 MHz) 7.2 bits (typ)
THD (fIN= 49 MHz) −53 dBc (typ)
Power Consumption
Operating, 50 MHz Input 2 mW / Msps (typ)
Power Down 2.15 mW (typ)
Laser Ranging
Pulse Capturings
Pin Configuration
© 2007 National Semiconductor Corporation 202147 www.national.com
ADC08B200 8-Bit, 200 MSPS A/D Converter with Capture Buffer
Ordering Information
Order Number Temperature Range Package
ADC08B200CIVS −40°C TA +105°C TQFP
ADC08B200EB Evaluation Board
Block Diagram
Pin Descriptions and Equivalent Circuits
Pin No. Symbol Equivalent Circuit Description
6VIN Analog signal input. Conversion range is VRB to VRT.
Analog Input that is the high (top) side of the reference ladder
of the ADC. Voltage on VRT and VRB inputs define the VIN
conversion range. VRT should be more positive than VRB.
Bypass well.
Analog input that is the mid-point of the reference ladder.
This pin should be bypassed to a quiet point in the ground
plane with a 0.1 µF capacitor. DO NOT LOAD this pin.
10 VRB
Analog Input that is the low side (bottom) of the reference
ladder of the ADC. The voltages on VRT and VRB inputs
define the VIN conversion range. Bypass well.
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Pin No. Symbol Equivalent Circuit Description
13 PD
Chip Power Down input. When this pin is high, the entire chip
is in the Power Down mode. Any data in the capture buffer
is lost and the output pins hold the last byte that was output.
ADC Power Down Input. When this pin is high, the ADC is
powered down. The capture buffer is active and the data
within it may be clocked out.
46 CLK
CMOS/TTL compatible digital clock Input. When the PLL is
bypassed, the clock signal at this pin is the ADC sampling
clock and VIN is sampled on the rising edge of this clock input.
When the PLL is enabled, the signal at this input is the
reference clock, which is multiplied to provide a higher
frequency sample clock.
Buffer Read Clock input. When the capture buffer is enabled,
this input signal is used to read the data from the internal
buffer. The data output and the buffer empty flag (EF)
transition with the rise of this clock.
17 WEN
Write Enable input. A high level at this input causes a byte
of data to be written into the capture buffer with the rise of
each sample clock.
20 REN
Read Enable input. A high level at this input causes a byte
of data to be read from the capture buffer with the rise of each
RCLK input. This rise of the REN input should be
synchronous with the RCLK input and should not be high
while the WEN input is high.
22 RESET Device Reset Input. A high level at this input resets all control
logic on the chip.
37 OE
Output Enable input. A high level at this input enables the
output buffers. A low level at this input puts the digital data
output pins into a high impedance state.
Output Edge Select or Test Mode Enable input. If this input
is high, the data outputs transition with the rising edge of the
DRDY output. If this input is low, the data outputs transition
with the falling edge of the DRDY output. Forcing a potential
of VA/2 at this input enables the Test Mode.
Synchronized WEN output. The WEN control input is
synchronized on-chip with the internal sample clock and is
provided at this output.
Data Ready output. This signal transitions with the transition
of the digital data outputs and indicates that the output data
is ready.
26 thru 29
33 thru 36
D0–D7 Digital data digital Outputs. D0 is the LSB, D7 is the MSB.
16 FF Buffer Full Flag. This output is high when the capture buffer
is full.
15 EF Buffer Empty Flag. This output is high when the capture
buffer is empty.
3 www.national.com
Pin No. Symbol Equivalent Circuit Description
25 ASW
Auto-Stop Write input. This pin has a dual function. With the
buffer enabled, this pin acts as the ASW input. When this
input is high, writing to the buffer is halted when the capture
buffer is full (FF high). When the buffer is disabled, this pin
is ignored. When the device is in Test Mode, this pin acts as
the Output Edge Select signal, functioning in accordance
with the description of the OEDGE/TEN pin.
23,24 BSIZE(1:0) Buffer Size input. These inputs determine the size of the
buffer, as described in the Functional Description.
38, 39 MULT(1:0) Clock Multiply Factor input. These inputs determine the
internal clock PLL's multiplication factor.
1, 4, 12 VA Positive analog supply pin. Connect to a voltage source of
43, 44, 48 VP PLL supply pin. Connect to a voltage source of +3.3V.
40 VD Digital core supply pin. Connect to a voltage source of +3.3V.
32 VDR Power supply for the output drivers. Connect to a voltage
source of 2.7V to VD.
2, 5, 8, 11, 21,
42, 45, 47 GND The ground return for the chip core.
7 SIG GND Analog input signal ground.
30 DR GND The ground return for the output drivers.
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Absolute Maximum Ratings
(Notes 1, 2)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage (VA, VP, VD, VDR)-0.3V to 3.8V
Driver Supply Voltage (VDR)-0.3V to VA +0.3V
Voltage on Any Input or Output Pin −0.3V to VA
Reference Voltage (VRT, VRB) GND to VA
Input Current, Data Outputs ±1 mA
Input Current all other pins (Note 3) ±25 mA
Package Input Current (Note 3) ±50 mA
Power Dissipation at TA = 25°C See (Note 4)
ESD Susceptibility (Note 5)
Human Body Model
Machine Model
Charged Device Model
Soldering Temperature, Infrared,
10 seconds (Note 6) 235°C
Storage Temperature −65°C to +150°C
Operating Ratings (Notes 1, 2)
Operating Temperature Range −40°C TA +105°C
Supply Voltage (VA)+3.0V to +3.6V
Driver Supply Voltage (VDR)+2.7V to (VA + 0.3V)
Maximum Supply Voltage
VD, VPVA + 0.3V
CLK Frequency
PLL Bypassed
PLL used
1 to 210 MHz
15 to 105 MHz
RCLK Frequency (Note 12) 2 - 210 MHz
RCLK Duty Cycle 35% to 65%
Ground Difference |GND - DR GND| 0V to 300 mV
Upper Reference Voltage (VRT) 0.5V to (VA − 0.3V)
Lower Reference Voltage (VRB) 0V to (VRT − 0.5V)
Reference Delta (VRT − VRB)0.5V to 2.3V
VIN Voltage Range VRB to VRT
Package Thermal Resistance
Package θJA
48-Lead TQFP 76 °C/W
Converter Electrical Characteristics
The following specifications apply for VA = VD = VP = VDR = +3.3VDC, VRT = +1.9V, VRB = 0.3V, CL = 10 pF, fCLK = 200 MHz at 50%
duty cycle, OEDGE/TEN = 1, Buffer and PLL bypassed. Boldface limits apply for TJ = TMIN to TMAX: all other limits TJ = 25°C
(Notes 7, 8)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical
(Note 9)
(Note 9)
INL Integral Non-Linearity ±0.55 ±1.3 LSB (max)
DNL Differential Non-Linearity ±0.40 ±0.9 LSB (max)
Missing Codes 0(max)
FSE Full Scale Error −39 −80
mV (min)
mV (max)
VOFF Zero Scale Offset Error 55 70 mV (max)
VIN Input Voltage 1.6 VRB V (min)
VRT V (max)
CIN VIN Input Capacitance VIN = 0.75V +0.5 Vrms (CLK LOW) 3 pF
RIN Analog Input Resistance >1 M
FPBW Full Power Bandwidth 500 MHz
VRT Top Reference Voltage 1.9 VAV (max)
0.5 V (min)
VRB Bottom Reference Voltage 0.3 VRT − 0.5 V (max)
0V (min)
VRT - VRB Reference Voltage Delta 1.6 0.5 V (min)
2.3 V (max)
RREF Reference Ladder Resistance VRT to VRB 160 145 Ω (min)
200 Ω (max)
5 www.national.com
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical
(Note 9)
(Note 9)
VIH Logic High Input Voltage OEDGE/TEN 2.2 2.7 V (min)
Others 1.6 2.1 V (min)
VIL Logic Low Input Voltage OEDGE/TEN 0.9 0.5 V (max)
Others 1.3 0.7 V (max)
IIH Logic High Input Current VIH = VDR = VA = 3.6V
Test Mode
Others 10 nA
IIL Logic Low Input Current VIL = 0V, VDR = VA = 3.0V
Test Mode
Others −50 nA
CIN Logic Input Capacitance 3 pF
VOH High Level Output Voltage VA = VDR = 3.0V, IOH = −5 mA 3.0 2.4 V (min)
VOL Low Level Output Voltage VA = VDR = 3.0V, IOL = 5 mA 0.25 0.5 V (max)
COUT Digital Output Capacitance 2 pF
ENOB Effective Number of Bits
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 7.4 Bits
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 7.2 6.8 Bits (min)
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 7.2 Bits
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 7.0 Bits
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 6.9 Bits
SINAD Signal-to-Noise & Distortion
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 46 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 45 42.7 dBc (min)
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 45 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 44 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 43.4 dBc
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 47 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 46.3 43.7 dBc (min)
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 45.8 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 45.6 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 45.6 \dBc
SFDR Spurious Free Dynamic Range
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 56 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 56 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 56 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB 50 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 49.7 dBc
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −55 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −53 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 −53 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −49 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 -47.5 dBc
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Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical
(Note 9)
(Note 9)
HD2 2nd Harmonic Distortion
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −57 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −55 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 −55 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −50 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 −49.9 dBc
HD3 3rd Harmonic Distortion
fIN = 10 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −62 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −63 dBc
fIN = 49 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x8 −62 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB −56 dBc
fIN = 100 MHz, VIN = FS − 0.25 dB, PLL x4 −54.6 dBc
IMD Intermodulation Distortion f1 = 11 MHz, VIN = FS − 6.25 dB
f2 = 12 MHz, VIN = FS − 6.25 dB -50 dBc
IAAnalog Supply Current
DC Input 72.5 mA
fIN = 50 MHz 76.8 88.3 mA (max)
PD High 0.3 mA
IDDigital Core Supply Current
DC Input, Buffer bypassed 1.2 mA
fIN = 50 MHz, Buffer bypassed 1.6 2.1 mA (max)
fIN = 50 MHz, 1k writing to Buffer (Note 10) 38 42.4 mA
PDADC High, reading Buffer (Note 10) 1.1 mA
PD High 0.3 mA
IPPLL Supply Current
PLL x2 8.8 10.1 mA (max)
PLL disabled 3.6 4.3 mA (max)
PD High 20 mA
IDR Output Driver Supply Current
DC Input 7 mA
fIN = 50 MHz 41 57 mA (max)
PD High 25 µA
IA + ID +
Total Operating Current
DC Input, Buffer bypassed, PLL x2
(Note 10) 97.5 mA
50 MHz Input, writing to Buffer, PLL X2
(Note 10) 164.6 198 mA (max)
PDADC = Hi, reading Buffer,
RCLK = 200 MHz, D.C. input 20 mA
PD High 0.65 mA
PC Power Consumption
DC Input, Buffer & PLL bypassed 306 mW
50 MHz Input, writing to Buffer, PLL X2
(Note 10) 543 653 mW (max)
PDADC High, reading Buffer, PLL disabled
(Note 10) 66 mW
PD High 2.15 mW
PSRR1D.C. Power Supply Rejection Ratio FSE change with 3.0V to 3.6V change in VA48 dB
PSRR2A.C. Power Supply Rejection Ratio SNR reduction with 200 mV at 10MHz on
supply TBD dB
7 www.national.com
Converter Timing Characteristics
The following specifications apply for VA = VDR = +3.3VDC, VRT = +1.9V, VRB = 0.3V, CL = 50 pF, fCLK = 200 MHz at 50% duty cycle,
OEDGE/TEN = 1, Buffer and PLL bypassed. Boldface limits apply for TJ = TMIN to TMAX: all other limits TJ = 25°C (Notes 7, 8)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical
(Note 9)
(Note 9)
fC1 Maximum Input Clock Rate PLL Disabled 210 200 MHz (min)
Using PLL 15 105 MHz (min)
fC2 Minimum Input Clock Rate PLL Disabled 1 MHz
Using PLL 15 MHz
tCL Minimum CLK Low Time (Note 11) 1.7 ns (min)
tCH Minimum CLK High Time (Note 11) 1.7 ns (min)
fRC1 Maximum RCLK Rate (Note 12) 210 200 MHz (min)
fRC2 Minimum RCLK Rate (Note 12) 2 MHz
tRCL Minimum RCLK Low Time (Note 11) 2.0 ns (min)
tRCH Minimum RCLK High Time (Note 11) 2.0 ns (min)
ΔDC DRDY to RCLK Duty Cycle Delta 0.3 ±3 %
tSU REN to RCLK Set-Up Time −0.4 −0.8
ns (min)
ns (max)
tRR RCLK Rising to DRDY Rising 3.8 2.4
ns (min)
ns (max)
tRF RCLK Falling to DRDY Falling 3.5 ns
tSKDR DRDY Rising to DATA Skew 160 ps
tSKR RCLK Falling to DATA Skew 2.3 1.8
ns (min)
ns (max)
tSKEF DRDY Rising to EF Skew 36 ps
tCFF CLK rise to FF Delay 4.2 ns
tFFW FF to WENSYNC Delay ASW pin high 4.2 ns
tCW CLK to WENSYNC Delay PLL Disabled 3.5 2.4
ns (min)
ns (max)
tRST RESET Pulse Width (Note 11) 4Write Clock
Cycles (min)
Output Data Rise Time
(0.4V to 2.5V)
CL = 10 pF 0.9 ns
CL = 20 pF 2 ns
Output Data Fall Time
(2.4V to 0.4V)
CL = 10 pF 1.4 ns
CL = 20 pF 3.2 ns
RCLK Rise to Output Fall to 0.4V
Reading Buffer 7.0 4.0
ns (min)
ns (max)
Buffer bypassed, PLL disabled 5.5 ns
RCLK Rise to Output Rise to 2.5V
Reading Buffer 6.5 2.3
ns (min)
ns (max)
Buffer bypassed, PLL disabled 5.5 ns
Data High to Fall Hold to 2.5V
Output Reading Buffer 3.8 2.4
ns (min)
ns (max)
Data Low to Rise Hold to 0.4V
Output Reading Buffer 4.5 2.6
ns (min)
ns (max)
tSLEW Output Slew Rate Output Falling (2.4V to 0.4V) 1.5 V / ns
Output Rising (0.4V to 2.5V) 2.3 V / ns
tDRDY1 PD Low to Device Active PLL Enabled 20 µs
PLL Bypassed 2 µs
tDRDY2 PDADC Low to Device Active 2 µs
Pipeline Delay (Latency) 6 Clock Cycles
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Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical
(Note 9)
(Note 9)
tAD Sampling (Aperture) Delay CLK Rise to
Acquisition of Data
PLL on 3.4 ns
PLL off 3.9 ns
tAJ Aperture Jitter PLL Bypassed 2 ps rms
PLL Enabled in x8 mode (Note 13) 7 ps rms
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is
functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed
specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test
Note 2: All voltages are measured with respect to GND = DR GND = 0V, unless otherwise specified.
Note 3: When the input voltage at any pin exceeds the power supplies (that is, less than GND or DR GND, or greater than VA, VP, VD or VDR), the current at that
pin should be limited to 25 mA. The 50 mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an
input current of 25 mA to two.
Note 4: The absolute maximum junction temperature (TJmax) for this device is 150°C. The maximum allowable power dissipation is dictated by TJmax, the
junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (θJA), and the ambient temperature (TA), and can be calculated using the formula PDMAX = (TJmax − TA) / θJA.
Note 5: Human body model is 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 k resistor. Machine model is 220 pF discharged through ZERO Ohms.
Note 6: See AN-450, “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability”.
Note 7: The analog inputs are protected as shown below. Input voltage magnitudes up to VA + 300 mV or to 300 mV below GND will not damage this device.
However, errors in the A/D conversion can occur if the input goes above VA or below GND by more than 100 mV. For example, if VA is 3.3VDC the input voltage
must be 3.4VDC to ensure accurate conversions.
Note 8: To guarantee accuracy, it is required that VA, VD, VP and VDR be well bypassed. Each supply pin should be decoupled with separate bypass capacitors.
Note 9: Typical figures are at TJ = 25°C, and represent most likely parametric norms. Test limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality
Note 10: This current or power is used only during the short time that the buffer is being written to or read from, depending upon the specification.
Note 11: This parameter is guaranteed by design and/or characterization and is not production tested.
Note 12: RCLK should be stopped with the buffer is not being read.
Note 13: Jitter with the PLL enabled is measured with 32k samples and the PLL in the x8 multiplication mode.
9 www.national.com
Specification Definitions
APERTURE (SAMPLING) DELAY is that time delay after the
rise of the sample clock until the input signal is sampled within
the ADC.
APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay from
sample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.
CLOCK DUTY CYCLE is the ratio of the time that the clock
waveform is at a logic high to the total time of one clock period.
the maximum deviation from the ideal step size of 1 LSB.
Measured at 200 MSPS with a ramp input.
BITS) is another method of specifying Signal-to-Noise and
Distortion Ratio, or SINAD. ENOB is defined as (SINAD –
1.76) / 6.02 and says that the converter is equivalent to a per-
fect ADC of this (ENOB) number of bits.
FULL POWER BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequency
at which the reconstructed output fundamental drops 3 dB
below its low frequency value for a full scale input.
FULL-SCALE ERROR is a measure of how far the last code
transition is from the ideal 1½ LSB below VRT and is defined
FSE = Vmax + 1.5 LSB – VRT
where Vmax is the voltage at which the transition to the maxi-
mum (full scale) code occurs.
INTEGRAL NON-LINEARITY (INL) is a measure of the de-
viation of each individual code from a line drawn from zero
scale (½ LSB below the first code transition) through positive
full scale (½ LSB above the last code transition). The devia-
tion of any given code from this straight line is measured from
the center of that code value. The end point test method is
used. Measured at 200 MSPS with a ramp input.
additional spectral components as a result of two sinusoidal
frequencies being applied to the ADC input at the same time.
it is defined as the ratio of the power in the second and third
order intermodulation products to the power in one of the
original frequencies. IMD is usually expressed in dBFS.
MISSING CODES are those output codes that are skipped
and will never appear at the ADC outputs. These codes can-
not be reached with any input value.
OFFSET ERROR is the error in the input voltage required to
cause the first code transition. It is defined as the difference
between the voltage required to cause the first code transition
and the ideal voltage (1/2 LSB) to cause that transition.
VOFF = VZT − 1/2 LSB = VZT - (VRT − VRB) / 512
where VZT is the first code transition input voltage.
OUTPUT DELAY is the time delay after the rising edge of the
RCLK input before the data update is present at the output
OUTPUT HOLD TIME is the length of time that the output data
is valid after the rise of CLK or RCLK output.
PIPELINE DELAY (LATENCY) is the number of clock cycles
between initiation of conversion and when that data is pre-
sented to the output driver stage. New data is available at
every clock cycle, but the data lags the conversion by the
Pipeline Delay plus the Output Delay.
of how well the ADC rejects a change in the power supply
voltage. For the ADC08B200, PSRR1 is the ratio of the
change in Full-Scale Error that results from a change in the
DC power supply voltage, expressed in dB. PSRR2 is a mea-
sure of how well an a.c. signal riding upon the power supply
is rejected at the output.
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO (SNR) is the ratio, expressed in
dB, of the rms value of the input signal at the output to the rms
value of the sum of all other spectral components below one-
half the sampling frequency, not including harmonics or d.c.
SINAD) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the rms value of the
input signal at the output to the rms value of all of the other
spectral components below half the clock frequency, includ-
ing harmonics but excluding d.c.
ence, expressed in dB, between the rms values of the input
signal at the output and the peak spurious signal, where a
spurious signal is any signal present in the output spectrum
that is not present at the input.
pressed in dB, of the rms total of the first nine harmonic levels
at the output to the level of the fundamental at the output. THD
is calculated as
where Af1 is the RMS power of the fundamental (output) fre-
quency and Af2 through Af10 are the RMS power of the first 9
harmonic frequencies in the output spectrum
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Timing Diagrams (PLL Bypassed)
ADC08B200 Data Capture and Read Operation
ADC08B200 Capture and Write Enable Timing
ADC08B200 Buffer Write Timing
11 www.national.com
ADC08B200 Buffer Read Timing (OEDGE/TEN = 1)
ADC08B200 Buffer Read Timing (OEDGE/TEN = 0)
ADC08B200 Buffer Bypassed Timing
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Typical Performance Characteristics
VA = VD = VP = VDR = 3.3V, fCLK = 200 MHz, fIN = 50 MHz, PLL & Buffer bypassed, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise stated
INL vs. Supply Voltage
INL vs. Temperature
INL vs. Sample Rate
DNL vs. Supply Voltage
13 www.national.com
DNL vs. Temperature
DNL vs. Sample Rate
Offset Error vs. Temperature
Full Scale Error vs. Temperature
SNR vs. Supply Voltage
SNR vs. Input Frequency
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SNR vs. Temperature
SNR vs. Sample Rate
SNR vs. Clock Duty Cycle
Distortion vs. Supply Voltage
Distortion vs. Input Frequency
Distortion vs. Temperature
15 www.national.com
Distortion vs. Sample Rate
Distortion vs. Clock Duty Cycle
SINAD vs. Supply Voltage
SINAD vs. Input Frequency
SINAD vs. Temperature
SINAD vs. Sample Rate
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SINAD vs. CLK Duty Cycle
SFDR vs. Supply Voltage
SFDR vs. Input Frequency
SFDR vs. Temperature
SFDR vs. Sample Rate
SFDR vs. Clock Duty Cycle
17 www.national.com
Power Consumption vs. Sample Rate
Power Consumption vs. Temperature
Spectral Response @ fIN = 49 MHz
Spectral Response @ fIN = 76 MHz
Spectral Response @ fIN = 99 MHz
Intermodulation Distortion
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Functional Description
The ADC08B200 integrates an 8-bit, high speed ADC and a
configurable capture buffer of up to 1 kilobyte, allowing the
sampling and processing tasks to be independent of each
other. This functionality is intended for those applications that
need to sample an input signal at a high rate and then read
the collected samples at a slower rate. The Timing Diagrams
illustrate the operation of the ADC08B200.
The analog input signal that is within the voltage range set by
VRT and VRB is digitized to eight bits. Input voltages below
VRB will cause the output word to consist of all zeroes. Input
voltages above VRT will cause the output word to consist of
all ones.
The ADC08B200 exhibits a power consumption that is pro-
portional to frequency, limiting power consumption to what is
needed at the clock rate that is used. This, its excellent per-
formance over a wide range of clock frequencies and the
incorporation of a capture buffer make ADC08B200 an ideal
choice for many 8-bit ADC applications.
Data is acquired at the rising edge of the sample clock and,
in the buffer bypass mode, the digital equivalent of that data
is available at the digital outputs 6 clock cycles plus tOD later.
When the Buffer is enabled, the converted data is written to
the buffer with each internal conversion clock cycle and can
be read out with the RCLK signal. The ADC08B200 will con-
vert as long as a CLK signal is present, but when using the
buffer no writing to the buffer will occur when that buffer is full.
The output coding is straight binary.
The entire device is in the active state when the Power Down
pin (PD) is low. When the PD pin is high, the entire device is
in the power down mode, consuming very little power. Holding
the clock input low after raising the Power Down pin will further
reduce the power consumption in the power down mode.
When the PDADC pin is high, only the A/D converter itself is
in the power down mode. The rest of the chip is left powered
up so that the capture buffer may be read. If both the PD and
PDADC pins are high, the PD pin dominates and the entire
device is powered down.
The A/D converter sample clock can be either the clock signal
at the CLK input pin or a multiplied version of that clock. The
clock multiplier can be 2, 4 or 8. In any case, the sample clock
is also used to write the converter data into the capture buffer
when that buffer is used.
As long as the chip is not in a power down state and there is
a clock signal present, the A/D converter is converting the in-
put signal. However, the data is stored into the capture buffer,
when the buffer is used, only while the Write Enable (WEN)
input is high. The data is read from the capture buffer with the
RCLK signal, which can be a free running clock, while the
Read Enable (REN) signal is high.
Note that the capture buffer on this chip must be entirely filled
to its configured size before reading its contents can begin. It
is not possible to write to and read from the buffer at the same
time and the WEN and REN inputs should not be high at the
same time. If they are high at the same time, the REN input
is ignored. This is true even if the REN input is high first and
a read operation is progressing normally when the WEN input
goes high. Asserting the WEN input while REN is high will
cause the read operation to be aborted and the capture op-
eration to begin. Although this device is intended for fast
capture and slower read out applications, it is possible for the
RCLK to operate at the same rate or faster than the sample
Two status flags are provided to manage the capture buffer.
As the name suggests, the Full Flag (FF) goes high when the
buffer is full. The next sample clock rise after the assertion of
FF will begin writing over the oldest data because the write
pointer will "wrap around". This is called an "over run" condi-
tion. Similarly, the Empty Flag (EF) indicates that the last of
the data has been read and the buffer is empty. When EF
goes high, the DRDY and Data outputs stop switching and
both DRDY and the Data lines remain low if OEDGE=1. Both
remain high if OEDGE=0.
The user has the option to stop writing to the buffer automat-
ically upon a buffer full condition with the use of the ASW
(Auto Stop Write) input. If the ASW input is low, the buffer will
be continually written to, resulting in the possibility of the write
pointer "wrapping around" and the data continually being
overwritten as long as there is a clock and the WEN input is
high. If the ASW input is high, the write operation stops upon
reaching the "full" condition.
FF goes low upon device reset and when the "full" condition
is removed by starting a transfer operation with the assertion
of REN. The EF output goes low when the "empty" condition
is removed by starting a capture operation with the raising of
WEN. The EF output goes high upon device reset because
resetting empties the buffer.
The RESET signal resets the read and write pointers and the
EF and FF flags. The RESET signal also stops the read op-
eration early (before the EF flag goes high). Consequently,
only a partial read is performed if the RESET input goes high
while a buffer read out is under way. This allows the buffer
pointers to be reset so a new capture operation can begin.
The RESET signal has no effect upon the A/D converter,
which has its own internal Power-On Reset circuit.
Note that the RCLK input does not need to be as noise (jitter)
free as does the CLK signal. The reason for this is that RCLK
is only used to read the Capture Buffer, while the CLK signal
is either the ADC sample clock or is the reference for the in-
ternal PLL that generates the sample clock for the ADC.
Consequently, CLK jitter directly affects the ADC's SNR per-
formance. There is no requirement for the RCLK to have any
fixed relationship with CLK in terms of phase or frequency.
Applications Information
The reference inputs VRT and VRB are the top and bottom of
the reference ladder, respectively. Input signals between
these two voltages will be digitized to 8 bits. External voltages
applied to the reference input pins should be within the range
specified in the Operating Ratings and the Electrical Charac-
teristics table. Any device used to drive the reference pins
should be able to source sufficient current into the VRT pin and
sink sufficient current from the VRB pin to maintain the desired
19 www.national.com
FIGURE 1. Simple, low component count reference biasing. Because of the ladder and external resistor tolerances, the
reference voltage of this circuit can vary too much for some applications.
The reference bias circuit of Figure 1 is very simple and the
performance is adequate for many applications. However,
circuit tolerances will lead to a wide reference voltage range.
Better reference tolerance can be achieved by driving the ref-
erence pins with low impedance sources.
The circuit of Figure 2 will allow a more accurate setting of the
reference voltages, with upper and lower reference accura-
cies of about 16 mV, or about 2 1/2 LSB. The upper amplifier
must be able to source the reference current as determined
by the value of the reference resistor and the value of (VRT
VRB). The lower amplifier must be able to sink this reference
current. Both amplifiers should be stable with a capacitive
The LM8272 was chosen because of its rail-to-rail input and
output capability, its high output current capability and its abil-
ity to drive large capacitive loads.
The divider resistors at the inputs to the amplifiers could be
changed to suit the application reference voltage needs, or
the divider can be replaced with potentiometers or DACs for
precise settings. The bottom of the ladder (VRB) may be re-
turned to ground if the minimum input signal excursion is 0V.
VRT should always be at least 0.5V more positive than VRB.
While VRT may be as high as the VA supply voltage and VRB
may be as low as ground, the difference between these two
voltages (VRT − VRB should not exceed 2.3V to prevent a slight
waveform distortion.
The VRM pin is the center of the reference ladder and should
be bypassed to a quiet point in the ground plane with a 0.1 µF
capacitor. DO NOT leave this pin open and DO NOT load this
pin with more than 10µA.
www.national.com 20
FIGURE 2. Driving the reference to force desired values requires driving with a low impedance source.
The analog input of the ADC08B200 is a switch followed by
an integrator. The input capacitance changes with the clock
level, appearing as 3 pF when the clock is low, and 4 pF when
the clock is high. The sampling nature of the analog input
causes current spikes at the input that result in voltage spikes
there. These spikes are normal and need not be eliminated.
However, any amplifier used to drive the analog input must
be able to settle within the clock high time. Using a single pole
RC filter between the amplifier and the ADC input will mini-
mize the effects of these transients on the driving amplifier.
The cutoff frequency of this filter should be approximately the
same as the ADC sample rate for Nyquist applications.
Choose a capacitor value of 33 pF to 51 pF and a resistor
value according to the formula
where fS is the converter sample rate. The added 6 pF in the
formula above allows for the ADC input capacitance and a
small board capacitance. For undersampling applications,
eliminate the capacitor and chose a pole frequency of about
2 to 3 times the maximum input frequency, using the ADC
input capacitance when the the clock is high, plus trace ca-
pacitance, for the filter capacitor. The optimum time constant
for this circuit depends not only upon the amplifier and ADC,
but also upon the circuit layout and board material. The
LMH6702 and the LMH6628 have been found to be good
amplifiers to drive the ADC08B200.
Figure 3 shows an example of an input circuit using the
LMH6702 at the ADC08B200 input. The input amplifier should
incorporate some gain as most operational amplifiers exhibit
better phase margin and transient response with gains above
2 or 3 than with unity gain. If an overall gain of less than 3 is
required, attenuate the input and operate the amplifier at a
higher gain, as indicated in Figure 3.
This will provide optimum SNR performance for Nyquist ap-
plications. Best THD performance is realized when the ca-
pacitor and resistor values are both zero, but this would
compromise SNR and SINAD performance. Generally, the
capacitor should not be added for undersampling applica-
The circuit of Figure 3 has both gain and offset adjustments.
If you eliminate these adjustments normal circuit tolerances
may result in signal clipping unless care is exercised in the
worst case analysis of component tolerances and the input
signal excursion is appropriately limited to account for the
worst case conditions.
Full scale and offset adjustments may also be made by ad-
justing VRT and VRB, perhaps with the aid of a pair of a DACs
or a dual DAC.
21 www.national.com
FIGURE 3. The input amplifier should incorporate some gain for best performance (see text).
A/D converters draw sufficient transient current to corrupt
their own power supplies if not adequately bypassed. Gener-
ally, a 10 µF tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitor
should be provided for each of the four supplies and a 0.1 µF
ceramic chip capacitor placed within one centimeter of each
converter power supply pin.
To further lower the inductance in series with the capacitors,
mount the 0.1 µF capacitors on the same side of the board as
the ADC and use 2 to 4 closely spaced through holes to con-
nect the ground side of the capacitors to the ground plane.
The through holes used to ground one side of these capaci-
tors should not be used to connect anything else to ground.
Leadless chip capacitors are preferred because they have
low lead inductance.
While a single voltage source is recommended for the VA,
VD and VP supplies of the ADC08B200, the VA supply pins
should be well isolated from the other supply pins to prevent
any digital noise from being coupled into the analog portions
of the ADC. A choke is recommended between the VDR supply
pin and the other supply pins with adequate bypass capaci-
tors close to each supply pin, as shown in Figure 1, Figure 2
and Figure 3.
As is the case with all high speed converters, the ADC08B200
should be assumed to have little power supply rejection. None
of the supplies for the converter should be the supply that is
used for other digital circuitry in any system with a lot of digital
power being consumed. The ADC supplies should be the
same supply used for other analog circuitry.
No pin should ever have a voltage on it that is in excess of the
supply voltage or below ground by more than 300 mV, not
even on a transient basis. This can be a problem upon appli-
cation of power and power shut-down. Be sure that the sup-
plies to circuits driving any of the input pins, analog or digital,
do not come up any faster than does the voltage at the
ADC08B200 power pins.
The ADC08B200 has 14 digital input pins, 6 of which are used
for buffer control and 2 of which are used for PLL control.
4.1 The PD Pin
The Power Down (PD) pin, when high, puts the ADC08B200
into a low power mode where power consumption is signifi-
cantly reduced below its operating power. Stopping the clock
after raising the PD input will reduce power consumption even
more. The ADC is active and will perform normally about 2
microseconds after the PD pin is brought low. However, the
PLL, if used, requires 20 microseconds to stabilize after the
PD pin is brought low.
The digital output pins retain the last conversion output code
when either the clock is stopped or the PD pin is high. The
buffer contents are lost when PD is brought high.
4.2 The PDADC Pin
When the PDADC pin is high the ADC is powered down. The
capture buffer is active and the data within it may be clocked
This is helpful for reduction of average power consumption as
the ADC can be powered down while data is being read from
the buffer. As with the PD pin, the ADC is active and will per-
form normally about 2 microseconds after the PDADC pin is
www.national.com 22
brought low. Again the PLL, if used, requires 20 microseconds
to stabilize after the PD pin is brought low.
The PLL remains active when the PDADC input is high to al-
low for faster initiation of data capture after PDADC is low-
ered. Stopping the input clock when PDADC is invoked can
result in a loss of PLL lock and a longer than normal recovery
time from PDADC.
4.3 The Master CLK Pin
Although the ADC08B200 is tested and its performance is
guaranteed with a 200 MHz clock, it typically will function well
with clock frequencies as indicated in the Electrical Charac-
teristics table.
The low and high times of the clock signal can affect the per-
formance of any A/D Converter. Because achieving a precise
duty cycle is difficult, the ADC08B200 is designed to maintain
performance over a range of duty cycles. While it is specified
and performance is guaranteed with a 50% clock duty cycle
and 200 Msps, ADC08B200 performance is typically main-
tained with clock high and low times and a clock frequency
range as indicated in the electrical table. Note that clock min-
imum low and high times may not be simultaneously imposed.
The ADC Clock input line should be series terminated at the
clock source in the characteristic impedance of that line if the
clock line is longer than
where tr is the clock rise time and tprop is the propagation rate
of the signal along the trace. Typical tprop is about 150 ps/inch
(59 ps/cm) on FR-4 board material.
It is always best and advisable that one clock source pin drive
a single destination pin for best signal integrity. However, if
the clock source is used to drive more than just one destina-
tion, the CLK pin should be a.c. terminated with a series RC
to ground such that the resistor value is equal to the charac-
teristic impedance of the clock line and the capacitor value is
where tPROP is the signal propagation rate down the clock line,
"L" is the line length and ZO is the characteristic impedance
of the clock line. The units of "L" must be compatible with the
units of tPROP. This termination should be located as close as
possible to, but within one centimeter of, the ADC08B200
clock pin. Furthermore, this termination should be beyond the
receiving pin as seen from the clock source. For FR-4 board
material, the value of C becomes
Where L is the length of the clock line in inches.
4.4 The RESET Pin
A high level at this Reset input resets all control logic on the
chip, including the buffer's read and write counters. The FF
output is reset low and the EF flag is reset high upon a device
reset. Invoking a reset during the WRITE phase can cause
buffer data to be corrupted. A reset during the READ phase
will stop the READ phase before it is completed.
The RESET signal is asynchronous and should be at least 4
sample clock cycles wide. If no RESET is provided, the chip
generates its own internal reset signal at the beginning of the
buffer write phase.
4.5 The OEDGE/TEN Pin
If this Output Edge Select input is high, the data outputs tran-
sition with the rising edge of the DRDY output. If this input is
low, the data outputs transition with the falling edge of the
DRDY. Forcing a potential of VA/2 at this input enables the
Test Mode. There is an on-chip pull-up resistor at this pin, so
the device interprets a floating input at this pin to be a logic
high. See Section 10.0 TEST PATTERN OUTPUT for the
output test pattern.
4.6 The OE Pin
A high level at this Output Enable input enables the output
buffers. A low level at this input puts the digital data output
pins, including the DRDY output, into a high impedance state.
Caution: Although this device has a TRI-STATE output, main-
taining optimum noise performance requires keeping the ca-
pacitance on the data output pins as low as possible.
Therefore, it is never a good idea to connect the output pins
to a bus. Each output pin should be connected to a single
input with lines as short as possible.
4.7 Buffer-Associated Pins
The on-chip buffer is 1 kilobyte (1,024 bytes) in size and is
controlled through six (6) TTL-CMOS compatible digital input
When the capture buffer is enabled, the RCLK input is used
to read the data from the buffer. The data output and the EF
flag transition with the rise of RCLK.
It is best to halt the RCLK when not reading the buffer to min-
imize its impact upon noise performance. RCLK may be
stopped in either the high or the low state.
A high level at this Write Enable input causes data to be writ-
ten into the capture buffer. One byte is written with the rise of
each sample clock. This input may go high asynchronously.
A high level at this Read Enable input causes data to be read
from the capture buffer. One byte is read with the rise of each
RCLK input. This signal should go high synchronous with the
RCLK input and should not be high while the WEN input is
high. If this input is high while the WEN input is high, the WEN
input has priority and the REN input is ignored, regardless of
which of these two inputs is high first. It is not possible to read
from the buffer while a write to the buffer is in progress.
This Auto-Stop Write input has a dual function. With writing to
the buffer enabled and this ASW high, this pin acts as the
ASW (Auto-Stop Write) input, which causes writing to the
buffer to halt once the buffer is full (FF high). This prevents
write "wrap around" and the over-writing of older data. When
writing to the buffer is disabled, this pin is ignored. When the
device is in Test Mode, this pin acts as the Output Edge Select
input and functions as described for the OEDGE/TEN input.
The two Buffer Size input pins (BSIZE0 and BSIZE1) are used
to select the required buffer size for the application or to by-
23 www.national.com
pass the buffer altogether. Refer to Section 8.0 USING THE
DATA BUFFER for use of these pins
The two MULT input pins (MULT0 and MULT1) are used to
select the CLK Multiplier for the internal PLL, or to bypass the
PLL. Refer to Section 7.0 CLOCK OPTIONS for more infor-
The ADC08B200 has 12 digital output pins: 8 Digital Data
Output pins, DRDY, WENSYNC, EF and FF
6.1 Digital Data Outputs
This 8-bit bus is LVTTL/LVCMOS compatible, with a Straight
Binary output format. Data is clocked out on this bus in one
of two ways. When the internal buffer is bypassed, data is
clocked out at the sample clock rate. When the internal buffer
is used, data is clocked out at the RCLK rate. In either case,
data is clocked out on the rising edge of the appropriate clock.
Refer to Section 7.0 CLOCK OPTIONS for information on
sample rate determination.
When the Capture Buffer is bypassed, data is read directly
from the converter at the sample clock rate.
When the capture buffer is used, data is read from the capture
buffer and presented at these pins when the REN input is
high. If OEDGE/TEN is high, the digital data output and DRDY
are held low when no valid data is being sent out. If OEDGE/
TEN is low, the digital data and DRDY are held high when no
valid data is being sent out. These pins source data at the
converter sample rate when the buffer is disabled.
Whether the buffer is enabled or not, the output data is pro-
vided synchronous with DRDY. That is, the data transition
occurs with the edge of DRDY defined by OEDGE/TEN such
that the data transitions on the rise of DRDY if OEDGE/TEN
is high or on the fall of DRDY if OEDGE/TEN is low.
The data output drivers are capable of sourcing and sinking
a relatively high current to enable rapid charging and dis-
charging of the output capacitance, thereby allowing fast
output rise and fall times. The data outputs should be as lightly
loaded as possible to minimize on-chip noise and the resulting
loss of SNR performance. Note the specified load capaci-
tance at the heading of the Electrical Characteristics Table.
6.2 The DRDY Pin
This output is intended for use to latch output data into a re-
ceiving device and transitions with the transition of the digital
data outputs. The synchronizing edge of the DRDY signal can
be selected with the OEDGE input. When the buffer is not
used, DRDY is active as long as the ADC is functioning. When
the buffer is enabled, DRDY is active only while data is being
sent out. When no valid data is being sent out, the DRDY
output sense is the opposite of the OEDGE input. As long as
PD is low, this signal is always active (not high impedance)
whether or not the buffer is enabled.
The DRDY output should be have a load that is identical to
the load of the digital data outputs to ensure that one DRDY
output edge transitions at the same time as does the data.
6.3 The WENSYNC Pin
This output is synchronous with the internal sample clock and
is provided as an indication as to when sampling takes place.
The actual point in time when sampling takes place is as in-
dicated in the "Capture and Write Enable" Timing Diagram.
6.4 The EF Pin
This Empty Flag goes high, synchronous with the internal
sample clock, when the Capture Buffer is empty, either by the
buffer having been completely read or upon RESET of the
device. This output goes low when one or more bytes is writ-
ten to the buffer. When EF goes high, the DRDY and Data
outputs stop switching and both DRDY and the Data lines re-
main low if OEDGE=1, or high if OEDGE=0.
6.5 The FF Pin
The Full Flag output indicates that the buffer is full and goes
high, synchronous with the internal sample clock, when the
capture buffer is full. If the WEN input remains high, the rise
of the next sample clock after the FF output goes high will
cause the buffer pointer to "wrap around" and start writing
over the previous data unless the ASW input is high. The FF
signal goes low when the REN signal goes high and the full
condition no longer exists. This signal also goes low upon a
RESET of the device.
The ADC08B200 incorporates a PLL to facilitate clocking.
The PLL, like any PLL or DLL, can add phase noise to the
clock signal and so to the conversion process. The effect of
this phase noise increases with higher analog signal input
frequencies. If a stable clock source at the desired sample
rate is available, it is preferable to use that clock as the sample
clock for the ADC08B200, bypassing the PLL. If such a source
is not available, the internal PLL may be used to multiply the
input clock frequency by 2, 4 or 8 to obtain the desired sample
rate from a lower frequency clock source.
Bypassing the PLL or setting the CLK frequency multiplier is
accomplished through the use of the two MULT pins as indi-
cated in Table 1. Expected noise performance with and with-
out the use of the PLL is indicated in the Typical Performance
Characteristics of this data sheet.
TABLE 1. MULT Pin Function
CLK Freq.
Range (MHz)
0 0 1 1 - 210
0 1 2 15 - 105
1 0 4 15 - 50
1 1 8 15 - 25
The internal sampling clock frequency is the input clock fre-
quency at the CLK pin multiplied by the multiplier in Table 1.
When the PLL is bypassed, the input clock at the CLK pin is
used as the sample clock and the PLL is disabled.
The Data Buffer has read and write pointers and the first word
written to it is the first word read from it. The Data Buffer is
configurable to 256-, 512-, or 1024- bytes, and must be com-
pletely filled to the configured number of bytes before it can
be read. The "FF" flag goes high once the configured number
of bytes is in the buffer are read. Once the data buffer contents
are completely read, indicated by the "EF" flag going high, the
same data cannot be read again. It is possible to read back
only part of the contents, after which a RESET must be is-
sued, clearing the remaining data stored in the data buffer,
before the buffer may be written to again.
The WEN (Write Enable) input is used to enable writing to the
buffer, while the REN (Read Enable) input is used to enable
reading from the buffer. If both of these are high, the WEN
www.national.com 24
input dominates and the REN input is ineffective until WEN
goes low. If the WEN pin remains high after the buffer is full,
the previous contents are over-written. The ASW (Auto-Stop
Write) pin may be used to automatically stop writing to the
buffer when it is full to the configured number of bytes. See
Sections 4.7.2 THE WEN PIN, 4.7.3 THE REN PIN and 4.7.4
THE ASW PIN for information on these inputs.
The BSIZE inputs are used to configure the Data Buffer size
(described in Table 2). The user has a choice of using the
buffer or bypassing it.
When the buffer is used and its contents have been read, the
DRDY and the Data Outputs maintain the opposite sense of
the OEDGE input. When the buffer is bypassed, it is not used
and the data is presented at the ADC data output pins at the
same rate as the sample clock. Table 2 indicates the choices
available and the BSIZE pin settings to achieve each.
When the buffer is bypassed (both BSIZE pins low), the ADC
output is sent directly to the output port at the sample clock
rate without going through the buffer. In this mode all buffer
control inputs (WEN, REN, ASW and RCLK) are ignored and
the EF and FF outputs are held low. The DRDY output may
be used to capture the data at the output port.
TABLE 2. BSIZE Pin Function
BSIZE1 BSIZE0 Buffer Size
0 0 Buffer is bypassed
0 1 256 bytes
1 0 512 bytes
1 1 1024 bytes
The ADC08B200 has several modes of operation. These
modes are detailed in Table 3.
The buffer function is controlled by the BSIZE pins, BSIZE0
and BSIZE1, as indicated in Table 4. The buffer can be by-
passed and data read directly from the ADC by setting both
of the BSIZE pins low.
TABLE 3. Modes of Operation
PD PDADC WEN REN Power State Operational State
1 x x x Shutdown Shutdown, non-operational
0 1 0 0 Buffer Active, ADC
Shutdown ADC powered down, no data can be captured. Buffer may be read.
0 x 0 1 Active Data is being read from buffer with RCLK
0 0 0 0 Active If buffer is bypassed, data is present at output bus. If buffer is used,
the chip is ready to capture data to the buffer.
0 0 1 x Active The ADC's digital output is being captured to the buffer. The REN input
is ignored.
0 1 1 x Buffer Active, ADC
Shutdown PROHIBITED. WEN input is ignored.
TABLE 4. Buffer Write/Read
BSIZE1 BSIZE0 WEN REN Buffer Function
0 0 x x Buffer bypassed
0 1 1 x Write to 256 byte buffer
1 0 1 x Write to 512 byte buffer
1 1 1 x Write to 1k byte buffer
0 1 0 1 Read from 256 byte buffer
1 0 0 1 Read from 512 byte buffer
1 1 0 1 Read from 1k byte buffer
The ADC08B200 has a test mode whereby the data outputs
have a test pattern which may be used to "train" a receiving
device, such as a PLD. The Test Mode is invoked by forcing
a potential of VA/2 at the OEDGE/TEN input. There is an on-
chip pull-up resistor at this pin, so the device interprets a
floating input at this pin to be a logic high. This pattern is used
to test the integrity of the buffer, so the RCLK (Read Clock)
input must be used to get the output pattern.
The test pattern that is put out is a continuously repeated pat-
tern of output codes 00h - FFh - 00h - FFh - 00h. Note that
this pattern repeats as long as the test mode is invoked and
RCLK is running, so that every second time a logic low ap-
pears it will be present for two bit times.
Figure 4 shows an example of a typical application. The ana-
log input and reference circuits are as described in Figure 2
and Figure 3, except the input amplifier is shown without any
gain and offset adjustments. The overall nominal gain of the
input amplifier circuit is 1.98 and the nominal −3 dB input
bandwidth is about 195 MHz. Note that this circuit does not
show an anti-aliasing filter.
A 50 MHz clock oscillator is used for the input clock source.
The MULT0 input grounded and the MULT1 input high means
(from Table 1) that this 50 MHz input clock is multiplied by the
internal PLL by 4 to provide a 200 Msps capture rate.
Since the BSIZE0 and BSIZE1 pins are both high, the internal
capture buffer size is set to 1,024 bytes (see Table 2). Data
writing to the internal buffer will automatically stop when the
buffer is full because the ASW input is high. The FF (Full Flag)
will go high when the buffer is full and data is ready to be read.
The OEDGE pin is high, meaning the output data will transi-
tion at the rise of the DRDY output. Since the PD pin is
grounded and the OE pin is high, the device will never be
completely powered down and the outputs are always en-
abled. Since the PDADC pin is driven from the controlling
device, the ADC may be powered down, leaving the output
buffer active, when the device buffer is being read, or when
the device is not in use.
The digital lines between the ADC08B200 and the receiving
device have 33 Ohms at the signal source end as source ter-
minators, assuming output impedances of about 20 Ohms
and 50-Ohm lines. The RESET and PDADC lines are not ter-
minated because these are basically d.c. lines and it is as-
sumed that they do not toggle frequently.
25 www.national.com
FIGURE 4. Example of a Typical Application.
The average power consumption of the ADC08B200 (assum-
ing a new capture is taken as soon as the buffer contents is
read) may be calculated by taking power consumed while
capturing and writing to the buffer and multiplying it by the
capture time divided by the throughput time (interval between
the successive rises of the WEN signal), added to the power
while reading the buffer with PDADC high (assuming the
PDADC input is taken high whenever data is not being cap-
tured) multiplied by the time that PDADC is high (Buffer read
time plus any idle time) divided by the throughput rate.
Assuming a Capture Power of 543 mW, a 200 Msps capture
rate and a 66mW Read Power with PDADC high, a 50 MHz
data read rate and no completely idle time, the average power
consumption would be 161.4 mW.
It is important to note that capacitors have an equivalent se-
ries inductance associated with them such that, beyond a
certain frequency, the capacitor behaves more like an induc-
tance than a capacitance and adequate bypassing may be
infective, resulting in the power distribution system having a
high impedance, which could further result in excessive noise
on the power supply. The frequency beyond which adequate
bypassing may be effective depends primarily upon the
chemistry of the capacitor dielectric, but can also vary a little
from one manufacturer to another. Even so, this frequency is
in the hundreds of Megahertz. Note, however, that a 200 MHz
clock will have significant harmonic energy far beyond this.
The result could be high frequency noise on the supply lines
that could effect the SNR performance of the converter.
The use of adjacent power and ground planes will go a long
way toward reducing the impedance of the power distribution
system and is encouraged. Furthermore, we suggest placing
the lowest value of bypass capacitor close to the supply pin
on the same side of the board as the ADC and connect the
ground end of the bypass capacitor to the ground plane with
at least two through holes. The through holes have an induc-
tance associated with them and using two or more such holes
puts these inductances in parallel, lowering the effective in-
ductance to ground.
www.national.com 26
12.1 Supply Voltages
The ADC8D200 will perform well with power supply voltages
in the range specified in the Operating Ratings, just before the
Electrical Table. Many individual devices may perform well
down to supply voltages of 2.7V, but this should not be relied
upon because part of the product distribution, depending up-
on normal fabrication process tolerances, could result in the
majority of some production runs not functioning well below
While all supplies may be of the same voltage, the digital
supply (VD), the PLL supply (VP) and the output driver supply
(VDR) ADC08B200 should never be higher than 300 mV
above the analog supply (VA). Furthermore, the output driver
supply, VDR may be as low as 2.7V only when using the buffer
and when the buffer read clock (RCLK) frequency is no higher
than 50 MHz because the output slew rate decreases at low
VDR voltages and the output eye may not be open enough to
allow reliable data capture.
Proper grounding and proper routing of all signals are essen-
tial to ensure accurate conversion. A single, unified ground
plane should be used. Do not split the ground plane.
Coupling between the typically noisy digital circuitry and the
sensitive analog circuitry can lead to poor performance that
may seem impossible to isolate and remedy. The solution is
to keep all lines separated from each other by at least six
times the height above the reference plane, and to keep the
analog circuitry well separated from the digital circuitry.
The DR GND connection to the ground plane should not use
the same through holes used by other ground connections.
High power digital components should not be located near
any analog components.
Generally, analog and digital lines should cross each other at
90° to avoid getting digital noise into the analog path. In high
frequency systems, however, avoid crossing analog and dig-
ital lines altogether. Clock lines should be isolated from ALL
other lines, analog AND digital. Even the generally accepted
90° crossing should be avoided as even a little coupling can
cause problems at high frequencies. Best performance at
high frequencies is obtained with a straight signal path.
The reference and analog inputs should be isolated from
noisy signal traces to avoid coupling of spurious signals into
the input. Any external component (e.g., a filter capacitor)
connected between the converter's input and ground should
be connected to a very clean point in the ground plane and
preferably with 2 to 4 closely spaced through holes.
The ADC08B200 is a.c. tested and its dynamic performance
is guaranteed. To meet the published specifications, the clock
source driving the CLK input must exhibit as little jitter as pos-
sible. For best a.c. performance, each clock destination
should be driven by a separate source, such as with a clock
distribution chip or with a clock tree such as seen
in Figure 5.
FIGURE 5. Isolating the ADC Clock from Digital Circuitry
It is good practice to keep the ADC clock line as short as pos-
sible and to keep it well away from other signals, which can
introduce jitter into the clock signal. The clock signal can also
introduce noise into a nearby signal path.
Driving the inputs (analog or digital) beyond the power
supply rails. For proper operation, all inputs should not go
more than 300 mV below the ground pins or 300 mV above
the supply pins. Exceeding these limits on even a transient
basis may cause faulty or erratic operation. It is not uncom-
mon for high speed digital circuits (e.g., 74F and 74AC de-
vices) to exhibit undershoot that goes more than a volt below
ground. A 47 resistor in series with the offending digital in-
put, close to the driving source, will usually eliminate the
Care should be taken not to overdrive the inputs of the
ADC08B200. Such practice may lead to conversion inaccu-
racies and even to device damage.
Attempting to drive a high capacitance digital data bus.
The more capacitance the output drivers must charge for
each conversion, the more instantaneous digital current is re-
quired from VDR and DR GND. These large charging current
spikes can couple into the analog section, degrading dynamic
performance. Buffering the digital data outputs may be nec-
essary if the data bus capacitance exceeds 10 pF. Dynamic
performance can also be improved by adding 12 to 27 se-
ries resistors at each digital output, reducing the energy cou-
pled back into the converter input pins.
Using an inadequate amplifier to drive the analog input.
As explained in Section 2.0 THE ANALOG INPUT, there are
voltage spikes at the ADC analog input. These voltage spikes
can cause instability in a feedback type amplifier used to drive
the analog input. These spikes need not be filtered out, but
should settle quickly. The amplifier should be fast enough to
handle the frequencies presented to it, but not so fast that it
would readily oscillate. A single-pole RC filter, as explained
in Section 2.0 THE ANALOG INPUT will help ensure amplifier
stability and accurate data capture.
Driving the VRT pin or the VRB pin with devices that can
not source or sink the current required by the ladder. As
mentioned in Section 1.0 REFERENCE INPUTS, care should
be taken to see that any driving devices can source sufficient
current into the VRT pin and sink sufficient current from the
VRB pin. If these pins are not driven with devices than can
handle the required current, these reference pins will not be
stable, resulting in a reduction of dynamic performance.
Using a clock source with excessive jitter, using an ex-
cessively long clock signal trace, or having other signals
coupled to the clock signal trace. This will cause the sam-
pling interval to vary, causing excessive output noise and a
27 www.national.com
reduction in SNR performance. The use of simple gates with
RC timing is generally inadequate as a clock source.
Busing the data outputs. SNR performance of all ADCs,
especially high speed ADCs, is sensitive to the amount of ca-
pacitance at the data outputs because the currents required
of the ADC data outputs to charge and discharge these ca-
pacitances cause voltage spikes (noise) on the die. Minimiz-
ing the output capacitance will help maintain noise perfor-
mance of the converter. Busing the outputs adds undesired
capacitive loading to the ADC. Similarly, it is important to keep
trace capacitance to a minimum by using short traces at the
ADC outputs.
www.national.com 28
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
48-Lead Package BC
Order Number ADC08B200CIVS
NS Package Number VBC48A
29 www.national.com
ADC08B200 8-Bit, 200 MSPS A/D Converter with Capture Buffer
Life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life and
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to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform
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