Wire to Board Connectors Mass Termination El Series Connectors (MTEl) Horizontal Mount Type Post Headers OT 2 Positions 3 ~ 12 Positions 125 Pach 25x A= Bs 14, 16, 18 and 20 Positions caved. eres tt Material : Heacler Flame retardant | > sao ogi) Dia Punched Hole or grade, 94V-0 rated, 66 Nylon Recommended I > ae at Positions** (See chart for colors) PC Board Layout oo 4 PostTin plated brass with Applicable board 48 a . under-plated copper thickness < 1.6mm PC ward oxdge et pa ect ors No. of Dimensions Part No. of Horizontal Mount Type* Pos. A B c D E Natural Black Blue 2 = 2.5 5.0 = = __171826-2 2-171826-2 4-171826-2 3 2 5.0 7.5 = = 171826-3 | 2-171826-3 4-171 826-3 4 3 7.9 10.0 _ - 171826-4 2-171826-4 4-171826-4 5 4 10.0 12.6 7 = 171826-5 = 2-171826-5 4-171826-5 | 6 5 12.5 15.0 (171826-6 = 2-171826-6 4-171826-6 Z 6 15.0 17.5 _ > 171826-7 2-171826-7 4- -171826-7 8 7 75 20.0 _ _ 171826-8 2-171826-8 4-171826-8 9 8 20.0 22.5 = UL 171826-9 2-171826-9 4-171826-9 10 9 22.5 25.0 oT 7 1-171826-0 =3-171826-0 5-171826-0 12 41 27.5 30.0 - _ 1-171826-2 3-171826-2 5-171826-2 14 18-325 350 17.5 10.0 1-172058-4 = - 16 15 37.5 40.0 20.0 125 1-172058-6 _ _ 18 7 42.5 46.0 22.5 12.5 ___*1-172058-8 = = 20 1g 47.5 50.0 25.0 15.0 2-172058-0 = _ *Also available in green

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