Programmable Microelectronics Corp. Issue Date: December, 2003 Rev: 1.4
PMC Pm49FL002 / 004
The Pm49FL002/004 provide three levels of data protec-
tion for the critical BIOS code of PC and Notebook. It
includes memory hardware write protection, hardware
data protection and software data protection.
The Pm49FL002 has a 16 Kbyte top boot block and the
Pm49FL004 has a 64 Kbyte top boot block. When work-
ing in-system, the memory hardware write protection fea-
ture can be activated by two control pins - Top Block
Lock (TBL#) and Write Protection (WP#) for both FWH
and LPC modes. When TBL# is pulled low (VIL), the boot
block is hardware write protected. A sector erase, block
erase, or byte program command attempts to erase or
program the boot block will be ignored. When WP# is
pulled low (VIL), the Block 0 ~ Block 14 of Pm49FL002,
or the Block 0 ~ Block 6 of Pm49FL004 (except the boot
block) are hardware write protected. Any attemp to erase
or program a sector or block within this area will be ig-
Both TBL# and WP# pins must be set low (VIL) for pro-
tection or high (VIH) for un-protection prior to a program
or erase operation. A logic level change on TBL# or WP#
pin during a program or erase operation may cause un-
predictable results.
The TBL# and WP# pins work in combination with the
block locking registers. When active, these pins write
protect the appropriate blocks regardless of the associ-
ated block locking registers setting.
Hardware data protection protects the devices from un-
intentional erase or program operation. It is performed
by the devices automatically in the following three ways:
(a) VCC Detection: if VCC is below 1.8 V (typical), the
program and erase functions are inhibited.
(b) Write Inhibit Mode: holding any of the signal OE#
low, or WE# high inhibits a write cycle (A/A Mux mode
(c) Noise/Glitch Protection: pulses of less than 5 ns (typi-
cal) on the WE# input will not initiate a write cycle (A/A
Mux mode only).
The devices feature a software data protection function
to protect the device from an unintentional erase or pro-
gram operation. It is performed by JEDEC standard Soft-
ware Data Protection (SDP) command sequences. See
Table 14 for SDP Command Definition. A program op-
eration is initiated by three memory write cycles of un-
lock command sequence. A chip (only available in A/A
Mux mode), sector or block erase operation is initiated
by six memory write cycles of unlock command se-
quence. During SDP command sequence, any invalid
command or sequence will abort the operation and force
the device back to standby mode.
In program operation, the data is programmed into the
devices (to a logical “0”) on a byte-by-byte basis. In FWH
and LPC modes, a program operation is activated by
writing the three-byte command sequence and program
address/data through four consecutive memory write
cycles. In A/A Mux mode, a program operation is acti-
vated by writing the three-byte command sequence and
program address/data through four consecutive bus
cycles. The row address (A10 - A0) is latched on the
falling edge of R/C# and the column address (A21 - A1 1)
is latched on the rising edge of R/C#. The data is latched
on the rising edge of WE#. Once the program operation
is started, the internal control logic automatically handles
the internal programming voltages and timing.
A data “0” can not be programmed back to a “1”. Only
erase operation can convert “0”s to “1”s. The Data# Poll-
ing on I/O7 or Toggle Bit on I/O6 can be used to detect
when the programming operation is completed in FWH,
LPC, and A/A Mux modes.
The entire memory array can be erased by chip erase
operation available under the A/A Mux mode operated
by EPROM Programmer only . Pre-programs the device
is not required prior to the chip erase operation. Chip
erase starts immediately after a six-bus-cycle chip erase
command sequence. All commands will be ignored once
the chip erase operation has started. The Data# Polling
on I/O7 or Toggle Bit on I/O6 can be used to detect the
progress or completion of erase operation. The devices
will return back to standy mode after the completion of
chip erase.