PM5337 ADM 622 Preliminary Integrated Add/Drop Multiplexer for 622 Mbit/s and 155 Mbit/s AM 39 9: 01 :1 LOW / HIGH ORDER CROSSCONNECT 20 07 * Integrated 2.5Gbit/s non-blocking memory based cross-connect supporting anycast traffic * Support switching at STS/AU/VT/TU level and all legal concatenations * Integrated MAPS processing for automated hardware based protection switching 2A PDH INTERFACES on Th ur sd ay ,0 * 28xT1 or 21xE1 framers with VT/TU Mapping or integrated M13 Multiplexing * 3xDS-3, E-3 or EC-1 framers and mappers (per port selectable) with bidirectional performance monitoring and signaling * One port of DS-3 Transmux into up to 28 VT1.5 o 8x SSSMII/SMII 1x GMII Interface External RAM Interface bn ha SONET/SDH Overhead/ Alarm Interface cir BLOCK DIAGRAM * Integrated Message Assisted Protection Switching (MAPS) processing for a fully hardware based automatic UPSR path selection t, * Fully integrated solution for OC3/STM-1 or OC-12/STM-4 Add/Drop or Terminal Multiplexers * Highly channelized PDH and Ethernet Client transport interfaces enable deployment of converged networking architectures on a single platform * Integrated dual SONET/SDH interfaces each with 622Mbit/s high order and low order Tributary Unit Pointer Processing (TUPP) * Full VT/TU ring closure for line protection * Parallel Telecombus and Serial 622Mbit/s or 2.5Gbit/s ESSI interfaces for client interface scalability and driving backplane interfaces * Integrated 2.5 Gbit/s STS/AU/VT/TU cross-connect allowing for future system expansion and addition of transport interfaces * Optimized architecture for single card platforms or cost effective, multiservice card in larger MSPPs via 622Mbit/s or 2.5Gbit/s ESSI backplane interface * Two multi-rate SONET/SDH interfaces capable of operation at 155 or 622Mbit/s * Integrated clock recovery allowing direct interface to low-cost multi-rate optical transceivers * Integrated clock synthesis generates line clock from 77.76MHz reference * Auxiliary telecombus interface allows interface to line-side SONET/SDH framer, such as PM5319 * Complies with Bellcore, ANSI, and ITU specifications for Jitter Tolerance, Transfer, and Generation * Full access to all SONET/SDH Overhead bytes * High order path processing to STS1/AU-3/TU-3 level * Low order path processing to VT1.5/VT2/TU-11/TU-12 level us SONET/SDH INTERFACE ug FEATURES Add Parallel Telecombus LO/HO VCAT/LCAS PRBS Drop Serial Interface (4) RX HO RX STS RX LO RX LO Pointer PLD Pointer PLD Interpreter Aligner Interpreter Aligner .. . Output MUX HO/LO Crossconnect Input MUX Alarm Controller DS-1 / E-1 to VT/TU or M13 Mapper JTAG Interface .. . Frame and PMON Controller DS1/E1/DS3/E3/EC-1 Client Interface M13 MUX ed Drop Parallel Telecombus GFP/PPP Encapsulation DS-3 / E-3 / EC-1 to STS/AU/TUG3 Mapper Add Serial Interface (4) Microprocess or Interface Microprocessor Interface 28xDS-1 21xE-1 PMC-2030421 Issue 2 System Interface Parallel Telecombus TX HO Pointer Interpreter DDR Processor MAC MAC d ha TX HO OH Gen oa d wn l Do Ethernet Over SONET/SDH by RX Line IF TX STS PLD Aligner ra s Line CSU Line APS Controller TX Line IF ab do u Dual 622.08Mbit/s or 155.52Mbit/s Line Side Interface TX STS Bypass 4 x 622.08Mbit/s or 4 x 2488.32Mbit/s of SONET/SDH Network Interface 3x EC-1/DS-3/E-3 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE (c) Copyright PMC-Sierra, Inc. 2004 All rights reserved. PM5337 ADM 622 Integrated Add/Drop Multiplexer for 622 Mbit/s and 155 Mbit/s AM 39 SYSTEM EXPANSION 9: :1 01 07 ,0 2A TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Pizza Box Application * Four serial 622Mbit/s or 2.5Gbit/s ESSI interfaces for expansion or connection to a mate ADM 622 device * Multi-drop parallel telecombus interface for client expansion capability * Four serial 622Mbit/s or 2.5Gbit/s ESSI backplane interface into larger MSPPs to enable multiservice card architectures or connection to a mate ADM 622 device for equipment protection 20 ug * Maps up to 8 channels of full duplex 10/100 or a single Gigabit Ethernet into 155 or 622Mbits/s SONET/SDH * Supports packet multiplexing capabilities enabling integrated GE grooming into multiple VCGs & 10/100 port aggregation into the same VCG * Supports per port policing and rate limiting in increments of 64Kbit/s t, ETHERNET INTERFACES * Supports fully integrated hitless Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) * Supports up to 64 ms of differential delay us * Flexible packet header insert and extract for VLAN and Ethernet Pseudowire MPLS support enabling MPLS Label Edge Router (LER) * Supports multiple encapsulation protocols for worldwide interoperability including GFP-F, LAPS & flexible HDLC * Supports Ethernet 802.3ah OAM packet insertion and extraction * Supports GFP OAM as per GFP CMF (Client Management Frames) * Performs virtual and contiguous concatenation according to ITU-T G.707 and ANSI T1.105 * Parallel Telecombus allows interfacing to devices such as PM5341 or PM5366 to increase PDH client density sd ay PM4329 HDLIU 28 T1 or 21 E1 Th Enet PHY PM5337 ADM 622 OC-3/12 OR STM-1/4 RMxxxx MIPS-based Processor bn ha cir o on 8 x 10/100 or 1 x GE ur DS-3/EC-1/E-3 LIU 3 x DS-3/E-3/EC-1 ha d of Multi-Service Trib Card Application ab do u 3 x DS-3/E-3/EC-1 ra s 28 T1 or 21 E1 DS-3/EC-1/E-3 LIU Enet PHY PM5337 ADM 622 2 4 x 622Mbit/s or 2.5Gbit/s ESSI backplane interface by 8 x 10/100 or 1 x GE PM4329 HDLIU ed OC-3/12 OR STM-1/4 Do wn l oa d RMxxxx MIPS-based Processor Head Office: PMC-Sierra, Inc. 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, B.C. V5A 4V7 Canada Tel: 1.604.415.6000 Fax: 1.604.415.6200 To order documentation, send email to: or contact the head office, Attn: Document Coordinator All product documentation is available on our web site at: For corporate information, send email to: PMC-2030421 (P2) (c) Copyright PMC-Sierra, Inc. 2004. All rights reserved. For a complete list of PMC-Sierra's trademarks and registered trademarks, visit: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE