yco | Eectonies 108-10024-4 Product . O2May00 RevA AMF Specification EC 0990-0570-00 Circular Plastic Connector With Type XIl Contacts 1. SCOPE 1.1. Content This specification covers performance, tests and quality requirements for AMP* circular electrical connectors (plugs and receptacles) with Type XII contacts. These connectors are designed for use in electronic, electric power and control circuits. 1.2. Classification Connectors shall be of the following series (power using Type XII contacts), classes (pressurized receptacle; general purpose; and environment resisting general purpose with jacketed cable and interfacial seals) and shell size (11, 13, 17 and 23) specified on the applicable product drawing. 1.3. Qualification When tests are performed on the subject product line, procedures specified in Figure 1 shall be used. All inspections shall be performed using the applicable inspection plan and product drawing. 1.4. Qualification Test Results Successful qualification testing on the subject product line was completed in Aprod. The Quailification Test Report number for this testing is 501-483-4. This documentation is on file at and available from Engineering Practices and Standards (EPS). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of the documermi applies. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1. AMP Documents A. 108-10024: Product Specification (Connector, Circular Plastic) B. 108-10037: Product Specification (Contact, Type XI/} C. 109 Series: Test Specifications indicated in Figure 1 D. 109-197: AMP Test Specifications vs EIA and IEC Test Methods E. 11410005: Application Specification F. 501-483-4: Qualification Test Report 2.2. Commercial Standard EIA-364: Electrical Connector/Socket Test Procedures Including Environmental Classifications Manisbug PAC For latest tevsion call AMP FAX" 2rodict Io. 1of4 All Intemational Rights Reserved. number 1-800-522-6752. * Trademark I Indicates change LOCB tyco / Electronics JIM 108-10024-4 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Design and Construction Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specified on the applicable product drawing. 3.2. Materials Materials used in the construction of this product shall be as specified on the applicable product drawing. 3.3. Ratings A. Voltage: 600 volts AC/DC B. Current 47.48 amperes (single circuit energized on 10 AWG wire} C. Temperature: -55 to 105C D. VDE 0627: XA/630/4KV/2 - Series |, VDE tested only 3.4. Performance and Test Description Product is designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements specified in Figure 1. Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed at ambient environmental conditions per AMP Specification 109-1. 3.5. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary Test Description Requirement Procedure Initial examination of product. Meets requirements of product EIA-364. drawing. Visual and dimensional inspection per product drawing. Final examination of product. Meets visual requirements. EIA-364. Visual inspection. ELECTRICAL Temperature rise vs current. 30C maximum temperature rise at |EIA-364-70. specified current. Measure temperature rise vs current. See Figure 3. MECHANICAL Contact retention. 80.09 N [18 Ib]. IEC 60512-15-1. see Note. NOTE Shall meet visual requirements, show no physical damage, and meet requirements of additional iesis as specified in the Product Qualification and Requalification Test Sequence shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 Reva 2of4 tyco / Electronics JIM 108-10024-4 3.6. 4.1. 42. 4.3. 44, Product Qualification and Requalification Test Sequence Test Group (a) Test or Examination 1 2 Test Sequence (b} Initial examination of product 1 1 Temperature rise vs current 2 Contact retention 2 Final examination of product 3 3 engsms (a2) See paragraph 4.1.A. (b) Numbers indicate sequence in which tests are performed. Figure 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS Qualification Testing A. Spacimen Selection Specimens shall be prepared in accordance with applicable Instruction Sheets and shall be selected at random from current production. All test groups shall each consist of 3 specimens. B. Test Sequence Qualification inspection shall be verified by testing specimens as specified in Figure 2. Requalitication Testing lf changes significantly affecting form, fit or function are made to the product or manufacturing process, product assurance shall coordinate requalification testing, consisting of all or part of the original testing sequence as determined by development/preduct, quality and reliability engineering. Acceptance Acceptance is based on verification that the product meets the requirements of Figure 1. Failures attributed to equipment, test setup or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify the product. If product failure occurs, corrective action shall be taken and specimens resubmitted for qualification. Testing to confirm corrective action is required before resubmittal. Quality Conformance Inspection The applicable AMP quality inspection plan shall specify the sampling acceptable quality level to be used. Dimensional and functional requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable product drawing and this specification. Reva 3of4 tyco / Electronics JIM 108-10024-4 70 60 ~ 50 47.48 amperes Ce @ | 6 40-4 | a | q | o 30 e | a | A 20 4 10 | | a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 3930) $100] 110 Ambient Temperature - Centigrade Maximum Operating Temperature > Percent Connector Loading Wire Size 3 position 7 position 500 1 501 1 Figure 3A Current Carrying Capability = 50% 16 10 435 843 414 794 Single Circuit 16 10 100% 16 47 298 10 23 680 To determine acceptable current carrying capacity for perceniage connector loading and wire gage indicated, use the Multiplication Factor (F) from the above chart and multiply it times ihe Base Rated Current for a single circuit at the maximum ambient operating temperature shown in Figure 3A. Figure 3B Multiplication Factor (F) Reva 4o0f4