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Where: E = Expansion (percent)
R = Retraction (percent)
o = Original Length [inches (mm)]
e = Extended Length [inches (mm)]
r = Retracted Length [inches (mm)]
4.3.3 Tensile Strength, Tensile Stress and Ultimate Elongation
Three specimens cut from a molded slab using Die D of ASTM D 412 shall be tested for tensile strength,
tensile stress and ultimate elongation in accordance with ASTM D 412.
4.3.4 Low Temperature Flexibility
Three 6 x 1/4-inch (152 x 6.3-mm) specimens cut from a molded slab shall be conditioned, along with a
1.125-inch (28.6 mm) mandrel, in a cold chamber at -55 ± 2°C (-67 ± 4°F) for 4 hours. After completion of
the conditioning, and while still in the cold chamber, each specimen shall be bent around the mandrel through
not less than 360 degrees within 10 ± 2 seconds. The specimens then shall be visually examined for cracks.
4.3.5 Heat Shock
Three 6 x 1/4-inch (152 x 6.3-mm) specimens cut from a molded slab shall be conditioned for 4 hours in a
300 ± 5°C (572 ± 9°F) mechanical convection oven with an air velocity of from 100 to 200 feet per minute
past the specimens. After conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven, cooled to room
temperature, and bent through 360 degrees over a 3/8-inch (9.5-mm) diameter mandrel. The specimens then
shall be visually examined for evidence of dripping, flowing or cracking.
4.3.6 Heat Aging
Three specimens, prepared and measured in accordance with 4.3.3 shall be conditioned for 168 hours in a
250 ± 3°C (482 ± 5°F) mechanical convection oven with an air velocity of 100 to 200 feet per minute past
the specimens. After conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven, cooled to room
temperature, and tested for tensile strength and ultimate elongation in accordance with 4.3.3.
4.3.7 Corrosive Effect
Three 1 x 1/4-inch (25.4 x 6.3-mm) specimens cut from a molded slab shall be tested for corrosive effect in
accordance with ASTM D 2671, Procedure A. The specimens shall be conditioned for 16 hours at 160 ± 3°C
(320 ± 5°F).
4.3.8 Fluid Resistance
Three specimens prepared and measured in accordance with 4.3.3 shall be completely immersed in the test
fluids listed in Table 1 for 24 hours at the specified temperatures. The volume of the fluid shall be not less
than 20 times that of the specimens. After conditioning, the specimens shall be lightly wiped and then air-
dried for 30 to 60 minutes at room temperature. The specimens then shall be tested for tensile strength and
ultimate elongation in accordance with 4.3.3.