PC Board Fuses - Sub Miniature with Leads
GFA, GLN and GLX Series
Catalog Symbol: GFA
Sub Miniature with Axial Leads
Non Time-Delay
0.145˝ x 0.300˝ (3.7mm x 7.6mm)
Interrupting Rating: 50 AIC
Agency Approvals:
UL Recognized, (1⁄2-5A) Guide JDYZ2, File 19180
CSA Certified, (1⁄2-5A) File 53787, Class 1425-01
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amps)
125 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GFA-1⁄200 ARed Blk GFA-3⁄10AGrn Grn
GFA-1⁄100 A Red Orn GFA-4⁄10 A Blu Blu
GFA-1⁄64 A Red Grn GFA-1⁄2B Orn Grn
GFA-1⁄50ARed Wht GFA-6⁄10BOrn Blu
GFA-1⁄32A Red Brn GFA-3⁄4B Orn Pur
GFA-1⁄20A Yel Yel GFA-1 B Yel Grn
GFA-1⁄16A Brn Brn GFA-1 1⁄2B Yel Pur
GFA-1⁄10A Red Red GFA-2 B Grn Blu
GFA-1⁄8A Orn Orn GFA-2 1⁄2B Grn Brn
GFA-15⁄100 B Red Yel GFA-3 B Blu Pur
GFA-2⁄10 B Red Blu GFA-4 B Pur Brn
GFA-1⁄4B Red Pur GFA-5 B Brn Blk
32 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GFA-7 A Pur Grn GFA-12 A Blk Blu
GFA-8 A Grn Blk GFA-15 A Blk Pur
GFA-10 A Yel Brn —
General Information:
• Glass tube fuses for protection of subminiature devices.
• Tinned wire leads solder into circuit.
• Withstand high-shock and vibration.
• Color-coded for amp rating.
• Axial leads (1 1⁄2˝) can be fed through wire forming machine.
Test Specifications Wire Lead Size
Opening Time
Load “A” “B” No. Fuse
100% 4 hrs. (min.) — 24 1⁄200 to 5A
150% — 10 sec. (max.) 18 6 to 12A
200% 10 sec. — 16 15A
Carton Quantity and Weight
Amp Carton Weight*
Ratings Qty. Lbs. Kg.
1⁄200–15 100 0.171 52.6
*Weight per carton.
Catalog Symbol: GLN
Sub Miniature with Radial Leads
Non Time-Delay
0.145˝ x 0.300˝ (3.7mm x 7.6mm)
Interrupting Rating: 50 AIC
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amps)
125 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GLN-1⁄100 ARed Orn GLN-1⁄10ARed Red
GLN-1⁄32ARed Brn GLN-3⁄10AGrn Grn
GLN-1⁄20 A Yel Yel GLN-4⁄10 A Blu Blu
GLN-1⁄16 A Brn Brn —
32 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GLN-7 A Pur Grn GLN-10 A Yel Brn
GLN-8 A Grn Blk —
General Information:
• Glass tube fuses for protection of subminiature devices.
• Tinned radial leads spaced for easy assembly on printed
circuit chassis.
• Withstand high-shock and vibration.
• Color-coded for amp rating.
• Radial leads (1 1⁄2˝) can be fed through wire forming machine.
Test Specifications Wire Lead Size
Opening Time
Load “A” “B” No. Fuse
110% 4 hrs. (min.) — 24 1⁄200 to 5A
150% — *10 sec. (max.) 18 6A to 10A
200% *10 sec. ——
*Maximum time.
Carton Quantity and Weight
Amp Carton Weight*
Ratings Qty. Lbs. Kg.
1⁄100–10 100 0.171 52.6
*Weight per carton.
0712 BU-SB12568 Page 1 of 2 Data Sheet 2035