6-2. Backlight
The back light system is an edge-lighting type with 4 CCFTs (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube).
The characteristics of the lamp are shown in the following table.
The value mentioned below is at the case of one CCFT.
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark
Lamp current range IL 3.5 6.5 7.5 mArms 【Note1】
Lamp voltage VL − 615 700 Vrms Ta=25℃,IL=6.5mArms
Lamp power consumption PL − 4.0 4.55 W
Lamp frequency FL 40 60 70 KHz 【Note3】
Kick-off voltage Vs − − 1080 Vrms
− − 1480 Vrms
Lamp life time TL 50,000 − − Hour IL=6.5mArms 【Note5】
【Note1】 A lamp can be light in the range of lamp current shown above.
Maximum rating for current is measured by high frequency current measurement equipment
connected to VLOW at circuit showed below.
(Note : To keep enough kick-off voltage and necessary steady voltage for CCFT.)
Lamp frequency : 40〜70kHz
Ambient temperature : 0〜50℃
CN2〜5:1pin Inverter
【Note2】 Referential data per one CCFT by calculation ( IL × V
L ) .
The data does not include loss at inverter .
【Note3】 Lamp frequency of inverter may produce interference with horizontal synchronous frequency, and
this may cause horizontal beat on the display. Therefore, adjust lamp frequency, and keep inverter as far
as from module or use electronic shielding between inverter and module to avoid interference.
【Note4】Kick-off voltage value is described as the index in the state of lamp only.
The kick-off voltage is estimated to be risen up as approx. +200V in the state of module only, and the
further rise up can be seen according to the assembling status of user cabinet.Please set the kick-off
voltage of inverter to avoid the lighting failures in the state of operation. Please design the inverter so
that its open output voltage can be connected for more than 1 second to startup. Otherwise, the lamp
may not be turned on. But, please set as 100ms when the ambient luminance around the lamp is more
than 1lux.
【Note5】 Lamp life time is defined as the time when either ① or ② occurs in the continuous operation under
the condition of Ta=25℃ and the lamp current value indicated to the Remark .
①Brightness becomes 50% of the original value under standard condition.
②Kick-off voltage at Ta=0℃ exceeds maximum value,1480Vrms .
The performance of the backlight, for example lifetime or brightness, is much influenced by the characteristics
of the DC-AC inverter for the lamp. When you design or order the inverter, please make sure that a poor lighting
caused by the mismatch of the backlight and the inverter (miss-lighting, flicker, etc.) never occurs. When you
confirm it, the module should be operated in the same condition as it is installed in your instrument.
Use the lamp inverter power source incorporating such safeguard as overvoltage / overcurrent protective circuit
or lamp voltage waveform detection circuit, which should have individual control of each lamp.
In case one circuit without such individual control is connected to more than two lamps, excessive current may
flow into one lamp when the other one is not in operation.