Application Note EP53x8xQI Eval Board
May 2008 V0.1
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Enpirion Confidential
Enpirion EP53x8xQI DC/DC Converter
Module Evaluation Board
This application note describes how to test the following EP53x8xQI converters using the
Enpirion 3x3 Module EVAL BOARD shown in Fig. 1: EP5368LQI, EP5368HQI,
EP5388LQI, EP5388HQI, EP53A8LQI, and EP53A8HQI. In addition to this document
you will also need the device datasheet.
The EP53x8xQI converters are part of a new class of DC/DC converter products, a
complete power system on silicon:
• These devices are complete modules including magnetics, and require only
ceramic input and output capacitors.
• The evaluation board is designed to offer a wide range of engineering evaluation
capabilities. This includes the base configuration of an 0603 input capacitor and
an 0805 output capacitor.
• Pads are available to add up to one additional input capacitor and up to two
additional output capacitors to allow for evaluation of performance over a wide
range of input/output capacitor combinations.
• Pads are available to populate an external divider if desired.
• Easy jumpers are provided for the following signals:
o Enable
o VS0-VS3 output voltage select
• Numerous test points are provided as well as clip leads for input and output
• The board comes with input decoupling, and input reverse polarity protection to
safeguard the device from common setup mishaps.
Quick Start Guide
STEP 1: Set the “ENABLE” jumper to the Disable Position.
CAUTION: the signal pins ENA, VS0, VS1, VS2, and VS3 must
be connected to a logic “high”, jumper to the lef t, or a logic
“low”, jumper to the right. If left floating the state is
STEP 2: Connect a power supply to the input test points, TP8 (+) and TP5 (-) as
indicated in Figure 1. The same test points can also be used to measure the input voltage.
Ou tput Disabled