ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
VRRM = 1700 V
Die size: 11.9 x 6.1 mm Doc. No. 5SYA1656-02 Apr. 02
Fast Recovery, Low losses
Soft reverse recovery
High ruggedness
Maximum Rated Values (Tj = 25°C, unless specified otherwise)
Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit
Maximum Reverse Voltage VRRM 1700 V
DC Forward Current IF75 A
Maximum Forward Current IFM Limited by Tjmax 150 A
Operating Temperature Tj-40 .. +150 °C
Characteristic Values (Tj = 25°C, unless specified otherwise)
Parameter Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit
Tj = 25 °C 1.7 2.0 2.3 V
Forward Voltage VFIF = 75 A Tj = 125 °C 2.05 V
Tj = 25 °C 100 µAReverse leakage current IRVR = 1700 V Tj = 125 °C 1.5 mA
Reverse recovery current Irrm 66 A
Reverse recovery charge Qrr 19 µC
Reverse recovery time trr 600 ns
Reverse recovery energy Erec
IF = 75 A, VCC = 900 V,
di/dt = 800 A/µs, Lσ = 160 nH,
Tj = 125 °C, Inductive load,
Switch : 5SMX12K1700 10 mJ