PIN Diode Chips Features @ CERMACHIP (glass) or Silicon Dioxide Passivation Hermetically Sealed CERMACHIP Design Fast Speed, Low Loss Microwave Chips Attenuator Chips Voltage Ratings to 1500 Volts Wide Range of PIN Characteristics Description M/A-COM offers a comprehensive product line of silicon PIN diode chips covering a wide range of performance characteristics for use in hybrid integrated circuits. PIN diode chips designed for fast switching speed, low loss microwave applications and for high power, high voltage RF applications are available. The small size and low parasitics of PIN diode chips allow for the design of miniature, broadband microwave circuits particularly useful in microstrip assemblies. These devices combine M/A-COMs latest design technology and long experience as a manufacturer of PIN diodes. M/A-COMs PIN diode chips have gold contact surfaces, with the cathode surface as the bottom contact. The low capacitance PIN diode chips have a mesa con- struction and are passivated with silicon dioxide. Capacitance values range from 0.05 pF. These devices are designed with thin I region widths and short carrier life- time for fast switching speed microwave circuits. CERMACHIP is a trademark of M/A-COM, Inc. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. M/A-COM, inc. V 2.00 O The attenuator PIN diode chips have a mesa construction and are passivated with CERMACHIP glass. Because of their thick intrinsic region and well controlled resistance current characteristics, these devices are well suited for low distortion attenuator circuits. The general purpose PIN diode chips are silicon dioxide passivated mesa structures. They are also available in her- metically sealed packages as described in the packaged PIN diode section. These diodes encompass a wide range of characteristics with voltage ratings from 50 to 250 volts. M/A-COMs CERMACHIP PIN diode chips employ M/A-COMs unique hard glass passivation, covering the entire active surface of the PIN diode junction. This results in an hermetically sealed chip that has been qualified for many high reliability military and = space programs. The CERMACHIP PIN chips are available with voltage ratings up to 1,500 volts and are capable of con- trolling kilowatts of power. 3-27 North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 Fax (800) 618-8883 = Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 Low Capacitance PIN Diode Chips Specifications @ Ta = +25C Nominal Characteristics Reverses Voltage2 Maximum Maximum4 Carrier5 Recovery Contact Model! Rating Cj @ 10V Rg @ 10 mA Lifetime Time Diameter Number (Volts) (pF) (Ohms) (ns) (ns) (mils) MA4P150 20 0.10 1.5 10 2 1.5 MA4P151 30 0.05 2.0 10 2 1.5 MA4P152 30 0.10 1.5 10 2 2.0 MA4P153 30 0.15 1.2 10 2 2.0 MA4P154 30 0.20 1.0 10 2 2.0 MA4P155 40 0.05 2.0 15 4 15 MA4P156 40 0.10 1.5 15 4 1.5 MA4P157 60 0.10 1.5 50 6 2.0 MA4P159 60 0.20 1.0 65 7 2.5 MA4P160 100 0.05 1.9 80 8 2.0 MA4P161 100 0.10 1.5 90 9 2.5 MA4P162 100 0.15 1.2 100 10 3.0 MA4P165 200 0.05 2.5 170 20 2.0 MA4P166 200 0.10 2.0 190 20 3.0 Notes: 1. Nominai chip size is 15 X 15 mil, case style 134. See Appendix for full dimensions. 2. Maximum reverse current is 10 pA at the specified voltage rating. 3. Maximum capacitance is specified at 1 MHz at the indicated voltage. 4. Maximum series resistance is at the specified current and a frequency of 500 MHz. 5. Nominal carrier lifetime is specified at lp = 10 mA. 6. Nominal reverse recovery time is specified at Ip - 20 mA, IR = 200 mA. Attenuator PIN Diode Chips Specifications @ Ta = +25C Nominal Characteristics Voitage2 Maximum4 Maximums Rs for Rs for Carrier I-Region Equivalent4 Model! Rating Rg @ 10 mA Cj @ 100V I-F=1mA Ip = 10 pA Lifetime Width M/A-COM Axial Number (Volts) (Ohms) @ 100 V (pF) (Ohms) (Ohms) (uS) (mils) Lead PIN Diode MA47418 200 3 0.15 8 500 1.0 2 MA47047 MA47416 200 6 0.15 30 2000 2.0 4 MA47600 MA47406 200 8 0.15 50 3000 2.5 7 MA47100 Notes: 1. Nominal chip size for the MA47418 and MA47416 is 30 x 30 mil (case style 131), MA47406 is 20 x 20 mil (case style 132). See Appendix for full dimensions 2. Maximum reverse current is 10 A at specified voltage rating. 3. Capacitance is specified at 1 MHz. 4. Resistance is specified at 100 MHz. 5. Carrier Lifetime is specified at 10 mA. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. 3-28 M/A-COM, inc. North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 Fax (800) 618-8883 m Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 m Europe: Tel. Fax +44 (1344) 300 020 +44 (1344) 869 595PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 General Purpose PIN Chips Specifications @ Ta = +25 C Nominal Characteristics Voltage2 Maximum Maximums Carrier4 Il-Region Contact Thermal Model! Rating Rg @ 10 mA Cj @Vr Lifetime Width Diameter Resistance | Chip Size5 Number (Volts) (Ohms) (pF) (ns) (um) (mils) (CCM) (mils X mils) MA4P420-132 35 0.5 0.85 @ 20 300 10 6.0 60 20 X 20 MA4P102-134 50 2.0 0.05 @ 10 20 7 1.5 60 15X15 MA4P202-134 100 2.5 0.05 @ 10 60 12 1.5 60 15X15 MA4P203-134 100 1.5 0.15 @ 10 100 12 2.5 30 15X15 MA4P303-134 200 1.5 0.15 @ 10 200 20 4.0 30 15X15 MA4P404-132 250 0.6" 0.20 @ 50 1000 30 4.0 20 20 X 20 *At 50 mA, 100 MHz Notes: 4. Maximum reverse current is 10 LA at specified voltage rating. 2. Resistance is specified at 500 MHz unless indicated. 3. Capacitance is specified at 1 MHz at the indicated voltage. 4. Nominal carrier lifetime is specified at 10 mA. 5. Case style is indicated by model number suffix. See Appendix for full dimensions. PIN CERMACHIPS Specifications @ T, = +25C Nomina! Characteristics Voltage2 Maximum Maximum Carrier4 I-Region Contact Thermal Model! Rating Rg @ 100 mA! Cj @ 100V Lifetime Width Chip Size5 Diameter Resistance Number (Volts) (Ohms) (pF) (us) (mils) (mils X miis) (mils) (c/w) MA4P504-132 500 0.60 0.20 1 2 20 X 20 5 20 MA4P505-131 500 0.45 0.35 2 2 30 X 30 8 15 MA4P506-131 500 0.30 0.70 3 2 30 X 30 12 10 MA4P604-131 1000 1.00 0.30 3 4 30 X 30 12 15 MA4P606-131 1000 0.70 0.60 4 4 30 X 30 18 10 MA4P607-210 1000 0.40 1.30 5 4 65 X 65 28 7 MA4P608-130 1000 0.35* 2.50 5 4 80 X 80 38 5 MA4P709-223 1500 0.25** 3.30 10 7 110 X 110 50 2 * At 150 mA ** At 300 mA Notes: 1. Maximum reverse current is 10 yA at specified voltage ratings. 2. Capacitance is specified at 1 MHz. 3. Resistance is specified at 100 MHz. 4. Nominal Carrier Lifetime is specified at 10 mA. 5. Case style is indicated by model number suffix. See Appendix for full dimensions. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. M/A-COM, Inc. 3-29 North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 a Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 Maximum Ratings Power Dissipation Parameters Absolute Maximum Low Capacitance and 0.5 Watts @ 25C (derate to Storage Temperature -65C to +200C Attenuator Chips zero watts at 175C) Operating Temperature -65C to +175 Voltage Voltage Rating General Purpose Chips and CERMACHIPS 175C - T ambient Pdiss= = ________ Thermal Resistance Typical Series Resistance vs Current Performance Curves 10 ~ a 2, = 1,000 = A 5 2 r a = 100 ui-s*100 Q 3 2 < 5 b B rd a MA47418 o n MA47416 w Ww 1 z 1.0 Fa wi a MA4 0.1 0.1 WOuA 100uA tmA 10mA 100mA 1OuA 100zA ImA 10mA 100mA FORWARD CURRENT, ' FORWARD CURRENT, ' 1,000 8 10.0 MA4P504 = : o SERIES RESISTANCE, Ry (OHMS) SERIES RESISTANCE, Ry {OHMS) MA4P506 MA4P505 0.1 0.1 10uA 100zA tmA 10mA 100mA 1A 10uA 100uA ImA 10mA 100mA FORWARD CURRENT, '. FORWARD CURRENT, te Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. 3-30 M/A-COM, Inc. North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 ws Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 m Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020PIN Diode Chips V 2.00 Typical Series Resistance vs Current Performance Curves 1,000 100 10 1.0 SERIES RESISTANCE, R, (OHMS) 0.1 MA4P606 10zA 100uA mA 10mA 100mA_ 1A FORWARD CURRENT, Ir Bonding and Handling Considerations for Silicon PIN Diode Chips The normal handling precautions used on semiconductors in hybrid microelectronic circuits are appropriate to silicon PIN diode chips. PIN diode chips are packaged in waffle packs that should be stored in a dry, clean environment. It is recommended that the chips be removed and subse- quently handled using a vacuum pencil. Die Bonding Hot gas bonding is recommended for the passivated chips and the smaller CERMACHIP (less than 60 X 60 mils) PIN diodes. The preferred mating substrate surface is plated with gold or tin over a nickel flash. A gold tin preform (80%/20%, 280C melting temperature) should be used. The substrate is heated to 250C and the hot gas (forming gas) is injected at 350C. The collet pressure should be about 70 grams during bonding. For the larger CERMACHIP PIN diodes, it is recommend- ed that softer solder preform such as lead-tin-silver (90%/5%/5%, 308C melting temperature) be used. Bonding should take place in a belt furnace using a hydrogen cover gas. It is also possible to solder these chips directly on a heat transfer platform using a solder preform or solder cream. Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. 1,000 100 100 10 SERIES RESISTANCE, R, (OHMS) MA4P709 01 10pA 100HA tmA 10mMA 100MA_ 1A FORWARD CURRENT, Ir If flux is required, it should be used sparingly and its residue removed immediately after bonding. Flux should not be used with CERMACHIP diodes since it will damage the passivation surface. The platform temperature should be raised to 30C above the solder liquid state tempera- ture. Bonding with conductive epoxy is also acceptable. The manufacturers recommendations for mixing, applying and curing must be followed. The curing should take place in a circulating air chamber dedicated to inorganic epoxies. Lead Bonding Thermocompression and thermocompression ultrasonic lead bonding techniques may be employed for PIN diode chips. Wire bonds using 0.7 mil and 1 mil gold wire may be ball or wedge bonded; ribbons from 0.25 mil X 3.0 mil to 1 mil X 10 mil maybe wedge bonded. The choice depends on the application and the contact size. During lead bonding, it is preferable that the substrate be raised to approximately 150C. The bonding tip temperature and pressure depends on the wire or ribbon size and contact area. The resulting bond strength should exceed the spec- ification in MIL-STD883, Method 2011.3 for gold wire or ribbon leads. 3-31 M/A-COM, Inc. North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 Fax (800) 618-8883 a Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 a Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020