E nglis h | C hines e | J apanes e Enter Keywords A dvanced Search Products | Corporate | Investors | Quality | Press Room | Contact Us | Careers Products > > AVR (R) 8-Bit R ISC > Tool Card AT90USBKey Home Overview Devices picoPower Technology XMEGA 802.15.4/ZigBee Description: The AT90USBKe y is a low-cost de m onstration boa rd ba se d on the AT90USB1287 m icrocontrolle r. It a llows the quick e va lua tion of AVR m icrocontrolle rs a nd the AT90USB fa m ily. The k e y sim ply conne cts to the USB port of a pe rsona l com pute r to re trie ve on-boa rd docum e nta tion and run AVR program s. De signe rs can e ithe r run de m onstration program s or the ir own a pplication. It a lso a llows ha rdware de ve lopm e nts by giving a cce ss to the JTAG port a nd a ll the IO s of the m icrocontrolle r. An e x te rna l powe r supply can be use d for USB host or sta nd-alone ope ration. Applications Tools & Software Ordering Code: AT90USBKEY Check Distributor Inventory Datasheets Application Notes Documents: AT90USBKey Hardw are User Guide (Use r Guide , 22 pa ge s, re vision A, upda te d 04/06) Other Documents This docum e nt de scribe s the AT90USBKe y de dicate d to the AT90USB AVR m icrocontrolle r. Frequently Asked Questions AVR270: USB Mouse Dem onstration (Application Note , 11 pa ge s, re vision B, upda te d 03/08) MC U Support C enter This docum e nt de scribe s a sim ple m ouse proje ct. It a llows use rs to quick ly te st USB ha rdware using AT90USB without a ny drive r insta lla tion. Third Party Support AVR271: USB Keyboard Dem onstration (Application Note , 20 pa ge s, re vision A, upda te d 1/06) C onsultants University Request Samples What's C hanged The a im of this docum e nt is to de scribe how to sta rt a nd im ple m e nt a USB k e yboa rd a pplication using the STK525 sta rte r k it a nd FLIP in-syste m program m ing software for AT90USB m icrocontrolle rs. AVR273: USB Mass Storage Im plem entation (Application Note , 23 pa ge s, re vision A, upda te d 03/06) The a im of this docum e nt is to de scribe how to sta rt a nd im ple m e nt a USB a pplication ba se d on the Mass Sto rage (Bulk only) cla ss to transfe r da ta be twe e n a PC a nd use r e quipm e nt. For AT90USB m icrocontrolle rs. AVR280 USB Host CDC Dem onstration (Application Note , 14 pa ge s, re vision A, upda te d 09/07) The a im of this docum e nt is to de scribe how to sta rt a nd im ple m e nt a Host C DC a pplication using the STK525 or USBKEY sta rte r k it, a nd fina lly introduce s a sim ple e x a m ple of dua l USB-UAR T bridge be twe e n two PC s. AVR328: USB Generic HID Im plem entation (Application Note , 13 pa ge s, re vision B, upda te d 02/08) The a im of this docum e nt is to de scribe how to sta rt a nd im ple m e nt a USB a pplication, ba se d on the HID cla ss, to transfe r da ta be twe e n a PC a nd use r e quipm e nt, using AT90USB m icrocontrolle rs. Related Devices: AT90USB1286 AT90USB1287 AT90USB162 AT90USB646 Le ga l | Priva cy | Te rm s & C onditions of Sa le | Surplus Atm e l C orporation (c)2008 AT90USB647 AT90USB82