11 Device Deselect command (CS# = "H")
The Device Deselect command disables the command decoder so that the RAS#, CAS#, WE#
and Address inputs are ignored, regardless of w hether the C LK is enabled. This command is similar
to the No Operation command.
12 AutoRefresh command
(RAS# = "L ", CA S # = "L ", WE# = "H",CKE = "H", BA0,1 = “Don‘t care, A0-A11 = Don't care)
The A utoRefresh com mand is used during normal operation of the SDR AM and is analogous to
CAS#-before-RAS# (CBR) Refresh in conventional DRAMs. This command is non-persistent, so it
must be issued each time a refresh is require d . The add ressing is gen e rated by the intern a l refres h
controller. This makes the address bits a "don't care" during a n AutoRefresh command . The internal
refresh co un te r increments automatica lly on every auto refresh cycle to all of the row s . The re fresh
operation must be performed 4096 times within 64ms. The time required to complete the auto
refresh operation is specified by tRC(min.). To p ro vid e the AutoRe fres h com m a n d, all banks need to
be in the idle state and the device must not be in power down mode (CKE is high in the previous
cycle). This comma nd must be followed by N OP s until the auto refresh operation is completed. The
precharge time requirement, tRP(min), mu st be me t befo re su cc es s ive auto refresh ope ra tion s are
13 SelfRefresh Entry command
(RAS# = "L ", CA S # = "L ", WE# = "H", CKE = "L ", A0-A11 = Don't care)
The SelfRefresh is another refresh mode available in the SDRAM. It is the preferred refresh
mode for data retention and low power operation. Once the SelfRefresh com m and is registered, all
the inputs to the SD RAM becom e "don't care" with the exc e p tio n of CK E , wh ic h m u s t remain LOW.
The refresh addressing and timing is internally generated to reduce power consumption. The
SDRAM may remain in SelfRefresh mode for an indefinite period. The SelfRefresh mode is exited by
restarting the exte rn al clo ck an d the n as se rting H IG H o n C K E (S e lfRe fre sh E xit command).
14 SelfRefresh Exit command
(CKE = "H", C S # = "H " o r C K E = "H ", R A S # = "H ", CA S # = "H ", W E # = "H ")
This command is used to exit from the SelfRefresh mode. Once this command is registered, NOP
or Device Deselect com m ands m ust be issued for tRC(min.) be c au s e time is requ ired for the
completion of any ban k currently being internally refreshed. If auto refresh cycles in bursts are
performed during norm al operation, a burst of 4096 auto refresh cycles should be com pleted just
prior to entering and just after exiting the SelfRefresh mode.
15 Clock Suspend Mode Entry / PowerDown Mode Entry command (CKE = "L")
When the SDRAM is operating the burst cycle, the internal CLK is suspended (masked) from the
subsequent cycle by issuing this command (asserting CKE "LOW "). The device operation is held
intact while CLK is suspended. On the other hand, when all banks are in the idle state, this command
performs entry into the PowerDow n mode. All input and output buffers (except the CKE buffer) are
turned off in the PowerDown mode. The device may not remain in the Clock Suspend or PowerDown
state longer than the refresh period (64m s) since the command does not perform any refresh