SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Produktinformation Gultigkeit Diese Produktinformation gilt fur folgende Bediengerate: Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Bestellnummern: - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Bestellnummern: - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 Diese Produktinformation enthalt wichtige Hinweise. Diese Hinweise erganzen die Betriebsanleitung fur das Bediengerat und sind den Aussagen in der Betriebsanleitung, in den Release Notes und in der Online-Hilfe in der Verbindlichkeit ubergeordnet. Beachten Sie insbesondere Zulassungen und Zertifikate. Hinweis Fur das Bediengerat gelten nur die Zulassungen, die auf der Gerateruckseite angegeben sind. (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 1 Sicherheitshinweise fur Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN und Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Powermanagement ACHTUNG Meldungen im Energiesparmodus unsichtbar Im Energiesparmodus wird das Display des Bediengerats je nach Einstellung abgedunkelt ("Power Save 1") oder ausgeschaltet ("Power Save 2"). Wenn Meldungen auftreten, wahrend der Energiesparmodus aktiv ist, dann bleibt die Anzeige abgedunkelt oder ausgeschaltet. In diesem Fall sind Meldungen nur schwer oder nicht erkennbar. Hinweis Wenn Sie das Bediengerat mit externer Stromversorgung betreiben, dann wird nach zwei Minuten ohne Bedienung automatisch der Energiesparmodus "Power Save 1" aktiviert. Das Display wird abgedunkelt. Hinweis Wenn Sie eine externe USB-Tastatur an das Bediengerat angeschlossen haben, dann bleibt die externe USB-Tastatur im Energiesparmodus "Power Save 2" aktiv. Betriebssystem aktualisieren uber ProSave ACHTUNG Betriebssystem aktualisieren nur uber Ethernet und USB Das Aktualisieren des Betriebssystems uber ProSave ist nur uber Ethernet und USB freigegeben. Verwenden Sie ProSave, Version 7.4.2 oder hoher. Projektierung ACHTUNG Passende Projektierungs-Software erforderlich Verwenden Sie zur Projektierung des Bediengerats die Software "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1". Die Bediengerate mit folgenden Bestellnummern konnen bei Verwendung der Software "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1" auch mit WinCC flexible 2007 projektiert werden: 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 Uberbruckungsbatterie Hinweis Das Bediengerat wird in der ersten Lieferstufe ohne Uberbruckungsbatterie geliefert. Um die Hauptbatterie zu wechseln, beenden Sie das laufende Projekt und schalten Sie das Bediengerat aus. 2 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Umgebungstemperatur Das Bediengerat ist fur den Betrieb bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von 0 C bis 40 C ausgelegt. Hinweis Laden der Batterien Befindet sich das Bediengerat im produktiven Betrieb, dann werden beide Batterien in der Ladestation bis zu einer Umgebungstemperatur von 40 C vollstandig geladen. Ist das Bediengerat eingeschaltet und in der Ladestation eingehangt, dann gilt: Die Ladung der Batterien im Bediengerat bleibt bis zu einer Umgebungstemperatur von 40 C erhalten. Die Batterien in der Ladestation werden bis zu einer Umgebungstemperatur von 35 C vollstandig geladen. LED-Anzeigen Hinweis Sobald sich das Bediengerat in der Ladestation befindet und Ladekontakt hat, blinkt die LED "BAT". Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Bediengerat zum Laden der Batterien korrekt in die Ladestation eingehangt ist. Spezifikation der USB-Schnittstelle Hinweis Die USB-Schnittstelle darf ausschlielich zur Inbetriebnahme und fur Wartungszwecke verwendet werden. Die Leitungslange der angeschlossenen USB-Gerate darf maximal 3 m betragen. Transponderbetrieb - Frequenzbander Hinweis Beim Transponderbetrieb mit automatischer Zonenerkennung wird das 2,4-GHz-Band exklusiv vom Mobile Panel IWLAN genutzt. Fur den WLAN-Betrieb muss das 5-GHz-Band (IEEE 802.11a) verwendet werden. Der gleichzeitige Einsatz anderer RFID-Systeme im 2,4-GHz-Band ist nicht moglich (z. B. MOBY U oder MOBY R-Systeme). Access Point - drahtlose Kommunikation Hinweis Die Kommunikation mit mehr als einem Access Point zur Abdeckung eines groeren WLAN-Bereichs ist nicht unterbrechungsfrei moglich. Bei drahtloser Ethernet-basierter Kommunikation, z. B. bei PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rtAccess, Sm@rtService und OPC, ist der Endnutzer fur die Sicherheit des Datennetzes verantwortlich. Das sichere Funktionieren des Bediengerates kann nicht unter allen Umstanden garantiert werden. Storungen, die von auen auf das Funknetz wirken, konnen z. B. zu einer Uberlastung des Bediengerats fuhren. Die "Storm Threshold"-Funktion beim Siemens Access Point SCALANCE muss aktiviert sein. Diese Aktivierung ist fur einen stabilen Anlagenbetrieb auch bei hoher Netzlast notwendig. Fur Broadcast-Telegramme ist Folgendes einzustellen: Address Threshold: 255 Wireless: 255. PROFINET IO Hinweis Um die Sicherheit Ihrer Applikation zu verbessern, fragen Sie in Ihrer CPU-Applikation das Lebensbit ab. Ladestation Die Ladestation entspricht der Schutzklasse III nach EN 61131-2:2007 und EN 60950-1:2006 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 3 Sicherheitshinweise nur fur Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN WARNUNG Funktionshandbuch "Fehlersicherer Betrieb des Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" beachten Beachten Sie das Funktionshandbuch "Fehlersicherer Betrieb des Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" und die darin enthaltenen Sicherheitshinweise, sowie weitere Informationen im Internet unter: Gesamtdokumentation zum Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN und Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Das Funktionshandbuch "Fehlersicherer Betrieb des Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" liegt in den Sprachen deutsch, englisch und japanisch vor. Automatischer Transfer WARNUNG Automatischen Transfer nicht verwenden Der automatische Transfer (Control Panel, Option "Remote Control") darf bei dem Bediengerat nicht verwendet werden. Verwenden Sie den manuellen Transfer. Powermanagement ACHTUNG Bildschirminhalt wird nicht zuverlassig aktualisiert In folgender Situation wird der Bildschirminhalt des Bediengerats nicht zuverlassig aktualisiert. Sie verwenden die Software "Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN und Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN fur WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1) Das Bediengerat ist am Wirkbereich angemeldet. Folgende Einstellungen fur das Powermanagement sind aktiv: - Fur die Option "Bildschirm ausschalten" ist eine Zeitspanne eingestellt. - Die Option "Helligkeit verringern" ist durch den Eintrag "nie" deaktiviert. Sie haben folgende Moglichkeiten, das beschriebene Verhalten zu vermeiden: Moglichkeit 1: Installieren Sie WinCC flexible 2008 SP1. Moglichkeit 2: Konfigurieren Sie eine Zeitspanne fur die Option "Helligkeit verringern". 4 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Normen und Zulassungen Dieser Abschnitt enthalt wichtige Informationen zu Normen und Landerzulassungen der Bediengerate Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN und Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN im Bezug auf das Funksystem. VORSICHT Die folgende Ubersicht informiert Sie uber die moglichen Zulassungen. Fur das Bediengerat gelten nur die Zulassungen, die auf der Gerateruckseite angegeben sind. CE-Zulassung Das Bediengerat stimmt in der von Siemens I IA in Verkehr gebrachten Ausfuhrung mit den Vorschriften der folgenden europaischen Richtlinie uberein: 99/5/EG Richtlinie des europaischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten uber Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen und die gegenseitige Anerkennung ihrer Konformitat. Die Konformitat mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen der Richtlinie wird nachgewiesen durch die Einhaltung folgender Normen: EN 60950 Sicherheit von Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik EN 301489-1 Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit fur Funkeinrichtungen und -dienste EN 301489-17 Spezifische Bedingungen fur Breitband-Datenubertragungssysteme und fur Einrichtungen in lokalen Hochleistungs-Funknetzen (HIPERLAN) EN 300328 Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit und Funkspektrumangelegenheiten (ERM) Breitband-Ubertragungssysteme - Datenubertragungsgerate, die im 2,4 GHz-ISM-Band arbeiten und Breitband-Modulationstechniken verwenden EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit und Funkspektrumangelegenheiten (ERM) - Funkanlagen mit geringer Reichweite - Funkgerate zum Betrieb im Frequenzbereich von 1 Ghz bis 40 GHz EN 301893 Breitband-Funkzugangsnetze (BRAN) - 5-GHz-Hochleistungs-RLAN EN 50371 Ubereinstimmung von elektronischen und elektrischen Geraten kleiner Leistung mit den Basisgrenzwerten fur die Sicherheit von Personen in elektromagnetischen Feldern (10 MHz bis 300 GHz) 1999/519/EC Empfehlung des Rates zur Begrenzung der Exposition der Bevolkerung gegenuber elektromagnetischen Feldern (0 Hz bis 300 GHz) An das System angeschlossene Gerate mussen die relevanten Sicherheitsbestimmungen erfullen. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 5 EG-Konformitatserklarung Die EG-Konformitatserklarung wird gema den obengenannten EG- Richtlinien fur die zustandigen Behorden zur Verfugung gehalten bei: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Bereich Automatisierungstechnik I IA AS RD ST Postfach 1963 92209 Amberg Deutschland Diese Erklarung bescheinigt die Ubereinstimmung mit den genannten Richtlinien, ist jedoch keine Zusicherung von Eigenschaften. Sie finden die EG-Konformitatserklarung zum Download im Internet unter: Gesamtdokumentation zum Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN und Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Filtern Sie die Beitrage nach Beitragstyp "Zertifikate". UL-Zulassung Underwriters Laboratories Inc. nach UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) Die Zulassung wird nur bei Betrieb mit Batterie oder stationar in der Ladestation erfullt. 6 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 7 Landerzulassungen VORSICHT Die folgende Ubersicht informiert Sie uber die Funkzulassungen in verschiedenen Landern. Fur das Bediengerat gelten nur die Zulassungen, die auf der Gerateruckseite angegeben sind. Land Zulassung erteilt Land Australien Kennzeichnung Malta Belgien Niederlande Bulgarien Norwegen Osterreich China Kennzeichnung Zulassung erteilt Danemark Polen Deutschland Portugal Estland Rumanien Finnland Russland Frankreich Schweden Griechenland Schweiz Grobritannien Singapur Hongkong Slowakei Irland Slowenien Island Spanien Italien Sudafrika Japan Sudkorea Taiwan Tschechien Kanada ,& Kuwait Lettland Turkei Liechtenstein Ukraine Litauen Ungarn Luxemburg Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Zypern Malaysia Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 8 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Product Information Validity The product information applies to the following HMI devices: Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Order numbers: - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Order numbers: - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 This product information contains important information. These notes supplement the operating instructions for the HMI device and take precedence over statements in the operating instructions, the release notes, and in the online help. Observe the approvals and certificates. Note The HMI device itself is certified as shown on the rear panel labels. (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 9 Safety notes on the Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Power management NOTICE Alarms not visible in power-save mode Depending on the setting, the display of the HMI device will either be dimmed ("Power Save 1") or turned off ("Power Save 2"). The display will stay dimmed or turned off if there are alarms while in power-save mode. It will be difficult or impossible to see any alarms in this case. Note If you operate the HMI device with external power supply, the device will switch to power-save mode "Power Save 1" after two minutes without input. The display will be dimmed. Note If you connect an external USB keyboard to the HMI device, the external USB keyboard in power-save mode "Power Save 2" remains active. Updating the operating system using ProSave NOTICE Update of operating system via Ethernet and USB only Update of the operating system with ProSave has been approved via Ethernet and USB only. Use ProSave, Version 7.4.2 or higher. Configuring NOTICE Matching configuration software required Configure the HMI device only with the software "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1". You can also configure the HMI devices with the following order numbers and WinCC flexible 2007 using the "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1" software: 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 Bridging battery Note The HMI device will be supplied in delivery stage 1 without bridging battery. To replace the main battery, exit the running project and turn off the HMI device. 10 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Ambient temperature The HMI device has been designed for use with ambient temperatures ranging from 0C to +40 C. Note Charging the batteries With the HMI device in productive operation, the batteries will be fully charged in the docking station up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. When the HMI device is turned on and resting in the docking station, the following applies: Battery charge in the HMI device is retained up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. The batteries in the docking station will be fully charged up to an ambient temperature of 35 C. LED display Note The "BAT" LED will start flashing as soon as the HMI device is placed in the docking station and charging begins. Make sure that the HMI device is correctly positioned in the docking station for charging of batteries. Specification of USB interface Note Use the USB interface for commissioning and maintenance only. The line length of the connected USB devices may not exceed 3 m. Transponder operation - frequency bands Note For transponder operation with automatic zone detection, the 2.4 GHz band will be used exclusively by the Mobile Panel IWLAN. WLAN operation requires the 5 GHz band (IEE 802.11a). It is not possible to operate other RFID systems in the 2.4 GHz band at the same time (z. B. MOBY U or MOBY R systems). Access Point - wireless communication Note Communication with more than one access point to cover larger WLAN areas is not possible without interruption. For wireless Ethernet-based communication, for example, with PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rtAccess, Sm@rtService and OPC, the end user is responsible for the security of the data network. The secure operation of the HMI device cannot be guaranteed under all circumstances. Interference from outside the wireless network can cause an overload of the HMI device, for example. The "Storm Threshold" function in the Siemens Access Point SCALANCE must be selected. This option has to be selected to ensure stable plant operation when the load on the network is high. The following settings have to be made for broadcast message frames: Address threshold: 255 Wireless: 255. PROFINET IO Note To improve the safety of your application, request the life sign bit in your CPU application. Charging station The charging station corresponds to safety class III according to EN 61131-2:2007 and EN 60950-1:2006. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 11 Safety notes for Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN WARNING Note the function manual "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" Please pay attention to the function manual "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" as well as the warnings and additional information available in the Internet at: Complete documentation on the Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( The function manual "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" is available in German, English and Japanese. Automatic transfer WARNING Do not use automatic transfer The automatic transfer (Control Panel, option "Remote Control") for the HMI device must not be used. Use the manual transfer. Power management NOTICE Screen contents not updated reliably The screen contents of the HMI device are not updated reliably in the following situation. You use the "Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN for WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1) software. The HMI device is logged onto the effective range. The following settings are active for the power management: - A time period has been set for the "Switch off screen" option. - The "Reduce brightness" option has been disabled with the entry "never". You have the following options to prevent this type of behavior: Option 1: Install WinCC flexible 2008 SP1. Option 2: Configure a time period for the "Reduce brightness" option. 12 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Standards and approvals This paragraph includes important information on standards and country-specific approvals for the Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN HMI devices regarding the radio system. CAUTION The following overview shows the approvals that may be available. The HMI device itself is certified as shown on the rear panel labels. CE approval The HMI device in the version put into circulation by Siemens I IA conforms to the regulations of the following European directive: 99/5/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the Mutual Recognition of their Conformity. Compatibility with the basic requirements of the guideline is verified by compliance with the following standards: EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment EN 301489-1 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Radio Equipment and Services EN 301489-17 Specific requirements for broadband data transmission systems and for equipment in local highperformance radio networks (HIPERLAN) EN 300328 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Wideband transmission systems Data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Short range devices - Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range. EN 301893 Broadband radio access networks (BRAN) - 5 GHz high-performance RLAN EN 50371 Compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz) 1999/519/EC Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) Devices connected to the system must meet the relevant safety regulations. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 13 EC Declaration of Conformity The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities according to the above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address: Siemens AG Industry Sector I IA AS RD ST PO Box 1963 92209 Amberg Germany This declaration certifies compliance with the directives named above, but does not guarantee any specific properties. To download information on the EC Declaration of Conformity, go to: Complete documentation on the Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Filter the comments for the entry type "Certificates". UL approval Underwriters Laboratories Inc., to UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) The approval is only valid in the case of battery operation or when stationary in the charging station. 14 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 15 National approvals CAUTION The following overview shows wireless approvals in a number of different countries. The HMI device itself is certified as shown on the rear panel labels. Country Identification Approval granted Country Identification Approval granted Australia Malta Belgium The Netherlands Bulgaria Norway Austria China Denmark Poland Germany Portugal Estonia Romania Finland Russia France Sweden Greece Switzerland Great Britain Singapore Hong Kong Slovakia Ireland Slovenia Iceland Spain Italy South Africa Japan South Korea Taiwan Czech Republic Canada ,& Kuwait Latvia Turkey Liechtenstein Ukraine Lithuania Hungary Luxembourg United States of America Cyprus Malaysia Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 16 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Information produit Validite Cette information produit est valable pour les pupitres operateur suivants : Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Numeros de reference : - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Numeros de reference : - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 Cette information produit contient des indications importantes. Ces informations completent les instructions de service du pupitre operateur et, en cas de conflit avec les indications contenues dans les instructions de service, des Release Notes et de l'aide en ligne, c'est a elles que vous devez vous reporter. Veuillez tenir compte des autorisations et des certificats. Remarque Les homologations valables pour le pupitre sont uniquement celles indiquees au dos de l'appareil. (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 17 Consignes de securite pour le Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN et le Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Gestion de l'alimentation IMPORTANT Alarmes invisibles en mode d'economie d'energie En mode d'economie d'energie, l'ecran du pupitre operateur est sombre ("Power Save 1") ou eteint ("Power Save 2") selon le parametrage. Quand des alarmes se presentent alors que le mode d'economie d'energie est actif, l'ecran reste sombre ou eteint. Dans ce cas, les alarmes sont difficilement ou pas du tout reconnaissables. Remarque Quand vous utilisez le pupitre operateur avec une alimentation externe, le mode d'economie d'energie "Power Save 1" s'active automatiquement au bout de deux minutes sans intervention de l'operateur. L'ecran est sombre. Remarque Quand vous avez connecte un clavier USB externe au pupitre operateur, il reste actif en mode d'economie d'energie "Power Save 2". Mise a jour du systeme d'exploitation via ProSave IMPORTANT Mise a jour du systeme d'exploitation uniquement via Ethernet et USB La mise a jour du systeme d'exploitation via ProSave n'est validee que via Ethernet et USB. Utilisez ProSave, Version 7.4.2 ou une version ulterieure. Configuration IMPORTANT Logiciel de configuration approprie requis Utilisez pour la configuration du pupitre operateur le logiciel "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1". Les pupitres operateurs avec les numeros de reference suivants peuvent etre aussi configures avec WinCC flexible 2007 si le logiciel "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1" est utilise : 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 Pile de sauvegarde Remarque Le pupitre operateur est livre sans pile de sauvegarde a la premiere version. Pour remplacer la pile principale, quittez le projet en cours et mettez le pupitre operateur hors tension. 18 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Temperature ambiante Le pupitre operateur est concu pour une utilisation a des temperatures ambiantes de 0 C a 40 C. Remarque Charge des batteries Si le pupitre operateur est en mode de production, les deux batteries sont entierement chargees dans le chargeur jusqu'a une temperature ambiante de 40 C. Si le pupitre operateur est en marche et accroche dans le chargeur La charge des batteries dans le pupitre operateur est conservee jusqu'a une temperature ambiante de 40 C. Les batteries dans le chargeur sont entierement chargees jusqu'a une temperature de 35 C. DEL de signalisation Remarque La DEL "BAT" clignote des que le pupitre operateur est dans le chargeur et que le contact de charge est etabli. Assurezvous que le pupitre est accroche correctement dans le chargeur pour la charge des batteries. Specification de l'interface USB Remarque L'interface USB ne peut etre utilisee que pour la mise en service et a des fins de maintenance. La longueur de cable maximale des appareils USB connectes est de 3 m. Mode transpondeur - bandes de frequence Remarque En mode transpondeur avec detection automatique de zone, la bande 2,4 GHz est utilisee exclusivement par le Mobile Panel IWLAN. Pour le mode WLAN, il faut utiliser la bande 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). L'utilisation simultanee d'autres systemes RFID dans la bande 2,4 GHz n'est pas possible (par ex. des systemes MOBY U ou MOBY R). Point d'acces - communication sans fil Remarque La communication avec plus d'un point d'acces afin de couvrir une zone WLAN plus importante n'est pas possible sans interruption. En cas de communication sans fil basee sur Ethernet, par ex. avec PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rtAccess, Sm@rtService et OPC, c'est l'utilisateur final qui est responsable de la securite du reseau de donnees. Le fonctionnement sur du pupitre operateur ne peut pas etre garanti dans tous les cas. Les parasites qui agissent de l'exterieur sur le reseau radio, par exemple, peuvent provoquer une surcharge du pupitre operateur. La fonction "Storm Threshold" doit etre activee pour le point d'acces Siemens SCALANCE. Cette activation est necessaire pour que le fonctionnement de l'installation soit stable meme quand la charge du reseau est elevee. Pour les telegrammes Broadcast, il faut effectuer le parametrage suivant : Address Threshold : 255 Wireless : 255. PROFINET IO Remarque Afin d'ameliorer la securite de votre application, interrogez le bit de vie dans votre application CPU. Chargeur Le chargeur correspond a la classe de protection III selon EN 61131-2:2007 et EN 60950-1:2006. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 19 Consignes de securite exclusivement pour le Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ATTENTION Tenez compte de la description fonctionnelle "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" (Fonctionnement de securite du Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN) Veuillez tenir compte de la description fonctionnelle "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" et des consignes de securite qui y sont contenues ainsi que des informations complementaires sur Internet : Documentation complete du Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN et Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( La description fonctionnelle du fonctionnement de securite du Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN existe en allemand, en anglais et en japonais. Transfert automatique ATTENTION Ne pas utiliser le transfert automatique Il n'est pas permis d'utiliser le transfert automatique (Control Panel, option "Remote Control") pour le pupitre operateur. Utilisez le transfert manuel. Gestion de l'alimentation IMPORTANT Le contenu de l'ecran n'est pas actualise de maniere fiable Dans la situation suivante, le contenu de l'ecran n'est pas actualise de maniere fiable. Vous utilisez le logiciel ""Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN et Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN fur WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1). L'operateur s'est connecte dans la plage d'action. Les options suivantes du Power Management sont activees : - Une duree a ete reglee pour l'option "Eteindre l'ecran". - L'option "Reduire la luminosite" est desactivee via l'entree "Jamais". Vous avez differentes possibilites pour eviter le comportement suivant : Possibilite 1 : Installez WinCC flexible 2008 SP1. Possibilite 2 : Configurez une duree pour l'option "Reduire la luminosite". 20 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Normes et homologations Ce paragraphe contient des informations importantes sur les normes et homologations relatives au systeme radio pour les pupitres operateur Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN et Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN. PRUDENCE La vue d'ensemble suivante vous informe sur les homologations possibles. Les homologations valables pour le pupitre sont uniquement celles indiquees au dos de l'appareil. Homologation CE Le pupitre operateur dans la version mise en circulation par Siemens I IA est conforme aux normes de la directive europeenne suivante : 99/5/EG Directive du Parlement et du Conseil Europeen pour l'harmonisation des directives sur les installations radioelectriques et les terminaux de telecommunications des pays membres et la reconnaissance mutuelle de leur conformite. La conformite aux exigences fondamentales de la directive est assuree par le respect des normes suivantes : EN 60950 Securite des materiels de traitement de l'information EN 301489-1 Norme de compatibilite electromagnetique pour les equipements et les services radio EN 301489-17 Exigences particulieres pour les systemes de transmission de donnees a large bande et equipements HIPERLAN EN 300328 Telecommunications, CEM et spectre radioelectrique (ERM) - Systemes de transmission de donnees large bande - Equipements de transmission de donnees fonctionnant dans la bande ISM a 2,4 GHz et utilisant des techniques de modulation a etalement de spectre EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 Telecommunications, CEM et spectre radioelectrique (ERM) - Appareils a faible portee (SDR) Equipements radioelectriques utilises dans les bandes de frequences 1 a 40 GHz EN 301893 Telecommunications. Reseaux d'acces radio large bande (BRAN). HIPERLAN de type 2 EN 50371 Norme generique pour demontrer la conformite des appareils electriques et electroniques de faible puissance aux restrictions de base concernant l'exposition des personnes aux champs electromagnetiques (10 MHz - 300 GHz) 1999/519/CE Recommandation du Conseil visant a limiter l'exposition de la population aux champs electromagnetiques ((0 Hz a 300 GHz) Les appareils connectes au systeme doivent satisfaire aux consignes de securite afferentes. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 21 Declaration de conformite CE La declaration de conformite CE est tenue a la disposition des autorites competentes, conformement aux directives CE susmentionnees, par : Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Industry Sector I IA AS RD ST Postfach 1963 92209 Amberg Allemagne Cette declaration atteste la conformite aux directives mentionnees, mais ne tient pas lieu de garantie de proprietes. Vous trouverez la declaration de conformite CE sur Internet a l'adresse : Documentation complete du Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN et Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Filtrez les contributions en recherchant le type de contribution "Certificats". Homologation UL, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. selon UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) L'homologation n'est satisfaite qu'en cas de fonctionnement sur pile ou stationnaire dans le chargeur. 22 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 23 Homologations nationales PRUDENCE La vue d'ensemble suivante vous informe sur les homologations radio possibles dans les differents pays. Les homologations valables pour le pupitre sont uniquement celles indiquees au dos de l'appareil. Pays Marquage Homologation accordee Pays Australie Malte Belgique Pays-Bas Bulgarie Norvege Autriche Chine Marquage Homologation accordee Danemark Pologne Allemagne Portugal Estonie Roumanie Finlande Russie France Suede Grece Suisse Grande-Bretagne Singapour Hong Kong Slovaquie Irlande Slovenie Islande Espagne Italie Afrique du Sud Japon Coree du Sud Taiwan Republique tcheque Canada ,& Koweit Lettonie Turquie Liechtenstein Ukraine Lithuanie Hongrie Luxembourg Etats-Unis d'Amerique Chypre Malaisie Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 24 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Informazioni sul prodotto Validita Le presenti informazioni sul prodotto sono applicabili ai seguenti pannelli operatore: Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Numeri di ordinazione: - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Numeri di ordinazione: - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 Le presenti informazioni sul prodotto contengono avvertenze importanti. Tali avvertenze sono parte integrante delle istruzioni operative del pannello operatore e sono da considerarsi prioritarie rispetto a quanto affermato nelle Istruzioni operative, nelle Release Notes e nella Guida in linea. In particolare e importante tener conto delle omologazioni e dei certificati. Nota Per un dato pannello operatore sono valide solo le omologazioni indicate sul retro dell'apparecchiatura. (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 25 Avvertenze di sicurezza per il Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN e il Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Power Management ATTENZIONE Segnalazioni non visualizzate nella modalita a risparmio energetico Nella modalita a risparmio energetico il display del pannello operatore viene oscurato ("Power Save 1") o disattivato ("Power Save 2") a seconda dell'impostazione. Quando la modalita a risparmio energetico e attiva, la visualizzazione rimane oscurata o disattivata anche in presenza di eventuali segnalazioni. In questo caso e quindi difficile o impossibile riconoscere le segnalazioni. Nota Se si collega il pannello operatore a una fonte di alimentazione esterna, dopo due minuti di inattivita viene impostata automaticamente la modalita a risparmio energetico "Power Save 1". Il display viene oscurato. Nota Se si e collegata al pannello operatore una tastiera USB, questa rimane attiva anche nella modalita a risparmio energetico "Power Save 2". Aggiornamento del sistema operativo mediante ProSave ATTENZIONE Aggiornamento del sistema operativo solo mediante Ethernet e USB L'Aggiornamento del sistema operativo mediante ProSave e abilitato solo mediante Ethernet e USB Utilizzare ProSave, versione 7.4.2 o superiore. Progettazione ATTENZIONE Utilizzo del software di progettazione adatto Per la progettazione del pannello operatore utilizzare esclusivamente il software "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1". Se si usa il software "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1", i pannelli operatore con i seguenti numeri di ordinazione possono essere progettati anche con WinCC flexible 2007: 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 Batteria tampone Nota Il primo livello di fornitura del pannello operatore non contiene la batteria tampone. Per cambiare la batteria tampone terminare il progetto in corso e spegnere il pannello operatore. 26 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Temperatura ambiente Il pannello operatore e adatto al funzionamento con temperatura ambiente di 0 C ... 40 C. Nota Caricamento delle batterie Se il pannello operatore si trova in esercizio produttivo, entrambe le batterie vengono completamente caricate nella stazione di carica fino a una temperatura ambiente di 40 C. Se il pannello operatore e attivato e appeso nella stazione di carica vale quanto segue: Il caricamento delle batterie nel pannello operatore viene mantenuto fino a una temperatura ambiente di 40 C. Le batterie nella stazione di carica vengono caricate completamente fino a una temperatura ambiente di 35 C. LED Nota Non appena il pannello operatore si trova nella stazione di carica e ha contatto di carica, il LED "BAT lampeggia. Per il caricamento delle batterie assicurarsi che il pannello operatore sia correttamente appeso nella stazione di carica. Specifica dell'interfaccia USB Nota L'interfaccia USB deve essere utilizzata esclusivamente per la messa in funzione e a scopo di manutenzione. La lunghezza dei conduttori dei pannelli operatore USB collegati non deve superare i 3 m. Bande di frequenza nel funzionamento con trasponder Nota Nel funzionamento con transponder con riconoscimento automatico delle zone, la banda a 2,4 GHz viene utilizzata esclusivamente dal Mobile Panel IWLAN. Per il funzionamento WLAN deve essere utilizzata la banda a 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). L'utilizzo simultaneo di altri sistemi RFID nella banda a 2,4 GHz non e possibile (ad es. sistemi MOBY U o MOBY R). Comunicazione wireless mediante access point Nota La comunicazione con piu di un access point per la copertura di un campo WLAN piu grande non e possibile senza creare interruzioni. Nella comunicazione wireless basata su Ethernet, come PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rtAccess, Sm@rtService e OPC, l'utente finale e responsabile per la sicurezza della rete di dati. Non e possibile garantire che il pannello operatore funzionera sempre in modo sicuro. I disturbi esterni che hanno effetto sulla rete radiofonica possono ad es. determinare un sovraccarico del pannello operatore. La funzione "Storm Threshold" nell'Access Point SCALANCE di Siemens deve essere attivata. Questa attivazione e necessaria affinche l'impianto funzioni in modo stabile anche in caso di un elevato carico della rete. Per i telegrammi broadcast devono essere effettuate le seguenti impostazioni: Address Threshold: 255 Wireless: 255. PROFINET IO Nota Per migliorare la sicurezza dell'applicazione, interrogare il bit di attivita nell'applicazione della CPU. Stazione di carica La stazione di carica corrisponde al grado di protezione III secondo EN 61131-2:2007 e EN 60950-1:2006. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 27 Avvertenza di sicurezza per il Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN AVVERTENZA Attenersi al manuale di guida alle funzioni "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" Attenersi a quanto indicato nel manuale di guida alle funzioni "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN", alle avvertenze di sicurezza che vi sono riportate e alle informazioni disponibile nella pagina Internet: Documentazione sul Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN e il Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Il manuale di guida alle funzioni "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" e disponibile in tedesco, inglese e giapponese. Trasferimento automatico AVVERTENZA Non utilizzare il trasferimento automatico Il trasferimento automatico (Control Panel, opzione "Remote Control") non deve essere utilizzato con il pannello operatore. Utilizzare il trasferimento manuale. Power Management ATTENZIONE Il contenuto dello schermo non viene aggiornato in modo affidabile Nella seguente situazione il contenuto dello schermo non viene aggiornato in modo affidabile. Si utilizza il software "Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN e Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN per WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1) Il pannello operatore e connesso al campo d'azione. Sono state attivate le seguenti impostazione per il Power Management: - E stato impostato un intervallo di tempo per l'opzione "Spegni schermo". - L'opzione "Diminuisci luminosita" e stata disattivata selezionando "mai". Il comportamento descritto puo essere evitato nei seguenti modi: Opzione 1: installare WinCC flexible 2008 SP1. Opzione 2: configurare un intervallo per l'opzione "Diminuisci luminosita". Norme e omologazioni Il presente paragrafo riporta informazioni importanti sulle norme e le omologazioni relative al sistema radio in vigore nei diversi paesi per i pannelli operatore Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN e Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN. CAUTELA Il seguente elenco riporta le omologazioni possibili. Per un dato pannello operatore sono valide solo le omologazioni indicate sul retro dell'apparecchiatura. 28 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Omologazione CE Il pannello operatore, nella versione commercializzata da Siemens I IA, e conforme alle prescrizioni stabilite dalle seguenti direttive europee: 99/5/CE Direttiva del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio riguardante le apparecchiature radio e le apparecchiature terminali di telecomunicazione e il reciproco riconoscimento della loro conformita. La conformita ai requisiti fondamentali della direttiva e assicurata dal rispetto delle seguenti norme: EN 60950 Apparecchiature per la tecnologia dell'informazione - Sicurezza EN 301489-1 Compatibilita elettromagnetica per dispositivi radio e relativi servizi EN 301489-17 Condizioni specifiche per sistemi di trasmissione dati a banda larga e per dispositivi in reti radio locali di grande potenza (HIPERLAN) EN 300328 Compatibilita elettromagnetica e questioni relative allo spettro delle radiofrequenze (ERM) - Sistemi di trasmissione a banda larga - Apparecchiature di trasmissione dati che operano nella banda da 2,4 GHz ISM e che utilizzano tecniche di modulazione ad ampio spettro EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 Compatibilita elettromagnetica e questioni relative allo spettro delle radiofrequenze (ERM) - Dispositivi a breve portata - Apparecchiature radio da utilizzare nella gamma di frequenza da 1 GHz a 40 GHz EN 301893 Reti di accesso radio a banda larga (BRAN) - 5GHz RLAN ad alte prestazioni EN 50371 Conformita degli apparecchi elettronici ed elettrici di bassa potenza ai limiti di base fissati per la sicurezza delle persone esposte a campi elettromagnetici (10 MHz - 300 GHz) 1999/519/CE Raccomandazione del Consiglio per la limitazione dell'esposizione della popolazione ai campi elettromagnetici (0 Hz - 300 GHz) I dispositivi collegati al sistema devono soddisfare le disposizioni di sicurezza rilevanti. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 29 Dichiarazione di conformita CE La dichiarazione di conformita CE e a disposizione delle autorita competenti al seguente indirizzo come stabilito dalle direttive CE sopra indicate: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Bereich Automatisierungstechnik I IA AS RD ST Postfach 1963 92209 Amberg Germania Questa dichiarazione certifica la conformita alle direttive indicate ma non costituisce una garanzia rispetto alle caratteristiche. La dichiarazione di conformita CE puo essere scaricata all'indirizzo Internet: Documentazione sul Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN e il Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Filtrare gli articoli in base al tipo "Certificati". Omologazione UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. secondo lo standard UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) I requisiti di omologazione vengono soddisfatti solo con funzionamento a batteria o con funzionamento stazionario nella stazione di carica. 30 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 31 Omologazioni nazionali CAUTELA Il seguente elenco riporta le omologazioni radio in vigore nei diversi paesi. Per un dato pannello operatore sono valide solo le omologazioni indicate sul retro dell'apparecchiatura. Paese Contrassegno Omologazione assegnata Paese Australia Malta Belgio Olanda Bulgaria Norvegia Austria Cina Contrassegno Omologazione assegnata Danimarca Polonia Germania Portogallo Estonia Romania Finlandia Russia Francia Svezia Grecia Svizzera Gran Bretagna Singapore Hong Kong Repubblica Slovacca Irlanda Slovenia Islanda Spagna Italia Sudafrica Giappone Corea del Sud Taiwan Repubblica Ceca Canada ,& Kuwait Lettonia Turchia Liechtenstein Ucraina Lituania Ungheria Lussemburgo Stati Uniti d'America Cipro Malesia Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 32 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Informacion del producto Validez La presente informacion de producto vale para los siguientes paneles de operador: Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Referencias: - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Referencias: - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 La presente Informacion de producto contiene indicaciones importantes. Las presentes indicaciones complementan las instrucciones de servicio del panel de operador y prevalecen sobre lo mencionado en las instrucciones de servicio, en las Release Notes y en la Ayuda en pantalla. Observe especialmente las homologaciones y certificados. Nota Para el panel de operador son aplicables unicamente las homologaciones indicadas en el lado posterior del equipo. (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 33 Consignas de seguridad para el Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN y Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Opciones de energia ATENCION Mensajes no visibles en el modo de ahorro de energia En el modo de ahorro de energia, la pantalla del panel de operador se oscurece ("Power Save 1") o se apaga ("Power Save 2") segun como este ajustado. Si aparecen mensajes mientras esta activado el modo de ahorro de energia, la pantalla permanece oscura o apagada. En este caso, los mensajes apenas pueden reconocerse. Nota Si utiliza el panel de operador con fuente de alimentacion externa y transcurren dos minutos sin que se efectue operacion alguna, se activara automaticamente el modo de ahorro de energia "Power Save 1". La pantalla se oscurece. Nota Si ha conectado un teclado USB externo al panel de operador, dicho teclado permanecera activo en el modo de ahorro de energia "Power Save 2". Actualizar el sistema operativo mediante ProSave ATENCION Actualizar el sistema operativo solo via Ethernet y USB La actualizacion del sistema operativo desde ProSave solo esta liberada via Ethernet y USB. Utilice ProSave, version 7.4.2 o superior. Configuracion ATENCION Se requiere el software de configuracion apropiado Para configurar el panel de operador, utilice unicamente el software "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1". En caso de utilizar el software "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1", los paneles de operador con las siguientes referencias tambien se pueden configurar con WinCC flexible 2007: 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 Bateria de puenteo Nota El panel de operador se suministra en la primera version sin bateria de puenteo. Para cambiar la bateria principal cierre el proyecto activo y apague el panel de operador. 34 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Temperatura ambiente El panel de operador esta disenado para utilizarse a una temperatura ambiente de entre 0 C y 40 C. Nota Cargar las baterias Si el panel de operador se encuentra en modo productivo, entonces las dos baterias se cargan por completo en la estacion de carga hasta una temperatura ambiente de 40 C. Si el panel de operador esta encendido y colgado en la estacion de carga, rige lo siguiente: La carga de las baterias en el panel de operador se mantiene hasta una temperatura ambiente de 40 C. Las taberias se cargan por completo en la estacion de carga hasta una temperatura ambiente de 35 C. LEDs Nota El LED "BAT" parpadea en cuanto el panel de operador se encuentra en la estacion de carga y hace contacto. Asegurese de que el panel de operador esta colgado correctamente en la estacion de carga cuando se disponga a cargar las baterias. Especificacion del puerto USB Nota El puerto USB puede utilizarse exclusivamente para la puesta en marcha y para fines de mantenimiento. La longitud de cable de los dispositivos USB conectados no debera ser superior a 3 m. Modo de transpondedor - bandas de frecuencia Nota En el modo de transpondedor con deteccion automatica de la zona, la banda de 2,4 GHz es utilizada exclusivamente por el Mobile Panel IWLAN. Para el funcionamiento con WLAN tiene que utilizarse la banda de 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). El uso simultaneo de otros sistemas RFID en la banda de 2,4 GHz no es posible (p. ej. sistemas MOBY U o sistemas MOBY R). Access Point - comunicacion inalambrica Nota La comunicacion con mas de un Access Point para cubrir una zona de WLAN mas amplia no es posible sin interrupciones. En la comunicacion inalambrica basada en Ethernet, p. ej. PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rtAccess, Sm@rtService y OPC, el usuario final es el responsable de la seguridad de la red de datos. El funcionamiento correcto del panel de operador no puede garantizarse bajo toda circunstancia. Las interferencias externas sobre red inalambrica podrian p. ej. sobrecargar el panel de operador. La funcion "Storm Threshold" tiene que estar activada en el Siemens Access Point SCALANCE. Esta activacion es necesaria para el funcionamiento estable de la instalacion, incluso a una carga de red elevada. Ajuste lo siguiente para los telegramas broadcast: Address Threshold: 255 Wireless: 255. PROFINET IO Nota Para mejorar la seguridad de su aplicacion, consulte el bit de senal de vida en la aplicacion de la CPU. Estacion de carga La estacion de carga cumple la clase de proteccion III segun EN 61131-2:2007 y EN 60950-1:2006. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 35 Consignas de seguridad exclusivas para el Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ADVERTENCIA Consulte el manual de funciones "Failsafe Mode of Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" Consulte el manual de funciones "Fail-Safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" y las advertencias e informaciones adicionales que encontrara en Internet: Consignas de seguridad para el Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN y Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( El manual de funciones "Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN" esta disponible en aleman, ingles y japones. Transferencia automatica ADVERTENCIA No utilizar la transferencia automatica La transferencia automatica (Control Panel, opcion "Remote Control") no puede utiizarse en el panel de operador. Utilice la transferencia manual. Power Management ATENCION El contenido de la pantalla no se actualiza con fiabilidad En el siguiente caso, el contenido de la pantalla del panel de operador no se actualiza con fiabilidad. Esta utilizando el software "Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN y Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN fur WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1) El panel de operador ha iniciado la sesion en el rango efectivo. Estan activados las siguientes opciones de energia: - Para la opcion "Desactivar pantalla" se ha ajustado un intervalo de tiempo. - La opcion "Reducir brillo" esta desactivada por "nunca". Existen varias maneras de evitar el comportamiento descrito, a saber: Opcion 1: Instale WinCC flexible 2008 SP1. Opcion 2: Configure un intervalo de tiempo para la opcion "Reducir brillo". 36 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Normas y homologaciones Este apartado contiene informacion importante sobre las normas y homologaciones nacionales de los paneles de operador Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN y Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN en lo que respecta al sistema radioelectrico. PRECAUCION La siguiente relacion indica las homologaciones posibles. Para el panel de operador son aplicables unicamente las homologaciones indicadas en el lado posterior del equipo. Homologacion CE El modelo del panel de operador comercializado por la Siemens I IA cumple con las prescripciones de la siguiente directiva europea: 99/5/CE Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre la aproximacion de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros sobre equipos radioelectricos y equipos terminales de telecomunicacion y reconocimiento mutuo de su conformidad). La conformidad con los requisitos fundamentales de la Directiva queda certificada con la observancia de las siguientes normas: EN 60950 Seguridad de los equipos de tratamiento de la informacion EN 301489-1 Compatibilidad electromagnetica para los equipos y servicios radioelectricos EN 301489-17 Condiciones especificas para sistemas de transmision en banda ancha y para equipos en redes locales inalambricas de alta potencia (HIPERLAN)) EN 300328 Cuestiones de compatibilidad electromagnetica y espectro radioelectrico (ERM) - Sistemas de transmision en banda ancha - equipos de transmision de dabos que operan en banda de 2,4 GHz-ISM y utilizan tecnicas de modulacion en banda ancha EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 Cuestiones de compatibilidad electromagnetica y espectro radioelectrico (ERM) - Dispositivos de corto alcance - equipos de radio para utilizar en el rango de frecuencias entre 1 Ghz a 40 GHz EN 301893 Redes de acceso por radio de banda ancha (BRAN); RLAN de alto rendimiento en la banda de 5 GHz EN 50371 Cumplimiento de aparatos electricos y electronicos de baja potencia con las restricciones basicas relativas a la exposicion de las personas a los campos electromagneticos (10 MHz - 300 GHz)) 1999/519/EC Recomendacion del Consejo Europeo sobre la limitacion de la exposicion del publico general a campos electromagneticos (0 Hz -- 300 GHz)) Los equipos conectados al sistema deben cumplir las consignas de seguridad relevantes. Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 37 Declaracion de conformidad CE Segun exigen las directivas CE arriba mencionadas, la declaracion de conformidad CE esta a disposicion de las autoridades competentes en: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Industry Automation Division I IA AS RD ST Postfach 1963 92209 Amberg Alemania Esta declaracion certifica el cumplimiento de las directivas mencionadas pero no garantiza las caracteristicas. La declaracion de conformidad CE sobre la Directiva CEM se puede descargar de Internet: Documentacion completa del Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN y Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Busque los articulos con el filtro "Certificados". Homologacion UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. segun UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) La homologacion solo se cumple en el uso con bateria o de forma estacionaria en la estacion de carga. 38 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 39 Homologaciones nacionales PRECAUCION La siguiente relacion indica las homologaciones para transmision radioelectrica en los distintos paises. Para el panel de operador son aplicables unicamente las homologaciones indicadas en el lado posterior del equipo. Pais Marcado Homologacion concedida Pais Australia Malta Belgica Paises Bajos Bulgaria Noruega Austria China Marcado Homologacion concedida Dinamarca Polonia Alemania Portugal Estonia Rumania Finlandia Rusia Francia Suecia Grecia Suiza Gran Bretana Singapur Hongkong Eslovaquia Irlanda Eslovenia Islandia Espana Italia Sudafrica Japon Corea del Sur Taiwan Republica Checa Canada ,& Kuwait Letonia Turquia Liechtenstein Ucrania Lituania Hungria Luxemburgo Estados Unidos de America Chipre Malasia Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 40 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN, Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 SIMATIC HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN HMI Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN : - 6AV6 645-0DD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DE01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FD01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0FE01-0AX0 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN : - 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GB01-0AX0 - 6AV6 645-0GC01-0AX0 HMI HMI (c) Siemens 2009 A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 41 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN HMI (" 1")(" 2") HMI 2 1 USB HMI " 2" USB ProSave Ethernet USB ProSave Ethernet USB ProSave 7.4.2. HMI "WinCC flexible 2008 SP1" HMI "HSP Mobile Panel 277 Wireless V1.1" WinCC flexible 2007 6AV6 645 0DD01 0AX0 6AV6 645 0DE01 0AX0 6AV6 645-0DB01-0AX0 6AV6 645-0DC01-0AX0 1 HMI HMI 42 Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 HMI 040 HMI 40 HMI HMI 40 35 LED HMI "BAT"LED HMI USB USB USB 3 m - Mobile Panel IWLAN 2.4 GHz WLAN 5 GHz (IEE 802.11a) 2.4 GHz RFID (: MOBY U MOBY R ) - WLAN PROFINET IOHTTPSm@rtAccessSm@rtServiceOPC Ethernet HMI HMI Siemens SCALANCE : 255 : 255. PROFINET IO CPU EN 61131-2:2007 EN 60950-1:2006 III Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 43 Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN Web Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN HMI () HMI "Hardware Support Package (HSP) Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN and Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN for WinCC flexible 2007" (V1.1) HMI - [] - [][] 1: WinCC flexible 2008 SP1 2: [] 44 Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN HMI HMI CE Siemens I IA HMI 99/5/EC EN 60950 EN 301489-1 EN 301489-17 (HIPERLAN) EN 300328 (ERM) - - 2.4 GHz ISM EN 300440-1 EN 300440-2 (ERM) - - 1 GHz 40 GHz EN 301893 (BRAN) - 5 GHz RLAN EN 50371 (10 MH 300 GHz) 1999/519/EC (0 Hz 300 GHz) Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 45 EC EC EC Siemens AG Industry Sector I IA AS RD ST PO Box 1963 92209 Amberg Germany EC Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN ( UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. UL 508 () CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment) 46 Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 Approval according to FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IEEE802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, wich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wich the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled enviroment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Professional Installation Notice: To comply with FCC Part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. Within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, this device is only for indoor use operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations. RSS-210 of Industry Canada "Operation is subjecte to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device." "This device has been designed to operate with internal antennas with a maximum gain of 2 dBi and an antenna impedance of 50 Ohms. Other antennas are strictly prohibited for use with this device." "To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication." That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems." "Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices." Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009 47 HMI ID ID ,& Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG 48 Mobile Panel 277 IWLANMobile Panel 277F IWLAN A5E02615843-01, 08/2009