4E86MON™ Software User’s Manual Amendment
For other Am186 processors, the following is the permanent variable screen for the E86MON software,
version 3.4.2:
cc86mon: p
baudrate = 19200
cpuspeed = 40000000
led = 1
autorun = 0
monitorport = 1
protectflash = 000e0000
Note that bec au se you can not execute f ro m th e Fla sh mem ory device whil e m odi fy ing it, thi s com mand moves the
monitor to RAM and then back, destroying any user program already loaded.
The E86MON software supports the following permanent variables:
autorun When this variable is non-zero, it selects which .EXE program to load from the Flash memory
and to run at boot time. The W command is used to store .EXE programs into Flash memory .
The .EXE programs can be listed using the L co mmand.
baudrate This variable defines the default baud rate used if an a is not detected during the three-
second autobaud period at boot. (Note that the baud rate is not correct unless the cpuspeed
variable is also correct.)
cpuspeed This variable defines the speed from the CPU to the monitor . The cpuspeed variable is
required for correct default baud rate setup and correct DRAM refresh rate selection
(Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED devices only). The cpuspeed variable is also used to
set the internal timer tick correctly. The internal timer tick is used by benchmark programs
and also governs the speed of the LED patterns.
hhke y This variable should be only non-zero when the monitor is running on a Hamilton-Hallmark
(formerly; now Avnet Personal Computer Components) keychain system. The hhkey vari-
able sets up various GPIOs correctly for this system.
led When this variable is non-zero, the monitor uses the LEDs to show current status. When
the led variable is zero, the monitor does not change the LEDs. Set the variable to zero if
the LED GPIOs are connected to other hardware, and you do not want the E86MON software
disturbing that hardware.
refresh_hz This variable is useful only for Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED microcontroller devices.
The refresh_hz v ariable defines the rate at which the refresh cycles occur . The default rate
is 64 KHz, which provides 512 refresh cycles ev ery 8 ms. Note that the actual refresh rate
is not correct unless the cpuspeed permanent variable matches the actual CPU clock
wa its tat es Vers ion 3.4 .2 of th e E8 6MON so ft wa re has r epl aced th e waitstates permanent variable in
prior versions of E86MON software with the umcs_ws and lmcs_ws variables. These
variables enable you to configure the upper and lower memory chip select wait states.
Version 3.4.2 of the E86MON software initially sets UMCS to three wait states and sets
LMCS to zero wait states, then loads the number of wait states for both registers from the
umcs_ws and lmcs_ws. Note that these variables are only used when the E86MON
software is running on a system with an Am186CC/CH/CU or Am186ED microcontroller.
protectflash Locations between this variable and the monitor upgrade sector (Figure 1-2 on page 1-5 of
the user’s manual) are not erased by the XA command. You can still erase a specific sector
with the X
<sector number>