Publication# 21891 Rev: BAmendment/1
Issue Date: October 1999
E86MON™ Software
Users Manual
This document amends the
E86MON™ Software User’s Manual
, order #21891B, (referred to throughout as the
user’s manual). The information contained in this amendment is based on version 3.4.2 of the E86MON software.
This section updates Chapter 2 of the user’s manual.
Downloading .HEX Files
You can download seven example .HEX files. The files are located in the /OUT subdirectory on the floppy disk
provided in the board kit.
DUALCRT.HEX RAM-based dual terminal viewer
SECONDS.HEX RAM-based seconds counter
TESTMON.HEX RAM-based minimal DOS emulator test
LEDS.HEX Flash-memory-based demonstration
EDITMON.EXE DOS-based utility used in Flash memory
FINDER.HEX Flash memory - based dem ons tration
The .HEX files built with the older (version 3.2.x) MAK EHEX uti lity do not downlo ad with the version 3. 4.x monitor.
The version 3.4.x MAKEHEX files do not execute on a version 3.2.x monitor. Rebuild your .HEX file using the 3.4.x
MAKEHEX utility.
Upgrading the E86MON Software
Files used to upgrade the E86MON software are pr ovided in the \OUT subdir ector y on th e floppy disk incl uded in
the board kit. The latest version of the E86MON software is also available on the Web at
products/lpd/codekits/downloads.html. Click on CK000901.EXE to download the E86MON software.
Note: Two builds of the E86MON software are available. One build is for the Am186™ER/Am188™ER
microcontrollers and one is for the other Am186 and Am188 microcontroller devices.
The traditional version of E86MON software is too large to be contained in the 32K of SRAM on the SD186ER
microcontroller demonstration board, so a separate build was created that does not include support for the other
microcontrollers. The Am186ER/Am188ER microcontroller .HEX file version of the E86MON software uses "E_ER"
as the first four characters of its filename. The other version uses "EMON" as the first four characters of its filename.
2E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment
The files listed below are in the \OUT subdirectory on the floppy disk for all boards except the SD186ER
microcontroller board:
EMON342U.HEX Main upgrade file
EMON342R.HEX RAM-based version of the E86MON software
EMON342B.HEX Bootable (suitable for programming with a PROM programmer) version of the E86MON
EXTEM342.HEX Extensions to provide support for a DOS emulator (Int21), command-line editor (additional
LED patterns), and help
Note: The 342 portion of the filename represents version 3.4.2. The version included on your floppy disk may vary.
The files listed below are in the \OUT subdirectory on the floppy disk for the SD186ER microcontroller board:
E_ER342U.HEX Main upgrade file
E_ER342B.HEX Bootable (suitable for programming with a PROM programmer) version of the E86MON
EXTEM342.HEX Extensions to provide support for a DOS emulator (Int21), command-line editor (additional
LED patterns), and help
Note: Every upgrade of the E86MON software requires an upgrade of the DOS emulation library.
To upgrade versions 3 or l ater of the E86 MO N s of tware ( pr i or version s must be upgrade d tw ic e—fi rst to version 3 ,
then to version 3.4.x):
1. Use the XA command to erase the application Flash memory sectors.
2. Download EMO N342 U.HEX, the up grade file, to th e bo ar d. It is no t nec es s ary to t yp e any command to d o this;
the new E86MON software automatically recognizes a file download when it detects the colon that starts the file.
3. Use the G command to go to the new E86MON software, which is running from your Flash memory space.
4. Type an a to establish communication with the new monitor . You are now running the E86MON software from the
copy of the E86MON software in the application area of the Flash memory. You can verify this using the I
5. Type a Z and press <Enter> to initiate the upgrade. The software asks if this is really what you want to do. To
perform the upgrade and make the new version of E86MON software (the version that starts up when you reset
the hardware), answer Y. Do not do this if your power is not stable. Press n or reset to cancel the upgrade.
If the upgrade is abor ted before it finishes, you might need to send the board back to AMD to have the Flash
memory reprogrammed.
The E86MON software is upgraded and automatically runs out of the new boot copy of the software. Type an a within
three seconds to establish communication with the boot copy of the E86MON software.
You can us e the XA command to remove the application copy of the E86MON software and download any desired
.HEX file to the application area of the Flash memory.
If you want to use the DOS emulation, upload the EXTEM342.HEX file. Loading this file automatically writes the DOS
emulation library to location E0000h in Flash memory.
E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment 3
This section updates Chapter 3 of the user’s manual.
H – Hex Math or Help
The Help (H) command (without two hexadecimal words) displays the help menu:
E86 Boot Monitor -- Version 3.42 1999/02/25
Copyright (C) 1994-1999 AMD, Austin, Texas, USA
I – Input
I [W] <word>
The Input (I) comman d followed by a word inputs from a byte-wide por t and d isplays the results. IW foll owe d by a
word inputs from a word-wide por t and displays the results. This command also allows read word access to the
processor’s peripheral control block, which is mapped to the upper portion of I/O space.
cc86mon: i ffa8
cc86mon: iw ffa8
L/LL – Load / Load Library
The Load Library (LL) command loads the extensions (EXTEM342.HEX) into memory. Loading extensions
provides support for a DOS emulator (Int21) and command-line editor (additional LED patterns).
If the extensions ar e n ot l oa ded in Flas h m emo ry, you can downloa d th em us ing the EX TEM 342 .HEX fi le su ppl ie d
on the E86MON software disk. See Chapter 2, “Downloading Files” in the user’s manual for more information.
P – Boot Parameters
P [
VariableName DecimalValue
The Boot Parameters (P) command sets or displays information about the boot parameters of the system. The
monitor stores these values in the Flash memory device between the end of the monitor and absolute address
FFF00h. Varia bles can be a lte re d a pproximatel y five hund red ti me s befo re thi s ar ea bec om es full. The fol lowing is
the per manent variable sc reen for the E86MO N software, versi on 3.4.2 for the Am1 86/CC/CH/CU and A m186ED
cc86mon: p
baudrate = 19200
cpuspeed = 40000000
led = 1
refresh_hz = 64000
autorun = 0
monitorport = 1
protectflash = 000e0000
lmcs_ws = 0
umcs_ws = 3
4E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment
For other Am186 processors, the following is the permanent variable screen for the E86MON software,
version 3.4.2:
cc86mon: p
baudrate = 19200
cpuspeed = 40000000
led = 1
autorun = 0
monitorport = 1
protectflash = 000e0000
Note that bec au se you can not execute f ro m th e Fla sh mem ory device whil e m odi fy ing it, thi s com mand moves the
monitor to RAM and then back, destroying any user program already loaded.
The E86MON software supports the following permanent variables:
autorun When this variable is non-zero, it selects which .EXE program to load from the Flash memory
and to run at boot time. The W command is used to store .EXE programs into Flash memory .
The .EXE programs can be listed using the L co mmand.
baudrate This variable defines the default baud rate used if an a is not detected during the three-
second autobaud period at boot. (Note that the baud rate is not correct unless the cpuspeed
variable is also correct.)
cpuspeed This variable defines the speed from the CPU to the monitor . The cpuspeed variable is
required for correct default baud rate setup and correct DRAM refresh rate selection
(Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED devices only). The cpuspeed variable is also used to
set the internal timer tick correctly. The internal timer tick is used by benchmark programs
and also governs the speed of the LED patterns.
hhke y This variable should be only non-zero when the monitor is running on a Hamilton-Hallmark
(formerly; now Avnet Personal Computer Components) keychain system. The hhkey vari-
able sets up various GPIOs correctly for this system.
led When this variable is non-zero, the monitor uses the LEDs to show current status. When
the led variable is zero, the monitor does not change the LEDs. Set the variable to zero if
the LED GPIOs are connected to other hardware, and you do not want the E86MON software
disturbing that hardware.
refresh_hz This variable is useful only for Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED microcontroller devices.
The refresh_hz v ariable defines the rate at which the refresh cycles occur . The default rate
is 64 KHz, which provides 512 refresh cycles ev ery 8 ms. Note that the actual refresh rate
is not correct unless the cpuspeed permanent variable matches the actual CPU clock
wa its tat es Vers ion 3.4 .2 of th e E8 6MON so ft wa re has r epl aced th e waitstates permanent variable in
prior versions of E86MON software with the umcs_ws and lmcs_ws variables. These
variables enable you to configure the upper and lower memory chip select wait states.
Version 3.4.2 of the E86MON software initially sets UMCS to three wait states and sets
LMCS to zero wait states, then loads the number of wait states for both registers from the
umcs_ws and lmcs_ws. Note that these variables are only used when the E86MON
software is running on a system with an Am186CC/CH/CU or Am186ED microcontroller.
protectflash Locations between this variable and the monitor upgrade sector (Figure 1-2 on page 1-5 of
the user’s manual) are not erased by the XA command. You can still erase a specific sector
with the X
<sector number>
E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment 5
Emergency Recovery for Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED Microcontroller Boards
If you program the DRAM refr esh and/ or memor y chip sel ect per manent variables to values t hat are not bootable
on the Am186CC/CH/CU and Am186ED microcontroller boards, the E86MON software does not start up. However ,
you can tie addr ess pin 8 on the data bus High wit h a weak pullup so pin 8 is sampl ed by the reset confi guration
register on the Am186CC/CH/CU or Am186ED microcontroller . This starts up the upper memory chip select at three
wait states and s ets the DRAM refresh rate to 15.6 µs at 5 MHz. This enables the E86MON s oftware to come up,
which enables you to reprogram the permanent variables with appropriate values so the E86MON software can start
up on its own.
R – Display/Alter Register
The R command can be used with the following registers: BX, CS, CX, DI, DS, DX, EX, IP, SI, SP, and SS.
This section updates Appendix B of the user’s manual.
The MAKEHEX Utility
Different versions of the E86MON software use different versions of MAKEHEX. Ensure that your version of software
matches the version of MAKEHEX being used. You will receive an error message if the incorrect version of
MAKEHE X is use d.
The MAKEHEX utility with version 3.4.x of the monitor has changed from pre vious versions. The .HEX files built with
the older version (3.2.x) MAKEHEX utility do not download with the version 3.4.x monitor. The version 3.4.x
MAKEHEX files do not execute on a version 3.2.x monitor.
This section updates Appendix C of the user’s manual.
The following error message indicates the MAKEHEX utility with version 3.4.x of the monitor has changed from
previous versions. The .HEX files built with the older (3.2.x) MAKEHEX utility do not download with the version 3.4.x
monitor. A ddi tio nal ly, the 3.4 .x MAKE HE X fi les do not execut e o n a 3.2. x monito r. Re build your . HEX file u sing th e
new MAKEHEX utility.
File Error: Invalid segment or start record at file line number x.
This section updates Appendix D of the user’s manual.
Every upgrade of the E86MON software requires an upgrade of the DOS emulation library.
6E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment
This section updates Appendix E of the user’s manual.
If you are using version 3.2.1 or later of the E86MON software, your \OUT subdirectory contains the files
EDITMON.EXE and EMON332.EXE. The following command sequence modifies EMON332.EXE to change the
CPU speed to 20 MHz, and the baud rate to 9600:
When you have done th is, you can use MAKEHEX.E XE to conver t EMON 332.EXE in to EMON332. HEX. Use the
parameter of MAKEHEX to locate the E86MON software in the top 32K of the device image:
MAKEHEX EMON342 7800 – For 512-KByte devices
MAKEHEX EMON342 3800 – For 256-KByte devices
MAKEHEX EMON342 1800 – For 128-KByte devices
MAKEHEX EMON342 800 – For 64-KByte devices
Before downloading EMON342.HEX to the device programmer, you should ensure that all memory in the
programmer is erased to FFs. If this is not do ne, the E86MON software migh t assume th at there is an applica tion
program loaded and might try to jump to it after booting.
E86MON™ Software Users Manual Amendment 7
1999 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are trademar k s of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Am186, Am188, and E86MON are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be tr ademarks of their respective companies.