C Cu ur rr re en nt t T Tr ra an ns sf fo or rm me er r Model 56 Window Diameter 2.06" 1 APPLICATION: With ammeters, wattmeters, and cross current compensation. FREQUENCY: 50-400 Hz. INSULATION LEVEL: 600 Volts, 10 kV BIL full wave. Flexible leads are UL 1015, #16 AWG, 24" long. Models 56RT & 56RL Shown o 105 C., CSA approved. Non-standard length to be specif ied. Terminals are brass studs No. 8-32 with one flatwasher, lockwasher and regular nut . SFT case styles also available as SFL with leads. Approximate weight 0.6 lbs. CATALOG CURRENT 56**--500 50:5 56**--750 75:5 56**--101 100:5 NUMBER RATIO 56**--151 150:5 56**--201 200:5 56**--251 250:5 56**--301 300:5 56**--401 400:5 56**--501 500:5 56**--601 600:5 56**--751 750:5 56**--801 800:5 56**--102 1000:5 56**--122 1200:5 ACCURACY BURDEN AT 60 Hz VA at 60 Hz + 3% 0.5 + 1% 0.5 + 1% 1.0 + 1% 2.5 + 1% 4.0 + 1% 6.0 + 1% 7.5 + 1% 10.0 + 1% 12.5 + 1% 15.0 + 1% 7.0 + 1% 8.0 + 1% + 1% 10.0 12.5 **Note: When ordering, pref ix Cat No. with model designation required i.e. 56RL--101, 56RBL--251, etc. Section 1 25 M Mo od de ell 5 56 6 Model 56SFT Model 56RT Model 56RBT 1 Model 56RL USA, Canada, Asia, Latin America Tel: +1-800-547-8629 Fax: +1-905-201-2455 e-mail: sales.multilin@ge.com 26 Section 1 Model 56RBL Europe, Middle East , Africa Tel: +34-94-485-88-00 Fax: +34-94-485-88-45 e-mail: gemultilin.euro@ge.com Please refer to our website www.GEMultilin.com for more detailed contact information CS00A40440 Rev.