SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet SiI-DS-1061-D May 2017 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Contents 1. General Description ......................................................................................................................................................6 1.1. Inputs ....................................................................................................................................................................6 1.2. Digital Video Output .............................................................................................................................................6 1.3. Digital Audio Interface ..........................................................................................................................................6 1.4. Control ..................................................................................................................................................................6 1.5. Package .................................................................................................................................................................6 2. System Applications ......................................................................................................................................................7 3. Comparing Features of Lattice Semiconductor Receiver Devices ................................................................................7 4. Functional Description ..................................................................................................................................................8 4.1. TMDS Digital Cores ...............................................................................................................................................8 4.2. Active Port Detection and Selection .....................................................................................................................8 4.3. HDCP Decryption Engine/XOR Mask ...................................................................................................................10 4.4. HDCP Embedded Keys.........................................................................................................................................10 4.5. Data Input and Conversion .................................................................................................................................10 4.5.1. Mode Control Logic .....................................................................................................................................10 4.5.2. Video Data Conversion and Video Output ..................................................................................................10 4.5.3. Deep Color Support.....................................................................................................................................11 4.5.4. xvYCC Support .............................................................................................................................................11 4.6. 3D Video Formats ...............................................................................................................................................12 4.6.1. Default Video Configuration .......................................................................................................................12 4.6.2. Automatic Video Configuration ..................................................................................................................13 4.7. Audio Data Output Logic .....................................................................................................................................14 4.7.1. S/PDIF ..........................................................................................................................................................14 4.7.2. I2S ...............................................................................................................................................................14 4.7.3. One-Bit Audio Input (DSD/SACD) ................................................................................................................14 4.7.4. High-Bitrate Audio on HDMI .......................................................................................................................14 4.7.5. Auto Audio Configuration ...........................................................................................................................16 4.7.6. Soft Mute ....................................................................................................................................................16 4.8. Control and Configuration ..................................................................................................................................17 4.8.1. Register/Configuration Logic ......................................................................................................................17 4.8.2. I2C Serial Ports .............................................................................................................................................17 4.8.3. EDID FLASH and RAM Block ........................................................................................................................17 4.8.4. CEC Interface ...............................................................................................................................................18 4.8.5. Standby and HDMI Port Power Supplies .....................................................................................................18 5. Electrical Specifications ..............................................................................................................................................19 5.1. Absolute Maximum Conditions ..........................................................................................................................19 5.2. Normal Operating Conditions .............................................................................................................................20 5.3. DC Specifications .................................................................................................................................................21 5.3.1. DC Power Supply Pin Specifications ............................................................................................................22 5.4. AC Specifications .................................................................................................................................................24 5.4.1. Video Output Timings .................................................................................................................................24 5.4.2. Audio Output Timings .................................................................................................................................25 5.4.3. Miscellaneous Timings ................................................................................................................................26 5.4.4. Interrupt Timings ........................................................................................................................................27 6. Timing Diagrams .........................................................................................................................................................28 6.1. TMDS Input Timing Diagrams .............................................................................................................................28 6.2. Power Supply Control Timings ............................................................................................................................28 6.3. Reset Timings ......................................................................................................................................................29 6.4. Digital Video Output Timing Diagrams................................................................................................................29 6.4.1. Output Transition Times .............................................................................................................................29 6.4.2. Output Clock to Output Data Delay ............................................................................................................30 6.5. Digital Audio Output Timings ..............................................................................................................................30 (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 2 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 6.6. Calculating Setup and Hold Times for Video Bus ................................................................................................ 31 6.6.1. 24/30/36-Bit Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 31 6.6.2. 12/15/18-Bit Dual-Edge Mode .................................................................................................................... 32 6.7. Calculating Setup and Hold Times for I2S Audio Bus ........................................................................................... 33 7. Pin Diagram and Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................... 34 7.1. Pin Diagram......................................................................................................................................................... 34 7.2. Pin Descriptions .................................................................................................................................................. 35 7.2.1. Differential Signal Data Pins........................................................................................................................ 35 7.2.2. Digital Video Output Data Pins ................................................................................................................... 36 7.2.3. Digital Video Output Control Pins ............................................................................................................... 37 7.2.4. HDMI Control Signal Pins ............................................................................................................................ 37 7.2.5. Digital Audio Output Pins............................................................................................................................ 38 7.2.6. Configuration/Programming Pins ............................................................................................................... 39 7.2.7. Power and Ground Pins .............................................................................................................................. 39 7.2.8. Reserved and Not Connected Pins .............................................................................................................. 39 8. Feature Information ................................................................................................................................................... 40 8.1. Video Path........................................................................................................................................................... 40 8.1.1. HDMI Input Modes to SiI9233A Receiver Output Modes ........................................................................... 40 8.1.2. Output Mode Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 44 8.2. I2C Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................................... 58 8.2.1. HDCP E-DDC / I2C Interface ......................................................................................................................... 58 8.2.2. Local I2C Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 59 8.2.3. Video Requirement for I2C Access .............................................................................................................. 59 8.2.4. I2C Registers ................................................................................................................................................ 59 9. Design Recommendations .......................................................................................................................................... 60 9.1. Power Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 9.2. Power-on Sequencing ......................................................................................................................................... 60 9.3. Power Pin Current Demands .............................................................................................................................. 60 9.4. HDMI Receiver DDC Bus Protection .................................................................................................................... 61 9.5. Decoupling Capacitors ........................................................................................................................................ 61 9.6. ESD Protection .................................................................................................................................................... 61 9.7. HDMI Receiver Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 62 9.8. EMI Considerations ............................................................................................................................................. 63 9.9. Typical Circuit...................................................................................................................................................... 63 9.9.1. Power Supply Decoupling ........................................................................................................................... 64 9.9.2. HDMI Port Connections .............................................................................................................................. 65 9.9.3. Digital Video Output Connections .............................................................................................................. 66 9.9.4. Digital Audio Output Connections .............................................................................................................. 67 9.9.5. Control Signal Connections ......................................................................................................................... 67 9.10. Layout--TMDS Input Port Connections .......................................................................................................... 68 10. Package Information ................................................................................................................................................... 69 10.1. ePad Requirements......................................................................................................................................... 69 10.2. PCB Layout Guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 69 10.3. Package Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................... 70 10.4. Marking Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 71 10.5. Ordering Information ...................................................................................................................................... 71 References .......................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Standards Documents..................................................................................................................................................... 72 Lattice Semiconductor Documents ................................................................................................................................. 72 Technical Support ........................................................................................................................................................... 72 Revision History .................................................................................................................................................................. 73 (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 3 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Figures Figure 1.1. Typical Application ..............................................................................................................................................6 Figure 4.1. A/V Receiver Block Diagram ...............................................................................................................................8 Figure 4.2. Functional Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................9 Figure 4.3. Default Video Processing Path ..........................................................................................................................13 Figure 4.4. High Speed Data Transmission ..........................................................................................................................15 Figure 4.5. High-Bitrate Stream Before and After Reassembly and Splitting .....................................................................15 Figure 4.6. High-Bitrate Stream After Splitting ...................................................................................................................15 Figure 4.7. I2C Register Domains .........................................................................................................................................17 Figure 4.8. Power Island .....................................................................................................................................................18 Figure 5.1. Test Point VCCTP for VCC Noise Tolerance Spec ..............................................................................................20 Figure 5.2. Audio Crystal Schematic ...................................................................................................................................25 Figure 5.3. SCDT and CKDT Timing from DE or RXC Inactive/Active ...................................................................................27 Figure 6.1. TMDS Channel-to-Channel Skew Timing ..........................................................................................................28 Figure 6.2. Power Supply Sequencing .................................................................................................................................28 Figure 6.3. RESET# Minimum Timings.................................................................................................................................29 Figure 6.4. Video Digital Output Transition Times ..............................................................................................................29 Figure 6.5. Receiver Clock-to-Output Delay and Duty Cycle Limits ....................................................................................30 Figure 6.6. I2S Output Timings ............................................................................................................................................30 Figure 6.7. S/PDIF Output Timings ......................................................................................................................................31 Figure 6.8. MCLK Timings ....................................................................................................................................................31 Figure 6.9. 24/30/36-Bit Mode Receiver Output Setup and Hold Times ............................................................................31 Figure 6.10. 12/15/18-Bit Mode Receiver Output Setup and Hold Times ..........................................................................32 Figure 7.1. Pin Diagram .......................................................................................................................................................34 Figure 8.1. Receiver Video and Audio Data Processing Paths ............................................................................................40 Figure 8.2. HDMI RGB 4:4:4 Input to Video Output Transformations ................................................................................41 Figure 8.3. HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 Input to Video Output Transformations ..................................................................42 Figure 8.4. HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 Input to Video Output Transformations ..................................................................43 Figure 8.5. 4:4:4 Timing Diagram ........................................................................................................................................46 Figure 8.6. YC Timing Diagram ............................................................................................................................................49 Figure 8.7. YC 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Timing Diagram ........................................................................................................52 Figure 8.8. YC Mux 4:2:2 Timing Diagram ...........................................................................................................................54 Figure 8.9. YC Mux 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Encoding Timing Diagram .................................................................................56 Figure 8.10. 18-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram ...............................................................................................................57 Figure 8.11. 15-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram ...............................................................................................................57 Figure 8.12. 12-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram ...............................................................................................................57 Figure 8.13. I2C Byte Read ...................................................................................................................................................58 Figure 8.14. I2C Byte Write ..................................................................................................................................................58 Figure 8.15. Short Read Sequence ......................................................................................................................................58 Figure 9.1. Decoupling and Bypass Capacitor Placement ...................................................................................................61 Figure 9.2. Cut-out Reference Plane Dimensions ...............................................................................................................62 Figure 9.3. HDMI to Receiver Routing - Top View ..............................................................................................................63 Figure 9.4. Power Supply Decoupling and PLL Filtering Schematic ....................................................................................64 Figure 9.5. HDMI Port Connections Schematic ...................................................................................................................65 Figure 9.6. Digital Display Schematic ..................................................................................................................................66 Figure 9.7. Audio Output Schematic ...................................................................................................................................67 Figure 9.8. Controller Connections Schematic ....................................................................................................................67 Figure 9.9. TMDS Input Signal Assignments .......................................................................................................................68 Figure 10.1. 144-Pin TQFP Package Diagram ......................................................................................................................70 Figure 10.2. Marking Diagram ............................................................................................................................................71 Figure 10.3. Alternate Marking Diagram ............................................................................................................................71 (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 4 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Tables Table 3.1. Comparison of Lattice Semiconductor Receiver Devices ..................................................................................... 7 Table 4.1. Digital Video Output Formats ............................................................................................................................ 10 Table 4.2. Supported 3D Video Formats ............................................................................................................................. 12 Table 4.3. Default Video Processing ................................................................................................................................... 12 Table 4.4. AVI InfoFrame Video Path Details ...................................................................................................................... 13 Table 4.5. Digital Output Formats Configurable through Auto Output Format Register ................................................... 14 Table 4.6. Supported MCLK Frequencies ............................................................................................................................ 14 Table 4.7. Maximum Audio Sampling Frequency for All Video Format Timings ................................................................ 16 Table 5.1. Absolute Maximum Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 19 Table 5.2. Normal Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 20 Table 5.3. Digital I/O Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 5.4. Total Power versus Power-Down Modes ........................................................................................................... 22 Table 5.5. Power-down Mode Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 23 Table 5.6. TMDS Input Timings ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 5.7. 12/15/18-Bit Data Output Timings .................................................................................................................... 24 Table 5.8. 16/20/24/30/36-Bit Data Output Timings ......................................................................................................... 24 Table 5.9. I2S Output Port Timings ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 5.10. S/PDIF Output Port Timings ............................................................................................................................. 25 Table 5.11. Audio Crystal Timings ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 5.12. Miscellaneous Timings ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Table 5.13. Interrupt Output Pin Timings ........................................................................................................................... 27 Table 6.1. Calculation of 24/30/36-Bit Output Setup and Hold Times ............................................................................... 32 Table 6.2. Calculation of 12/15/18-Bit Output Setup and Hold Times ............................................................................... 32 Table 6.3. I2S Setup and Hold Time Calculations ................................................................................................................ 33 Table 8.1. Translating HDMI Formats to Output Formats .................................................................................................. 40 Table 8.2. Output Video Formats ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Table 8.3. 4:4:4 Mappings .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Table 8.4. YC 4:2:2 Separate Sync Pin Mappings ................................................................................................................ 47 Table 8.5. YC 4:2:2 (Pass Through Only) Separate Sync Pin Mapping ............................................................................... 48 Table 8.6. YC 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Pin Mappings ............................................................................................................. 50 Table 8.7. YC 4:2:2 (Pass Through Only) Embedded Sync Pin Mapping ............................................................................. 51 Table 8.8. YC Mux 4:2:2 Mappings ..................................................................................................................................... 53 Table 8.9. YC Mux 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Pin Mapping ...................................................................................................... 55 Table 8.10. 12/15/18-Bit Output 4:4:4 Mappings .............................................................................................................. 56 Table 8.11. Control of the Default I2C Addresses with the CI2CA Pin ................................................................................. 59 Table 9.1. Maximum Power Domain Current versus Video Mode ..................................................................................... 60 Table 10.1. SiI9233A HDMI Receiver Device Ordering Information ................................................................................... 71 (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 5 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 1.1. 1. General Description The Lattice Semiconductor SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color is a 4-port HDMI(R) receiver device. AV receivers that connect to DTVs displaying 10/12-bit color depth can now provide the highest quality protected digital audio and video, including common 3D formats up to 12-bit, 1080p at 24 Hz resolution. The receiver supports Deep Color video up to 12-bit, 1080p at 60 Hz. Efficient color space conversion receives RGB or YCbCr video data and sends either standard-definition or high-definition RGB or YCbCr formats. The SiI9233A receiver supports the extended gamut YCC or xvYCC color space, described in the IEC 61966-2-4 specification, that supports approximately 1.8 times the number of colors as the RGB color space. The xvYCC color space also makes full use of the range on the standard 8bit resolution per pixel. The SiI9233A receiver device is pre-programmed with High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) keys; this helps reduce programming overhead and lowers manufacturing costs. An integrated Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) block stored in non-volatile memory (NVM) can be programmed at the time of manufacture using the local I2C bus. On-board RAM can also be loaded with EDID data from the system microcontroller during initialization if the NVM is not used. The EDID is reflected on the four HDMI ports through the DDC bus. Flexibility allows mixing different EDID formats in an application. This feature can eliminate up to four EDID ROMs while also saving board space. Flexible power management provides extremely low standby power consumption; standby power can be supplied from an HDMI 5 V signal or from a separate standby power pin. If the NVM stores the EDID, only the 5 V power from the source device is needed to read the EDID. Four HDMI/DVI-compatible ports TMDSTM core runs at 25 MHz - 225 MHz 1.2. Digital Audio Interface DTS-HD and Dolby(R) TrueHD high bit rate audio I2S output with 4 data signals for multi-channel formats and flexible, programmable channel mapping S/PDIF output supports PCM, Dolby(R) Digital, DTS digital audio transmission with a 32 kHz - 192 kHz Fs sample rate Intelligent audio mute capability avoids pops and noise with automatic soft mute and unmute IEC60958 or IEC61937 compatible 1.4. Digital Video Output xvYCC to extended RGB 36-bit RGB / YCbCr 4:4:4 16/20/24-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 8/10/12-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 (ITU BT.656) True 12-bit accurate output data using an internal14-bit wide processing path Programmable drive strength from 2 mA to 14 mA 1.3. Inputs Control Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) interface incorporates an HDMI CEC I/O and an integrated CEC Programming Interface (CPI) Automatic Feature Abort response for unsupported commands and automatic message retry on transmit 1.5. Package 20 mm x 20 mm 144-pin TQFP package with exposed pad (ePad) Figure 1.1. Typical Application (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 6 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 2. System Applications The SiI9233A receiver device is designed for digital televisions that require support for HDMI Deep Color. The device allows receipt of 10/12-bit color depth up to 1080p resolutions. A single receiver provides four HDMI input ports. The video output interfaces to a video processor and the audio output can interface directly to an audio DAC or an audio DSP for further processing as shown in Figure 1.1 on the previous page. 3. Comparing Features of Lattice Semiconductor Receiver Devices Table 3.1 compares the features of the SiI9127A, SiI9125, SiI9135A, SiI9223A, and SiI9233A receiver devices. Table 3.1. Comparison of Lattice Semiconductor Receiver Devices Feature HDMI Input Connections TMDS Input Ports SiI9125 SiI9127A 2 2 Color Depth DDC Input Ports SiI9223A SiI9233A 2 4 4 4 4 1 1 8/10/12-bit 2 2 2 Maximum TMDS Input Clock Video Output Digital Video Output Ports SiI9135A 225 MHz 1 1 1 Maximum Output Pixel Clock 165 MHz Maximum Output Bus Width 36 36 36 36 36 Audio Formats S/PDIF Output Ports 1 1 1 1 1 I2S Output 2 channel 2 channel 8 channel 2 channel 8 channel DSD Output 2 channel NA 6 channel NA 8 channel No No Yes No Yes RGB to/from YCbCr xvYCC to RGB RGB to/from YCbCr xvYCC to RGB High Bit Rate Audio Support Compressed DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD Maximum Audio Sample Rate (Fs) Video Processing Color Space Converter 192 kHz RGB to/from YCbCr RGB to/from YCbCr xvYCC to RGB Pixel Clock Divider RGB to/from YCbCr / 4, / 2 Digital Video Bus Mapping Swap Cb, Cr pins Other Features Local fixed I2C Device Address1 0x60/0x68 or 0x62/0x6A Programmable I2C Device Address1 NA 0x64, 0xC0, 0xE0 NA 0x64, 0xC0, 0xE0 0x64, 0xC0, 0xE0 Reserved I2C Device Address2 NA 0x90, 0xD0, 0xE6 NA 0x90, 0xD0, 0xE6 0x90, 0xD0, 0xE6 3D Support No Yes No Yes Yes CEC No Yes No Yes Yes EDID No NVRAM No NVRAM NVRAM Yes HDCP Repeater Support No No Yes No Interlaced Format Detection Pin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 144-pin TQFP ePad 128-pin TQFP ePad 144-pin TQFP ePad 144-pin TQFP ePad 144-pin TQFP ePad Package Notes: 1. Refer to the SiI9223A/9233A/9127A HDMI Receivers Programmer Reference for a description of these I2C register addresses. 2. These are reserved I2C register addresses which are within the I2C register address map of the chip. Do not access these registers on the chip, and do not use these addresses for other devices in the system which use the same I2C bus. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 7 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 4. Functional Description The SiI9233A receiver provides a complete solution for receiving HDMI digital audio and video. Specialized audio and video processing is available within the receiver to add HDMI capability to consumer electronics such as DTVs. Figure 4.1 is a block diagram showing the SiI9233A receiver device incorporated into an AV receiver. Figure 4.2 on the next page shows the functional blocks of the chip. The receiver supports four HDMI input ports. Only one port can be active at any time. HDMI Port 3 Connector R3PWR5V TMDS3 DDC3 CEC HPD3 HDMI Port 2 Connector CEC R2PWR5V TMDS 2 Digital Video DDC 2 Video Processor SiI9134 Transmitter CEC HPD2 SiI9233A Receiver R1PWR5V HDMI Port 1 Connector I2 S/ DSD TMDS 1 DDC1 SPDIF MCLK CEC HPD1 2 I C HDMI Port 0 Connector R0PWR5V TMDS0 DDC0 CEC Microcontroller HPD0 I2S Audio DSP Other Audio Sources Audio DAC Speakers Figure 4.1. A/V Receiver Block Diagram 4.1. TMDS Digital Cores The TMDS Digital core can receive TMDS data at up to 225 MHz. Each core performs 10-to-8-bit TMDS decoding on the video data and 10-to-4 bit TMDS decoding on the audio data received from the three TMDS differential data lines along with a TMDS differential clock. The TMDS core can sense a stopped clock or stopped video and software can put the receiver device into power-down mode. 4.2. Active Port Detection and Selection Only one port can be active at a time, under control of the receiver firmware. Active TMDS signaling can arrive at any port, but only one has internal circuitry enabled. The firmware in the display controls these states using register settings. Other control signals are associated with the TMDS signals on each HDMI port. The receiver can monitor the +5 V supply from each attached host. The firmware can poll registers to check on which ports are connected. The firmware also controls functional connection to one of the four Extended DDC (E-DDC) buses, enabling one while disabling the others. An attached host determines the active status of an attached HDMI device by (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 8 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet polling the E-DDC bus to the device. See the Programmer Reference (see the References section on page 72) for a description of port detection and selection. The Programmer's Reference requires an NDA with Lattice Semiconductor. CEC_A DSDA0 DSDA1 DSDA2 DSDA3 DSCL0 DSCL1 DSCL2 DSCL3 CSDA CSCL CI2CA CEC Serial Host Interface (DDC) R0XC+ R0XCR0X0+ R0X0R0X1+ R0X1R0X2+ R0X2R1XC+ R1XCR1X0+ R1X0R1X1+ R1X1R1X2+ R1X2R2XC+ R2XCR2X0+ R2X0R2X1+ R2X1R2X2+ R2X2- HDCP Registers SRAM Serial Host Interface (local) CEC_D RPI Registers and State Machine HDCP Engine EDID NVRAM Embedded HDCP Keys HPD0 HPD1 HPD2 HPD3 Hot Plug Controller Configuration and Status Registers INT Video Processing Video HDCP Unmask Color Space Converter Deep Color Video Output Format Up/Down Sampling HDMI Receiver Mux A/V Split HDMI Decode Auto Video Configuration Audio Processing Audio Clock Regeneration R3XC+ R3XCR3X0+ R3X0R3X1+ R3X1R3X2+ R3X2- ODCK Q[35:0] DE HSYNC VSYNC EVNODD SCDT Logic Audio HDCP Unmask APLL Auto Audio Audio Output S/PDIF Output I2S/ DSD Output SPDIF SCK/DCLK WS SD[3:0] DR[3:0] DR[3:0] MUTEOUT XTALIN XTALOUT MCLK SCDT R0PWR5V R1PWR5V R2PWR5V R3PWR5V RESET# Reset Logic Figure 4.2. Functional Block Diagram (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 9 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 4.3. HDCP Decryption Engine/XOR Mask The HDCP decryption engine contains all the necessary logic to decrypt the incoming audio and video data. The decryption process is entirely controlled by the host side microcontroller/microprocessor through a set sequence of register reads and writes through the DDC channel. Pre-programmed HDCP keys and a Key Selection Vector (KSV) stored in the on-chip non-volatile memory are used in the decryption process. A resulting calculated value is applied to an XOR mask during each clock cycle to decrypt the audio/video data. The SiI9233A receiver also contains all the necessary logic to support full HDCP repeaters. The KSV values of up to 16 downstream devices (up to 16 total) are written to the receiver through the local I2C bus (CSDA/CSCL). As defined in the HDCP specification, Vi is calculated and made available to the host on the DDC bus (DSDA/DSCL). 4.4. HDCP Embedded Keys The receiver comes pre-programmed with a set of production HDCP keys stored on-chip in non-volatile memory. System manufacturers do not need to purchase key sets from the Digital-Content LLC. All purchasing, programming, and security for the HDCP keys is handled by Lattice Semiconductor. The pre-programmed HDCP keys provide the highest level of security, as keys cannot be read out of the device after they are programmed. Before receiving samples of the SiI9233A receiver, customers must sign the HDCP license agreement (available from Digital Content Protection, LLC) or a special NDA with Lattice Semiconductor. 4.5. Data Input and Conversion 4.5.1. Mode Control Logic The mode control logic determines if the decrypted data is video, audio, or auxiliary information and directs it to the appropriate logic block. 4.5.2. Video Data Conversion and Video Output The SiI9233A receiver can output video in many different formats (see examples in Table 4.1) and can process the video data before it is sent, as shown in Figure 4.3 on page 13. It is possible to bypass each of the processing blocks by setting the appropriate register bits. Table 4.1. Digital Video Output Formats Output Clock (MHz) 480i/576i2, 480p Color Space Video Format Bus Width HSYNC/ VSYNC RGB 4:4:4 36 30 24 Separate Separate Separate 27 27 27 12/15/18 36 Separate Separate 30 24 12/15/18 YCbCr 4:4:4 4:2:2 XGA 720p 1080i SXGA 1080p UXGA Notes 27 27 27 65 65 65 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 108 108 108 148.5 148.5 148.5 162 162 162 -- -- -- 27 27 27 27 65 65 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 -- 108 -- 148.5 -- 162 4 -- Separate Separate Separate 27 27 27 27 27 27 65 65 65 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 108 108 -- 148.5 148.5 -- 162 162 -- -- -- 4 16/20/24 16/20/24 Separate Embedded 27 27 27 27 -- -- 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 -- -- 148.5 148.5 162 162 -- 1 8/10/12 8/10/12 Separate Embedded 27 27 54 54 -- -- 148.5 148.5 148.5 148.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 Notes: 1. Embedded syncs use SAV/EAV coding. 2. 480i and 576i modes can output a 13.25 MHz clock using the internal clock divider. 3. Output clock frequency depends on programming of internal registers. Differential TMDS clock is always 25 MHz or faster. 4. Output clock supports 12/15/18-bit mode by using both edges. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 10 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Color Range Scaling The color range depends on the video format, according to the CEA-861D specification. In some applications the 8-bit input range uses the entire span of 0x00 (0) to 0xFF (255) values. In other applications the range is scaled narrower. The receiver cannot detect the incoming video data range and there is no required range specification in the HDMI AVI packet. The device chooses scaling depending on the detected video format. 10 and 12-bit color range scaling are both handled the same way. Refer to the Programmer Reference for more details. When the receiver outputs embedded syncs (SAV/EAV codes), it also limits the YCbCr data output values to 1 to 254. Up Sample / Down Sample Additional logic can convert from 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 (8/10/12-bit) or from 4:4:4 (8/10/12-bit) to 4:2:2 YCbCr format. All processing is done with 14 bits of accuracy for true 12-bit data. 4.5.3. Deep Color Support The SiI9233A device supports color depth modes greater than 24 bits, known as Deep Color modes, introduced in the HDMI v1.3 Specification. The Deep Color modes employ a new pixel packing scheme to enable the extra bits of higher color depth data to be carried over the existing TMDS data encoding scheme. Currently, three Deep Color modes are defined: 30-bit, 36-bit and 48-bit. The SiI9233A receiver supports two of these three Deep Color modes: 30 and 36-bit modes. In addition, each Deep Color mode is supported to 1080p HD format. For Deep Color modes, the TMDS clock is run faster than the pixel clock in order to create extra bandwidth for the additional bits of the higher color depth data. The increase in the TMDS clock is by the ratio of the pixel size to 24 bits, as follows: 30-bit mode: TMDS clock = 1.25x pixel clock (5:4) 36-bit mode: TMDS clock = 1.5x pixel clock (3:2) Because the receiver supports 36-bit mode at 1080p, the highest TMDS clock rate it supports is 225 MHz. When in Deep Color mode, the transmitter periodically sends a General Control Packet with the current color depth and pixel packing phase information to the receiver. The receiver captures the color depth information in a register, which the firmware can then use to set the appropriate clock divider to recover the pixel clock and data. 4.5.4. xvYCC Support The SiI9233A receiver adds support for the extended gamut xvYCC color space; this extended format has roughly 1.8 times more colors than the RGB color space. The use of the xvYCC color space is made possible because of the availability of LED and laser-based light sources for the next generation displays. This format also makes use of the full range of values (1 to 254) in an 8-bit space instead of 16 to 235 in the RGB format. The use of xvYCC along with Deep Color helps in reducing color banding and allows the display of a larger range of colors than is currently possible. Color Space Conversion Color space converter (CSC) blocks are provided to convert RGB data to Standard-Definition (ITU.601) or HighDefinition (ITU.709) YCbCr formats, and vice-versa. To support the latest extended-gamut xvYCC displays, the Sil9233 device implements color space converter blocks to convert RGB data to extended-gamut Standard-Definition (ITU.601) or High-Definition (ITU.709) xvYCC formats, and vice-versa. RGB to YCbCr The RGBYCbCr color space converter (CSC) can convert from video data RGB to standard definition (ITU.601) or to high definition (ITU.709) YCbCr formats. The HDMI AVI packet defines the color space of the incoming video. YCbCr to RGB The YCbCrRGB color space converter is available to interface to MPEG decoders with RGB-only inputs. The CSC can convert from YCbCr in standard-definition (ITU.601) or high-definition (ITU.709) to RGB. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 11 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 4.6. 3D Video Formats The SiI9233A receiver has support for the 3D video modes described in the HDMI 1.4 Specification. All modes support RGB 4:4:4, YCbCr 4:4:4, and YCbCr 4:2:2 color formats and 8-, 10-, and 12-bit data width per color component. Table 4.2 shows only the maximum possible resolution with a given frame rate; for example, Side-by-Side (Half) mode is defined for 1080p60, which implies that 720p60 and 480p60 are also supported. Furthermore, a frame rate of 24 Hz also means that a frame rate of 23.98 Hz is supported and a frame rate of 60 Hz also means a frame rate of 59.94 Hz is supported. The input pixel clock changes accordingly. When using Side-by-Side formats the use of 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 up-sampling and 4:4:4 to 4:2:2 down-sampling should not be enabled as it may result in visible artifacts. Video processing should be bypassed in the case of L + depth format. Table 4.2. Supported 3D Video Formats 3D Format Extended Definition -- Frame Packing interlaced L + depth -- full Side-by-Side half Resolution Frame Rate (Hz) 1080p 24 720p 50 / 60 1080i 50 / 60 1080p 24 720p 50 / 60 1080p 24 720p 50 / 60 1080p 50 / 60 1080i 50 / 60 Input Pixel Clock (MHz) 148.5 74.25 4.6.1. Default Video Configuration After hardware RESET, the SiI9233A chip is configured in its default mode. This mode is summarized in Table 4.3. For more details and for a complete register listing, refer to the Programmer Reference. The Programmer's Reference requires an NDA with Lattice Semiconductor. Table 4.3. Default Video Processing Video Control Default after Hardware Reset HDCP Decryption Color Space Conversion Color Space Selection HDCP decryption is OFF No color space conversion BT.601 selected Color Range Scaling Upsampling/Downsampling No range scaling No upsampling or downsampling HSYNC & VSYNC Timing Data Bit Width Pixel Clock Replication No inversions of HSYNC or VSYNC Uses 8-bit data No pixel clock replication Power Down Everything is powered down Note: The receiver device assumes DVI mode after reset, which is RGB 24-bit 4:4:4 video with 0-255 range. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 12 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet TMDS Widen to 14-Bits HDCP RGB to YCbCr YCbCr Range Reduce bypass bypass Upsample 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 xvYCC/ YCbCr to RGB Down Sample 4:4:4 to 4:2:2 bypass bypass DE RGB Range Expand Dither Module Mux 656 Video Timing HSYNC bypass bypass VSYNC ODCK Q[35:0] Figure 4.3. Default Video Processing Path 4.6.2. Automatic Video Configuration The SiI9233A receiver adds automatic video configuration to simplify the firmware's task of updating the video path whenever the incoming video changes format. Bits in the HDMI Auxiliary Video Information (AVI) InfoFrame are used to reprogram the registers in the video path. Table 4.4. AVI InfoFrame Video Path Details AVI Byte 1 Bits [6:5] Y[1:0] 00 Color Space RGB 4:4:4 AVI Byte 2 Bits [7:6] C[1:0] 00 01 10 YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr 4:4:4 01 10 11 Future 11 Colorimetric No Data ITU 601 ITU 709 Extended Colorimetry Information Valid Notes on Table 4.4: 1. 2. 3. The Auto Video Configuration assumes that the AVI information is accurate. If information is not available, then the receiver must choose the video path based on measurement of the incoming resolution. Refer to EIA/CEA-861D Specification for details. The SiI9233A device can support only pixel replication modes 0b0000, 0b0001, and 0b0011. Other modes are unsupported and can result in unpredictable behavior. AVI Byte 5 Bits [3:0] PR[3:0] Pixel Repetition 0000 No repetition 0001 0010 Pixel sent 2 times Pixel sent 3 times 0011 Pixel sent 4 times 0100 Pixel sent 5 times 0101 0110 Pixel sent 6 times Pixel sent 7 times 0111 1000 1001 Pixel sent 8 times Pixel sent 9 times Pixel sent 10 times The format of the digital video output bus can be automatically configured to many different formats by programming the Auto Output Format Register. The available formats are listed in the table below. For detailed definitions of how to set this register, refer to the Programmer Reference. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 13 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 4.5. Digital Output Formats Configurable through Auto Output Format Register Digital Output Formats Color RGB YCbCr Width 4:4:4 4:4:4 MUX N N Sync Separate Separate YCbCr YCbCr 4:2:2 4:2:2 N Y Separate Separate YCbCr 4:2:2 Y Embedded 4.7. Audio Data Output Logic The SiI9233A receiver can send digital audio over S/PDIF, four I2S outputs, or eight one-bit audio outputs. 4.7.1. S/PDIF The S/PDIF stream can carry 2-channel uncompressed PCM data (IEC 60958) or a compressed bit stream for multichannel (IEC 61937) formats. The audio data output logic forms the audio data output stream from the HDMI audio packets. The S/PDIF output supports audio sampling rates from 32 to 192 kHz. A separate master clock output (MCLK), coherent with the S/PDIF output, is provided for time-stamping purposes. Coherent means that the MCLK and S/PDIF are created from the same clock source. 4.7.2. I2S The I2S bus format is programmable through registers, to allow interfacing with I 2S audio DACs or audio DSPs with I2S inputs. Refer to the Programmer Reference for the different options on the I 2S bus. Additionally, the MCLK (audio master clock) frequency is selectable to be an integer multiple of the audio sample rate F s. MCLK frequencies support various audio sample rates as shown in Table 4.6. Table 4.6. Supported MCLK Frequencies Multiple of Fs Audio Sample Rate, Fs : I2S and S/PDIF Supported Rates 32 kHz 44.1 kHz 48 kHz 88.2 kHz 96 kHz 176.4 kHz 192 kHz 128 192 4.096 MHz 6.144 MHz 5.645 MHz 8.467 MHz 6.144 MHz 9.216 MHz 11.290 MHz 16.934 MHz 12.288 MHz 18.432 MHz 22.579 MHz 33.868 MHz 24.576 MHz 36.864 MHz 256 384 512 8.192 MHz 12.288 MHz 16.384 MHz 11.290 MHz 16.934 MHz 22.579 MHz 12.288 MHz 18.432 MHz 24.576 MHz 22.579 MHz 33.864 MHz 45.158 MHz 24.576 MHz 36.864 MHz 49.152 MHz 45.158 MHz 49.152 MHz 4.7.3. One-Bit Audio Input (DSD/SACD) DSD (direct stream digital) is an audio data format defined for SACD (Super Audio CD) applications. It consists of four data outputs for the left channel, four data outputs for the right channel, and a clock for up to 8-channel support. Onebit Audio supports 64 * Fs, with Fs being either 44.1 kHz or 88.2 kHz. The one bit audio outputs are synchronous to the positive edge of the DSD Clock. For one bit audio, the sampling information is carried in the Audio InfoFrame, instead of the Channel Status bits. 4.7.4. High-Bitrate Audio on HDMI The new high-bitrate compressed standards such as DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD transmit data at bitrates as high as 18 to 24 Mbps. Because these bitrates are so high, DVD decoders and HDMI transmitters (as source devices), and DSP and HDMI receivers (as sink devices) must carry the data using four I2S lines rather than using a single very-high-speed S/PDIF or I2S bus (see Figure 4.4 on the next page). (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 14 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Four I2S Data Lines Four I2S Data Lines MPEG Tx Rx DSP Figure 4.4. High Speed Data Transmission The high-bitrate audio stream is originally encoded as a single stream. To send it over four I 2S lines, the DVD decoder needs to split this single stream into four streams. Because the single stream of data is being sent over four lines, the programmable ACR (Audio Clock Regeneration) rate is now four times the sample rate of 96 kHz (384 kHz), or 192 kHz (768 kHz). Figure 4.5 shows the high-bitrate stream before it has been split into four I2S lines, and after it has been reassembled. 0 1 2 3 4 .......... 5 N-1 N 16-Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 4.5. High-Bitrate Stream Before and After Reassembly and Splitting Figure 4.6 shows the same high-bitrate audio stream after being split into four I2S lines: WS Left Right Left Right SD0 Sample 0 Sample 1 Sample 8 Sample 9 SD1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 10 Sample 11 SD2 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 12 Sample 13 SD3 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 14 Sample 15 Figure 4.6. High-Bitrate Stream After Splitting (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 15 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 4.7. Maximum Audio Sampling Frequency for All Video Format Timings Pixel Repetition Vertical Freq. (Hz) Max fs 8 ch (kHz) Description Format Timing Standard 10 12 VGA 480i 640x480p 1440x480i none 2 59.94/60 59.94/60 48 48 48 48 48 48 192 192 480i 240p 240p 2880x480i 1440x240p 2880x240p 4 2 4 59.94/60 59.94/60 59.94/60 192 48 192 192 48 192 192 48 192 192 192 192 480p 480p 720x480p 1440x480p none 2 59.94/60 59.94/60 48 96 48 96 48 96 192 192 480p 720p 1080i 2880x480p 1280x720p 1920x1080i 4 none none 59.94/60 59.94/60 59.94/60 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 1080p 59.94/60 50 192 Standard 48 192 10 48 192 12 48 192 576i 1920x1080p none 50 Hz Formats 1440x576i 2 576i 288p 2880x576i 1440x288p 4 2 50 50 192 48 192 48 192 48 192 192 288p 576p 576p 2880x288p 720x576p 1440x576p 4 none 2 50 50 50 192 48 96 192 48 96 192 48 96 192 192 192 576p 720p/50 2880x576p 1280x720p 4 none 50 50 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 1080i/50 1080p/50 1920x1080i none 1920x1080p none 1080p @ 24 Hz - 30 Hz 50 50 192 192 Standard 192 192 10 192 192 12 192 192 24 25 29.97/30 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 60 Hz Formats 1080p 1080p 1080p 1920x1080p 1920x1080p 1920x1080p none none none 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 24-bit 4:4:4 Deep Color (depth in bits) Max fs 2 ch (kHz) 192 4.7.5. Auto Audio Configuration The SiI9233A receiver can control the audio output based on the current states of CablePlug, FIFO, Video, ECC, ACR, PLL, InfoFrame, and HDMI. Audio output is enabled only when all necessary conditions are met. If any critical condition is missing, then the audio output is disabled automatically. 4.7.6. Soft Mute On command from a register bit or when automatically triggered with Automatic Audio Control (AAC), the receiver progressively reduces the audio data amplitude to mute the sound in a controlled manner. This feature is useful when there is an interruption to the HDMI audio stream (or an error) to prevent any audio pop from being sent to the I2S or S/PDIF outputs. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 16 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 4.8. Control and Configuration 4.8.1. Register/Configuration Logic The register/configuration logic block incorporates all the registers required for configuring and managing the features of the SiI9233A receiver. These registers are used to perform HDCP authentication, audio/video/auxiliary format processing, CEA-861B InfoFrame Packet format, and power-down control. The registers are accessible from one of two serial ports. The first port is the DDC port, which is connected through the HDMI cable to the HDMI host. It is used to control the SiI9233A receiver from the host system for HDCP operation. The second port is the local I2C port, which is used to control the SiI9233A device from the display system. This is shown in Figure 4.7. The Local Bus accesses the General Registers and the Common Registers. The DDC Bus accesses the HDCP Operation registers and the Common Registers. HDCP Operation Common Registers General Registers Accessible from DDC I2 C Bus Video Processing Audio Processing Accessible from Local I2 C Bus InfoFrames Repeater Interrupts Figure 4.7. I2C Register Domains 4.8.2. I2C Serial Ports The SiI9233A receiver provides 5 I2C serial interfaces: 4 DDC ports to communicate back to the HDMI or DVI hosts; one I2C port for initialization and control by a local microcontroller in the display. Each interface is 5 V tolerant. E-DDC Bus Interface to HDMI Host The four DDC interfaces (DSDA0-3 and DSCL0-3) on the receiver are slave interfaces that can run up to 100 kHz. Each interface is connected to one E-DDC bus and is used for reading the integrated EDID in addition to HDCP authentication. The SiI9233A receiver is accessible on the E-DDC bus at device addresses 0xA0 for the EDID, and 0x74 for HDCP control. This feature is compliant with the HDCP 1.3 Specification. 4.8.3. EDID FLASH and RAM Block The EDID block consists of 1024 bytes of RAM. Each port has a block of 256 bytes of RAM for EDID data. This feature allows simultaneous reads of all ports from four different source devices that are connected to the SiI9233A device. In addition to the RAM, the EDID block contains 256 bytes of FLASH that is shared by all ports. As a result, the timing information must be identical among all the ports if the internal EDID is used. An additional area of FLASH contains unique CEC physical address and checksum values for each of the four ports. This feature allows simultaneous reads of all ports from four different source devices if they are connected and attempt an EDID read at the same time. If independent EDIDs are required on any of the ports, a CPU can externally load the 256 bytes of RAM for that port, by using the local I2C bus. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 17 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet The internal EDID can be selected on a per-port basis using registers on the local I2C bus. For example, Port 0 and Port 1 can use the internal EDID, and Port 2 and Port 3 can use a discrete EEPROM for the EDID. 4.8.4. CEC Interface The Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) Interface block provides CEC electrically compliant signals between CEC devices and a CEC master. It allows products to meet the electrical specifications of CEC signaling by translating the LVTTL signals of an external microcontroller (CEC host-side or transmit-side) to CEC signaling levels for CEC devices at the receive-side, and vice versa. Additionally, a CEC controller compatible with the Lattice Semiconductor CEC Programming Interface (CPI) is included on-chip. This CEC controller has a high-level register interface accessible through the I2C interface which can be used to send and receive CEC commands. This controller makes CEC control very easy and straightforward, and removes the burden of having a host CPU perform these low-level transactions on the CEC bus. I2C Interface to Display Controller The Controller I2C interface (CSDA, CSCL) on the SiI9233A receiver is a slave interface capable of running up to 400 kHz. This bus is used to configure the chip by reading/writing to the appropriate registers. It is accessible on the local I2C bus at two device addresses. Refer to the Programmer Reference for more information. The Programmer's Reference requires an NDA with Lattice Semiconductor. 4.8.5. Standby and HDMI Port Power Supplies The receiver device incorporates a power island that continues to supply power to the EDID memory, the DDC ports, and the CEC bus when power is removed from the VCC pins, as long as power continues to be provided through at least one connected HDMI cable or by system standby power. Refer to Figure 4.8. The internal power multiplexer selects power from either SBVCC5 (if it available) or from one of the RnPWR5V pins. The power island results in an extremely low power standby mode, but allows the EDID to be readable and the CEC controller to be functional. No damage will occur to the device when in this mode. System Main 5 V System Standby 5 V HDMI Port RnRPWR5V Regulator SBVCC5 +3.3 V Power-On Reset Power MUX DDC I2C Logic On-Chip Regulator +1.2 V +3.3 V CEC Logic Main Chip Logic EDID RAM +3.3 V On-Chip Regulator +1.2 V NV Memory OTP ROM Power Island Figure 4.8. Power Island (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 18 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5. Electrical Specifications 5.1. Absolute Maximum Conditions Table 5.1. Absolute Maximum Conditions Symbol IOVCC33 Parameter I/O Pin Supply Voltage Min -0.3 Typ -- Max 4.0 Units V Note 1, 2, 3 AVCC12 AVCC33 APVCC12 TMDS Analog Supply Voltage TMDS Analog Supply Voltage Audio PLL Supply Voltage -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -- -- -- 1.9 4.0 1.9 V V V 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 CVCC12 XTALVCC33 SBVCC5 Digital Core Supply Voltage ACR PLL Crystal Oscillator Supply Voltage Standby Supply Voltage -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -- -- -- 1.9 4.0 5.7 V V V 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 VI V5V-Tolerant Input Voltage Input Voltage on 5 V tolerant Pins -0.3 -0.3 -- -- IOVCC33 + 0.3 5.5 V V 1, 2 5 TJ Junction Temperature -- -- 125 C -- Storage Temperature -65 -- 150 -- TSTG C Notes: 1. Permanent device damage can occur if absolute maximum conditions are exceeded. 2. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions described under Normal Operating Conditions on the next page. 3. Voltage undershoot or overshoot cannot exceed absolute maximum conditions. 4. Refer to the SiI9233A Qualification Report for information on ESD performance. 5. All VCCs must be powered to the device. If the device is unpowered and 5 V is applied to these inputs, damage can occur. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 19 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.2. Normal Operating Conditions Table 5.2. Normal Operating Conditions Symbol IOVCC33 AVCC12 Parameter I/O Pin Supply Voltage TMDS Analog Supply Voltage Min 3.13 1.14 Typ 3.3 1.2 Max 3.47 1.26 Units V V Note 1, 4 1, 6 AVCC33 APVCC12 TMDS Analog Supply Voltage Audio PLL Supply Voltage 3.13 1.14 3.3 1.2 3.47 1.26 V V 3 -- CVCC12 XTALVCC33 SBVCC5 Digital Core Supply Voltage ACR PLL Crystal Oscillator Supply Voltage Standby Supply Voltage 1.14 3.13 4.75 1.2 3.3 5.0 1.26 3.47 5.25 V V V 2 4 10 RnPWR5V DIFF33 DDC I2C I/O Reference Voltage Difference between two 3.3 V Power Pins 4.7 -- 5.0 -- 5.3 1.0 V V 11 4 DIFF12 DIFF3312 VCCN Difference between two 1.2 V Power Pins Difference between any 3.3 V and 1.2 V Pin Supply Voltage Noise -- -1.0 -- -- -- -- 1.0 2.6 100 V V mVP-P 4 4, 5 7 TA Ambient Temperature (with power applied) 0 25 70 C -- ja Ambient Thermal Resistance (Theta JA) -- -- 27 C/W -- Notes: 1. IOVCC33 and AVCC33 pins should be controlled from one power source. 2. CVCC12 should be controlled from one power source. 3. AVCC12 pin should be regulated. 4. Power supply sequencing must guarantee that power pins stay within these limits of each other; see Figure 6.2 on page 28. 5. No 1.2 V pin can be more than DIFF3312[min] higher than any 3.3 V pin. No 3.3 V pin can be more than DIFF3312[max] higher than any 1.2 V pin. 6. The HDMI Specification requires termination voltage (AVCC33) to be controlled to 3.3 V 5%. The SiI9233A receiver tolerates a wider range of 300 mV. 7. The supply voltage noise is measured at test point VCCTP in Figure 5.1. The ferrite bead provides filtering of power supply noise. The figure is representative and applies to other VCC pins as well. 8. Airflow at 0 m/s. 9. Figure 9.4 on page 64 and Figure 9.5 on page 65 show decoupling and power supply regulation. 10. SBVCC5V should provide a stable 5 V before any other VCC is applied to the device; see the Power-on Sequencing section on page 60. 11. Maximum current draw from this source is 50 mA. There is no power-on sequence requirement for this source. VCCTP Parasitic Resistor Ferrite AVCC12 0.56 0.1 F 0. 82 H, 150 mA + 10 F 0.1 F 1 nF SiI9233A GND Figure 5.1. Test Point VCCTP for VCC Noise Tolerance Spec Notes: 1. The Ferrite (0.82 H, 150 mA) attenuates the PLL power supply noise at 10 kHz and above. 2. The optional parasitic resistor minimizes the peaking. The typical value used here is 0.56 . 1 is the maximum. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 20 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.3. DC Specifications Table 5.3. Digital I/O Specifications Symbol VIH VIL VTH+ VTH- Parameter HIGH-level Input Voltage LOW-level Input Voltage LOW to HIGH Threshold RESET # Pin HIGH to LOW Threshold RESET# Pin Pin Type3 LVTTL LVTTL Conditions2 -- -- Min 2.0 -- Typ -- -- Max -- 0.8 Units V V Note -- -- Schmitt -- 1.46 -- -- V 5 Schmitt -- -- -- 0.96 V 5 DDC VTH+ LOW to HIGH Threshold DSDA0, DSDA1, DSCL0 and DSCL1 pins. Schmitt -- 3.0 -- -- V -- DDC VTH- HIGH to LOW Threshold DSDA0, DSDA1, DSCL0 and DSCL1 pins. Schmitt -- -- -- 1.5 V -- Local I2C VTH+ LOW to HIGH Threshold CSCL and CSDA pins Schmitt -- 2.1 -- -- V 11, 13 Local I2C VTH- HIGH to LOW Threshold CSCL and CSDA pins Schmitt -- -- -- 0.86 V 11, 13 VOH HIGH-level Output Voltage LVTTL -- 2.4 -- -- V 10 VOL LOW-level Output Voltage LVTTL -- -- -- 0.4 V 10 IOL Output Leakage Current -- High Impedance -10 -- 10 -- VID Differential Input Voltage -- -- 75 250 780 A mV VOUT = 2.4 V VOUT = 0.4 V 4 4 -- -- -- -- mA mA 1, 6, 7 1, 6, 7 VOUT = 2.4 V VOUT = 0.4 V VOUT = 2.4 V 8 8 12 -- -- -- -- -- -- mA mA mA 1, 6, 8 1, 6, 8 1, 6, 9 12 25 -- 50 -- 110 mA k 1, 6, 9 1, 12 4 IOD4 4 mA Digital Output Drive Output IOD8 8 mA Digital Output Drive Output IOD12 12 mA Digital Output Drive Output RPD Internal Pull Down Resistor Outputs VOUT = 0.4 V IOVCC33 = 3.3 V IOPD Output Pull Down Current Outputs IOVCC33 = 3.6 V -- 60 90 A 1, 12 IIPD Input Pull Down Current Input IOVCC33 = 3.6 V -- 60 90 A 1 Notes: 1. These limits are guaranteed by design. 2. Under normal operating conditions unless otherwise specified, including output pin loading CL = 10 pF. 3. Refer to the Pin Diagram and Descriptions section beginning on page 34 for pin type designations for all package pins. 4. Differential input voltage is a single-ended measurement, according to DVI Specification. 5. Schmitt trigger input pin thresholds VTH+ and VTH- correspond to VIH and VIL, respectively. 6. Minimum output drive specified at ambient = 70 C and IOVCC33 = 3.0 V. Typical output drive specified at ambient = 25 C and IOVCC33 = 3.3 V. Maximum output drive specified at ambient = 0 C and IOVCC33 = 3.6 V. 7. IOD4 Output applies to pins SPDIF, SCK, WS, SD[3:0], DCLK, INT, and CSDA. 8. IOD8 Output applies to pins DE, HSYNC, VSYNC, Q[35:0].and MCLK. 9. IOD12 Output applies to pin ODCK. 10. Note that the SPDIF output drives LVTTL levels, not the low-swing levels defined by IEC958. 11. The SCL and SDA pins are not true open-drain buffers. When no VCC is applied to the chip, these pins can continue to draw a small current, and prevent the master IC from communicating with other devices on the I2C bus. Therefore, do not power-down the receiver (remove VCC) unless the attached I2C bus is completely idle. 12. The chip includes an internal pull-down resistor on many of the output pins. When in the high-impedance state, these pins draw a pull down current according to this specification when the signal is driven HIGH by another source device. 13. With -10% IOVCC33 supply, the HIGH-to-LOW threshold on DDC and I2C bus is marginal. A -5% tolerance on the IOVCC33 power supply is recommended. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 21 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.3.1. DC Power Supply Pin Specifications Table 5.4. Total Power versus Power-Down Modes Symbol Parameter IPDQ3 Complete Power-Down Current Sleep Powerdown Current IPDS ISTBY IUNS ICCTD Standby Current Unselected Current Full Power Digital Out Current Mode Frequency A B C D E Typ3 3.3 V 1.2 V Max4 SBVCC5 Units Notes mA 1, 6 8 8 8 mA mA mA 2, 7 25 0 0 8 8 8 mA mA mA 0 0 0 0 8 8 mA mA -- 3.3 V 63 1.2 V 3 SBVCC5 8 27 MHz 74.25 MHz 150 MHz 67 90 74 21 25 25 225 MHz 27 MHz 74.25 MHz 74 0 0 150 MHz 225 MHz 27 MHz 74.25 MHz 150 MHz 67 70 75 112 172 289 8 8 8 68 72 78 147 193 302 8 8 8 mA mA mA 225 MHz 27 MHz 77 98 310 112 8 8 78 115 322 148 8 8 mA mA 74.25 MHz 150 MHz 225 MHz 167 266 345 175 289 313 8 8 8 179 289 377 185 296 319 8 8 8 mA mA mA 2, 8 2, 8 2, 10 Notes: 1. Power is not related to input TMDS clock (RxC) frequency because the selected TMDS port is powered down. 2. Power is related to input TMDS clock (RxC) frequency at the selected TMDS port. Only one port can be selected. 3. Typical power specifications measured with supplies at typical normal operating conditions; and a video pattern that combines gray scale, checkerboard and text. 4. Maximum power limits measured with supplies at maximum normal operating conditions, minimum normal operating ambient temperature, and a video pattern with single-pixel vertical lines. 5. Registers are always accessible on local I2C (CSDA/CSCL) without active link clock. 6. Power Down Mode A: Minimum power. Everything is powered off. Host sees no termination of TMDS signals on any of the four TMDS ports. I2C access is still available. 7. Power Down Mode B: Powers down TMDS core. CKDT remains enabled and state can be polled in register. Host device can sense TMDS termination. 8. Power Down Mode C: Power off to 3.3 V and 1.2 V supplies. Power on to SBVCC5 standby supply. 9. Power Down Mode D: Monitor SCDT on selected TMDS port with outputs in the high-impedance state. HDCP continues in the selected port, but the output of the receiver can be connected to a shared bus. 10. Digital Functional Mode E: Full Operation on one port with digital outputs (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 22 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 5.5. Power-down Mode Definitions Mode 3.3 V Supply 1.2 V Supply SBVCC5 Register Bit States A Power Down ON ON ON PDTOT# 0 PD_TMDS# 1 PD_AO# 1 PD_VO# 1 B Sleep Mode Power ON ON ON 1 0 1 1 C Standby Power OFF OFF ON 1 1 1 1 D Unselected Power ON ON ON 1 1 0 0 E Digital ON ON ON 1 1 1 1 Description Minimum power. Everything is powered off. Host sees no termination of TMDS signals on any of the four TMDS ports. I2C access is still available. Powers down TMDS core. CKDT remains enabled and state can be polled in register. Host device can sense TMDS termination. Power off to 3.3 V and 1.2 V supplies. Power on to SBVCC5 standby supply. Monitor SCDT on selected TMDS port with outputs in the high-impedance state. HDCP continues in the selected port, but the output of the receiver can be connected to a shared bus. Full operation on one port with digital outputs. Notes: 1. PD Clks include PD_MCLK#, PD_XTAL#, PD_APLL#, and PD_PCLK# all set to zero. 2. PD Outs include PD_AO#, and PD_VO# all set to zero. 3. Refer to the Programmer Reference for register bit descriptions. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 23 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.4. AC Specifications Table 5.6. TMDS Input Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes TDPS Intra-Pair Differential Input Skew -- -- -- TBIT ps -- 2, 4 TCCS Channel to Channel Differential Input Skew -- -- -- TCIP ns Figure 6.1 2, 3 FRXC Differential Input Clock Frequency -- 25 -- 225 MHz -- -- TRXC Differential Input Clock Period -- 4.44 -- 40 ns -- -- TIJIT Differential Input Clock Jitter tolerance (0.3Tbit) 74.25 MHz -- -- 400 ps -- 2, 5, 6 Notes: 1. Under normal operating conditions unless otherwise specified, including output pin loading of C L = 10 pF. 2. Guaranteed by design. 3. IDCK Period (refer to the applicable Lattice Semiconductor HDMI Transmitter Data Sheet). 4. 1/10 of IDCK Period (refer to the applicable Lattice Semiconductor HDMI Transmitter Data Sheet). 5. Jitter defined per HDMI Specification. 6. Jitter measured with Clock Recovery Unit per HDMI Specification. Actual jitter tolerance can be higher depending on the frequency of the jitter. Refer to the Programmer Reference (see the References section on page 72) for more details on controlling timing modes. 5.4.1. Video Output Timings Table 5.7. 12/15/18-Bit Data Output Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes DLHT LOW-to-HIGH Rise Time Transition CL = 10 pF -- -- 1.5 ns Figure 6.4 2 DHLT HIGH-to-LOW Fall Time Transition CL = 10 pF -- -- 1.5 ns Figure 6.4 2 RCIP ODCK Cycle Time CL = 10 pF 12.12 -- 40 ns Figure 6.5 8 FCIP ODCK Frequency CL = 10 pF 25 -- 82.5 MHz -- 5 TDUTY ODCK Duty Cycle CL = 10 pF 40% -- 60% RCIP Figure 6.5 3 TCK2OUT ODCK-to-Output Delay CL = 10 pF 0.4 -- 2.5 ns Figure 6.5 -- Table 5.8. 16/20/24/30/36-Bit Data Output Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes DLHT LOW-to-HIGH Rise Time Transition CL = 10 pF -- -- 1.5 ns Figure 6.4 2 DHLT HIGH-to-LOW Fall Time Transition CL = 10 pF -- -- 1.5 ns Figure 6.4 2 RCIP ODCK Cycle Time CL = 10 pF 6.06 -- 40 ns Figure 6.5 5, 8 FCIP ODCK Frequency CL = 10 pF 25 -- 165 MHz -- 5 TDUTY ODCK Duty Cycle CL = 10 pF 40% -- 60% RCIP Figure 6.5 3 TCK2OUT ODCK-to-Output Delay CL = 10 pF 0.4 -- 2.5 ns Figure 6.5 -- Notes: 1. Under normal operating conditions unless otherwise specified, including output pin loading of C L=10 pF. 2. Rise time and fall time specifications apply to HSYNC, VSYNC, DE, ODCK, EVNODD and Q[35:0]. 3. Output clock duty cycle is independent of the differential input clock duty cycle. Duty cycle is a component of output setup and hold times. 4. See Table 6.2 on page 32 for calculation of worst case output setup and hold times. 5. All output timings are defined at the maximum operating ODCK frequency, FCIP, unless otherwise specified. 6. FCIP can be the same as FRXC or one-half of FRXC, depending on OCLKDIV setting. FCIP can also be FRXC /1.25 or FRXC /1.5 if Deep Color mode is being transmitted. 7. RCIP is the inverse of FCIP and is not a controlling specification. 8. Output skew specified when ODCK is programmed to divide-by-two mode. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 24 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.4.2. Audio Output Timings Table 5.9. I2S Output Port Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Ttr SCK Clock Period (TX) CL = 10 pF 1.00 -- -- Ttr Figure Notes 1 THC SCK Clock HIGH Time CL = 10 pF 0.35 -- -- Ttr 1 TLC SCK Clock LOW Time CL = 10 pF 0.35 -- -- Ttr TSU Setup Time, SCK to SD/WS CL = 10 pF 0.4TTR - 5 -- -- ns THD Hold Time, SCK to SD/WS CL = 10 pF 0.4TTR - 5 -- -- ns 1 TSCKDUTY SCK Duty Cycle CL = 10 pF 40% -- 60% Ttr 1 TSCK2SD SCK to SD or WS Delay CL = 10 pF -5 -- +5 ns TAUDDLY Audio Pipeline Delay -- -- 40 80 s 1 Figure 6.6 1 2 -- -- Figure Notes Notes: 1. Refer to Figure 6.6 on page 30. Meets timings in Philips I2S Specification. 2. Applies also to SDC-to-WS delay. Table 5.10. S/PDIF Output Port Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units TSPCYC SPDIF Cycle Time CL = 10 pF -- 1.0 -- UI FSPDIF SPDIF Frequency -- 4 -- 24 MHz TSPDUTY SPDIF Duty Cycle CL = 10 pF 90% -- 110% UI 2, 5 TMCLKCYC MCLK Cycle Time CL = 10 pF 20 -- 250 ns 1, 2, 4 FMCLK MCLK Frequency CL = 10 pF 4 -- 50 MHz TMCLKDUTY MCLK Duty Cycle CL = 10 pF 40% -- 60% TMCLKCYC TAUDDLY Audio Pipeline Delay -- -- 40 80 s 1, 2 Figure 6.7 Figure 6.8 3 1, 2, 4 2, 4 -- -- Notes: 1. Guaranteed by design. 2. Proportional to unit time (UI), according to sample rate. 3. SPDIF is not a true clock, but is generated from the internal 128Fs clock, for Fs from 128 to 512 kHz. 4. MCLK refers to MCLKOUT. 5. Intrinsic jitter on S/PDIF output can limit its use as an S/PDIF transmitter. The S/PDIF intrinsic jitter is approximately 0.1 UI. Table 5.11. Audio Crystal Timings Symbol Parameter FXTAL External Crystal Freq. Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes -- 26 27 28.5 MHz Figure 5.2 1, 2 3.3 V 3 5 27MHz 18 pF XTALVCC XTALIN SiI9233A 1 M 4 XTALOUT 18pF Figure 5.2. Audio Crystal Schematic (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 25 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.4.3. Miscellaneous Timings Table 5.12. Miscellaneous Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes TI2CDVD SDA Data Valid delay from SCL falling edge CL = 400 pF -- -- 700 ns -- -- FDDC Speed on TMDS DDC Ports CL = 400 pF -- -- 100 kHz -- 2 FI2C I2C Speed on Local CL = 400 pF -- -- 400 kHz -- 3 TRESET RESET# Signal LOW Time for valid reset -- 50 -- -- s Figure 6.3 -- TSTARTUP Startup time from power supplies valid -- -- -- 100 ms -- 5 TBKSVINIT HDCP BKSV Load Time -- -- -- 2.2 ms -- 4 Port Notes: 1. Under normal operating conditions unless otherwise specified, including output pin loading of CL = 10 pF. 2. DDC ports are limited to 100 kHz by the HDMI Specification, and meet I2C standard mode timings. 3. Local I2C port (CSCL/CSDA) meets standard mode I2C timing requirements to 400 kHz. 4. The time required to load the KSV values internal to the receiver after a RESET# and the start of an active TMDS clock. An attached HDCP host device should not attempt to read the receiver BKSV values until after this time. The TBKSVINIT Min and Max values are based on the maximum and minimum allowable XCLK frequencies. The loading of the BKSV values requires a valid XCLK and TMDS clock. 5. TSTARTUP is the startup time required for the device to be operational once power is stable. This startup time is due to the on board voltage regulator for the EDID and CEC and a power on reset circuit. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 26 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 5.4.4. Interrupt Timings Table 5.13. Interrupt Output Pin Timings Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Figure Notes TFSC Link disabled (DE inactive) to SCDT LOW -- -- 0.15 40 ms Figure 5.3 1, 2, 3, 8 THSC Link enabled (DE active) to SCDT HIGH -- -- -- 4 DE Figure 5.3 1, 2, 4, 8 TCICD RXC inactive to CKDT LOW -- -- -- 100 s Figure 5.3 1, 2, 8 TCACD RXC active to CKDT HIGH -- -- -- 10 s Figure 5.3 1, 2, 8 TINT Response Time for INT from Input Change -- -- -- 100 s -- 1, 5, 8 TCIOD RXC inactive to ODCK inactive -- -- -- 100 ns -- 1, 8 TCAOD RXC active to ODCK active and stable -- -- -- 10 ms -- 1, 6, 8 TSRRF Delay from SCDT rising edge to Software Reset falling edge -- -- -- 100 ms Figure 6.3 7 Notes: 1. Guaranteed by design. 2. SCDT and CKDT are register bits in this device. 3. SCDT changes to LOW after DE is HIGH for approximately 4096 pixel clock cycles, or after DE is LOW for approximately 1,000,000 clock cycles. At 27 MHz pixel clock, this delay for DE HIGH is approximately 150 s, and the delay for DE LOW is approximately 40 ms. 4. SCDT changes to HIGH when clock is active (TCACD) and at least 4 DE edges have been recognized. At 720p, the DE period is 22 s, so SCDT responds approximately 50 s after TCACD. 5. The INT pin changes state after a change in input condition when the corresponding interrupt is enabled. 6. Output clock (ODCK) becomes active before it becomes stable. Use the SCDT signal as the indicator of stable video output timings, as this depends on decoding of DE signals with active RXC (see TFSC). 7. Software Reset must be asserted and then de-asserted within the specified maximum time after rising edge of Sync Detect (SCDT). Access to both SWRST and SCDT can be limited by the speed of the I2C connection. 8. SCDT is HIGH only when CKDT is also HIGH. When the receiver is in a powered-down mode, the INT output pin indicates the current state of SCDT. Thus, a power-down receiver signals a microcontroller connected to the INT pin whenever SCDT changes from LOW to HIGH or HIGH to LOW. RXC link clock active link clock inactive link clock active CKDT TCICD DE TCACD Do not Care TFSC THSC SCDT Figure 5.3. SCDT and CKDT Timing from DE or RXC Inactive/Active Notes: 1. The SCDT shown in Figure 5.3 is a register bit. SCDT remains HIGH if DE is stuck in LOW while RXC remains active, but SCDT changes to LOW if DE is stuck HIGH while RXC remains active. 2. The CKDT shown in Figure 5.3 is a register bit. CKDT changes to LOW whenever RXC stops, and changes to HIGH when RXC starts. SCDT changes to LOW when CKDT changes to LOW. 3. SCDT changes to LOW when CKDT changes to LOW. SCDT changes to HIGH at THSC after CKDT changes to HIGH. 4. The INT output pin changes state after the SCDT or CKDT register bit is set or cleared if those interrupts are enabled. Refer to the Programmer Reference for more details on controlling timing modes. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 27 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 6. Timing Diagrams 6.1. TMDS Input Timing Diagrams RX0 RX1 RX2 TCCS VDIFF = 0V Figure 6.1. TMDS Channel-to-Channel Skew Timing 6.2. Power Supply Control Timings Figure 6.2 illustrates the power supply sequencing. Power Off Sequence Power On Sequence DIFF33 max maximum 3.3 V excursion IOVCC33 AVCC33 XTALVCC33 minimum 3.3 V excursion DIFF3312 max maximum 3.3 V excursion IOVCC33 AVCC33 XTALVCC33 maximum 1.2 V excursion maximum 1.2 V excursion minimum 1.2 V DIFF12 max excursion AVCC12 CVCC12 AVPCC12 DIFF33 max minimum 3.3 V excursion DIFF3312 max AVCC12 minimum 1.2 V CVCC12 excursion AVPCC12 To ensure proper power-on reset, 5 V should be provided to the SBVCC5 pin before the power-on sequence shown here begins. DIFF12 max Figure 6.2. Power Supply Sequencing (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 28 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 6.3. Reset Timings VCCmax RESET# VCCmin T RESET VCC RESET# TRESET Note that VCC must be stable between its limits for Normal Operating Conditions for TRESET before RESET# is HIGH. RESET# must be pulled LOW for TRESET before accessing registers. This can be done by holding RESET# LOW until TRESET after stable power (at left); OR by pulling RESET# LOW from a HIGH state (at right) for at least TRESET. Figure 6.3. RESET# Minimum Timings 6.4. Digital Video Output Timing Diagrams 6.4.1. Output Transition Times 2.0 V 0.8 V DLHT 2.0 V 0.8 V DHLT Figure 6.4. Video Digital Output Transition Times (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 29 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 6.4.2. Output Clock to Output Data Delay T CYC TH TL OCKINV = 0 ODCK OCKINV = 1 ODCK T CKO(max) TCKO(min) Q[35:0] T CKO(max) TCKO(min) DE HSYNC VSYNC Figure 6.5. Receiver Clock-to-Output Delay and Duty Cycle Limits 6.5. Digital Audio Output Timings TTR TSCKDUTY SCK TSCK2SD_MAX WS SD Data Valid TSU THD Data Valid TSCK2SD_MIN Data Valid Figure 6.6. I2S Output Timings (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 30 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet TSPCYC T SPDUTY 50% SPDIF Figure 6.7. S/PDIF Output Timings TMCLKCYC MCLK 50% 50% TMCLKDUTY Figure 6.8. MCLK Timings 6.6. Calculating Setup and Hold Times for Video Bus 6.6.1. 24/30/36-Bit Mode Output data is clocked out on one rising (or falling) edge of ODCK, and is then captured downstream using the same polarity ODCK edge one clock period later. The setup time of data to ODCK and hold time of ODCK to data are therefore a function of the worst case ODCK to output delay, as shown in Figure 6.9. The active rising ODCK edge is shown with an arrowhead. For OCKINV=1, reverse the logic. TCK2OUT{max} TSU THD TCK2OUT{min} ODCK Longest Clk-to-Out Shortest Clk-to-Out Q DE VSYNC HSYNC Data Valid Data Valid Figure 6.9. 24/30/36-Bit Mode Receiver Output Setup and Hold Times Table 6.1 on the next page shows minimum calculated setup and hold times for commonly used ODCK frequencies. The setup and hold times apply to DE, VSYNC, HSYNC and Data output pins, with output load of 10pF. These are approximations. Hold time is not related to ODCK frequency. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 31 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 6.1. Calculation of 24/30/36-Bit Output Setup and Hold Times Symbol 24/30/36-Bit Mode Parameter TODCK TSU Setup Time to ODCK = TODCK - TCK2OUT{max} THD Hold Time from ODCK = TCK2OUT{min} 27 MHz 74.25 MHz 27 MHz Min 37.0 ns 13.5 ns 37.0 ns 34.5 ns 11 ns 0.4 ns 6.6.2. 12/15/18-Bit Dual-Edge Mode Output data is clocked out on each edge of ODCK (both rising and falling), and is then captured downstream using the opposite ODCK edge. This is shown in Figure 6.10. The setup time of data to ODCK is a function of the shortest duty cycle and the longest ODCK to output delay. The hold time does not depend on duty cycle (since every edge is used), and is a function only of the shortest ODCK to output delay. TSU THD ODCK TDUTY{min} TCK2OUT{min} TCK2OUT{max} Q DE VSYNC HSYNC Data Valid Data Valid Figure 6.10. 12/15/18-Bit Mode Receiver Output Setup and Hold Times Table 6.2 shows minimum calculated setup and hold times for commonly used ODCK frequencies, up to the maximum allowed for 12/15/18-bit mode. The setup and hold times apply to DE, VSYNC, HSYNC and Data output pins, with output load of 10 pF. These are approximations. Hold time is not related to ODCK frequency. Table 6.2. Calculation of 12/15/18-Bit Output Setup and Hold Times 12/15/18-Bit Mode Symbol TSU THD Parameter Setup Time to ODCK = TODCK * TDUTY{min} - TCK2OUT{max} Hold Time from ODCK = TCK2OUT{min} TODCK 27 MHz 74.25 MHz 37.0 ns 13.5 ns Min 12.3 ns 2.9 ns 27 MHz 37.0 ns 0.4 ns (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 32 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 6.7. Calculating Setup and Hold Times for I2S Audio Bus Valid serial data is available at Tsck2sd after the falling edge of the first SCK cycle, and then captured downstream using the active rising edge of SCK one clock period later. The setup time of data to SCK (TSU) and hold time of SCK to data (THD) are therefore a function of the worst case SCK-to-output data delay (Tsck2sd). Figure 6.6 on page 30 illustrates this timing relationship. Note that the active SCK edge (rising edge) is shown with an arrowhead. For a falling edge sampling clock, the logic is reversed. Table 6.3 shows the setup and hold time calculation examples for various audio sample frequencies. The formula used in these examples also applies when calculating the setup and hold times for other audio sampling frequencies. Table 6.3. I2S Setup and Hold Time Calculations Symbol Parameter TSU Setup Time, SCK to SD/WS = TTR - ( TSCKDUTY_WORST + TSCK2SD_MAX ) = TTR - (0.6TTR + 5ns ) = 0.4TTR - 5ns THD Hold Time, SCK to SD/WS = ( TSCKDUTY_WORST - TSCK2SD_MIN ) = 0.4TTR - 5ns FWS (kHz) FSCLK (MHz) Ttr Min 32 kHz 2.048 488 ns 190 ns 44.1 kHz 2.822 354 ns 136 ns 48 kHz 3.072 326 ns 125 ns 96 kHz 6.144 163 ns 60 ns 192 kHz 12.288 81 ns 27 ns 32 kHz 2.048 488 ns 190 ns 44.1 kHz 2.822 354 ns 136 ns 48 kHz 3.072 326 ns 125 ns 96 kHz 6.144 163 ns 60 ns 192 kHz 12.288 81 ns 27 ns Note: The sample calculations shown are based on WS = 64 SCLK rising edges. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 33 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7. Pin Diagram and Descriptions 7.1. Pin Diagram AVCC33 R3X2+ R3X2- R3X1+ R3X1- R3X0+ R3X0- R3XC+ R3XC- AVCC12 R2X2+ R2X2- R2X1+ R2X1- R2X0+ R2X0- R2XC+ R2XC- AVCC33 R1X2+ R1X2- R1X1+ R1X1- R1X0+ R1X0- R1XC+ R1XC- AVCC12 R0X2+ R0X2- R0X1+ R0X1- R0X0+ R0X0- R0XC+ R0XC- 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 Figure 7.1 shows the pin assignments of the SiI9233A receiver device. Individual pin functions are described in the Pin Descriptions section on the next page. The package is a 20 mm x 20 mm 144-pin TQFP with an ePad, which must be connected to ground. RSVDNC APVCC12 XTALVCC33 1 2 3 108 107 106 AVCC 33 GPIO3 / MUTEOUT SPDIF/DL2 XTALOUT 4 XTALIN XTALGND IOVCC33 5 6 105 104 SD3/DR2 CVCC12 RSVDNC 103 7 8 9 102 101 100 99 MCLK SD2/DL1 SD1/DR1 SD0/DL0 SCK/DCLK RSVDNC 10 RSVDL 11 12 98 IOVCC 33 97 CVCC 12 GPIO 1/SCDT GPIO2/EVNODD 13 14 96 95 Q0 Q1 RSVDNC GPIO4 15 16 94 93 Q2 GPIO5 RSVDNC 17 92 91 Q4 Q5 90 89 Q6 88 87 86 85 Q8 IOVCC 33 CSCL CSDA 21 22 23 24 CI 2CA CEC_ A 25 26 84 83 Q10 Q11 CEC_D SBVCC5 27 28 82 Q12 81 Q13 R0PWR 5 V 29 30 80 79 Q14 Q15 31 78 Q16 R1 PWR5V HPD1 32 33 34 77 76 75 Q17 ODCK DSCL1 35 DSDA1 36 74 73 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 DSCL2 DSDA2 R3PWR5V HPD3 DSCL3 DSDA3 RSVDNC RSVDNC RSVDNC RSVDNC RSVDNC GND Q35 Q34 Q33 Q32 Q31 Q30 Q29 Q28 Q27 CVCC12 I OVCC33 Q26 Q25 Q24 Q23 Q22 Q21 Q20 Q19 Q18 CVCC12 I OVCC33 HPD0 DSCL0 DSDA0 37 RESET# INT 18 19 20 HPD2 GPIO6/DL3 GPIO7/DR3 SiI9233A (Top View ) R2PWR5V GPIO0 /XCLKOUT WS/DR0 Q3 Q7 CVCC 12 Q9 HSYNC VSYNC DE Figure 7.1. Pin Diagram (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 34 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7.2. Pin Descriptions 7.2.1. Differential Signal Data Pins Pin Name R0X0+ R0X0R0X1+ R0X1R0X2+ R0X2R0XC+ R0XCR1X0+ R1X0R1X1+ R1X1R1X2+ R1X2R1XC+ R1XCR2X0+ R2X0R2X1+ R2X1R2X2+ R2X2R2XC+ R2XCR3X0+ R3X0R3X1+ R3X1R3X2+ R3X2R3XC+ R3XC- Pin 112 111 114 113 116 115 110 109 121 120 123 122 125 124 119 118 130 129 132 131 134 133 128 127 139 138 141 140 143 142 137 136 Type TMDS analog Dir Input Description HDMI Port 0 TMDS input data pairs. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 0 TMDS input clock pair. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 1 TMDS input data pairs. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 1TMDS input clock pair. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 2 TMDS input data pairs. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 2 TMDS input clock pair. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 3 TMDS input data pairs. TMDS analog Input HDMI Port 3 TMDS input clock pair. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 35 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7.2.2. Digital Video Output Data Pins Pin Name Q0 Q1 Q2 Pin Q3 Q4 93 92 Q5 Q6 Q7 91 90 89 Q8 Q9 Q10 88 85 84 Q11 Q12 83 82 Q13 Q14 Q15 81 80 79 Q16 Q17 78 77 Q18 Q19 Q20 70 69 68 Q21 Q22 67 66 Q23 Q24 Q25 65 64 63 Q26 Q27 Q28 62 59 58 Q29 Q30 57 56 Q31 Q32 Q33 55 54 53 Q34 Q35 52 51 96 95 94 Type LVTTL 2 mA to 14 mA Dir Description Output 36-Bit Output Pixel Data Bus. Q[35:0] is highly configurable using the various video configuration registers. It supports a wide array of output formats, including multiple RGB and YCbCr bus formats. Using the appropriate bits in the PD_SYS2 register, the output drivers can be put into a high impedance state. Notes: 1. When transporting video data that uses fewer than 36 bits, the unused bits on the Q[] bus can still carry switching pixel data signals. Unused Q[35:0] bus pins should be unconnected, masked or ignored by downstream devices. For example, carrying YCbCr 4:2:2 data with 16-bit width (see the YC 4:2:2 Formats with Separate Syncs section on page 47), the bits Q[0] through Q[7] output switching signals. 2. The output data bus, Q[0:35], can be wire-ORed to another device so one device is always in the high-impedance state. However, these pins do not have internal pull-up or pull-down resistors, and so cannot pull the bus HIGH or LOW when all connected devices are in the high impedance state. 3. The drive strength of Q[0:35] can be programmed in 2-mA steps between 2 mA and 14 mA. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 36 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7.2.3. Digital Video Output Control Pins Pin Name Pin DE 73 HSYNC 75 VSYNC 74 GPIO2/ EVNODD GPIO2/ EVNODD 14 ODCK 76 Type LVTTL 2 mA to 14 mA LVTTL 2 mA to 14 mA LVTTL 2 mA to 14 mA LVTTL 8 mA LVTTL 2 mA to 14 mA Dir Description Output Data Enable. Output Horizontal Sync Output. Output Vertical Sync Output. Input Output Programmable GPIO2. Output Indicates Even or Odd Field for Interlaced Formats. Output Output Data Clock. Notes: 1. HSYNC and VSYNC outputs carry sync signals for both embedded and separate sync configurations. 2. The drive strength of DE, HSYNC, VSYNC, and ODCK can be programmed in 2-mA steps between 2 mA and 14 mA. 7.2.4. HDMI Control Signal Pins Pin Name DSCL0 DSCL1 DSCL2 DSCL3 DSDA0 DSDA1 DSDA2 DSDA3 Pin 31 35 39 43 32 36 40 44 Type Schmitt Open drain 5 V tolerant HPD0 HPD1 HPD2 HPD3 R0PWR5V R1PWR5V R2PWR5V R3PWR5V 30 34 38 42 29 33 37 41 LVTTL 4 mA CEC_A 26 CEC compliant 5 V tolerant CEC_D 27 LVTTL Schmitt Schmitt Open drain 5 V tolerant 3 mA LVTTL 5 V tolerant Dir Input Description DDC I2C Clock for respective port. HDCP KSV, An, and Ri values are exchanged over an I 2C port during authentication. True open drain, so does not pull to GND if power is not applied. Input DDC I2C Data for respective port. Output HDCP KSV, An, and Ri values are exchanged over an I 2C port during authentication. True open drain, so does not pull to GND if power is not applied. Input Hotplug output signal to HDMI connector for respective port Output Indicates EDID is readable.. Input 5 V power and port detection input for respective port. Used to power internal EDID when device is not powered. Input HDMI compliant CEC I/O used to interface to CEC devices. Output This pin connects to the CEC signal of all HDMI connectors in the system. This pin has an internal pull-up resistor. Input CEC interface to local system. True open-drain. An external pull-up is required. Output This pin typically connects to the local CPU. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 37 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7.2.5. Digital Audio Output Pins Pin Name Pin XTALIN 5 XTALOUT 4 GPIO0/ XCLKOUT GPIO0/ XCLKOUT 12 MCLK 105 SCK/ DCLK SCK/ DCLK 100 SD3/DR2 SD2/DL1 SD1/DR1 SD0/DL0 SD3/DR2 SD2/DL1 SD1/DR1 SD0/DL0 WS/ DR0 WS/ DR0 SPDIF/ DL2 SPDIF/ DL2 GPIO6/ DL3 GPIO6/ DL3 GPIO7/ DR3 GPIO7/ DR3 GPIO3/ MUTEOUT GPIO3/ MUTEOUT 104 103 102 101 Type 5 V tolerant LVTTL LVTTL 4 mA LVTTL 4 mA LVTTL 8 mA LVTTL 4 mA Dir Input Description Crystal Clock Input. Also allows LVTTL input. Frequency required: 26 MHz - 28.5 MHz. Output Crystal Clock Output. Input Output Programmable GPIO0. Output Additional Clock Output from crystal oscillator circuit. Output Audio Master Clock Output. Output I2S Serial Clock Output. DSD Clock Output. LVTTL 4 mA Output I2S Serial Data Output. DSD Serial Right Ch2 Data Output. DSD Serial Left Ch1 Data Output. DSD Serial Right Ch1 Data Output. DSD Serial Left Ch0 Data Output. 99 LVTTL 4 mA Output I2S Word Select Output. DSD Serial Right Ch0 Data Output. 106 LVTTL 4 mA Output S/PDIF Audio Output. DSD Serial Left Channel 2 data output. 19 20 107 LVTTL 4 mA LVTTL 4 mA LVTTL 4 mA Input/ Output Programmable GPIO6. Output DSD Serial Left Channel 3 data output. Input/ Output Programmable GPIO7. Output DSD Serial Right Channel 3 data output. Input Output Programmable GPIO3 or Mute Audio Output. Output Mute Audio Output. Signal to the external downstream audio device, audio DAC, and so on to mute audio output. Note: The XTALIN pin can either be driven at LVTTL levels by a clock (leaving XTALOUT unconnected), or connected through a crystal to XTALOUT; see Figure 9.7 on page 67. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 38 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 7.2.6. Configuration/Programming Pins Pin Name Pin INT 22 Type LVTTL 4 mA RESET# 21 Schmitt 5 V tolerant Input Reset Pin. Active LOW. CSCL 23 Schmitt 5 V tolerant Input Configuration/Status I2C Clock. Chip configuration/status, CEA-861 support and downstream HDCP registers are accessed via this I2C port. CSDA 24 Schmitt 5 V tolerant 3 mA CI2CA 25 LVTTL 5 V tolerant GPIO1/SCDT 13 LVTTL 4 mA Input Programmable GPIO1. Output LVTTL 4 mA LVTTL 4 mA Output Sync Detection Indicator. Indicates Active Video at HDMI Input Port. Input Programmable GPIO4. Output Input Programmable GPIO5. Output GPIO1/SCDT GPIO4 16 GPIO5 17 Dir Description Output Interrupt Output. Configurable polarity and push-pull output. Multiple sources of interrupt can be enabled through the INT_EN register. See note below. Input Configuration/Status I2C Data. Output Chip configuration/status, CEA-861 support and downstream HDCP registers are accessed via this I2C port. Input Local I2C Address Select. LOW = Addresses 0x60/0x68 HIGH = Addresses 0x62/0x6A Note: The INT pin can be programmed to be either a push-pull LVTTL output or an open-drain output. 7.2.7. Power and Ground Pins Pin Name Pin Type Description CVCC12 IOVCC33 8, 60, 71, 86, 97 7, 61, 72, 87, 98 Power Power Digital Logic VCC. Input/Output Pin VCC. 1.2 V 3.3 V AVCC33 AVCC12 APVCC12 108, 126, 144 117, 135 2 Power Power Power 3.3 V 1.2 V 1.2 V XTALVCC33 3 Power TMDS Analog VCC 3.3 V. TMDS Analog VCC 1.2 V. Audio Clock Regeneration PLL Analog VCC. Must be connected to 1.2 V. Audio Clock Regeneration PLL crystal oscillator power. Must be connected to 3.3 V. XTALGND SBVCC5 6 28 Ground Power Audio Clock Regeneration ground. Standby power supply. All other supplies can be off with SBVCC5 on. Ground 5V 50, ePad (bottom of package) Ground Ground. The ePad must be soldered to ground. Ground GND Supply 3.3 V 7.2.8. Reserved and Not Connected Pins Pin Name RSVDNC RSVDL Pin 1, 9, 10, 15, 18, 45-49 Type Reserved Description Reserved, must be left unconnected 11 Reserved Reserved, must be tied to ground Supply No connection Ground (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 39 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 8. Feature Information 8.1. Video Path The SiI9233A receiver accepts all valid HDMI input formats and can transform that video in a variety of ways to produce the proper video output format. The following pages describe how to control the video path formatting and how to assign output pins for each video output format. The processing blocks shown in Figure 8.1 correspond to those shown in Figure 8.2 through Figure 8.4 on pages 41 through 43. MCLK SPDIF Audio Processing TMDS I2S Outputs HDCP WS InfoFrame Packet Processing Widen to 14-Bits SD[3:0] DSD Outputs YCbCr Range Reduce Down Sample 4:4:4 to 4:2:2 bypass bypass bypass Upsample 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 xvYCC/ YCbCr to RGB RGB Range Expand RGB to YCbCr bypass SCK bypass Note: DSD outputs are shared with SPDIF and I2S signals DCLK DR[3:0] DL[3:0] DE Dither Module Mux 656 Video Timing HSYNC bypass VSYNC ODCK Q[35:0] Figure 8.1. Receiver Video and Audio Data Processing Paths 8.1.1. HDMI Input Modes to SiI9233A Receiver Output Modes The HDMI link supports transport of video in any of three modes: RGB 4:4:4, YCbCr 4:4:4 or YCbCr 4:2:2. The flexible video path in the SiI9233A receiver allows reformatting of video data to a set of output modes. Table 8.1 lists the supported transformations and points to the figure for each. In every case, the HDMI link itself carries separate syncs. Table 8.1. Translating HDMI Formats to Output Formats HDMI Input Mode Digital Output Format RGB 4:4:4 YCbCr 4:4:4 Separate Sync Separate Sync YCbCr 4:2:2 Separate Sync YCbCr 4:2:2 Embedded Sync YC Mux Separate Sync YC Mux Embedded Sync RGB 4:4:4 Figure 8.2A Figure 8.2B Figure 8.2C Figure 8.2D Figure 8.2E Figure 8.2F YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 Figure 8.3A Figure 8.4A Figure 8.3B Figure 8.4B Figure 8.3C Figure 8.4C Figure 8.3D Figure 8.4D Figure 8.3E Figure 8.4E Figure 8.3F Figure 8.4F (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 40 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr 4:4:4 Separate Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding RGBtoYCbCr Color Range Scaling DownSampling RGBtoYCbCr Color Range Scaling DownSampling RGBtoYCbCr Color Range Scaling RGBtoYCbCr Color Range Scaling Down Sampling DownSampling Embedded Syncs YCbCr 4:2:2 Separate Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding RGBtoYCbCr Embedded Syncs YCbCr 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding Color Range Scaling MUX YC MUX YC 4:2:2 Separate Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding MUX YC MUX YC 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding RGB 4:4:4 HDMI RGB 4:4:4 Input Processing Digital Out A Digital Out B Digital Out C Digital Out D Digital Out E Digital Out F Figure 8.2. HDMI RGB 4:4:4 Input to Video Output Transformations (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 41 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet DownSampling Embedded Syncs MUX YC MUX YC RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding DownSampling Embedded Syncs YCbCr 4:4:4 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding DownSampling YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding DownSampling Digital Out Digital Out YCbCr 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding Digital Out Digital Out MUX YC 4:2:2 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr/xvYCC to RGB MUX YC 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 Input Processing A B C D Digital Out E Digital Out F Figure 8.3. HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:4:4 Input to Video Output Transformations (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 42 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Embedded Syncs RGB 4:4:4 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr 4:4:4 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 TMDS and HDCP Decoding Embedded Syncs Digital Out YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 TMDS and HDCP Decoding UpSampling Digital Out Digital Out YCbCr 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr/xvYCC to RGB Digital Out MUX YC MUX YC 4:2:2 YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 TMDS and HDCP Decoding Upsampling MUX YC MUX YC 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 TMDS and HDCP Decoding YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 Input Processing A B C D Digital Out E Digital Out F Figure 8.4. HDMI YCbCr/xvYCC 4:2:2 Input to Video Output Transformations (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 43 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 8.1.2. Output Mode Configuration The SiI9233A receiver supports multiple output data mappings. Some have separate control signals while some have embedded control signals. The selection of data mapping mode should be consistent at the pins and in the corresponding register settings. Refer to the Programmer Reference for more details. Table 8.2. Output Video Formats Output Mode Data Widths Pixel Replication Syncs Page Notes RGB 4:4:4 24, 30, 36 1x Separate 45 3, 7 YCbCr 4:4:4 24, 30, 36 1x Separate 45 1. 3. 7 YC 4:2:2 Sep. Syncs 16, 20, 24 1x Separate 47 2, 3 YC 4:2:2 Sep. Syncs 16, 20, 24 2x Separate 47 2, 3, 8 YC 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs 16, 20, 24 1x Embedded 50 2, 5 YC MUX 4:2:2 8, 10, 12 2x Separate 53 2, 4, 8 YC MUX 4:2:2 Emb. Syncs 8, 10, 12 2x Embedded 55 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. YC 4:4:4 data contains one Cr, one Cb and one Y value for every pixel. YC 4:2:2 data contains one Cr and one Cb value for every two pixels; and one Y value for every pixel. These formats can be carried across the HDMI link. Refer to the HDMI Specification, Section 6.2.3. The link clock must be within the specified range of the receiver. In YC MUX mode data is sent to one or two 8/10/12-bit channels. YC MUX with embedded SAV/EAV signal. Syncs are embedded using SAV/EAV codes. A 2x clock can also be sent with 4:4:4 data. When sending a 2x clock the HDMI source must also send AVI InfoFrames with an accurate pixel replication field. Refer to HDMI Spec 1.3, Section 6.4. 2x clocking does not support YC 4:2:2 embedded Sync timings for 720p or 1080i, as the output clock frequency would exceed the range allowed for the receiver. The SiI9233A receiver can output video in various formats on its parallel digital output bus. Some transformation of the data received over HDMI is necessary in some modes. Digital output is used with either 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 data. The diagrams do not include separation of the audio and InfoFrame packets from the HDMI stream, which occurs immediately after the TMDS and (optional) HDCP decoding. The HDMI link always carries separate HSYNC and VSYNC and DE. Therefore the SAV/EAV sync encoder must be used whenever the output mode includes embedded sync. The timing diagrams in Figure 8.5 through Figure 8.9 on pages 46 through 56 show only a representation of the DE, HSYNC and VSYNC timings. These timings are specific to the video resolution, as defined by EIA/CEA-861B and other specs. The number of pixels shown per DE HIGH time is representative, to show the data formatting. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 44 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet RGB and YCbCr 4:4:4 Formats with Separate Syncs The pixel clock runs at the pixel rate and a complete definition of each pixel is output on each clock. Figure 8.5 on the next page shows RGB data. The same timing format is used for YCbCr 4:4:4 as listed in Table 8.3. Figure 8.5 also shows timings with OCLKDIV = 0 and OCKINV = 1. Table 8.3. 4:4:4 Mappings 36-bit 36-bit 30-bit 30-bit 24-bit 24-bit Q0 Q1 RGB B0 B1 YCbCr Cb0 Cb1 RGB NC NC YCbCr NC NC RGB NC NC YCbCr NC NC Q2 Q3 Q4 B2 B3 B4 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 B0 B1 B2 Cb0 Cb1 Cb2 NC NC B0 NC NC Cb0 Q5 Q6 B5 B6 Cb5 Cb6 B3 B4 Cb3 Cb4 B1 B2 Cb1 Cb2 Q7 Q8 Q9 B7 B8 B9 Cb7 Cb8 Cb9 B5 B6 B7 Cb5 Cb6 Cb7 B3 B4 B5 Cb3 Cb4 Cb5 Q10 Q11 B10 B11 Cb10 Cb11 B8 B9 Cb8 Cb9 B6 B7 Cb6 Cb7 Q12 Q13 Q14 G0 G1 G2 Y0 Y1 Y2 NC NC G0 NC NC Y0 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q15 Q16 Q17 G3 G4 G5 Y3 Y4 Y5 G1 G2 G3 Y1 Y2 Y3 NC G0 G1 NC Y0 Y1 Q18 Q19 G6 G7 Y6 Y7 G4 G5 Y4 Y5 G2 G3 Y2 Y3 Q20 Q21 Q22 G8 G9 G10 Y8 Y9 Y10 G6 G7 G8 Y6 Y7 Y8 G4 G5 G6 Y4 Y5 Y6 Q23 Q24 G11 R0 Y11 Cr0 G9 NC Y9 NC G7 NC Y7 NC Q25 Q26 Q27 R1 R2 R3 Cr1 Cr2 Cr3 NC R0 R1 NC Cr0 Cr1 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q28 Q29 Q30 R4 R5 R6 Cr4 Cr5 Cr6 R2 R3 R4 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 R0 R1 R2 Cr0 Cr1 Cr2 Q31 Q32 R7 R8 Cr7 Cr8 R5 R6 Cr5 Cr6 R3 R4 Cr3 Cr4 Q33 Q34 Q35 R9 R10 R11 Cr9 Cr10 Cr11 R7 R8 R9 Cr7 Cr8 Cr9 R5 R6 R7 Cr5 Cr6 Cr7 HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC DE Pin Name (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 45 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet blank Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 Pixel 4 Pixel n blank blank blank Q[35:24] val R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rn val val val Q[23:12] val G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 Gn val val val Q[11:0] val B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 Bn val val val ODCK DE HSYNC, VSYNC Figure 8.5. 4:4:4 Timing Diagram Note: The val data is defined in various specifications to specific values. These values are controlled by setting the appropriate SiI9233A registers, because no pixel data is carried on HDMI during blanking. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 46 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet YC 4:2:2 Formats with Separate Syncs The YC 4:2:2 formats output one pixel for every pixel clock period. A luminance (Y) value is sent for every pixel, but the chrominance values (Cb and Cr) are sent over two pixels. Pixel data can be 24-bit, 20-bit or 16-bit. HSYNC and VSYNC are output separately on their own pins. The DE HIGH time must contain an even number of pixel clocks. Figure 8.6 on page 49 shows timings with OCLKDIV = 0 and OCKINV = 1. Table 8.4. YC 4:2:2 Separate Sync Pin Mappings Pin Name 16-bit YC 20-bit YC 24-bit YC Pixel #0 Pixel #1 Pixel #0 Pixel #1 Pixel #0 Pixel #1 Q0 Q1 Q2 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q3 Q4 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q5 Q6 Q7 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q8 Q9 Q10 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q11 Q12 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y0 NC Y0 Q13 Q14 Q15 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y0 Y1 NC Y0 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Q16 Q17 Y0 Y1 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y4 Y5 Q18 Q19 Q20 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y6 Y7 Y8 Q21 Q22 Y5 Y6 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y9 Y10 Q23 Q24 Q25 Y7 NC NC Y7 NC NC Y9 NC NC Y9 NC NC Y11 Cb0 Cb1 Y11 Cr0 Cr1 Q26 Q27 Q28 NC NC Cb0 NC NC Cr0 Cb0 Cb1 Cb2 Cr0 Cr1 Cr2 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 Q29 Q30 Cb1 Cb2 Cr1 Cr2 Cb3 Cb4 Cr3 Cr4 Cb5 Cb6 Cr5 Cr6 Q31 Q32 Q33 Cb3 Cb4 Cb5 Cr3 Cr4 Cr5 Cb5 Cb6 Cb7 Cr5 Cr6 Cr7 Cb7 Cb8 Cb9 Cr7 Cr8 Cr9 Q34 Q35 Cb6 Cb7 Cr6 Cr7 Cb8 Cb9 Cr8 Cr9 Cb10 Cb11 Cr10 Cr11 HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC DE DE DE DE DE DE DE (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 47 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 8.5. YC 4:2:2 (Pass Through Only) Separate Sync Pin Mapping Pin Name 16-bit YC 20-bit YC 24-bit YC Q0 Q1 Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Q2 Q3 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q4 Q5 Q6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y0 NC NC Y0 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y0 Y1 Y2 Q7 Q8 Q9 NC NC NC NC NC NC Y1 NC NC Y1 NC NC Y3 Cb0 Cb1 Y3 Cr0 Cr1 Q10 Q11 NC NC NC NC Cb0 Cb1 Cr0 Cr1 Cb2 Cb3 Cr2 Cr3 Q12 Q13 Q14 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q15 Q16 NC Y0 NC Y0 NC Y2 NC Y2 NC Y4 NC Y4 Q17 Q18 Q19 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y5 Y6 Y7 Q20 Q21 Q22 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y8 Y9 Y10 Q23 Q24 Y7 NC Y7 NC Y9 NC Y9 NC Y11 NC Y11 NC Q25 Q26 Q27 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q28 Q29 Cb0 Cb1 Cr0 Cr1 Cb2 Cb3 Cr2 Cr3 Cb4 Cb5 Cr4 Cr5 Q30 Q31 Q32 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 Cb4 Cb5 Cb6 Cr4 Cr5 Cr6 Cb6 Cb7 Cb8 Cr6 Cr7 Cr8 Q33 Q34 Cb5 Cb6 Cr5 Cr6 Cb7 Cb8 Cr7 Cr8 Cb9 Cb10 Cr9 Cr10 Q35 Cb7 Cr7 Cb9 Cr9 Cb11 Cr11 HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC VSYNC DE VSYNC DE VSYNC VSYNC VSYNC VSYNC VSYNC DE DE DE DE DE Note: This pin mapping is only valid when the input video format is YC 4:2:2 and the output video format is YC 4:2:2 also. No video processing block should be enabled when this pin mapping is used. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 48 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet blank Pixel0 Pixel1 Pixel2 Pixel3 Pixeln-1 Pixeln Q[35:28] val Cb0[11:4] Cr0[11:4] Cb2[11:4] Cr2[11:4] Cbn-1[11:4] Crn-1[11:4] val val Q[23:16] val Y0[11:4] Y1[11:4] Y2[11:4] Y3[11:4] Yn-1[11:4] Yn[11:4] val val Q[27:24] val Cb0[3:0] Cr0[3:0] Cb2[3:0] Cr2[3:0] Cbn-1[3:0] Crn-1 [3:0] val val Q[15:12] val Y0[3:0] Y1[3:0] Y2[3:0] Y3[3:0] Yn-1[3:0] Yn[3:0] val val ODCK DE HSYNC, VSYNC Figure 8.6. YC Timing Diagram Note: The val data is defined in various specifications to specific values. These values are controlled by setting the appropriate SiI9233A registers, because no pixel data is carried on HDMI during blanking. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 49 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet YC 4:2:2 Formats with Embedded Syncs The YC 4:2:2 embedded sync format is identical to the previous format (YC 4:2:2), except that the syncs are embedded and not separate. Pixel data can be 24-bit, 20-bit or 16-bit. DE is always output. Figure 8.7 on page 52 shows the Start of Active Video (SAV) preamble, the End of Active Video" (EAV) suffix, and shows timings with OCLKDIV = 0 and OCKINV = 1. Table 8.6. YC 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Pin Mappings Pin Name 16-bit YC 20-bit YC 24-bit YC Q0 Q1 Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Q2 Q3 Q4 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q5 Q6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q7 Q8 Q9 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q10 Q11 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q12 Q13 Q14 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y0 NC NC Y0 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y0 Y1 Y2 Q15 Q16 Q17 NC Y0 Y1 NC Y0 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y3 Y4 Y5 Q18 Q19 Y2 Y3 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y6 Y7 Q20 Q21 Q22 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y8 Y9 Y10 Q23 Q24 Y7 NC Y7 NC Y9 NC Y9 NC Y11 Cb0 Y11 Cr0 Q25 Q26 Q27 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Cb0 Cb1 NC Cr0 Cr1 Cb1 Cb2 Cb3 Cr1 Cr2 Cr3 Q28 Q29 Q30 Cb0 Cb1 Cb2 Cr0 Cr1 Cr2 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 Cb4 Cb5 Cb6 Cr4 Cr5 Cr6 Q31 Q32 Cb3 Cb4 Cr3 Cr4 Cb5 Cb6 Cr5 Cr6 Cb7 Cb8 Cr7 Cr8 Q33 Q34 Q35 Cb5 Cb6 Cb7 Cr5 Cr6 Cr7 Cb7 Cb8 Cb9 Cr7 Cr8 Cr9 Cb9 Cb10 Cb11 Cr9 Cr10 Cr11 HSYNC Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded VSYNC DE Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 50 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Table 8.7. YC 4:2:2 (Pass Through Only) Embedded Sync Pin Mapping Pin Name 16-bit YC 20-bit YC 24-bit YC Q0 Q1 Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Pixel #0 NC NC Pixel #1 NC NC Q2 Q3 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q4 Q5 Q6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y0 NC NC Y0 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y0 Y1 Y2 Q7 Q8 Q9 NC NC NC NC NC NC Y1 NC NC Y1 NC NC Y3 Cb0 Cb1 Y3 Cr0 Cr1 Q10 Q11 NC NC NC NC Cb0 Cb1 Cr0 Cr1 Cb2 Cb3 Cr2 Cr3 Q12 Q13 Q14 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q15 Q16 NC Y0 NC Y0 NC Y2 NC Y2 NC Y4 NC Y4 Q17 Q18 Q19 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y5 Y6 Y7 Q20 Q21 Q22 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y8 Y9 Y10 Q23 Q24 Y7 NC Y7 NC Y9 NC Y9 NC Y11 NC Y11 NC Q25 Q26 Q27 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q28 Q29 Cb0 Cb1 Cr0 Cr1 Cb2 Cb3 Cr2 Cr3 Cb4 Cb5 Cr4 Cr5 Q30 Q31 Q32 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 Cb4 Cb5 Cb6 Cr4 Cr5 Cr6 Cb6 Cb7 Cb8 Cr6 Cr7 Cr8 Q33 Q34 Cb5 Cb6 Cr5 Cr6 Cb7 Cb8 Cr7 Cr8 Cb9 Cb10 Cr9 Cr10 Q35 Cb7 Cr7 Cb9 Cr9 Cb11 Cr11 HSYNC Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded VSYNC Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded DE Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Note: This pin mapping is only valid when the input video format is YC 4:2:2 and the output video format is YC 4:2:2 also. No video processing block should be enabled when this pin mapping is used. Embedded Embedded (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 51 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet SAV Pixel0 Pixel1 Pixel2 Pixel3 Pixel n-1 Q[35:28] val FF 00 00 XY Cb0[11:4] Cr0[11:4] Cb2[11:4] Cr2[11:4] Q[23:16] val FF 00 00 XY Y0[ 11: 4] Y1[ 11:4] Y2[11: 4] Y3[11: 4] Yn-1[11:4] Q[27:24] val X X X X Cb0[3: 0] Cr0[3:0] Cb2[3: 0] Cr2[3:0] Q[15:12] val X X X X Y0[ 3:0] Y1[3:0] Y2[3:0] Y3[ 3:0] EAV Pixel n Cbn-1[11:4] Crn-1[11:4] FF 00 00 XY val Yn[ 11:4] FF 00 00 XY val Cbn-1[3:0] Crn-1[ 3:0] X X X X val Yn-1[3: 0] Yn[3:0] X X X X val ODCK Active Video Figure 8.7. YC 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Timing Diagram Note: The val data is defined in various specifications to specific values. These values are controlled by setting the appropriate SiI9233A registers, because no pixel data is carried on HDMI during blanking. SAV/EAV codes appear as an 8-bit field on both Q[35:28] (per SMPTE) and Q[23:16]. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 52 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet YC Mux (4:2:2) Formats with Separate Syncs The video data is multiplexed onto fewer pins than the mapping in Table 8.8, but complete luminance (Y) and chrominance (Cb and Cr) data is still provided for each pixel because the output pixel clock runs at twice the pixel rate. Figure 8.8 on the next page shows the 24-bit mode. The 16- and 20-bit mappings use fewer output pins for the pixel data. Note the separate syncs. Figure 8.8 also shows OCLKDIV = 0 and OCKINV = 1. Table 8.8. YC Mux 4:2:2 Mappings Pin Name 8-bit YCbCr 10-bit YCbCr 12-bit YCbCr Q0 Q1 Q2 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q3 Q4 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q5 Q6 Q7 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q8 Q9 Q10 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q11 Q12 NC NC NC NC NC D0 Q13 Q14 Q15 NC NC NC NC D0 D1 D1 D2 D3 Q16 Q17 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Q18 Q19 Q20 D2 D3 D4 D4 D5 D6 D6 D7 D8 Q21 Q22 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 Q23 Q24 Q25 D7 NC NC D9 NC NC D11 NC NC Q26 Q27 Q28 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q29 Q30 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q31 Q32 Q33 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q34 Q35 NC NC NC NC NC NC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC DE DE DE DE (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 53 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 Q[35:24] Q[11:0] X X X X X X X X X X X X X Q[23:16] val val val val val Cb0[11:4] Y0[11:4] Cr0[11:4] Y1[11:4] Cb2[11:4] Y2[11:4] Cr2[11:4] Y3[11:4] Q[15:12] val val val val val Cb0[3:0] Y0[3:0] Cr0[3:0] Y1[3:0] Cb2[3:0] Y2[3:0] Cr2[3:0] Y3[3:0] ODCK DE HSYNC VSYNC Figure 8.8. YC Mux 4:2:2 Timing Diagram Note: The val data is defined in various specifications to specific values. These values are controlled by setting the appropriate SiI9233A registers, because no pixel data is carried on HDMI during blanking. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 54 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet YC Mux 4:2:2 Formats with Embedded Syncs This mode is similar to that shown in Figure 8.7 on page 53, but with embedded syncs. It is similar to YC 4:2:2 with embedded syncs, but also multiplexes the luminance (Y) and chrominance (Cb and Cr) onto the same pins on alternating pixel clock cycles. Normally this mode is used only for 480i, 480p, 576i and 576p modes. Output clock rate is half the pixel clock rate on the link. SAV code is shown before rise of DE. EAV follows the falling edge of DE. See the ITUR BT.656 Specification. 480p, 54-MHz output can be achieved if the input differential clock is 54 MHz. Figure 8.9 on the next page shows OCLKDIV = 0 and OCKINV = 1. Table 8.9. YC Mux 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Pin Mapping 8-bit 10-bit 12-bit Q0 Q1 YCbCr NC NC YCbCr NC NC YCbCr NC NC Q2 Q3 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q4 Q5 Q6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q7 Q8 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q9 Q10 Q11 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q12 Q13 Q14 NC NC NC NC NC D0 D0 D1 D2 Q15 Q16 NC D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Q17 Q18 Q19 D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 D5 D5 D6 D7 Q20 Q21 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Q22 Q23 Q24 D6 D7 NC D8 D9 NC D10 D11 NC Q25 Q26 Q27 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q28 Q29 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q30 Q31 Q32 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Q33 Q34 NC NC NC NC NC NC Q35 NC NC NC HSYNC VSYNC DE Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded Pin Name (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 55 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet SAV Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 Q[35:24] val X X X X X X X X X X X X Q[23:16] val FF 00 00 XY Cb0[11:4] Y0[ 11:4] Cr0[11: 4] Y1[11:4] Cb2[11:4] Y2[11:4] Cr2[11:4] Y3[11:4] Q[15:12] val X X X X Cb0[3:0] Y0[3:0] Cr0[3: 0] Y1[3:0] Cb2[3:0] Y2[3:0] Cr2[ 3:0] Y3[3:0] Q[11:0] ODCK Active Video Figure 8.9. YC Mux 4:2:2 Embedded Sync Encoding Timing Diagram Note: The val data is defined in various specifications to specific values. These values are controlled by setting the appropriate SiI9233A registers, because no pixel data is carried on HDMI during blanking. Refer to the Programmer Reference for details. 12/15/18-Bit RGB and YCbCr 4:4:4 Formats with Separate Syncs The output clock runs at the pixel rate and a complete definition of each pixel is output on each clock. One clock edge drives out half the pixel data on 12/15/18 pins. The opposite clock edge drives out the remaining half of the pixel data on the same 12/15/18 pins. Figure 8.10 below shows RGB data. The same timing format is used for YCbCr 4:4:4 as listed in the columns of Table 8.10. Control signals (DE, HSYNC and VSYNC) change state with respect to the first edge of ODCK. Table 8.10. 12/15/18-Bit Output 4:4:4 Mappings 24-bit Pin Name 30-bit RGB YCbCr 36-bit RGB YCbCr RGB YCbCr First Edge Second Edge First Edge Second Edge First Edge Second Edge First Edge Second Edge First Edge Second Edge First Edge Second Edge Q0 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC B0 G6 Cb0 Y6 Q1 Q2 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC B1 B2 G7 G8 Cb1 Cb2 Y7 Y8 Q3 Q4 Q5 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC B0 B1 B2 G5 G6 G7 Cb0 Cb1 Cb2 Y5 Y6 Y7 B3 B4 B5 G9 G10 G11 Cb3 Cb4 Cb5 Y9 Y10 Y11 Q6 Q7 B0 B1 G4 G5 Cb0 Cb1 Y4 Y5 B3 B4 G8 G9 Cb3 Cb4 Y8 Y9 B6 B7 R0 R1 Cb6 Cb7 Cr0 Cr1 Q8 Q9 Q10 B2 B3 B4 G6 G7 R0 Cb2 Cb3 Cb4 Y6 Y7 Cr0 B5 B6 B7 R0 R1 R2 Cb5 Cb6 Cb7 Cr0 Cr1 Cr2 B8 B9 B10 R2 R3 R4 Cb8 Cb9 Cb10 Cr2 Cr3 Cr4 Q11 Q12 Q13 B5 B6 B7 R1 R2 R3 Cb5 Cb6 Cb7 Cr1 Cr2 Cr3 B8 B9 G0 R3 R4 R5 Cb8 Cb9 Y0 Cr3 Cr4 Cr5 B11 G0 G1 R5 R6 R7 Cb11 Y0 Y1 Cr5 Cr6 Cr7 Q14 Q15 G0 G1 R4 R5 Y0 Y1 Cr4 Cr5 G1 G2 R6 R7 Y1 Y2 Cr6 Cr7 G2 G3 R8 R9 Y2 Y3 Cr8 Cr9 Q16 Q17 G2 G3 R6 R7 Y2 Y3 Cr6 Cr7 G3 G4 R8 R9 Y3 Y4 Cr8 Cr9 G4 G5 R10 R11 Y4 Y5 Cr10 Cr11 HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC HSYNC VSYNC DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 56 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet blank Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 blank blank blank Q[17:12] val G0[5:0] R0[11:6] G1[5:0] R1[11:6] G2[5:0] R2[11:6] G3[5:0] R3[11:6] val val val val val val Q[11:6] val B0[11:6] R0[5:0] B1[11:6] R1[5:0] B2[11:6] R2[5:0] B3[11:6] R3[5:0] val val val val val val Q[5:0] val B0[5:0] G0[11:6] B1[5:0] G1[11:6] B2[5:0] G2[11:6] B3[5:0] G3[11:6] val val val val val val ODCK DE HSYNC, VSYNC Figure 8.10. 18-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram blank Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 blank blank blank Q[17:13] val G0[4:0] R0[9:5] G1[4:0] R1[9:5] G2[4:0] R2[9:5] G3[4:0] R3[9:5] val val val val val val Q[12:8] val B0[9:5] R0[4:0] B1[9:5] R1[4:0] B2[9:5] R2[4:0] B3[9:5] R3[4:0] val val val val val val Q[7:3] val B0[4:0] G0[9:5] B1[4:0] G1[9:5] B2[4:0] G2[9:5] B3[4:0] G3[9:5] val val val val val val ODCK DE HSYNC, VSYNC Figure 8.11. 15-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram blank Pixel 0 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 blank blank blank Q[17:14] val G0[3:0] R0[7:4] G1[3:0] R1[7:4] G2[3:0] R2[7:4] G3[3:0] R3[7:4] val val val val val val Q[13:10] val B0[7:4] R0[3:0] B1[7:4] R1[3:0] B2[7:4] R2[3:0] B3[7:4] R3[3:0] val val val val val val Q[9:6] val B0[3:0] G0[7:4] B1[3:0] G1[7:4] B2[3:0] G2[7:4] B3[3:0] G3[7:4] val val val val val val ODCK DE HSYNC, VSYNC Figure 8.12. 12-Bit Output 4:4:4 Timing Diagram (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 57 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 8.2. I2C Interfaces 8.2.1. HDCP E-DDC / I2C Interface Stop S Register Address Slave Address S P A C K A C K A C K Data Data Stop DSDA Line Slave Address Start Bus Activity : Master Start The HDCP protocol requires values to be exchanged between the video transmitter and video receiver. These values are exchanged over the DDC channel of the DVI interface. The E-DDC channel follows the I2C serial protocol. The SiI9233A device is the video receiver in a system design using an SiI9233A receiver, and it has a connection to the E-DDC bus with a slave address of 0x74. The I 2C read operation is shown in Figure 8.13, and the write operation in Figure 8.14. No A C K Bus Activity : Master Start Figure 8.13. I2C Byte Read DSDA Line S Slave Address Register Address P A C K A C K A C K Figure 8.14. I2C Byte Write Multiple bytes can be transferred in each transaction, regardless of whether they are reads or writes. The operations are similar to those in Figure 8.13 and Figure 8.14 except that there is more than one data phase. An ACK follow each byte except the last byte in a read operation. Byte addresses increment, with the least significant byte transferred first, and the most significant byte last. See the I2C specification for more information. DSDA Line S Slave Address Ri Lsb Ri Msb Stop Bus Activity: Master Start There is also a "Short Read" format, designed to improve the efficiency of Ri register reads (which must be done every two seconds while encryption is enabled). This transaction is shown in Figure 8.15. Note that there is no register address phase (only the slave address phase), because the register address is reset to 0x08 (Ri) after a hardware or software reset, and after the STOP condition on any preceding I 2C transaction. P A C K A C K No A C K Figure 8.15. Short Read Sequence (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 58 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 8.2.2. Local I2C Interface The SiI9233A receiver has a second I2C port accessible only to the controller in the display device. It is separate from the E-DDC bus. The SiI9233A receiver is a slave device that responds to six binary I2C device addresses of seven bits each. This I2C interface only supports the read operation shown in Figure 8.13 on the previous page, and the write operation shown in Figure 8.14 on the previous page. It does not support the short read operation shown in Figure 8.15 on the previous page. Note that the I2C data pin for the local I2C bus is CSDA, instead of the DSDA pin shown in these figures. The local I2C interface on SiI9233A pins CSCL and CSDA is a slave interface that can run up to 400 kHz. This bus is used to configure and control the receiver by reading/writing to necessary registers. The local I2C interface consists of 5 separate I 2C slave addresses. Therefore, it appears as 5 separate devices on the I 2C local bus. The first two of these addresses, used for HDMI Control and general low level register control, are fixed, and can only be set to one of two values by using the CI2CA pin. Table 8.11 shows the address selected for each state of the CI2CA pin at reset. The other 3 addresses (used for CEC, EDID, and xvYCC) have an I 2C register programmable address mapped into the HDMI Control register space, so the default value can be changed if there is a bus conflict with another device. Table 8.11. Control of the Default I2C Addresses with the CI2CA Pin Register Group CI2CA = LOW CI2CA = HIGH HDMI Control and low level registers (fixed) 0x60 & 0x68 0x62 & 0x6A The HDMI Control and low level registers are fixed after reset based on CI2CA pin and cannot be changed. The I 2C slave address for the xvYCC registers, EDID Control registers, and the CEC Control registers each have a register associated with them that allows the address to be changed. See the Programmer Reference for more information. 8.2.3. Video Requirement for I2C Access The SiI9233A receiver does not require an active video clock to access its registers from either the E-DDC port or the local I2C port. Read-Write registers can be written and then read back. Read-only registers that provide values for an active video or audio stream return indeterminate values if there is no video clock and no active syncs. Use the SCDT and CKDT register bits to determine when active video is being received by the chip. 8.2.4. I2C Registers The register values that are exchanged over the HDMI DDC I 2C serial interface with the receiver for HDCP are described in the HDCP 1.3 Specification in Section 2.6 - HDCP Port. Refer to the Programmer Reference for details on these and all other SiI9233A registers. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 59 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9. Design Recommendations The following information is provided as recommendations that are based on the experience of Lattice Semiconductor engineers and customers. If you choose to deviate from these recommendations for a particular application, Lattice Semiconductor strongly suggests that you contact one of its technical representatives for an evaluation of the change. 9.1. Power Control The low-power standby state feature of the SiI9233A receiver provides a design option of leaving the chip always powered, as opposed to powering it on and off. Leaving the chip powered and using the PD# register bit to put it in a lower power state can result in faster system response time, depending on the system Vcc supply ramp-up delay. 9.2. Power-on Sequencing Due to timing considerations with the power-on reset circuits within the chip, Lattice Semiconductor recommends that 5 V power be available to the device before the 3.3 V and 1.2 V VCC supplies are enabled. If the 3.3 V and 1.2 V supplies reach their operating levels before the 5 V power supply to the power island, the chip may not reset properly. 9.3. Power Pin Current Demands The limits shown in Table 9.1 indicate the current demanded by each group of power pins on the SiI9233A device. These limits were characterized at maximum VCC, 0 C ambient temperature and for fast-fast silicon. Actual application current demands can be lower than these figures, and varies with video resolution and audio clock frequency. Table 9.1. Maximum Power Domain Current versus Video Mode 3.3 V Power Domain Currents (mA) Mode ODCK (MHz) 480p 1080i 27.0 74.25 IOVCC33 52 116 AVCC33 62 62 XTALVCC33 2 2 1080p 1080p@12-bit1 148.5 225 226 314 62 62 2 2 Mode ODCK (MHz) 480p 27.0 1080i 74.25 1080p 148.5 1080p@12-bit1 225 AVCC12 93 91 126 107 1.2 V Power Domain Currents (mA) CVCC12 APVCC12 53 92 167 210 3 3 3 3 Notes: 1. Measured with 12-bits/pixel video data. 2. Measured with 192 kHz, 8-channel audio, except for 480p mode which used 48 kHz, 8-channel audio. 3. Measured with RGB input, vertical black-white/1-pixel stripe (Moire2) pattern, converting to YCbCr output (digital for IOVCC33). 4. Only one core can be selected at a time. The TMDSxSEL register bit turns off the unselected core, except for the termination to AVCC33. AVCC33 current includes 40 mA for the unselected TMDS core. Only 5 mA of this current is dissipated as power in the receiver; the remainder is dissipated in the HDMI transmitter. The AVCC33 current on the unselected core can be reduced to 5 mA by asserting the corresponding PD_TERMx# register bit. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 60 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.4. HDMI Receiver DDC Bus Protection The VESA DDC Specification (see the References section on page 72) defines the DDC I2C interconnect bus to be a 5 V signaling path. The I2C pins on the SiI9233A chip are 5 V tolerant. And these pins are true open-drain I/O. The pull-up resistors on the DDC bus should be pulled up using the 5 V supply from the HDMI connector. Refer to Figure 9.9 on page 68. 9.5. Decoupling Capacitors Designers should include decoupling and bypass capacitors at each power pin in the layout. These are shown schematically in Figure 9.4 on page 64. Place these components as closely as possible to the SiI9233A pins and avoid routing through vias. Figure 9.1 shows the various types of power pins on the receiver. VCC C1 C2 L1 VCC Ferrite GND C3 Via to GND Figure 9.1. Decoupling and Bypass Capacitor Placement 9.6. ESD Protection The SiI9233A chip is designed to withstand electrostatic discharge to 2 kV. In applications where higher protection levels are required, ESD limiting components can be placed on the differential lines coming into the chip. These components typically have a capacitive effect, reducing the signal quality at higher clock frequencies on the link. Use of the lowest capacitance devices is suggested; in no case should the capacitance value exceed 5 pF. Series resistors can be included on the TMDS lines (see Figure 9.9 on page 68) to counteract the impedance effects of ESD protection diodes. The diodes typically lower the impedance because of their capacitance. The resistors raise the impedance to stay within the HDMI specification centered on a 100- differential. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 61 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.7. HDMI Receiver Layout The SiI9233A chip should be placed as closely as possible to the input connectors that carry the TMDS signals. For a system using industry-standard HDMI connectors (see Table 10.1 on page 71), the differential lines should be routed as directly as possible from connector to receiver. Lattice Semiconductor receivers are tolerant of skews between differential pairs, so spiral skew compensation for path length differences is not required. Each differential pair should be routed together, minimizing the number of vias through which the signal lines are routed. The distance separating the two traces of the differential pair should be kept to a minimum. Follow these layout guidelines to achieve the optimal input TMDS signal quality: 1. Lay out all differential pairs with controlled impedance of 100 differential. 2. Cut out all copper planes (ground and power) that are less than 45 mils underneath the TMDS traces near the receiver with dimensions as shown as shown in Figure 9.2. 3. If ESD suppression devices or common mode chokes are used, place them near the HDMI connector, away from the SiI9233A IC. Do not place them over the ground and power plane cutout near the receiver. 0.3 inch > 0.1 inch HDMI Connectors HDMI Receiver > 0.1 inch Ground and Power plane cut-out for copper planes <45 mil separation from TMDS traces Figure 9.2. Cut-out Reference Plane Dimensions In Figure 9.3 on the next page, which is a representation of a PCB containing HDMI connectors and the receiver, note the sixteen TMDS traces connected directly from the HDMI connectors (left) to the SiI9233A pins (right). Trace impedance should be 100 differential in each pair and 50 single-ended if possible. Trace width and pitch depends on the PCB construction. Not all connections are shown; the drawing demonstrates routing of TMDS lines without crossovers, vias, or ESD protection. Refer also to Figure 9.9 on page 68. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 62 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet DDC#0 +5V PIN 19 DDC#1 text text R1PWR5V text text text text text text text text text text text R0PWR5V text text text 10 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 19 PIN 1 text text text text HDMI Port #0 Connector text text text text DDC#1 text SiI9233A text +5V HDMI Port #1 Connector text text text text text text text PIN 19 text text text text text text text text text text text text text 10 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text PIN 1 19 Drawing is not to exact scale. Refer to HDMI connector specification for exact dimensions. Figure 9.3. HDMI to Receiver Routing - Top View 9.8. EMI Considerations Electromagnetic interference is a function of board layout, shielding, receiver component operating voltage, and frequency of operation, among other factors. When attempting to control emissions, do not place any passive components on the differential signal lines (aside from any essential ESD protection as described earlier). The differential signaling used in HDMI is inherently low in EMI as long as the routing recommendations noted in the Receiver Layout section are followed. The PCB ground plane should extend unbroken under as much of the SiI9233A chip and associated circuitry as possible, with all ground pins of the chip using a common ground. 9.9. Typical Circuit Representative circuits for application of the SiI9233A chip are shown in Figure 9.4 through Figure 9.8 on pages 64 through 67. For a detailed review of your intended circuit implementation, contact your Lattice Semiconductor representative. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 63 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.9.1. Power Supply Decoupling AVCC_3. 3V Ferrite 220 @100MHz AVCC33 0.1 F 10 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF GND +3.3 V Place ceramic capacitors close to VCC pins . IOVCC33 10 F 10 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF GND +1.2 V Place ceramic capacitors close to VCC pins . CVCC 12 10 F 10 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF GND SiI9233A +1.2 V 0.56 1% Ferrite 0.82 H, 150 mA AVCC12 10 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF AGND +1.2 V Ferrite 220@100 MHz +3.3 V Ferrite 220@100 MHz APVCC12 XTALVCC33 +5 V SBVCC 5 Figure 9.4. Power Supply Decoupling and PLL Filtering Schematic The ferrite on AVCC33 attenuates noise above 10 kHz. A parasitic resistor helps to minimize the peaking. An example of a surface-mount device is the MLF2012 Series SMD inductors from TDK. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 64 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.9.2. HDMI Port Connections RX2+ n RX2- n RnX2+ RnX2- RX1+ n RnX1+ RX1- n RnX1- RX0+ n RX0- n RnX0+ RnX0- RXC+ n RnXC+ RXC- n RnXC- HDMI Connector Port n SiI9233A CEC n CEC_A HPD n HPDn +5V n 47 k 47 k SCL n DSCLn SDA n DSDAn Figure 9.5. HDMI Port Connections Schematic Note: Repeat the schematic for each HDMI input port on the SiI9233A receiver. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 65 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.9.3. Digital Video Output Connections SiI9233A INT 22 Microcontroller 73 DE 75 HSYNC 74 VSYNC 76 ODCK 96 Q0 95 Q1 94 Q2 93 Q3 92 Q4 91 Q5 90 Q6 89 Q7 88 Q8 85 Q9 84 Q10 83 Q11 82 Q12 81 Q13 80 Q14 79 Q15 78 Q16 77 Q17 70 Q18 69 Q19 68 Q20 67 Q21 66 Q22 65 Q23 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 64 Q24 63 Q25 62 Q26 59 Q27 58 Q28 57 Q29 56 Q30 55 Q31 54 Q32 53 Q33 52 Q34 51 Q35 33 33 33 Figure 9.6. Digital Display Schematic The 3.3 V to the level-shifters and pull-up resistors should be powered-down whenever the 3.3 V is powered-down on the receiver itself. The receiver INT output can be connected as an interrupt to the microcontroller, or the microcontroller can poll register 0x70 (INTR_STATE) to determine if any of the enabled interrupts have occurred. Refer to the Programmer Reference for details. The receiver VSYNC output can be connected to the microcontroller if it is necessary to monitor the vertical refresh rate of the incoming video. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 66 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.9.4. Digital Audio Output Connections +3.3V SiI9233A Ferrite XTALVCC SCK WS SD[3:0] 0.01 F 0.1F SPDIF DCLK DR[2:0] DL[2:0] MCLKOUT XTALIN 18 pF MUTEOUT 33 1 M 27.00 MHz 18 pF XTALOUT Place crystal circuit as closely to package as possible. Figure 9.7. Audio Output Schematic 9.9.5. Control Signal Connections +3.3V SiI9233A 4.7 k 4.7 k CSDA CSDA CSCL CSCL EVEN/ODD Field EVNODD RSVDL 4.7 k Microcontroller GPIO SCDT and INT outputs to micro are optional . Sync status and interrupt bits may be polled 2 through CSDA/CSCL I C port. RESET# GPIO SCDT GPIO INT GPIO Firmware monitors Hot Plug Detect signal to trigger EDID re-read and inhibit HDCP authentication attempts. HPD HDMI Connector Figure 9.8. Controller Connections Schematic (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 67 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 9.10. Layout--TMDS Input Port Connections Figure 9.9 shows an example of routing TMDS lines between the SiI9233A device and the HDMI connector. DDC SCL TMDS Data 2+ DDC SDA TMDS Data 2- Hot Plug Detect TMDS Data 1+ Connector Shell TMDS Data 1TMDS Data 0+ +5V Power DDC Ground Reserved NC CEC TMDS Clock- TMDS Data 0TMDS Clock Shield TMDS Clock+ TMDS Data Shield TMDS Data Shield TMDS Data Shield Figure 9.9. TMDS Input Signal Assignments (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 68 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 10. Package Information 10.1. ePad Requirements The SiI9233A receiver is packaged in a 144-pin, 20 mm x 20 mm TQFP package with an exposed pad (ePad) that is used for the electrical ground of the device and for improved thermal transfer characteristics. The ePad dimensions are 4.445 mm x 4.0604 mm 0.15 mm. Soldering the ePad to the ground plane of the PCB is required to meet package power dissipation requirements at full speed operation, and to correctly connect the chip circuitry to electrical ground. A clearance of at least 0.25 mm should be designed on the PCB between the edge of the ePad and the inner edges of the lead pads to avoid the possibility of electrical shorts. The thermal land area on the PCB may use thermal vias to improve heat removal from the package. These thermal vias also double as the ground connections of the chip and must attach internally in the PCB to the ground plane. An array of vias should be designed into the PCB beneath the package. For optimum thermal performance, the via diameter should be 12 mils to 13 mils (0.30 mm to 0.33 mm) and the via barrel should be plated with 1-ounce copper to plug the via. This design helps to avoid any solder wicking inside the via during the soldering process, which may result in voids in solder between the pad and the thermal land. If the copper plating does not plug the vias, the thermal vias can be tented with solder mask on the top surface of the PCB to avoid solder wicking inside the via during assembly. The solder mask diameter should be at least 4 mils (0.1 mm) larger than the via diameter. Package stand-off when mounting the device also needs to be considered. For a nominal stand-off of approximately 0.1 mm the stencil thickness of 5 mils to 8 mils should provide a good solder joint between the ePad and the thermal land. Figure 10.1 on the next page shows the package dimensions of the SiI9233A receiver device. 10.2. PCB Layout Guidelines Refer to Lattice Semiconductor document PCB Layout Guidelines: Designing with Exposed Pads (see the References section on page 72) for basic PCB design guidelines when designing with thermally enhanced packages using the exposed pad. This application note is intended for use by PCB layout designers. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 69 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 10.3. Package Dimensions These drawings are not to scale. D D1 4.064 0.15 D 108 73 R1 72 109 H R2 GAGE PLANE .25 A 4.445 0.15 S B E2 A L1 E1 E SECTION A-A A 144 Pin 1 Identifier L 37 1 b e 36 0.08 M CA BD 0.20 C A 0.20 H A B BD D D2 0.05 A TOP VIEW C A2 Seating Plane A1 0.08 C SIDE VIEW JEDEC Package Code MS-026-AFB Item Description Min Typ Max Item Description Min Typ Max A A1 A2 Thickness Stand-off Body thickness 1.00 0.05 0.95 1.10 0.10 1.00 1.20 0.15 1.05 b C e Lead width Lead thickness Lead pitch 0.17 0.09 0.22 -- 0.50 BSC 0.27 0.20 D E Footprint Footprint 22.00 BSC 22.00 BSC L L1 Lead foot length Total lead length 0.45 0.60 1.00 REF 0.75 D1 E1 D2 Body size Body size Lead Row Width 20.00 BSC 20.00 BSC 17.5 BSC R1 R2 S Lead radius, inside Lead radius, outside Lead horizontal run 0.08 0.08 0.20 -- -- -- -- 0.20 -- E2 Lead Row Width 17.5 BSC Dimensions in millimeters. Overall thickness A = A1 + A2. Figure 10.1. 144-Pin TQFP Package Diagram (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 70 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet 10.4. Marking Diagram Figure 10.2 shows the markings of the SiI9233A package. Figure 10.1 on the previous page shows the package and dimension details. Universal Packages SiI9233ACTU SiI9233ACTU LLLLLL.LL-L YYWW AH12XD2 Legend Description Logo LLLLLLL Lot Number Product Line YY Year of Mfr Silicon Image Part Number Lot # (= Job#) Date code Trace code WW Week of Mfr AH12XD2 Trace Code: X Bond wire K gold Pin 1 location A gold N copper P copper Figure 10.2. Marking Diagram SiI9233ACTU DATECODE Region/Country of Origin @ Pin 1 Indicator Figure 10.3. Alternate Marking Diagram 10.5. Ordering Information Table 10.1 gives ordering information for the SiI9233A HDMI receiver device. Table 10.1. SiI9233A HDMI Receiver Device Ordering Information Pixel Clock Range Interface Bond Wire Resolution/ Refresh Rate SiI9233ACTU 25 MHz - 225 MHz HDMI Gold 1080p/60 Hz SiI9233ACTU-C 25 MHz - 225 MHz HDMI Copper 1080p/60 Hz Part Number Package 144-pin TQFP ePad 144-pin TQFP ePad Temperature Grade Extended (-30 C to +85 C) Extended (-30 C to +85 C) The universal package may be used in lead-free and ordinary process lines. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 71 SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet References Standards Documents This is a list of the standards abbreviations appearing in this document. Abbreviation Standards publication, organization, and date HDMI HCTS High Definition Multimedia Interface, Revision 1.3, HDMI Consortium; June 2006 HDMI Compliance Test Specification, Revision 1.3c, HDMI Consortium; July 2008. HDCP E-EDID E-DID IG High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection, Revision 1.3, Digital-Content Protection, LLC; December 2006. Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data Standard, Release A Revision 1, VESA; Feb. 2000. VESA EDID Implementation Guide, VESA; June 2001. CEA-861 CEA-861-B A DTV Profile for Uncompressed High Speed Digital Interfaces, EIA/CEA; January 2001. A DTV Profile for Uncompressed High Speed Digital Interfaces, Draft 020328, EIA/CEA; March 2002. CEA-861-D EDDC A DTV Profile for Uncompressed High Speed Digital Interfaces, EIA/CEA; July 2006. Enhanced Display Data Channel Standard, Version 1.1, VESA; March 2004. For information on the specifications that apply to this document, contact the responsible standards groups appearing on this list. Standards Group ANSI/EIA/CEA Web URL VESA DVI HDCP HDMI Lattice Semiconductor Documents This is a list of the related documents that are available from your Lattice Semiconductor sales representative. The Programmer's Reference requires an NDA with Lattice Semiconductor. Document SiI-PR-1033 Title SiI9223A/9233A/9127A HDMI Receivers Programmer Reference SiI-PR-0041 SiI-AN-0129 CEC Programming Interface (CPI) Programmer Reference PCB Layout Guidelines: Designing with Exposed Pads Technical Support For assistance, submit a technical support case at (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 72 SiI-DS-1061-D SiI9233A HDMI Receiver with Repeater, Multi-channel Audio, and Deep Color Data Sheet Revision History Revision D, May 2017 Figure 10.3. Alternate Marking Diagram added per PCN13A16. Revision C, March 2016 Formatted to latest template. Revision C, November 2013 1. Updated Figure 10.2. Marking Diagram to show trace code information. 2. Added Table 10.1. SiI9233A HDMI Receiver Device Ordering Information. 3. Updated layout by repositioning the Revision History section. Revision B, December 2012 Added local I2C device addresses. Revision A07, August 2010 Removed Patent information from DB, rolled the revision. Revision A06, April 2010 Update to create Data Brief. Revision A05, September 2009 Minor corrections; updated with 3D information. Revision A04, June 2009 Update TCK2OUT and related values; update additional content. Revision A03, February 2009 Removed audio downsampling, output delay control, and video output pull-down information. Revision A02, January 2009 Clarify POR requirement; provided RnPWR5V power requirement; minor corrections. Revision A01, October 2008 Removed references to Mobile HD. Revision A, October 2008 Initial production release. (c) 2009-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. SiI-DS-1061-D 73 7th Floor, 111 SW 5th Avenue Portland, OR 97204, USA T 503.268.8000