SMSC LAN91C96 5v&3v Revision 1.0 (10-24-08)
Non-PCI Single-Chip
Full Duplex Ethernet
Controller with Magic
Data Brief
Product Features
Non-PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller
A Subset of Motorola 68000 Bus Interface
Fully Supports Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
Supports Enhanced Transmit Queue
6K Bytes of On-Chip RAM
Supports IEEE 802.3 (ANSI 8802-3) Ethernet
Automatic Detection of TX/RX Polarit y Rev ersal
Enhanced Power Management F eatures
Supports “Magic Packet” Power Management
Hardware Memory Management Unit
Optional Configuration via Serial EEPROM
Interface (Jumperless)
Supports single +5V or +3.3V (for Revisions E
and Later) VCC Designs
Supports Mixed Voltage External PHY Designs
Low Power CMOS Design
100 Pin QFP and TQFP (1.0 mm body
Thickness) Lead-Free RoHS Compl iant
Pin Compatible with the LAN91C92 and
Bus Interface
Direct Interface to Local Bus, PCMCIA, and
68000 Buses with No Wait States
Flexible Bus Interface
16 Bit Data and Control Paths
Fast Access Time
Pipelined Data Path
Handles Block Word Transfers for any
High Performance Chained ("Back-to-Back")
Transmit and Receive
Pin Compatible with the LAN91C9 2 (in Local
Bus Mode) and the LAN91C94 in Both Local
Bus and PCMCIA Modes
Dynamic Memory Allocation Between Transmit
and Receive
Flat Memory Structure for Low CPU Overhead
Buffered Architecture, Insensitive to Bus
Latencies (No Overruns/Underruns)
Supports Boot PROM for Diskless Local Bus
Network Interface
Integrated 10BASE-T Transceiver Functions:
- Driver and Receiver
- Link Integrity Test
- Receive Polarity Detection and Correction
Integrated AUI Interface
10 Mb/s Manchester Encoding/Deco din g and
Clock Recovery
Automatic Retransmission, Bad Packet
Rejection, and T r ansmit Padding
External and Internal Loo pback Modes
Four Direct Driven LEDs for Status/ Diagnostics
Software Drivers
LAN9000 Drivers for Major Network Operating
Systems Utilizing Local Bus or PCMCIA
Software Drivers Compatible with the
LAN91C92, LAN91C94, LAN91C100FD (100
Mb/s), and LAN91C110 (100 Mb/s) Controllers
in Local Bus Mode
Software Drivers Utilize Full Capability of 32 Bit