LAN91C96i Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller Data Brief Product Features Pin Compatible with the LAN91C92 and the LAN91C94 in Local Bus Mode Dynamic Memory Allocation Between Transmit and Receive Flat Memory Structure for Low CPU Overhead Buffered Architecture, Insensitive to Bus Latencies (No Overruns/Underruns) Supports Boot PROM for Diskless Local Bus Applications Non-PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller Fully Supports Full Duplex Switched Ethernet Supports Enhanced Transmit Queue Management 6K Bytes of On-Chip RAM Supports IEEE 802.3 (ANSI 8802-3) Ethernet Standards Automatic Detection of TX/RX Polarity Reversal Enhanced Power Management Features Supports "Magic Packet" Power Management Technology Network Interface Hardware Memory Management Unit Optional Configuration via Serial EEPROM Interface (Jumperless) Supports single 5V or 3.3V VCC Design Industrial temperature range of -40C to 85C Supports Mixed Voltage External PHY Designs Integrated 10BASE-T Transceiver Functions: - Driver and Receiver Link Integrity Test Receive Polarity Detection and Correction Integrated AUI Interface 10 Mb/s Manchester Encoding/Decoding and Clock Recovery Low Power CMOS Design 100 Pin QFP and TQFP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant Packages (1.0mm body Thickness) Automatic Retransmission, Bad Packet Rejection, and Transmit Padding External and Internal Loopback Modes Pin Compatible with the LAN91C92 and LAN91C94 Four Direct Driven LEDs for Status/ Diagnostics Software Drivers Bus Interface Direct Interface to Local Bus, with No Wait States Flexible Bus Interface 16 Bit Data and Control Paths Fast Access Time Pipelined Data Path Handles Block Word Transfers for any Alignment High Performance Chained ("Back-to-Back") Transmit and Receive LAN9000 Drivers for Major Network Operating Systems Utilizing Local Bus Interface Software Drivers Compatible with the LAN91C92, LAN91C94, LAN91C100FD (100 Mb/s), and LAN91C110 (100 Mb/s) Controllers in Local Bus Mode Software Drivers Utilize Full Capability of 32 Bit Microprocessor SMSC LAN91C96i Revision 1.0 (10-23-08) PRODUCT PREVIEW Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller ORDER NUMBERS: LAN91C96i-MU for 100 pin, TQFP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant package LAN91C96i-MS for 100 pin, QFP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant package 80 ARKAY DRIVE, HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000, FAX (631) 273-3123 Copyright (c) 2008 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 2 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC LAN91C96i Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller General Description The LAN91C96i is a VLSI Ethernet Controller that combines Local Bus interfaces in one chip. LAN91C96i integrates all MAC and physical layer functions, as well as the packet RAM, needed to implement a high performance 10BASE-T (twisted pair) node. For 10BASE5 (thick coax), 10BASE2 (thin coax), and 10BASE-F (fiber) implementations, the LAN91C96i interfaces to external transceivers via the provided AUI port. Only one additional IC is required for most applications. The LAN91C96i comes with Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (FDSWE) support allowing the controller to provide much higher throughput. 6K bytes of RAM is provided to support enhanced throughput and compensate for any increased system service latencies. The controller implements multiple advanced powerdown modes including Magic Packet to conserve power and operate more efficiently. The LAN91C96i can directly interface with the Local Bus and deliver no-wait-state operation. For Local Bus interfaces, the LAN91C96i occupies 16 I/0 locations and no memory space. The same I/O space is used for Local Bus operations. Its shared memory is sequentially accessed with 40ns access times to any of its registers, including its packet memory. DMA services are not used by the LAN91C96i, virtually decoupling network traffic from local or system bus utilization. For packet memory management, the LAN91C96i integrates a unique hardware Memory Management Unit (MMU) with enhanced performance and decreased software overhead when compared to ring buffer and linked list architectures. The LAN91C96i is portable to different CPU and bus platforms due to its flexible bus interface, flat memory structure (no pointers), and its loosely coupled buffered architecture (not sensitive to latency). The LAN91C96i is available in 100-pin QFP and TQFP (1.0 mm body thickness) packages; green, leadfree packages are also available. The low profile TQFP is ideal for mobile applications such as PC Card LAN adapters. The LAN91C96i operates with a single power supply voltage of 5V or 3.3V. The industrial temperature range for LAN91C96i is -40C to 85C. SMSC LAN91C96i Page 3 PRODUCT PREVIEW Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller Block Diagram DATABU ADDRES BUS ARBITE ENDE CSMA/C AUI BUS INTERFAC CONTROL MMU TWISTED TRANSCEIVE 10BASE- RAM Figure 1 - LAN91C96i Internal Block Diagram Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 4 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC LAN91C96i Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller Package Outlines Figure 2 - 100 Pin QFP Package Outline Table 1 - 100 Pin QFP Package Parameters MIN ~ 0.05 2.55 23.65 19.90 17.65 13.90 0.11 0.73 ~ NOMINAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.88 1.95 0.65 Basic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MAX 3.4 0.5 3.05 24.15 20.10 18.15 14.10 0.23 1.03 ~ REMARKS Overall Package Height Standoff Body Thickness X Span X body Size Y Span Y body Size Lead Frame Thickness Lead Foot Length Lead Length Lead Pitch Lead Foot Angle Lead Width Lead Shoulder Radius Lead Foot Radius Coplanarity A A1 A2 D D1 E E1 H L L1 e o 7o 0 W 0.20 0.40 R1 0.10 0.25 R2 0.15 0.40 ccc ~ 0.10 Notes: 1 Controlling Unit: millimeter. 2 Tolerance on the true position of the leads is 0.065 mm maximum 3 Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm. 4 Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane. 5 Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. SMSC LAN91C96i Page 5 PRODUCT PREVIEW Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Non-PCI Single-Chip Full Duplex Ethernet Controller Figure 3 - 100 Pin TQFP Package Outline Table 2 - 100 Pin TQFP Package Parameters MIN NOMINAL MAX REMARKS A ~ ~ 1.20 Overall Package Height A1 0.05 ~ 0.15 Standoff A2 0.95 ~ 1.05 Body Thickness D 15.80 ~ 16.20 X Span D1 13.90 ~ 14.10 X body Size E 15.80 ~ 16.20 Y Span E1 13.90 ~ 14.10 Y body Size H 0.09 ~ 0.20 Lead Frame Thickness L 0.45 0.60 0.75 Lead Foot Length L1 ~ 1.00 ~ Lead Length e 0.50 Basic Lead Pitch 0o ~ 7o Lead Foot Angle W 0.17 0.22 0.27 Lead Width R1 0.08 ~ ~ Lead Shoulder Radius R2 0.08 ~ 0.20 Lead Foot Radius ccc ~ ~ 0.08 Coplanarity Notes: 1 Controlling Unit: millimeter. 2 Tolerance on the true position of the leads is 0.04 mm maximum. 3 Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm. 4 Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane. 5 Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. Revision 1.0 (10-24-08) Page 6 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC LAN91C96i