Ericsson Internal
Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No.
ESHNMAA 30/1301-BMR 454 Uen
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference
SEC/D (Julia You) SECSUND 2012-07-20 G
Operating information
Input Voltage
The input voltage range 36 to 75 Vdc meets the requirements
of the European Telecom Standard ETS 300 132-2 for normal
input voltage range in –48 and –60 Vdc systems,
-40.5 to -57.0 V and –50.0 to -72 V respectively.
At input voltages exceeding 75 V, the power loss will be higher
than at normal input voltage and TP1 must be limited to
absolute max +125°C. The absolute maximum continuous
input voltage is 80 Vdc.
Turn-off Input Voltage
The product monitors the input voltage and will turn on and
turn off at predetermined levels. The turn on and turn off level
and the hysteresis in between can be configured via the
PMBus. The default hysteresis between turn on and turn off
input voltage is set to 2 V.
Remote Control (RC)
The products are fitted with a
configurable remote control function
on the primary and secondary side.
The primary remote control is
referenced to the primary negative
input connection (-In). The RC
function allows the converter to be
turned on/off by an external device
like a semiconductor or mechanical
switch. The RC pin has an internal
pull up resistor. The remote control
functions can also be configured
using the PMBus.
The device should be capable of sinking 0.7 mA. When the
RC pin is left open, the voltage generated on the RC pin is
max 6 V. The standard product is provided with “negative
logic” remote control and will be off until the RC pin is
connected to the -In. To turn on the product the voltage
between RC pin and -In should be less than 1 V. To turn off
the product the RC pin should be left open. In situations where
it is desired to have the product to power up automatically
without the need for control signals or a switch, the RC pin can
be wired directly to -In. The logic option for the primary remote
control is configured using the PMBus.
Remote Control (secondary side)
The CTRL CS pin can be configured as remote control via the
PMBus interface. In the default configuration the CTRL CS pin
is disabled and the output has an internal pull-up to 3.3 V. The
CTRL CS pin can be left open when not used. The logic
options for the secondary remote control can be positive or
negative logic.
Input and Output Impedance
The impedance of both the input source and the load will
interact with the impedance of the product. It is important that
the input source has low characteristic impedance. Minimum
recommended external input capacitance is 100 uF. The
performance in some applications can be enhanced by
addition of external capacitance as described under External
Decoupling Capacitors.
External Decoupling Capacitors
When powering loads with significant dynamic current
requirements, the voltage regulation at the point of load can
be improved by addition of decoupling capacitors at the load.
The recommended minimum capacitance on the output is 100
uF. The most effective technique is to locate low ESR ceramic
and electrolytic capacitors as close to the load as possible,
using several parallel capacitors to lower the effective ESR.
The ceramic capacitors will handle high-frequency dynamic
load changes while the electrolytic capacitors are used to
handle low frequency dynamic load changes. Ceramic
capacitors will also reduce any high frequency noise across
the load.
External decoupling capacitors will become part of the
product’s control loop. The control loop is optimized for a wide
range of external capacitance and the maximum
recommended value that could be used without any additional
analysis is found in the Electrical specification.
The ESR of the capacitors is a very important parameter.
Stable operation is guaranteed with a verified ESR value of
>10 m across the output connections.
For further information please contact your local Ericsson
Power Modules representative.
Parallel Operation
The products can be paralleled for redundancy if external
oring diodes are used in series with the output.
PMBus configuration and support
The products provide a PMBus digital interface that enables
the user to configure many aspects of the device operation as
well as monitor the input and output parameters. Please
contact your local Ericsson Power Modules representative for
appropriate SW tools to down-load new configurations.
Output Voltage Adjust using PMBus
The output voltage of the product can be reconfigured using
the PMBus interface. Both BMR 454 0000/XXX and BMR 454
0004/005 can be adjusted from 8.1 V to 13.2 V. However, if
output voltages above 11 V are desired at full load and at
input below 40 V, the BMR4540004/005 should be used.
When output voltages below 11V are desired or the limited
input range (40-75 V) is acceptable, the BMR4540000/XXX is
recommended for better efficiency and thermal performance.
The BMR 454 0002/XXX can be adjusted from 3.0 V to 6.7 V
at input voltages from 36 V to 75 V.
BMR454 series Fully regulated Intermediate Bus Converters
Input 36-75 V, Output up to 40 A / 240 W
EN/LZT 146 404 R7A March 2013
© Ericsson AB
Technical Specification