4GBL Series
Bulletin I2716 rev. F 06/03
IOMaximum DC output current 4 A TC = 50°C, Resistive & inductive load
3.2 TC = 50°C, Capacitive load
IFSM Maximum peak, one-cycle 150 t = 10ms, 20ms
non-repetitive surge current,
following any rated load condition 158 t = 8.3ms, 16.7ms TJ = 150°C
and with rated VRRM reapplied
I2t Maximum I2t for fusing, 113 A2s t = 10ms
initial TJ = TJ max 104 t = 8.3ms
VFM Maximum peak forward voltage 0.975 V TJ = 25 oC, IFM = 4A
per diode
IRM Typical peak reverse leakage 5 µA TJ = 25 oC, 100% VRRM
curren t per diode
VRRM Maximum repetitive peak 50 to 800 V
reverse voltage range
Forward Conduction
Voltage VRRM, max repetitive VRMS, maximum VRSM, max non-repetitive IRRM max. IRRM max.
Type number Code peak rev. voltage RMS voltage reverse voltage @ rated VRRM @ rated VRRM
TJ = TJ max. TJ = TJ max. TJ = TJ max. TJ = 25°C TJ = 150°C
4GBL 005 50 35 75 5 400
01 100 70 150 5 400
02 200 140 275 5 400
04 400 280 500 5 400
06 600 420 725 5 400
08 800 560 900 5 400
Voltage Ratings
Parameters 4GBL Unit Conditions
TJOperating and storage -55 to 150 oC
Tstg temperature range
RthJC Max. thermal resistance 6.5 °C/ W DC rated current through bridge (1)
junction to case
RthJA Thermal resistance, 22 °C/ W DC rated current through bridge (1)
junction to ambient
W Approximate weight 2 (0.07) g (oz)
Thermal and Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 4GBL Unit Conditions
Note (1): Devices mounted on 75 x 75 x 3 mm aluminum plate