5178 tycao Electronics Type XI Crimp Snap-In Contacts Contact Size 20 Pin Diameter .040 [1.02] Plated as follows A 000080 [0.06076] gold over 000050 [0.00727] nicke!| B Gald flash over 000050 [0.00127] nickel on entire contact with additional .000030 [0.00076] gold in contact area Contact Sleeve Stainiess Stee! Insertion Tool Part Number 91042-1 ANP High Density Rectangular Connectors Contacts Insulation Support Retention Spring Retention Spring Insulation Support Crimping Area Stainless Steel Sleeve Stainless Steel Slaave Crimping Area Pin Socket Part Numbers Quick-Change Applicator No. ire Si . CERTI-CRIMP - eee nanse Henge ins. Dia. Contact Strip Form Loose Piece Hand AMP LECTRIC s (AMP O-MATIC tl Pin Socket Pin Socket. Tool No. Modal G Pelachine ; ; 062 A 203816-1 203802-1 203816-3 203802-3 ; _ ; 20-24 0.6-0.2 1.57 B 203816-2 203802-2 203816-4 203802-4 918441 4669041 j ; 048 A 203874-1 203875-1 203874-3 203875-3 : _ 26-30 0.15-0.05 499 B 203874-2 203875-2 203874-4 203875-4 90223-6 7 Wrap-Type Contacts with 040 .025 x .025 [0.64 x 0.64] fo Posts 1 J Le 200 715 __ 5.08) "| 8] "| i Contact Size 20 Watsp Pin Diameter .040 (1.02) rs ed] a . . | Ty ' Plated as follows po = J a A 000030 [0.00076] goid over .000056 [.00127] nickel Pin B Gold flash over .008050 [.00427] nickel on entire contact with additional 000030 [.00076) gold in contact area Contact Sleeve Stainiess Stee! : t O66 Dia e-| A70 1.681 Max, ' [11,94] [1 621Mex Extraction Tool 3 ot }- He 4 E {928 x.025 : [0.64 x 6.64] Socket Part Number 91038-3 Max. Dimensions Contact Contact Part Numbers* Terminati aa ran Nemers eee D E F Finish Pin Socket 1 1,022 257 767 A 1-205171-0 1-205172-0 25.96 6.53 19.48 B 205171-7 205172-7 3 1.236 a71 981 A 1-205171-4 1-205172-1 31.39 11.96 24.92 B 205171-8 205172-8 3 1.450 .685 4.195 A 1-205171-2 1-205172-2 36.83 17.40 30.35 B 205171-9 205172-9 *Loose piece contacts for maintenance and repair only. Packaged 100 pieces per bag. ees 7a | Catalog 1308940 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Revised 5-03 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Ganada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-042 = UK: 44-141-810-8967