Altech Corp.®• 35 Royal Road • Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 • Phone (908)806-9400 • FAX (908)806-9490 • www.altechcorp.com 91
Eurostrips are mounted quickly in pan-
els. Use standard screws or mounting
pins, offered as accessories in this sec-
tion, or leave them free floating to com-
pletely eliminate mounting.
What could be easier? Simply strip the
wire insulation, insert the wire and
tighten the screw to achieve a gas-tight,
electrically efficient connection—every
time. Wire lugs are eliminated, saving
material cost and installation time.
Offered in easy-to-cut 12-pole strips, they
can also be ordered precut with the required
number of poles.
Polyamide housing can
be cut with a utility knife or hacksaw,
providing flexibility to meet changing
needs. Because standard 12 pole strips
can be so easily cut to the required num-
ber of poles, stocking is simplified and
inventory is minimized.
The basis for the Eurostrip’s reliable con-
nection is a precision machined tubular
screw clamp insert made from highly
conductive copper alloy which is nickel
plated for maximum corrosion resist-
ance. The clamping screw material is
high strength steel to
prevent screw head
breakage or thread
damage. This provides
trouble free opera-
tion. Screws are
nized and bluechro-
mated to provide cor-
rosion resistance. Optional nickel plated
brass screws may be ordered for highly
corrosive environments or marine appli-
Standard Eurostrips feature stainless
steel wire protectors. Unlike wire pro-
tectors found in many competitive prod-
ucts which use copper alloy materials,
stainless steel has superior memory
characteristics. Accordingly, the wire
protector will return to its original posi-
tion even after repeated use. This
means trouble-free wire insertion and
quicker reconnections.
Eurostrip housings are injection molded
from self-extinguishing polyamide 66/6,
V-O molding material, possessing high
dielectric strength and excellent electri-
cal insulation and temperature resist-
ance. Each housing has been specially
designed to provide creepage and clear-
ance distances to achieve ratings up to
600V. Choose low profile, flat base
housings for minimum clearance appli-
cations (300V) or housings with mount-
ing feet for maximum voltage isolation
External jumpers bus potentials
between poles on Eurostrips, eliminat-
ing wire jumpers and reducing wiring
time. Isolation partition increases clear-
ance between adjacent poles and pro-
vides visual separation for more effi-
cient wiring. Mounting pins simplify
installation and mounting of Eurostrips.
Simply drill the mounting hole, position
and install the pin from underneath the
panel. When correct position is
reached, pin will retain terminal to
Identify circuits and reduce wiring mis-
takes with marking plates. Order plates
imprinted or blank. Position under or on
top of a Eurostrip housing.
Imprinting Eurostrips reduces wiring
errors and helps to identify circuits. Use
Imprinting to mark individual poles
when high quantities are involved or
custom imprints are required.