50 Schoolhouse Lane
Portsmouth, RI 02871
Tel (401) 683-9700
Fax (401) 683-5571
e-mail: ims@ims-resistors.com
Ordering Information
Form factor
0402S 0603S
0805S 1206S
2010S 2512S
Resistance value
The first three digits are significant
values. The fourth is the number of
zeroes following. The R indicates a
decimal point when resistance value is
less than 100Ω.
RC3 - 0402S-1000 J
F - 1% G - 2%
J - 5% K - 10%
Example: 100 , 5%, 0402, PtAg terminations, 160mW resistor
Super RCX ver.1 05/03 Specifications subject to change
3 PtAg
C PtAg with 62/36/2
solder coating
Part Number Length Width Height Terminal
RCX-0402S 0.040 ± .005 0.020 ± .005 0.020 max. 0.008 ± .004
RCX-0603S 0.060 ± .005 0.030 ± .005 0.020 max. 0.014 ± .006
RCX-0805S 0.080 ± .005 0.050 ± .005 0.020 max. 0.018 ± .008
RCX-1206S 0.126 ± .008 0.063 ± .006 0.020 max. 0.020 ± .010
RCX-2010S 0.197 ± .008 0.106 ± .008 0.028 max. 0.020 ± .012
RCX-2512S 0.248 ± .008 0.126 ± .010 0.028 max. 0.026 ± .010
*SG (single top contact with wraparound groundplane) terminations available on all
sizes as special order. Contact factory for details.
*Note 1: Power Ratings based upon free air testing.
Note 2: Power handling can be extended further using proper thermal
management techniques.
C°051+ ot C°55-erutarepmet gnitarepO
Maximum Working Voltage
CDV 05S3060-XCR ot S2040-XCR
CDV 051S5080-XCR
RCX-1206S to RCX 2512S 200 VDC
Rated power (70°C)*
Wm 061S2040-XCR
Wm 002S3060-XCR
Wm 053S5080-XCR
Wm 005S6021-XCR
W 1S0102-XCR
W 2S2152-XCR
Resistance tolerances
%01 ,%5 ,%2S2040-XCR
%01 ,%5 ,%2 ,%1S2152-XCR ot S3060-XCR
For Higher Power
Please see our
N-Series Resistors