3875081 GE SOLID STATE O1E 17388 D7- 33-7/ General-Purpose Power Transistors sox 2N5490-2N5497 File Number 353 Silicon N-P-N TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS VERSAWATT Transistors . a General-Purpose Types for Medium-Power (FLANGE) O eb Switching and Amplifier Applications === TOP VIEW 8 WiCS-J9909 Features: @ Low saturation voltage Voe(sat) = 1 V max. allg= 2A (2N5490, 2N5497) JEDEC TO-220AB 1 V max. at lo = 2.5 A (2N5492, 2N5493) 1 V max. at lo= 3 A (2N5494, 2N5495) TV max, at le = 3.5 A (2N5496, 2N5497) Ce} _. Lo RCA-2N5490, 2N5491, 2N5492, 2N5493, 2N5494, 2NS495, (FLANGE) QO 5 2N5496 and 2N5497* are silicon n-p-n transistors. They are intended for a wide variety of medlum-power switching and a amplifier applications, such as serles and shunt regulators TOP VIEW 8 and driver and output stages of high-fidelity amplifiers. Types 2N5491, 2N5493, 2N5494, and 2N5497 have formed emitter and base leads for insertion into TO-213AA sockets. JEDEC TO-220AA Types 2N5490, 2N5492, 2N5494, and 2N5496 are electricaliy identical to the 2N5491, 2N5493, 2N5495, and 2N5497 but have straight leads. PCS-40186 These plastic-package power transistors differ In voltage ratings and in the currents at which the parameters are controlled. Formerly RCA Dev. Nos. TA7317, TA7318, TA7315, TA7316, TA7313, TA7314, TA7311, TA7312, respectively. 2N5490 2N5491 Maximum Ratings, Absolute-Maximum Values: 2N5494. -2N5492- 2N5496 2N5495 2N5493 2N5497 COLLECTOR-TO-BASK VOLTAGE 20.0... 00. 000008 Vono 60 7a 90 v COLLEC TOR-TO-EMITTER SUSTAINING VOLTAGE: With -1.5 volts Wrap) ofreverse bins... ee ee ee Voejeylsus) GO 793 90 Vv With external base-to-emitter resistance (Rap) = 10082. Voyep (sus) a0 G5 80 v With buse open... ce ee ee ee Voegtsus) 40 55 70 v EMITTER-TO-BASE VOLTAGE. eee eee VRBO 5 5 5 y COLLECTOR CURRENT 2.0. 0 ee ee ee Ic 7 7 7 A BASIE CURRENT 2.000020. 0 2 ce ee eee 'b 3 3 3 aA TRANSISTOR DISSIPATION: 200. ee ee Pp Al cuse temperatures up to BPC ee eee 60 50 * 50 At ambient temperatures up to 99C oo ae 1k 1.8 1.8 W Al case temperatures ubove 23C 2... eee Dorate Lineurly at 0.4 W2C of see Figs. 2 & 3. i At ambient temperatures nhove 26C... es Derate linearly ut 0.0144 WC i TEMPERATURE RANGE: Stornge & Operating Glunetion) 2... ee eee wee 05 10 150 mete IC j | LEAD TEMPERATURE (During Soldering): | | Atdistunce > 1/8in.(3.17 map fromcase for ls max... __ 235 0 | | do-ed - Collector-to-Emitter Vv th 3 |03 |- ~|- 1] - . : . V Saturation Voltage celsat) 2.5 10.25] - -|- -f- 1 : : 2 | 0.2 ~tofeforgocd ol Gain-Bandwidth Product fy 4 05 08; - [08} - 408! - | og] - + MHz Sat. Switching Time: 3.5 } 0.35%} - 5) -t .]- -f. - Turn-On t Voc = 30 3] O38 f- pe fe] Sy - te] ed ed us " as{oz4y-|-|-]-|-] os] -| - 2 |o2;-]-~,-t-[-] -] -] 5 35 [0.36]. | asf -]-]-] -] - Turn-Off t Van = 3 0.3?) - -{|- 7] - : . : 5 utn. off cc 30 25 0.256 . . . : . 5 . . B 24 02;-]-]- f] <> o-] -] 1s 3 Vgq Value (turn-on base current), ' Igo value (turn-off base current). Pulsed, pulse duration = $00 us = 393 0932 0-03 O1 DE 3475081 go17390 oO i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE , O1E 17390 a D ~32-)]/ General-Purpose Power Transistors , 2N5490-2N5497 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, Case Temperature (Td = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified (Contd.) TEST CONDITIONS LIMITS oc Types Types | Types | Types Characteristic symbot Voltage OC | aNsaag | 2NS498 | 2NS492 | 2N5490 [Units (V) Current (AY) aysag7 } 2N5495 | 2NS493 | 2N549 Voe | Yeelic lg [Mint Max.! Men. Max, Min.] Max. | Min, [Max, Thermal Resistance: Junction-to-Case Ay - [25] - | 25) -] 25) - | 251 C/W Junction-to- Ambient On - [7] - { wm] -] 7) -| 70) Cw {CURVES MUST BE LINE ORLY TURE} WITH INCREASE WW COLLECTOR AMPERES Uc} ' 10 COLLECTORTO-EMITIER VOLTS tVc_) FFECTI a, OR g2es-19379 EFFECTIVE CASE TEMP, OR CASE TEMP (Terr O8 Teh wssa Fig. 1 Maximum operating areas for types 2N5490 Fig, 2 Derating curve for all types., { through 2N5497 inclusive. 5 b So za e ee g2 ge vo Bo e 5 ee & ie z* Ex $e oe eS 2a z Qa ee ee x <> b gE a un a0m ol ' 10 aco 4 10 COLLECTOR AMPERES {Ic} FeCS-14979 COLLECTOR AMPERES {I) azes-1e980 Fig. 3 Typical static beta characteristics for types Fig. 4 ~ Typical static beta characteristics for types 2N5496 and 2N5497. 2N5494 and 2N5495. t 394 . : 0933 D~04 OL DEM 3875081 90147392 1 i 3875081 G E SOLID STATE O1E 17391 D T-33-//] General-Purpose Power Transistors 2N5490-2N5497 COMMON-EMITTER CIRCUIT, BASE INPUT, CASE TEMPERATURE COLLECTOR -TO-EMITTER VOLTS 3 > a STATIC FOWARD-CURRENT COLLECTOR AMPERES (Ie) a ' COLLECTOR AMPERES UC} oes age: COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTS (Vee? geeg-sas77 Fig. 5 Typical static beta characteristics for types Fig.6 Typical output characteristics for typas 2N5494 2N5490 through 2N5493 inclusive. through 2N5497 inclusive. GASE TEMPERATURE (T= 28C COMMON-ENIT TER CIRCUIT, BASE INPUT, CASE TEMPERATURE (To)" 25C a w uw oy a COLLECTOR AMPERES (Ic! COLLECTOR AMPERES (Ic) COLLECTOR-TO- EMITTER VOLTS iVce} g2s-1a90s COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTS {Vce) 92C$ 14976 Fig. 7 Typical oulput characteristics for types 2N5494 Fig. 8 Typical output characteristics for types 2N5490 and 2N5495. through 2N5493 inclusive. HH * 8 2 > 3 3 z w 3 BASE -TO-EMITTER VOLTS (Vat BASE-TO- EMITTER VOLTS (vge) 9zCs-l4e3 9208-14997 Fig. 9 Typical input characteristics for types 2N5494 Fig. 10 Typical input characteristics for typas 2N5490 through 2N5497 inclusive. through 2N5&493 inclusive. 395 0934 0-05 Ol De W3875081 o017352 3 I 3875081 GE SOLID STATE General-Purpose Power Transistors O1E 17392. OD TBR -/ | 2N5490-2N5497 | 3 8 [ 2 5 3 3 3 8 COLLECTOR AMPERES (Ic) i -TO-EMITTER VOLTS (Vge) 8208-4987 BASE~TO-EMITTER VOLTS (Vae} 9205-14906 Fig. 11 Typical transfer characteristics for types 2N5494 Fig. 12 Typical transfer characteristics for typas 2N5490 through 2N5497 inclusive. through 2N5493 inclusive. COLLECTOR ~ TO-EMITTER VOLTS 3 3 e @ z z 2 4 Z = 8 & i BASE-TO-EMITTER VOLTS (Vgel 928-15377 Fig. 13 Typical transfer characteristics for types 2N8490 through 2N5497 inclusive. 396