Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Features Per-channel programmable gain and hybrid balance Programmable termination impedances Programmable -law, A-law, or linear PCM output Tone plant: -- DTMF generator -- DTMF receiver -- Caller ID generator -- Call progress tones generator Analog and digital loopbacks Programmable time-slot assignment with bit offset VRP (8) VRN (8) VRP (8) Few or no SLIC/codec interface components required Sigma-delta converters with dither noise reduction Serial microcontroller control interface Available in 64-pin MQFP and TQFP packages Software is provided to compute the gain and filter coefficients required to program the codec. 2 3 PCM INTERFACE T8532 OCTAL A/D D/A 2 VTX (8) VRTX (8) The multichannel programmable codec chip set is comprised of the T8531A 16-channel line card signal processor and one or two custom T8532 octal A/D and D/A converters. A ROM-coded tone plant, with line-test and self-test utilities, is included on the signal processor. Together these devices achieve a highly integrated and highly programmable multichannel voice codec solution. Test utilities: -- Automatic gain calibration -- Tone generation -- dc generation -- dc measurement -- Variance computation -- Peak detection VRTX (8) Low-noise, balanced, receive SLIC interface General Description VTX (8) 3 T8531A DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR ASIC CK16 T8532 OCTAL A/D D/A MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE VRN (8) 5-3793i (F) Figure 1. System Block Diagram T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Table of Contents Contents Page Features ..................................................................... 1 General Description.................................................... 1 T8532 Description.................................................... 4 T8531A Description ................................................. 5 Pin Information ........................................................... 7 Chip Set Functional Description ............................... 12 Transmit Path......................................................... 12 Antialias Filter and - Converter ...................... 12 Decimator ........................................................... 12 Digital Transmit Gain Adjustment........................ 12 Band Filtering ...................................................... 12 -Law, A-Law, and Linear PCM Modes............... 12 Receive Path ......................................................... 13 Receive Path Filtering ......................................... 13 Digital Receive Gain............................................ 13 Interpolator and Digital Sigma-Delta Modulator.......................................................... 13 Decoder, Filters, and Receive Amplifier ............. 13 Other Chip Set Functions....................................... 13 Voltage Reference............................................... 13 Hybrid Balance .................................................... 13 Analog Termination Impedance Synthesis.......... 13 Digital Termination Impedance Synthesis ........... 14 Loopback Modes ................................................. 14 Interchip Control Interface ................................... 14 T8531A Functional Blocks ..................................... 14 Clock Synthesizer................................................ 14 T8531A System Interface ................................... 15 T8531A Microprocessor Interface ....................... 15 T8532 Octal Control Interface ............................. 16 T8531A Time-Slot Assignment (TSA) ................. 16 DSP Engine Timing................................................ 16 T8531A Program Structure ................................. 16 Control of the DSP Engine via the Microprocessor Interface .................................. 17 The DSP Engine Time-Slot Information Tables ............................................................... 17 The DSP Engine ac Path Coefficient Table ........ 17 The Time-Slot Control Word................................ 18 Operations Performed by the DSP Engine at T8531A Start-Up............................................... 18 Microprocessor Start-Up of the DSP Engine....... 19 Powering Up a Time Slot in the T8531................ 19 Disabling a Time Slot in the T8531 ..................... 19 T8532 Powerup/Powerdown ............................... 19 Changing DSP RAM Space of an Active Time Slot........................................................... 20 DSP Engine Memory Requirements ................... 20 2 Contents Page T8531A Reset and Start-Up................................... 20 Hardware Reset .................................................. 20 Internal Reset ...................................................... 21 Reset of the T8532 Devices ................................ 21 Start-Up After Internal Reset.................................. 21 Autocalibration..................................................... 22 User Test Features ................................................ 22 Off-Line Programmable System Test Capability .......................................................... 22 On-Line Per-Channel Test Capability.................. 22 Inactive Mode with Loopback .............................. 22 Self-Test and Line-Test Routines .......................... 22 Tone Generation ................................................. 22 Tone Detection .................................................... 23 dc Generation...................................................... 23 dc Measurement.................................................. 23 Variance Computation......................................... 23 Peak Detection .................................................... 23 Tone Plant.............................................................. 23 DTMF Transceiver............................................... 23 Caller Line Identification ...................................... 23 Call Progress Tones............................................ 23 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................... 24 Handling Precautions ............................................... 24 Electrical Characteristics .......................................... 25 dc Characteristics .................................................. 25 Transmission Characteristics ................................... 26 Timing Characteristics .............................................. 30 Software Interface .................................................... 33 Applications .............................................................. 44 Common Voltage Reference.................................. 47 Outline Diagrams...................................................... 48 64-Pin MQFP ......................................................... 48 64-Pin TQFP .......................................................... 49 Ordering Information................................................. 50 Appendix A. Transmit Path Group Delay vs. Bit Offset ................................................................ 50 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Table of Contents (continued) Figures Page Figure 1. System Block Diagram .................................1 Figure 2. Block Diagram of T8532 Octal Converter.....4 Figure 3. Block Diagram of One T8532 Analog Channel........................................................4 Figure 4. T8531A Block Diagram ................................5 Figure 5. T8531A Digital ac Path.................................6 Figure 6. Control, PCM, and Octal Interfaces..............6 Figure 7. T8532 64-Pin MQFP ....................................7 Figure 8. T8531A 64-Pin TQFP...................................9 Figure 9. Timing Characteristics of PCM Interface Assuming 2.048 MHz SCK Rate ................31 Figure 10. Timing Diagram for Microprocessor Write/Read to/from the DSP on the Control Interface.......................................32 Figure 11. Line Card Solution Using the L7585 SLIC .........................................................44 Figure 12. Line Card Solution Using the L9215G SLIC .........................................................45 Figure 13. Line Card Solution Using the L9310G SLIC .........................................................46 Figure 14. Common 2.4 V Voltage Reference...........47 Tables Page Table 1. T8532 Pin Descriptions ................................. 8 Table 2. T8531A Pin Descriptions ............................. 10 Table 3. Active Time-Slot Spacing in a PCM Bus Frame ................................................... 15 Table 4. DSP Engine RAM Map for Channel_0 ac Path Coefficients ......................................... 17 Table 5A. Bit Map for DSP Engine Time-Slot Control Word............................................. 18 Table 5B. Bit Map for Default Per-Board Coefficient Tables...................................... 18 Table 6. DSP Engine RAM Map for Time-Slot Information Table 0...................................... 18 Table 7. Summary of Microprocessor Commands for Control of T8531A Data Processing....... 20 Table 8. Digital Interface............................................ 25 Table 9. Analog Interface .......................................... 25 Table 10. T8532 Power Dissipation...........................26 Table 11. T8531A Power Dissipation ........................ 26 Table 12. Gain and Dynamic Range ......................... 26 Table 13. Noise (per Channel) ..................................28 Table 14. Distortion and Group Delay ....................... 29 Table 15. Crosstalk.................................................... 29 Table 16. PCM Interface Timing ............................... 30 Table 17. Serial Control Port Timing ........................ 32 Agere Systems Inc. Table 18. DSP Engine RAM Memory Map ................33 Table 19. T8531A Time-Slot Assignment Memory Map ...........................................................35 Table 20A. Bit Map for T8531A Time-Slot Assignment Registers at 0x1400--0x140F.................35 Table 20B. Bit Map for CTZ Disable and Null Channel...................................................35 Table 21. T8531A Channel Register Memory Map for T8532 Device 0 ...................................36 Table 22. T8531A Channel Register Memory Map for T8532 Device 1 ...................................36 Table 23. Bit Map for T8532 Powerup/Powerdown Registers at 0x1500--0x1507 and 0x1540--0x1547 .......................................37 Table 24. Bit Map for T8532 Channel Control Register 1 at 0x1508--0x150F and 0x1548--0x154F .......................................37 Table 25. T8532 Control Register 1: Transmit Gain ...........................................................37 Table 26. T8532 Control Register 1: Analog Termination Impedance.............................37 Table 27. T8532 Control Register 1: Digital Loopback ...................................................38 Table 28. Bit Map for T8532 All Channel Test Register at 0x1510 and 0x1550.................38 Table 29. Bits 3:0 of T8532 All Channel Test Register at 0x1510 and 0x1550.................38 Table 30. Bit Map for T8532 Channel Control Register 2 at 0x1518--0x151F and 0x1558--0x155F .......................................39 Table 31. T8532 Control Register 2: Receive Gain ...39 Table 32. T8531A Control Register Map ...................39 Table 33. Bits 15:8 of T8531A Board Control Word 1 at 0x1FFE ..................................................40 Table 34. Bits 7:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 1 at 0x1FFE ..................................................40 Table 35. Bits 15:9 of T8531A Board Control Word 2 at 0x1FFC..................................................41 Table 36. Bits 8:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 2 at 0x1FFC..................................................41 Table 37. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 3 at 0x1FFA ..................................................41 Table 38. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 4 at 0x1FF8 ..................................................41 Table 39. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 5 at 0x1FF6 ..................................................41 Table 40. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Reset of Microprocessor Commands at 0x7FFF .....41 Table 41. DSP Engine ROM Memory Map................42 Table 42. Transmit Path Group Delay vs. Bit Offset ..50 3 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 General Description (continued) T8532 Description The T8532 block diagram is shown in Figure 2. Each of its eight channels consists of an antialias filter, sigma-delta A/D and D/A converters, reconstruction and smoothing filters, termination impedance synthesis, and selectable gain. The digital oversampled data is multiplexed onto a serial data port designed to interface with the T8531A Another serial interface accepts control data from the T8531A for activating the various gain settings, self-test, and powerdown modes. This chip also contains a precision voltage reference. VTX[7:0] OSDX[1:0] 8-CHANNEL A/D D/A VRTX[7:0] VRP[7:0] ANALOG HYBRID & TERMINATION VRN[7:0] OSDR[1:0] OVERSAMPLED DATA INTERFACE OSCK OSFS VDDA CDO CDI VSSA VOLTAGE REFERENCE VDD CONTROL INTERFACE CCS RSTB VSS 5-3794.b (F) Figure 2. Block Diagram of T8532 Octal Converter DIGITAL LOOPBACK VTX AAF* GAIN VRTX AT GAIN 1.024 MHz - A/D V REFERENCES VRP VRN SUM GAIN RECEIVE FILTER 1.024 MHz D/A 5-3796.d (F) * Antialiasing filter. Figure 3. Block Diagram of One T8532 Analog Channel 4 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 General Description (continued) T8531A Description As shown in Figure 4, the T8531A contains a digital signal processor (DSP) engine surrounded by a customized input/output (I/O) frame. The I/O frame performs the -law or A-law conversion as well as the decimation and interpolation functions needed to interface the sigma-delta bit streams to the digital signal processor engine. The sigma-delta converters operate at a 1.024 MHz sample rate, while the signal processor operates at 16 ksamples/s. A key function of the I/O frame is to control the timing of the digital data going to the signal processor so that group delay is minimized. The I/O frame also contains an integrated phase-locked loop which synthesizes all the required internal clocks for the chip set. STSXB SCK SFS SDR SDX CK16 VSSA TDO TDI TCK TMS VDDA The microcontroller interface is used to run the ROM routines and to download the gain, filter, and balance network settings, powerup/powerdown commands, time-slot assignments, digital loopback settings, and commands for the T8532 octal chips. SYSTEM PCM INTERFACE PLL CLOCK SYNTHESIZER DATA TRANSFER UPCS /A-LAW CONVERTER UPCK MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL INTERFACE JTAG DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING ENGINE HDS DSP ROM UPDI UPDO HIGHZB RSTB DSP RAM T_SYNC TSTCLK TSA DECIMATOR TEST VDD INTERPOLATOR VSS CDI CDO CCS1 OSDX/R[3:0] T8532 CONTROL INTERFACE CCS0 OSFS OSCK T8532 OVERSAMPLED INTERFACE 0505(F) Figure 4. T8531A Block Diagram Agere Systems Inc. 5 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 General Description (continued) T8531A Description (continued) 8 kHz PCMRX /A-LAW TO LINEAR RECV FILTER REL RDG INTERPOLATOR ABS RDG BALANCE FILTER 8 kHz PCMTX LINEAR TO /A-LAW REL TDG XMT FILTER DIGITAL - 1.024 MHz CTZ FILTER 1.024 MHz DECIMATOR / 64 ABS TDG 0498 (F) Figure 5. T8531A Digital ac Path OCTAL INTERFACE CONTROL INTERFACE T8532 CODEC 0 T8531A OSFS 8 kHz SYNC OSFS OSCK 4 MHz CLOCK OSCK OSDR0 4 CH RX DATA OSDR0 OSDR1 OSDX0 4 CH RX DATA OSDR1 4 CH TX DATA 4 CH TX DATA CHIP SELECT OSDX0 OSDX1 CCS0 CDI CDO CLOCK UPCS UPDI CHIP SELECT CONTROL REGISTER IN UPDO CONTROL REGISTER OUT MICROPROCESSOR OSDX1 CCS0 CONTROL REGISTER CDO CONTROL REGISTER CDI DSP T8532 SCK CLOCK SFS SDR FRAME SYNC DATA RECEIVE SDX DATA TRANSMIT BACKPLANE DRIVER ENABLE STSXB CDI CDO OSFS OSCK CODEC 1 UPCK CCS1 CHIP SELECT OSDR2 4 CH RX DATA CCS1 OSDR2 OSDR3 4 CH RX DATA OSDR3 OSDX2 4 CH TX DATA OSDX2 OSDX3 4 CH TX DATA OSDX3 PCM BUS PCM INTERFACE 5-4229.F (F) Figure 6. Control, PCM, and Octal Interfaces 6 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 VTX7 VDDA VSSD OSDR1 OSDX1 OSDX0 OSDR0 OSCK OSFS RSTB CDI CCS CDO VDDD VDDA VTX0 Pin Information 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 VRTX7 1 48 VRTX0 VRP7 2 47 VRP0 VRN7 3 46 VRN0 VSSA 4 45 VSSA VRN6 5 44 VRN1 VRP6 6 43 VRP1 VRTX6 7 42 VRTX1 VTX6 8 41 VTX1 40 VDDA T8532 36 VRN2 VSSA 14 35 VSSA VRN4 15 34 VRN3 VRP4 16 33 VRP3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VRTX3 13 VTX3 VRN5 VDDA VRP2 NC 37 NC 12 VDDA VRP5 NC VRTX2 NC 38 NC 11 NC VRTX5 NC VTX2 VSSA 39 NC 10 VDDA VTX5 VTX4 9 VRTX4 VDDA 5-9214 (F) Figure 7. T8532 64-Pin MQFP Agere Systems Inc. 7 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. T8532 Pin Descriptions Number Name Type 64, 8, 10, 18, 31, 39, 41, 49 1, 7, 11, 17, 32, 38, 42, 48 2, 6, 12, 16, 33, 37, 43, 47 3, 5, 13, 15, 34, 36, 44, 46 9, 19, 27, 30, 40, 50, 63 VTX[7:0] AI Analog Input. Transmit signal voltage to be encoded. VRTX[7:0] AI VRP[7:0] AO VRN[7:0] AO VDDA -- Transmit Reference Voltage. 2.4 V reference. Each pin must have a separate supply associated with the corresponding VTX pin. Noninverting Receive Output. This pin can drive high-impedance loads either differentially or single ended. It is the complement of the VRN output. Inverting Receive Output. This pin can drive high-impedance loads either differentially or single ended. It is the complement of the VRP output. 5 V Analog Power Supply. Power supply decoupling capacitor (0.1 F) should be connected from each VDDA pin to analog ground. Capacitors should be located as close as possible to the device pins. Analog Ground. 4, 14, 21, 35, 45 51 VSSA -- VDDD -- 62 60, 59 VSSD OSDX[1:0] -- CO 61, 58 OSDR[1:0] CI 57 OSCK CI 56 OSFS CI 54 CDI CI 52 CDO CO 53 CCS CI 55 RSTB TIu 20, 22--26, 28, 29 NC -- Name/Function 5 V Digital Power Supply. Decouple with a 0.1 F capacitor to digital ground. Digital Ground. Oversampled Transmit Data. Four channels of 1.024 MHz - transmit data is transmitted to the T8531A through each of these pins. The data rate is 4.096 MHz. Oversampled Receive Data. Four channels of 1.024 MHz - receive data is received from the T8531A on each of these pins. The data rate is 4.096 MHz. Interface Clock. The 4.096 MHz clock that enters this pin from the T8531A serves as the bit clock for all the oversampled data transmission between this chip and the T8531A This is the master clock input for the T8532. Interface Frame Sync. This signal serves as the frame sync for the oversampled data interface between the T8532 and the T8531A Control Data Interface Input. The T8531A sends control register address and data to the T8532 through this pin. One address byte and one data byte are accepted each time CCS is toggled. Control Data Interface Output. Control register contents are clocked out through this pin. Control Interface Chip Select (Active-Low). This active-low input enables the control interface. Reset (Active-Low). This input must be pulled high for normal operation. When pulled momentarily low (at least 1 s) while OSCK is active, all programmable registers in the device are reset to the states specified under powerup initialization. This pin has an internal pull-up resistor. No Connect. No connection to chip. These pins can be used as logic level tie points. Note: TI = TTL input, TO = TTL output; CI = CMOS input, CO = CMOS output; AI = analog input, AO = analog output; Iu indicates a pull-up device is included on this lead, Id indicates a pull-down device is included on this lead. 8 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 VSS VDD CDI CCS0 CCS1 CDO T_SYNC VDD VSS RSTB HIGHZB TEST CK16 VDD VSS NC Pin Information (continued) 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 NC 1 48 JTESTB VSS 2 47 VSS VDD 3 46 VDD TDI 4 45 OSDX2 TDO 5 44 OSDR2 TMS 6 43 OSDX3 TCK 7 42 OSDR3 TSTCLK 8 41 VSS 40 OSFS T8531A VSS 9 VDD 10 39 OSCK VDDA 11 38 OSDX0 NC 12 37 OSDR0 VSSA 13 36 OSDX1 NC 14 35 OSDR1 VSS 15 34 VDD VDD 16 33 VSS VSS VDD UPDO UPDI UPCS UPCK VSS VDD STSXB SDX SDR SFS SCK VDD VSS SCKSEL 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 5-9213a (F) Figure 8. T8531A 64-Pin TQFP Agere Systems Inc. 9 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. T8531A Pin Descriptions Number Name Type Name/Function 29 UPDI TI 30 UPDO TO 27 UPCK TI 28 UPCS TI 43, 45, 36, 38 OSDX[3:0] CI 42, 44, 35, 37 OSDR[3:0] CO 39 40 OSCK OSFS CO CO 11 13 24 VDDA VSSA STSXB -- -- TO 20 SCK TI 17 SCKSEL TIu 22 SDR TI Control Data Interface Input. The microcontroller sends control register address and data to the T8531A through this pin. Control Data Interface Output. The microcontroller receives control register contents from this pin. Inactive state is high impedance. Control Data Interface Clock. Bit clock for the control interface. Speed is limited to 4.096 MHz. Control Interface Chip Select (Active-Low). This active-low input enables the control interface. Oversampled Transmit Data. Four channels of 1 Msamples/s - transmit data are received from the T8532 chips through each of these pins. The data rate is 4.096 MHz. Oversampled Receive Data. Four channels of 1 Msamples/s - receive data is transmitted to the T8532 chips on each of these pins. The data rate is 4.096 MHz. 4.096 MHz Clock. Clock for data transfer to/from T8532 chips. Oversampling Sync. 8 kHz synchronization pulse for data transfer to/from T8532 chips. Synthesizer VDD. Power supply for clock synthesizer block. Synthesizer Ground. Ground connection for the clock synthesizer block. Backplane Drive Enable (Active-Low). Active when SDX is transmitting valid data; high impedance otherwise. This pin provides an enable signal for a backplane line driver. Master Clock Input. This is the bit clock used to shift data into and out of the SDR and SDX pins. It is the input to the clock synthesizer and is used to generate all internal clocks. Rate is 4.096 MHz. Master Clock Select Input. A logic low selects the 2.048 MHz SCK. A logic high selects the 4.096 MHz SCK. An internal pull-up device is included, providing 4.096 MHz SCK operation with no external connections. Receive PCM Input. The data on this pin is shifted into the T8531A on the falling edges of SCK. Data is only entered for valid time slots as defined in the TSA registers. Note: TI = TTL input, TO = TTL output; CI = CMOS input, CO = CMOS output; AI = analog input, AO = analog output; Iu indicates a pull-up device is included on this lead. 10 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. T8531A Pin Descriptions (continued) Number Name Type Name/Function 23 SDX TO 21 SFS TI 54 CDO CO 51 CDI TIu 53, 52 CCS[1:0] CO 7 4 5 6 48 TCK TDI TDO TMS JTESTB TI TIu TO TIu TIu 59 HIGHZB TIu 60 TEST CIu 61 CK16 CO 8 1, 12, 14, 64 55 TSTCLK NC T_SYNC CI -- CIu 58 RSTB TIu 3, 10, 16, 19, 25, 31, 34, 46, 50, 56, 62 2, 9, 15, 18, 26, 32, 33, 41, 47, 49, 57, 63 VDD -- VSS -- Transmit PCM Output. This pin remains in the high-impedance state except during the transmit time slots as defined in the TSA registers. Data is shifted out on the rising edge of SCK. Frame Sync. Active-high pulse or square wave with an 8 kHz pulse repetition rate. The rising edge defines the start of the transmit and receive frames. T8532 Control Data Output. Control register information for the T8532 chips. Data is valid only when either CCS0 or CCS1 is low. T8532 Control Data Input. Control register information from the T8532 chips. Data is valid only when either CCS0 or CCS1 is low. An internal pull-up device is provided. Control Interface Chip Select (Active-Low). These active-low outputs select one of the associated T8532 chips. JTAG Test Port*-Common Test Clock. Rate 20 MHz. JTAG Test Port*-Serial Data Input. A pull-up device is provided. JTAG Test Port*-Serial Data Output. JTAG Test Port*-Mode Select. A pull-up device is provided. JTAG Test. Used for factory testing. Do not make any connection to this pin. A pull-up device is provided. 3-State Control Pin (Active-Low). When pulled low, the device output pins go into a high-impedance state. A pull-up device is provided. Test Mode Input (Active-Low). This input allows bypass of clock synthesizer and uses TSTCLK to drive the chip. A pull-up device is provided. 16 MHz Clock Output. 16.384 MHz clock output (50% duty cycle). This clock is present at all times and can be used to drive a host processor. Test Clock. No Connect. This pin may be used as a tie point. Test Sync (Active-Low). Used for factory testing. Do not make any connection to this pin. A pull-up device is provided. Reset (Active-Low). A logic low initiates reset. A pull-up device is provided. 5 V Digital Power Supply. Power supply decoupling capacitors (0.1 F) should be connected from each VDD pin to ground. Capacitors should be located as close as possible to the device pins. Digital Ground. * The DSP is not configured for boundary scan operation. Note: TI = TTL input, TO = TTL output; CI = CMOS input, CO = CMOS output; AI = analog input, AO = analog output; Iu indicates that a pullup device is included on this lead, Id indicates that a pull-down device is included on this lead. Agere Systems Inc. 11 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Chip Set Functional Description Decimator Transmit Path The decimator filters out the high-frequency components and down-samples to 16 kHz. It also reorders the 16 channels of transmit signals into a sequence that is determined by the time-slot assignment. Antialias Filter and - Converter The line interface circuit must provide a transmit signal (VTX), and a reference voltage (VRTX) which is the dc voltage of the VTX signal for that channel. The input signal goes into a programmable-gain amplifier. The signal is then passed through an antialias filter followed by a - A/D converter. The - converter operates at 1.024 MHz. The processed output signals are multiplexed into two groups of four channels each onto output pins OSDX[1:0], each of which operates at 4.096 MHz. A precision, on-chip voltage reference helps ensure accurate and highly stable transmission levels. It is important to understand the difference between how the gain levels should be set in the T8532 and how these levels would be set in a standard codec. The T8532 is best thought of as a data acquisition system, not a codec. Hybrid balance, fine gain adjust, - or A-law coding, filtering, and equalization are done after the A/D in the T8532 and by the DSP processor in the T8531A The analog gain adjust taps should not be used to set the absolute level at the PCM output. This can be done using the DSP gain adjust taps. The analog taps should be set so the signal at the input to the A/D converter is as close as possible to the full-scale input level of the A/D for the largest signal level that will be present at the VTX input. This optimizes the dynamic range of the A/D. The 0 dB gain tap should thus be used if the maximum signal level is in the range between 2.25 Vp-p and 3.2 Vp-p. The 3 dB tap should be used for signals with a maximum signal level in the range of 1.6 Vp-p and 2.25 Vp-p. The 6 dB tap should be used for signals with a maximum signal level in the range between 1.1 Vp-p and 1.6 Vp-p. Higher gain levels should be used for signals with smaller absolute levels. The signal level to produce a 0 dBm0 level at the digital transmit output of the T8531A is not a fixed quantity as explained above. For a line with a complex impedance or an RX echo signal, extra headroom must be allowed and the TX signal level must be set to account for the headroom. In this specification, the largest possible 0 dBm0 level for the TX signal is assumed. This guarantees that the distortion specification will not be exceeded for all practical 0 dBm signal levels. The largest possible 0 dBm signal is one that has no headroom for TX gain equalization. For the case of 0 dB transmit gain, this level is found as the following: Digital Transmit Gain Adjustment The transmit absolute and relative gains are specified as 15-bit binary numbers representing their linear magnitude. These gains default to 4000 hex. This equates to a 0 dB gain for the relative gain but equates to a 1.65 dB gain for the absolute gain. For a 0 dB gain, program the absolute gain for 34ED hex. Gain can be varied from minus infinity dB (off) (0000 hex) to 6 dB for relative gain or to 7.65 dB for absolute gain (7FFF hex). The relative gain control allows for TLP adjustment without hybrid balance or termination coefficient modification. Band Filtering The bandpass filter in the transmit path removes power-line and ringing frequencies, and eliminates most of the signal energy at 4 kHz and above. This allows the encoder to transmit the filtered signal at 8 ksamples/s, the worldwide standard. The transmit filtering is implemented with a low-pass filter, followed by a high-pass filter. The data samples enter the filter at 16 ksamples/s. They are first low-pass filtered to 3.4 kHz. After low-pass filtering, the sampling rate is reduced to 8 ksamples/s. The samples are then high-pass filtered to 300 Hz. The low-pass filter also serves as an equalizer for frequency response alterations. A set of equalizer coefficients that modify this filter are required for each complex termination impedance when using a voltage feed, current-sensed SLIC. -Law, A-Law, and Linear PCM Modes In the transmit path, the 8 ksamples/s PCM signal output from the filter is processed prior to transmission over the system interface. The 16-bit linear PCM signal may be compressed according to either -law or A-law, or transmitted as two consecutive 8-bit words. The selection is programmable via the microprocessor interface. Please note, when using A-law, a linear value of 0 is always encoded as 7F. (3.2 V/log -1 (3.15/20)) = 2.23 Vp-p. This level is the worst-case 0 dBm0 level. 12 Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description Decoder, Filters, and Receive Amplifier (continued) Receive Path In the receive direction, the signal received from the system interface is converted to a 16-bit linear PCM signal. Receive Path Filtering The 16-bit linear PCM signal is filtered and interpolated to 16 ksamples/s to meet the receive signal loss characteristics. This filter smooths the data following interpolation from 8 ksamples/s to 16 ksamples/s. The filter can also serve as an equalizer for frequency response alteration. This is required for complex termination impedance cases when using a current feed, voltage-sensed SLIC. One of two receive filters can be used, the receive filter and the extended receive filter. The receive filter has two poles and three zeros. This filter can be used to minimize downloadable code (to use this receive filter, select the T7531x codec in the Aquarium coefficient software). The extended receive filter provides more flexibility in coefficient optimization by providing three poles and three zeros. The Aquarium coefficient software defaults to the extended receive filter when the T8531x codec is selected. Digital Receive Gain The receive absolute and relative gains are specified as 15-bit binary numbers representing their linear magnitude. These gains default to 4000 hex. This equates to a 0 dB gain for the relative gain but equates to a -0.211 dB gain for the absolute gain. For a 0 dB gain, program the absolute gain for 4193 hex. Gain can be varied from minus infinity dB (0) (0000 hex) to 6 dB for relative gain or to 5.8 dB for absolute gain (7FFF hex). The relative gain control allows for TLP adjustment without hybrid balance or termination coefficient modification. Interpolator and Digital Sigma-Delta Modulator The sampling frequency of the receive signal from the digital gain adjustment is increased from 16 kHz to 64 kHz by the interpolator, which removes most of the high-frequency signal images above 8 kHz. The interpolator also maps each of 16 time slots to the appropriate line channel through the digital sigma-delta modulator. The digital sigma-delta modulator converts the interpolated signal to a 1.024 MHz bit stream which is then sent to the T8532 device. Agere Systems Inc. Receive data enters the T8532 on pins OSDR[1:0] at 4.096 MHz; four channels are time-division multiplexed onto each pin. The data is demultiplexed into eight individual channels. The processed signal for each channel passes through switched-capacitor D/A and reconstruct filters, followed by a smoothing filter. A programmable gain amplifier is included, followed by an output amplifier capable of driving a 50 k load to 1.58 V single-ended (relative to VOS) or 3.16 V differential at peak overload. For single-ended operation, the load must be ac coupled to VRP (or VRN). Other Chip Set Functions Voltage Reference The T8532 has a precision on-chip voltage reference which ensures accurate and highly stable transmission levels. Hybrid Balance The hybrid balance function is provided as a digital block in the T8531A The T8531A implements a 9-tap FIR and a single-pole IIR digital balance filter in which a replica of the echo is digitally subtracted from the transmit plus near-end echo signal. The coefficients are user programmable on a per-line basis via the microprocessor interface. Analog Termination Impedance Synthesis Termination impedance matching is implemented to maximize the power transfer capability at the loop interface and to minimize signal reflections between the transmit and receive paths. The resistive component, implemented in the T8532 device, comprises a variable attenuated path between VTX and VRP. The capacitive component is implemented in the digital domain. Analog termination impedance (ATI) is provided with 16 gain settings to match a voltage drive/current sense line interface circuit with the following characteristics: ZT = 2RP + GTX * GRX * AT where ZT is the termination impedance in ohms, RP is the resistance of each protection resistor (for stability RP 50 ), GTX is the SLIC transmit gain, GRX is the SLIC receive gain, and AT is the T8532 feedback gain. The polarity of the AT gain is positive (positive voltage swing on VTX gives a positive voltage swing on VRP). The gain values are shown in Table 26; gain tolerances are 2%. Differential receive output is assumed. 13 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description (continued) Other Chip Set Functions (continued) Digital Termination Impedance Synthesis The CTZ filter in the T8531A synthesizes complex termination impedances. The CTZ filter utilizes alpha and beta coefficients (board control words 4 and 5, respectively) to perform the synthesis. One set of alpha beta coefficients is required for each termination impedance and balance network. Alpha bits [9:0] represent the RC time constant of the impedance that the filter is going to synthesize. The bits are formatted as two's complement. Alpha bits must be a nonzero value. Beta bits [7:0] represent the dc gain of the filter. Beta coefficients are also formatted as two's complement. Setting beta equal to zero turns off the CTZ function. There is a constraint on the value of the protection resistor with regard to termination impedance synthesis and hybrid balance. For synthesis to operate properly, the combined series resistance of the tip protection resistor and the ring protection resistor must be 100 or greater. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 The fourth loopback mode is a digital loopback mode located in control register 1. This operates like the digital loopback mode described in the notes for the ACT register (table 29). Unlike the ACT register, this digital loopback mode is selectable per channel. This loopback mode can be used to check T8532 functionality from the T8531A device. It is also used during the calibration sequence. There is one loopback mode in the T8531A Loopback at the oversampled data interface is controlled by board control word 1. This mode allows the T8531A to test itself. When bit 0 of 0x1FFE is selected, all 16 channels of octal interface receive data (OSDRn) are looped back to the T8531A transmit inputs (OSDXn). Interchip Control Interface The control interface is a 4-pin interface used to send control information to the T8532 from the T8531, and to read back the control register contents. The pins consist of a chip select input (CCS0/CCS1), a data input (CDI), and a data output (CDO). The transfer of control data is synchronous with the 4.096 MHz OSCK, which is also used for oversampled data transfer. T8531A Functional Blocks Loopback Modes Clock Synthesizer There are four loopback modes in the T8532. The clock synthesizer block is a phase-lock loop (PLL) circuit which takes SCK supplied by the backplane and uses it to produce the 81.92 MHz DSP engine clock. The input clock, SCK, can be 2.048 MHz or 4.096 MHz. The first two loopback modes are controlled by the allchannel test (ACT) register. ACT bits 0 and 1 place all eight channels into loopback mode. Analog and digital loopback are described and shown in block diagram form in Table 29. Analog loopback allows one to check functionality from Tip/Ring up to and including the T8532. Digital loopback allows the T8531A to check T8532 functionality. The third loopback mode is used in the autocalibration sequence (control register 2). This mode provides a loopback between a selected channel and channel four of a given T8532. The channel to be calibrated is selected via control register 1 (see Table 27). Channel four is the only channel in the T8532 that is trimmed for gain accuracy. Every other channel uses channel four as a reference and is calibrated to it during the autocalibration sequence. 14 An on-chip clock synthesizer has the advantages shown below: Precludes the need for extra clocks to be fed over the backplane. Constrains the high-speed DSP engine clock within the device. Synchronizes all clocks used on the line card to the backplane clock, thus reducing board noise due to beat frequencies. A clock generator block takes the PLL output and divides it down to produce all the lower-frequency clocks used by the T8531A and T8532. Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description In -law or A-law mode, each PCM word is only 8 bits long and occupies one time slot. In linear mode, the PCM word is 16 bits long and occupies two adjacent time slots. The MSB is the first bit clocked out in the valid time slot, and the LSB is the last bit of the following (invalid) time slot. (continued) T8531A Functional Blocks (continued) T8531A System Interface The system interface is a full-duplex interface used for the exchange of PCM data with the system. The system is the master of this bus. No control information is transmitted over the system interface; all control instructions are routed over the microprocessor interface. The system interface is used for all 16 lines serviced by the T8531A The PCM data rate is 8 ksamples/s/line, so the total required channel capacity is 16 x 8 = 128 Kwords/s in each direction. At the 4.096 MHz rate, each word takes 1.95 s to transmit interleaved with 5.86 s of dead time. The frame sync, SFS, is presented to the system interface at an 8 kHz rate. A single bit clock and frame sync are used to control both the transmit and receive directions. The beginning of the first time slot in a frame is identified from the SFS input (see Figure 9). In nondelayed mode, SFS is active coincident with bit 0 of time slot 0 of the RX frame (and the TX frame if the programmed offset between TX and RX is 0). In delayed mode, SFS is active one cycle earlier. T8531A Microprocessor Interface This interface between the microprocessor (or other external controller) and the T8531A device carries user-supplied program variables and control and test instructions to both the T8531A and the T8532 octal converters. The external device is the master of the microprocessor interface. The interface is serial and asynchronous, and consists of four pins (UPCK, UPCS, UPDI, UPDO). The data rate is determined by the customer's choice of external device, but may not exceed 4.096 MHz. Microprocessor interface commands consist of two words, address and data. Address and data are 16 bits wide. The T8531A expects an address first. The first bit of the address word is the R/W flag, which tells the T8531A whether it must receive or send data (receive, R/W = 0; send, R/ W = 1). The amount of skew or offset between the transmit and receive frames and time slots is programmable via board control word 2, 0x1FFC. The bit offset is up to a frame, i.e., up to 511 bits in 4 MHz mode. The bit offset skew takes place in the system PCM interface block. Addresses less than 0x1400 refer to the DSP engine RAM space. If a read from the DSP engine is required, the microprocessor interface issues a read interrupt to the DSP engine. If it's a write to the DSP engine, the microprocessor interface shifts in the data word and saves it into the data register before sending a write interrupt to the DSP engine. Once in every 7.8 s time segment, the DSP engine checks whether an interrupt is outstanding from the microprocessor interface block. The active transmit and receive time slots are determined by the card address. The number of time slots within a frame varies according to the rate of SCK. Only 16 time slots are ever active in a frame, as shown in Table 3. If so, the DSP engine reads the address register. If it's a read, the DSP engine fetches the word from RAM, places it in the data register, and shifts it out to the microprocessor. If it's a write, it puts the contents of the data register into RAM. The T8531A obtains its card address in board control word 1, 0x1FFE. Table 3. Active Time-Slot Spacing in a PCM Bus Frame SCK Rate (MHz) 2.048 Total # of Time Slots 32 4.096 64 Agere Systems Inc. Card Address 0 1 0 1 2 3 Valid Time Slots 0, 2, 4, . . . 30 1, 3, 5, . . . 31 0, 4, 8, . . . 60 1, 5, 9, . . . 61 2, 6, 10, . . . 62 3, 7, 11, . . . 63 Invalid Time Slots 1, 3, 5, . . . 31 0, 2, 4, . . . 30 1--3, 5--7, . . . 61--63 0, 2--4, 6--8, . . . 62--63 0--1, 3--5, 7--9, . . . 63 0--2, 4--6, 8--10, . . . 60--62 15 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description (continued) T8531A Functional Blocks (continued) A pause therefore exists between the external controller issuing an address and receiving a data read back. The data rate of 2.048 MHz allows 256 SCK cycles in a frame, i.e., eight address/data pairs with no pause between words. Since the DSP engine can process only one interrupt every 7.8 s, the T8531A requires a separation between address and data on read and write instructions to the microprocessor interrupt (see Figure 10). This, in effect, requires UPCK to be gapped. Addresses 0x1400 refer to registers or TSA RAM external to the DSP engine. If the address word from the microprocessor is 0x1400 through 0x140F, it activates the TSA state machine. If the address word from the microprocessor is 0x1500 through 0x15FF, it activates the T8532 control state machine. Microprocessor data and address words can be flushed out of the T8531A by addressing 0x7FFF with data word 0xFFFF (see Table 40). T8532 Octal Control Interface The two T8532 chips cannot be accessed by the microcontroller directly; the T8532's registers are all accessed via the T8531A microprocessor interface. The microprocessor communicates serially with the T8532 by simply writing or reading 16-bit address and 16-bit data. The octal control interface block translates this address and data into 8-bit address and 8-bit data needed by the T8532. The octal control interface block waits until the microprocessor interface block receives all 16 bits of the address word and determines whether this is a read or write operation by looking at bit 15. If this is a write operation for a T8532 chip, it receives another 16-bit data word. T8531A Time-Slot Assignment (TSA) The TSA block contains a 16 x 6 dual-port RAM which is readable or writable via the microprocessor interface. Table 18 gives the bit map for TSA RAM words. The TSA RAM is in time-slot order, i.e., location 0x1400 is for time slot 0 and 0x1401 for time slot 1 and so on. The low 4 bits (B3--B0) indicate which of the 16 possible channel numbers is assigned to this time slot. The time-slot assignment is controlled by the microprocessor writing to address 0x1400 through 0x140F. 16 Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 The TSA block also generates the control signals and flags used to synchronize the TSA, interpolator and decimator, and T8532 interface blocks. The TSA RAM is not preinitialized, so the microprocessor is required to write to all 16 locations of the TSA RAM at start-up to ensure proper operation. Twice a frame, the TSA state machine reads the entire TSA RAM from top to bottom in sequence and sends the contents of each RAM location to the interpolator as channel numbers for RX channels. The TSA state machine performs the same procedure for the decimator to provide it with the TX channel numbers. By performing TSA at the oversampled sigma-delta rate, round trip group delay is significantly minimized. DSP Engine Timing The DSP engine processes all 16 lines every frame. In order to simplify synchronization of data exchanges, the processing frame is broken into 16 equal time segments of 7.8 s each. The ROM code is identical for each time segment. Synchronization between the engine and the rest of the chip is enforced by the system interface block, which issues an interrupt every 7.8 s. This interrupt is the only unmasked interrupt processed by the engine. The interrupt service routine forces the ROM code to branch to the start of the processing loop. T8531A Program Structure The DSP engine firmware performs three types of operations: 1. Signal processing of the ac path data. 2. RAM accesses initiated by the microprocessor interface. 3. Data and program flow operations. The signal processing algorithms performed by the T8531A are implemented in firmware and are held in ROM. Many firmware parameters are user programmable via the microprocessor interface. Interrupts from the microprocessor interface are handled once every time segment (7.8 s), and the appropriate accesses are made to the DSP engine RAM registers. Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description The DSP Engine ac Path Coefficient Table (continued) DSP Engine Timing (continued) Control of the DSP Engine via the Microprocessor Interface There are four types of commands that the external controlling device may issue to the DSP engine: 1. Downloading data to RAM. 2. Activating and deactivating lines. 3. Changing the RX and TX routine to be run. 4. Periodic read and/or refresh of RAM space. All of these commands must only involve reading and writing to the DSP RAM so that the DSP engine does not have to perform test- and branch-type operations when a microprocessor interface command is received. The complete memory map for the DSP engine RAM is given in Table 18. The microprocessor interface is allowed to read any RAM location in the DSP engine and to write to specified addresses. The microprocessor interface can control the DSP coefficients, shown in Table 4. The DSP engine RAM contains space to hold separate sets of coefficients for each channel, labeled channel_0 through channel_15. The coefficients are held in channel order, since they hold information that is channel specific and does not change with the time slot (see Table 18). Table 4 shows the ac path coefficient space for channel_0. Table 4. DSP Engine RAM Map for Channel_0 ac Path Coefficients RAM Address rgain_rel_0 Reserved rgain_abs_0 tgain_abs_0 bf_coef_0 The DSP Engine Time-Slot Information Tables In the T8531, the DSP engine RAM has been set up to contain 16 tables which hold the pointers to the ac coefficients and data buffers required to process each time slot. Each table starts on a 32-word boundary and is accessed in the firmware using direct addressing instructions. Each table has an RX part and a TX part (see Table 18). Reserved tgain_rel_0 Purpose RX path relative gain -- RX path absolute gain TX path absolute gain Balance filter coefficients -- TX path relative gain Number Initial of Words Value 1 1 (4000 H) 1 1 -- 1 (4000 H) 1 1 (4000 H) 10 Not initialized -- 1 (4000 H) 1 1 The tables are labeled 0 through 15 and are in time-slot order, i.e., table 0 is used when processing data for time slot 0. Time-slot number can vary between 0 and 15 and is used in conjunction with the card address to provide up to 64 time-slot positions on the PCM bus (see Table 3). Agere Systems Inc. 17 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description (continued) DSP Engine Timing (continued) The Time-Slot Control Word The DSP engine works in time-slot order. The TSA function is performed by the decimator/interpolator. The DSP engine is not required to reorder the data in any way. The advantages of this approach are that the group delay introduced by the TSA function is very small, and the DSP code needed for context switching is small. When the microprocessor assigns a time slot via the TSA RAM, it also has to issue a new time-slot control word (TCW) instruction to the DSP engine to enable the time slot to link to the correct ac coefficients. The TCW contains the information shown in Tables 5A and 5B. The TCW is only looked at when a time slot is inactive. The initial setup of the TCWs assumes channel-order time-slot assignment. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Operations Performed by the DSP Engine at T8531A Start-Up The DSP engine performs its start-up code after it has been reset. All interrupts are disabled. First, the DSP engine computes the checksum for its ROM and RAM to verify their integrity. Next, the DSP engine walks through each time-slot information table and sets the data buffer and coefficient pointers. The DSP engine RAM is set up for channel-order time-slot assignment, i.e., table 0 points to channel_0 and so on. The start-up settings for the Time-Slot Information Table (i.e., for time slot 0) are shown in Table 6. The first 16 locations of RAM bank 1 hold the channel address table, where pointers to the start of the coefficient space for each channel are held. These pointers are set up during the start-up routine. Pointers to the three sets of default coefficients are also set up. The DSP engine then walks through all 16 ac coefficient tables and sets them to their initial values as shown in the previous section. The RX and TX filter coefficients (one set for all 16 lines) are taken from ROM and written to their RAM locations. The DSP engine takes about 3 ms to execute the startup code. At the end of the code, the interrupt system is enabled and the DSP engine enters sleep mode. Table 5A. Bit Map for DSP Engine Time-Slot Control Word Register Bit 0--3 4 5 6--7 Function Channel Number Go to Powerup Modify Coefficients Use Default Per-Board Coefficient Tables Initial Value channel_(time-slot number) 0 0 0 Table 5B. Bit Map for Default Per-Board Coefficient Tables Bit 7 0 0 1 1 Bit 6 0 1 0 1 Mode Do Not Select Default Tables Default Table 1 Coefficient Set Default Table 2 Coefficient Set Default Table 2 Coefficient Set Table 6. DSP Engine RAM Map for Time-Slot Information Table 0 Variable tcw_0 rx_rtn_0 tx_rtn_0 data storage 18 Function Time-slot Control Word Address of Receive ac Routine Address of Transmit ac Routine Reserved Initialized Address See above rpath_inactive tpath_inactive NA Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description If dynamic time-slot assignment is used, the microprocessor must next download a TSA command, which the TSA block uses to map the time slot to the required channel number. (continued) DSP Engine Timing (continued) Microprocessor Start-Up of the DSP Engine Once the interrupt system is enabled, the DSP engine looks for a read or write interrupt from the microprocessor interface once every time segment, i.e., 16 times a frame. If the ac coefficients for every channel are to be independently controlled, the microprocessor can write directly to the addresses of the 16 ac coefficient tables. This requires a total of 16 microprocessor commands to set up each channel, i.e., 16 frames to set up all 16 channels. Prior to activating any time slots, the microprocessor has the option of bulk downloading the coefficients to set up the ac coefficient tables. When a channel needs to be set up and linked to its time slot, the microprocessor must send the TCW for that time slot with the modify coefficient (MC) bit (see Table 5A). The MC bit causes the inactive routine for that time slot to set pointers from that time-slot space to the channel space in RAM. The MC bit also causes the inactive routine to check the default coefficient bits of the TCW. If set, the appropriate default table coefficients are copied over to the RAM space for the channel. This mechanism allows the microprocessor to download a set of coefficients that can be used by multiple channels. A mix-and-match approach can be used, i.e., some channels are set up with independent sets of coefficients, while other channels get a default setting. During start-up, the microprocessor must also download the 16 TSA commands used by the TSA block to map physical channels to time slots. This is required to initialize the TSA RAM to known values. When all 16 locations have been set up, the microprocessor must send BCW2 (0x1FFC). This flags the TSA control to start normal operation. The microprocessor must enable the time slot by setting the go to powerup bit of the TCW. This causes the DSP engine to change the TX and RX ac routine addresses to active. A maximum of 17 commands or a minimum of one command is therefore needed to power up a channel. Disabling a Time Slot in the T8531 To disable a time slot, the microprocessor must send a command that sets the address of either the TX or RX ac routine to TX_inactive and RX_inactive, respectively. The inactive routines come into use in the next TX or RX time segment for this time slot. Upon returning from the inactive routine, the DSP engine checks for a microprocessor interrupt and then enters sleep mode for the rest of the time segment. T8532 Powerup/Powerdown Each channel can be powered up independently. There are two control register addresses that can be used to control the power for each channel. In both cases, the first bit of the address word controls the power. P = 1 for powerup, and P = 0 for powerdown. One address is provided for each channel which controls the power (0x1508--0x150F and 0x1548--0x154F), and the address is followed by a data word which controls the other programmable functions for the same channel. A second address (0x1500--0x1507 and 0x1540--0x1547) is provided for each channel that controls only the power. Powering Up a Time Slot in the T8531 Depending on the application, the microprocessor may choose to set up the ac coefficients for a channel just prior to enabling it for use. This requires 16 microprocessor commands if the coefficients must be set up from scratch, or no commands if an appropriate default set has already been set up. In either case, the microprocessor must ensure that all the TX and RX parts of a channel are set up prior to enabling the time slot. Agere Systems Inc. 19 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description (continued) DSP Engine Timing (continued) Changing DSP RAM Space of an Active Time Slot The microprocessor is only allowed to change four RAM locations for an active time slot: Relative transmit gain Relative receive gain Address of receive ac routine Address of transmit ac routine Absolute gains and time-slot assignment can only be altered when the time slot is inactive. Note that the DSP engine does not check the TCW of active time slots. Following the initial powerup, the line card is likely to be in service without being reset for as long as it continues to operate trouble-free. Therefore, the microprocessor has the option of continuously monitoring the variables it has programmed by reading them back from the DSP engine/microprocessor interface and rewriting them. DSP Engine Memory Requirements The size of the DSP engine internal dual-port RAM is 4K x 16-bit words per DSP engine. RAM storage is used for user-programmable variables and for intermediate storage of the data being processed by the device. The RAM memory map is given in Table 18. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A Reset and Start-Up The chips support both hardware and software reset. Hardware Reset The T8531A reset functions are handled by the reset control block. Hardware reset occurs if the board is powered up with RSTB low. Since RSTB has a Schmitt trigger buffer with an internal pull-up, a capacitor attached external to the RSTB pin causes the pin to pull high after a specified period of time. For power-on reset, the T8531A requires that this period of time be >1 ms to give the on-chip clock synthesizer block time to start producing clock edges for the T8531A and T8532 chips (although it may not have reached its final accuracy yet). Successful hardware reset of the device requires that: 1. The PCM bus signals SCK and SFS should be valid at the start of the 1 ms power-on reset period. 2. VDD (and therefore RSTB) should have been low for at least 200 ms prior to commencing power-on reset to ensure that the JTAG controller powerup reset circuit has had time to clear the JTAG controller. If, during normal operation, VDD falls below the defined minimum value, VDD min, the power-on reset procedure described above must be repeated. Hardware reset occurs if RSTB is pulsed high-low-high for 1 ms during normal operation (i.e., no loss of power). The on-chip ROM is used for both program and data. The DSP engine firmware is ROM based. The hardware development system code is also ROM based. The DSP engine ROM memory map is given in Table 41. Table 7. Summary of Microprocessor Commands for Control of T8531A Data Processing Function Required Number of Commands Bulk TSA register download & BCW2 17 Individual TSA register download 1 Coefficient download 16 per channel Set TCW to use/share coefficients 1 already downloaded to default tables Enable time slot via TCW (fixed TSA) 1 Enable time slot via TCW (dynamic TSA) 2 Disable time slot 1 Change gain value 1 per gain 20 When Issued Start-up Prior to activating a time slot via the TCW Start-up or when time slot is inactive Start-up or when time slot is inactive When time slot is inactive When time slot is inactive When time slot is active Any time Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description Start-Up After Internal Reset (continued) T8531A Reset and Start-Up (continued) Internal Reset Internal reset is defined as the process that starts when the internal reset line is brought low. This happens as a consequence of hardware (RTSB) or software (BCW1) reset. The internal reset process performs the following functions: 1. The frequency synthesizer does not receive any reset signal, and is thus unaffected by reset. Following power-on reset of the T8531, the frequency synthesizer takes the mode determined by the SCKSEL pin. There is a specific sequence of microprocessor interface instructions that must be followed after internal reset in order to properly configure the T8531A and T8532s for normal operation. 1. If nondefault values are required, the T8531A board control word 1 (address 0x1FFE) must be updated. 2. The 16 TSA RAM locations must be written before 0x1FFC. CTZ must be disabled (see Table 20B). 3. The all channel test register must be set for normal operation (addresses 0x1510 and 0x1550 set to 0x0004). 4. The T8531A control registers must be set. All 16 channels must be powered up (addresses 0x1500--0x1507 and 0x1540--0x1547 must be set to 0x8000). 2. The T8531A custom logic jams all resettable latches, counters, and registers to their default values. No data is latched on any of the T8531A interfaces during internal reset. 5. The amplitude of the calibration sine wave must be set by writing address 0x0580 to coefficient 0xAA20, and address 0x0581 to coefficient 0xF49D. 3. The DSP engine is held in reset state. 6. All 16 channels must be put into initialization mode (addresses 0x1518--0x151F and 0x1558--0x155F must be set to 0x0080). 4. The internal reset line is held low for a minimum of 18 ms to allow the frequency synthesizer to reach its final accuracy. An internal counter is started when the internal reset line goes low. It counts 80 frame sync pulses on SFS before releasing the internal reset line. 5. When the internal reset line goes high and the EXM (internal) signal is held low, the DSP engine begins its start-up routine by fetching the first instruction from location 0 of the internal ROM. 6. At the rising edge of the internal reset line, all the T8531A custom logic blocks commence their normal operation. Reset of the T8532 Devices There are two options for reset of the T8532 chips. The T8532s can make use of the same hardware reset pulse as the T8531A The T8531A supplies OSCK to the T8532s as soon as it is available, i.e., before the hardware reset has gone away. It is recommended that hardware reset be applied to all chips simultaneously. 7. The DSP engine RAM address 0x0002 must be set to 0x0700 to begin the first part of the T8532 calibration start-up sequence. 8. After 70 ms, all 16 T8532 channels must be put into loopback mode (addresses 0x1508--0x151F and 0x1548--0x154F must be set to 0x8001). 9. The DSP engine RAM address 0x0002 must be set to 0x0720 to begin the second part of the T8532 calibration start-up sequence. 10. After 70 ms, both T8532s should be sent a soft reset (addresses 0x1517 and 0x1557 set to 0x8000) and the all channel test register should be set for normal operation (addresses 0x1510 and 0x1550 set to 0x0004). Normal T8531A operation commences with the next SFS frame sync. The chips are now ready for channels to be enabled and filter coefficients to be set. Alternatively, the T8532s can be reset through software reset (Tables 21 and 22), which is generated by the external controlling device and routed to the T8532s via the T8531A This can only occur when OSCK is guaranteed to be valid, i.e., not within 10 ms of poweron hardware reset. Agere Systems Inc. 21 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description (continued) Start-Up After Internal Reset (continued) Autocalibration Autocalibration is an analog self-test and trimming procedure controlled by the DSP core. Sine wave signals are generated in the receive direction. These signals are looped back at the analog side of the T8532, and the return signal amplitudes are measured in the transmit path. This procedure provides on-the-spot fault coverage of the transmit and receive paths. It also calibrates the octal devices by modifying the gain on each channel. Channel four of the T8532 is the only channel trimmed at the factory for absolute gain accuracy. When autocalibration is run, all channels are trimmed with reference to channel four. That is, the gain on each channel is adjusted so that its absolute gain is equivalent to that of the trimmed channel. Performing trimming in this manner provides channel-to-channel gain matching of better than 0.01 dB. This is a much better performance than could be achieved using conventional trimming. Trimmed values are placed in data storage, and absolute gain values are then modified accordingly any time the absolute gain register is changed. The calibration sequence measures the looped-back power result and compares it to the calibrated channel. The trim window is 0.2 dB. If any channel exhibits a power value which is greater than 0.2 dB, the calibration procedure sets a failure flag for that channel. Trimming will not be performed on the failed channel, and the channel's trimmed gain will be left at 0 dB. The failed channel, therefore, is left in its previous state and can still be used. The results of calibration are held in RAM address 0x07F4 for transmit (pass 1) and 0x07F5 for receive (pass 2). A bit is set high for every failed channel. The preceding section discussed the sequence of instructions that must be followed in order to properly configure the T8531A for normal operation. The autocalibration procedure is mandatory after hardware reset. 22 Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 User Test Features This section outlines the T8531A test features and architecture. For more information on the line-test capabilities, see the T8531A/T8532 User Manual and the T8531A ROM Routines User Manual. Off-Line Programmable System Test Capability The T8531A has a standard 4-pin test access port known as JTAG that can be used for testing and debugging. The user has the option of downloading custom firmware to the DSP engine RAM via the JTAG port, and running it in the DSP engine in place of the normal ROM-based code. The DSP16 hardware development tool provides a powerful user interface for realtime code development and debug. The user can also execute the self-test ROM routine which exercises significant portions of the T8531A and T8532 devices. On-Line Per-Channel Test Capability In addition to the active (i.e., normal voice processing functions) and inactive routines, the user can select the routines listed in Table 41 by altering the TX and RX routines address in the time-slot information table (see Table 6). Inactive Mode with Loopback This is a pair of routines that are used for the TX and RX parts of the channel. Data from SDR is looped back without modification to SDX. Self-Test and Line-Test Routines The following routines can be used to test the codec, SLIC, relays, discretes, and line functionality. Tone Generation In tone generation mode, the RX part of the channel is used to send a sine wave signal out to the line. The sine wave can be up to 4 kHz in frequency, and up to 1024 points long. The RX filter is not implemented in tone generation. Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Chip Set Functional Description Tone Plant (continued) Self-Test and Line-Test Routines (continued) The following tone plant functions are provided in ROM code in the T8531A device. Refer to the T8531 and T8531A Tone Processing manual for more information Tone Detection DTMF Transceiver In tone detection mode, the TX part of the channel can be used to detect signal energy from the line at a given frequency up to 4 kHz. This routine performs discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to capture and analyze the reflected tone. The routine does not employ the transmit bandpass filters. The number of frames to sample the reflected tone must be defined. The number of frames that DFT is run must be a power of 2 and should be complete cycles of tone value. DTMF generation and detection satisfies LSSGR Signaling for Analog Interfaces GR-506 CORE, section 15. dc Generation Call Progress Tones This routine generates a dc signal (value defined by user) in the RX path. A call progress tone generator is provided. This tone generator complies with Telcordia* GR-506-CORE requirements. dc Measurement Caller Line Identification Called ID transmission is performed as specified in TRNWT-000031 (CLASS feature: calling number delivery). Provides average dc value and difference between two average values. Variance Computation The variance routine computes the variance of small noise signals from the TX path around the computed mean level. This routine employs the transmit bandpass filters for out-of-band noise reduction. Peak Detection This routine examines the incoming TX signal and saves the maximum and minimum signal values. Two versions are provided. The peak detection routine scales the result by the TX absolute gain. The alternate peak detection routine does not. * Telcordia is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Agere Systems Inc. 23 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational section of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. Parameter Ambient Operating Temperature Operating Junction Temperature Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Storage Temperature Range Power Supply Voltage Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground Package Power Dissipation Symbol TA TJ RJC Tstg VDD VSS PD Min -40 -40 -- -55 4.75 -0.25 -- Max 85 125 35 150 5.25 5.25 1 Unit C C C/W C V V W Handling Precautions Although protection circuitry has been designed into this device, proper precautions should be taken to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge (ESD) during handling and mounting. Agere Systems Inc. employs a human-body model (HBM) and a charged-device model (CDM) for ESD-susceptibility testing and protection design evaluation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used to define the model. No industry-wide standard has been adopted for the CDM. A standard HBM (resistance = 1500 , capacitance = 100 pF) is widely accepted and can be used for comparison. The HBM ESD threshold presented here was obtained by using these circuit parameters: HBM ESD Threshold Device Voltage (V) T8531 >1000 T8532 >1000 24 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Electrical Characteristics For all specifications: TA = -40 C to +85 C, VDD = 5 V 5%, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are for TA = 25 C and VDD = 5 V. Input signal frequency is 1020 Hz, unless otherwise noted. DSP clock frequency is 49.152 MHz. dc Characteristics Table 8. Digital Interface Parameter Input Voltage Output Voltage Input Current Symbol Low VIL High VIH Low VOL High VOH VOHC Low IIL High IIH Test Conditions TTL-compatible inputs TTL-compatible inputs IL = 10 mA IL = -10 mA IL = -320 A GND < VIN < VIL VIH < VIN < VDD Min -- 2.0 -- 2.4 3.5 -10 -- Typ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Max 0.7 -- 0.4 -- -- -- 10 Unit V V V V V A A Pins Without a Pull-up or Pull-down Pins with a Pull-up Low High IIL IIH GND < VIN < VIL VIH < VIN < VDD -120 -- -- -- -2 10 A A Pins with a Pull-down Low High IIL IIH GND < VIN < VIL VIH < VIN < VDD -10 2 -- -- -- 120 A A -- IOZ UPDO, SDX -40 C to 0 C UPDO, SDX 0 C to 85 C -30 -10 -- -- 30 10 A A Output Current in High-impedance State Table 9. Analog Interface Parameter Symbol Input Resistance RVTX RVRTX Input Resistance (dependent on the setting of the termination impedance) Common-mode Reference Voltage VVRTX CMT Input Sink Current IVRTX Input Voltage Swing VVTX Load Resistance at VRP and VRN RL (differential) Load Capacitance CL Output Resistance RO Output Offset Voltage Between VRP and VRN Output Offset Voltage Between VRP and VRN, Powerdown Output Voltage Swing (differential) Agere Systems Inc. VOS VOSPD VRSW Test Conditions 0.25 V < VTX < 4.75 V 2.3 V < VRTX < 2.5 V Min 10 7 Typ -- -- Max -- -- Unit M k -- 2.3 V < VRTX < 2.5 V -- -- 2.2 -- -- 4.0 2.4 -- -- -- 2.6 400 3.2 -- V A Vp-p k CL from VRP or VRN to VSSA Digital input code corresponding to 0 dBm PCM code at 1.02 kHz Digital pattern corresponding to idle PCM code (-law) Channel powered down 10 A max dc load RL = 100 k differential maximum receive gain -- -- -- 2 100 10 pF -100 0 100 mV -20 0 20 mV 5.28 -- -- Vp-p 25 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Electrical Characteristics (continued) dc Characteristics (continued) Table 10. T8532 Power Dissipation Parameter Powerdown Current Powerup Current Symbol Test Conditions IDD0 OSCK and OSFS present, 8 channels powered down IDD1 OSCK and OSFS present, 8 channels powered up, normal operation Min -- -- Typ 9 61 Max 12 88 Unit mA mA Min -- Typ 50 Max 60 Unit mA -- 85* 100 mA Table 11. T8531A Power Dissipation Parameter Powerdown Current Symbol IDD0 Powerup Current IDD1 Test Conditions SCK and SFS present, 16 channels powered down and inactive SCK and SFS present, 16 channels powered up and active * Powerup current exhibits a negative temperature coefficient. Transmission Characteristics Table 12. Gain and Dynamic Range Parameter Absolute Levels Transmit Gain Absolute Accuracy Transmit Gain Variation with Programmed Gain 26 Symbol GAL GXA GXAG Test Conditions Maximum 0 dBm0 levels (1.02 kHz): VTX (encoder milliwatt) (T8532 TX gain = 0 dB; T8531A gain = -1.65 dB) VRP--VRN (decoder milliwatt) (T8532 RX gain = 6.02 dB; T8531A gain = 0.21 dB) Termination impedance off Minimum 0 dBm0 levels (1.02 kHz): VTX (T8532 TX gain =12.04 dB; T8531A gain = -1.65 dB) VRP--VRN (T8532 RX gain = -12.04 dB; T8531A gain = 0.21 dB) Termination impedance off Transmit gain programmed for maximum 0 dBm0 test level, measured deviation of digital code from ideal 0 dBm0 level at OSDX[1:0] digital outputs, with transmit gain set to 0 dB: 0 C to 85 C -40 C to +85 C Measured transmit gain over the range from maximum to minimum, calculated deviation from the programmed gain relative to GXA at 0 dB: VDD = 5 V Min Typ Max Unit -- 2.23 -- Vp-p -- 4.38 -- Vp-p -- 557.0 -- mVp-p -- 548.0 -- mVp-p -0.25 -0.30 -- -- 0.25 0.30 dB dB -0.1 -- 0.1 dB Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Transmission Characteristics (continued) Table 12. Gain and Dynamic Range (continued) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Transmit Gain Variation GXAF Relative to 1016 Hz, minimum gain < GX < with Frequency maximum gain, VTX = 0 dBm0 signal, TZ = 600 , path gain set to 0 dB: f = 16.67 Hz f = 40 Hz f = 50 Hz f = 60 Hz f = 200 Hz f = 300 Hz to 3000 Hz f = 3140 Hz f = 3380 Hz f = 3860 Hz f = 4600 Hz and above Transmit Gain Variation GXAL Sinusoidal test method reference with Signal Level level = 0 dBm0: VTX = -37 dBm0 to +3 dBm0 VTX = -50 dBm0 to -37 dBm0 VTX = -55 dBm0 to -50 dBm0 Receive Gain Absolute GRA Receive gain programmed to 0 dB, apply Accuracy 0 dBm0 oversampled data to OSDR0 or OSDR1, measure VRP, RL = 100 k differential: 0 to 85 C -40 C to +85 C Relative Gain: -- Digital input 0 dBm0 signal VRP to VRN f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz Relative Phase: -- Digital input 0 dBm0 signal VRP to VRN f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz Receive Gain Variation GRAG Measure receive gain over the range from with Programmed maximum to minimum setting, calculated Gain deviation from the programmed gain relative to GRA at 0 dB, VDD = 5 V Receive Gain Variation GRAF Relative to 1016 Hz, digital input = 0 dBm0 with Frequency code, minimum gain < GR < maximum gain: 0 dB path gain f = below 3000 Hz f = 3140 Hz f = 3380 Hz f = 3860 Hz f = 4600 Hz and above Receive Gain Variation GRAL Sinusoidal test method, reference with Signal Level level = 0 dBm0: OSDR = -37 dBm0 to +3 dBm0 OSDR = -50 dBm0 to -37 dBm0 OSDR = -55 dBm0 to -50 dBm0 -- Relative Termination AT Impedance Gain Agere Systems Inc. Min Typ Max Unit -- -50 -30 -- -38 -26 -- -44 -30 -- -45 -30 -1.8 -0.5 0 -0.125 0.04 0.125 -0.57 0.01 0.125 -0.735 -0.550 0.015 -- -9.9 -8.98 -- -- -32 dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB -0.25 -0.50 -1.4 -- -- -- 0.25 0.50 1.4 dB dB dB -0.25 -0.30 -0.01 -- -- -- 0.25 0.30 0.01 dB dB dB -0.25 -- 0.25 Deg -0.1 -- 0.1 dB -0.125 0.04 0.125 -0.57 0.04 0.125 -0.735 -0.550 0.015 -10.7 -8.98 -- -- -28 -- dB dB dB dB dB -0.25 -0.50 -1.4 -0.2 dB dB dB dB -- -- -- -- 0.25 0.50 1.4 0.2 27 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Transmission Characteristics (continued) Table 13. Noise (per Channel) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions 0 dB transmit gain Transmit Noise, NXC C-message Weighted 0 dB transmit gain Transmit Noise, NXP P-message Weighted 0 dB receive gain, digital pattern correReceive Noise, NRC sponding to idle PCM code, -law C-message Weighted 0 dB receive gain, digital pattern correReceive Noise, NRP sponding to idle PCM code, A-law P-message Weighted f = 0 kHz to 100 kHz, loop around measureNoise, Single Frequency NRS ment, VTX = 0 Vrms VDD = 5.0 Vdc + 100 mVrms Power Supply Rejection, PSRX f = 0 kHz to 4 kHz Transmit f = 4 kHz to 50 kHz* C-message weighted Measured on VRP Power Supply Rejection, PSRR VDD = 5.0 Vdc + 100 mVrms Receive f = 0 kHz to 4 kHz f = 4 kHz to 25 kHz f = 25 kHz to 50 kHz Digital pattern corresponding to idle PCM code, -law, C-message weighted Spurious Out-of-band SOS 0 dBm0, 300 Hz to 3400 Hz input oversampled data code applied at OSDR0 Signals at the Channel Outputs (or OSDR1): 4600 Hz to 7600 Hz 7600 Hz to 8400 Hz 8400 Hz to 50 kHz Min -- Typ -- Max 18 Unit dBrnC0 -- -- -68 dBm0p -- -- 13 dBrnC0 -- -- -75 dBm0p -- -- -53 dBm0 36 30 -- -- -- -- dBC dBC 36 40 36 -- -- -- -- -- -- dBC dBC dBC -- -- -- -- -- -- -30 -40 -30 dB dB dB * Measured with a -50 dBm0 activation signal applied to VFXI input of channel under test. 28 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Transmission Characteristics (continued) Table 14. Distortion and Group Delay Parameter Signal to Total Distortion Transmit or Receive C-message Weighted Single Frequency Distortion, Transmit Symbol STDX STDR Single Frequency Distortion, Receive SFDR SFDX Intermodulation Distortion IMD TX Group Delay, Absolute DXA RX Group Delay, Absolute DRA Test Conditions Sinusoidal test method level: 3.0 dBm0 0 dBm0 0 dBm0 single frequency input, 200 Hz fIN 3400 Hz; measure at any other single frequency 0 dBm0 single frequency input, 200 Hz fIN 3400 Hz; measure at any other single frequency Transmit or receive, two frequencies in the range (300 Hz to 3400 Hz) f = 1600 Hz, SCK = 4.096 MHz, bit offset = 419 f = 1600 Hz Min Typ Max Unit 33 36 -- -- -- -- -- -- -46 dB dB dB -- -- -46 dB -- -55 -41 dB -- 250* 300 s -- 250 300 s * Varies as a function of bit offset. See Appendix A. Table 15. Crosstalk Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Transmit to Transmit Crosstalk, 0 dBm0 Level CTX-X f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz, Any channel to any channel -- -- -75 dB Transmit to Receive Crosstalk, 0 dBm0 Level CTX-R f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz, Any channel to any other channel In-channel -- -- -- -- -75 -50 dB dB Receive to Transmit Crosstalk, 0 dBm0 Level CTR-X f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz, Any channel to any other channel In-channel -- -- -- -- -75 -50 dB dB Receive to Receive Crosstalk, 0 dBm0 Level CTR-R f = 300 Hz to 3400 Hz, Any channel to any channel -- -- -75 dB Agere Systems Inc. 29 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics A signal is valid if it is above VIH or below VIL and invalid if it is between VIL and VIH. For the purposes of this specification, the following conditions apply: All input signals are defined as VIL = 0.4 V, VIH = 2.7 V, tR < 10 ns, tF < 10 ns. tR is measured from VIL to VIH. tF is measured from VIH to VIL. Delay times are measured from the input signal valid to the output signal valid. Setup times are measured from the data input valid to the clock input invalid. Hold times are measured from the clock signal valid to the data input invalid. Pulse widths are measured from VIL to VIL or from VIH to VIH. Table 16. PCM Interface Timing (See Figure 9.) Symbol fSCK tSCK -- tSCHSCL tSCLSCH tSCH1SCH2 tSCL2SCL1 tFSHFSL tSFHSCL tSCLSFL tSCHDXV tDRVSCL tSCLDRX 30 Parameter Test Conditions Frequency of SCK (Selection -- frequency is pin-strap programmable.) Period of SCK Measured from VIL to VIL Jitter of SCK -- Period of SCK High Period of SCK Low Rise Time of SCK Fall Time of SCK Period of SFS High Frame Sync High Setup Frame Sync Hold Time Data Enabled on TS Entry Receive Data Setup Receive Data Hold Min -- -- Typ 2.048 4.096 Max -- -- Unit MHz MHz -- -- 1/fSCK -- ns -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 ns in 100 ms = 1 ppm -- -- 15 15 ns ns ns ns -- -- -- -- 9 -- -- 62.5 62.5 -- -- 90 -- -- s s ns ns ns ns ns 80 Measured from VIH to VIH 80 Measured from VIL to VIL -- Measured from VIL to VIH -- Measured from VIH to VIL Measured from VIH to VIL: 2.048 MHz 0.488 4.096 MHz 0.244 -- 30 -- 30 0 0 < CLOAD < 100 pF -- 30 -- 30 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) TIME SLOT 0 A TIME SLOT 1 B tFSHFSL SFS tSFHSCL tSCLSFL SCK 1 2 tSCHSCL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 tSCLSCH tSCHDXV SDX* 10 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 tDRVSCL SDR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 tSCLDRX 5-4233.a (F) * Card address 0, bit offset 0 assumed. Card address 0 assumed. Notes: A is the position of the frame sync pulse in the delayed mode. B is the position of the frame sync pulse in the nondelayed mode. Figure 9. Timing Characteristics of PCM Interface Assuming 2.048 MHz SCK Rate Agere Systems Inc. 31 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Table 17. Serial Control Port Timing (See Figure 10.) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit tCSHLSET UPCS to UPCK Setup -- 25 -- -- ns tCSLHHOD UPCS to UPCK Hold -- 20 ns -- UPCK Period/2 -- tUPDIST UPDI to UPCK Setup -- 25 -- -- ns tUPDIHD UPDI to UPCK Hold -- 20 -- -- ns tUPDODEL UPCK to UPDO Delay CL = 50 pF -- -- 42 ns tUPDOHZDL UPCS to UPDO High-Z CL = 50 pF -- -- 34 ns Duration of UPCK and UPCS High: Write Cycle Read Cycle -- -- 1 9 -- -- -- -- s s Duration of UPCK and UPCS High -- 9 -- -- s tCKCSH tCKCSH1 tCKCSH UPCK tCSLHHOD tCKCSH1 tCSHLSET UPCS tUPDIST tUPDIHD UPDI 15 14 13--2 tUPDIHD 1 15 0 14 13--1 0 ADDRESS DATA (16 bits) ADDRESS (16 bits) tUPDODEL tUPDOHZDL HIGH-Z STATE UPDO 15 14 13--1 0 DATA (16 bits) 5-4232a (F) Notes: UPDI and UPCS change at the rising edge of UPCK by the microprocessor and are sampled at the falling edge of UPCK by the DSP. UPDO changes at the rising edge of UPCK by the DSP and is sampled at the falling edge of UPCK by the microprocessor. Figure 10. Timing Diagram for Microprocessor Write/Read to/from the DSP on the Control Interface 32 Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Software Interface Table 18 lists the RAM data space for the DSP engine. Space for up to 16 channels is allocated. The total T8531A RAM size is 4 Kwords, arranged as 4 x 1 Kbanks. Address bit 15 is used as a read/write flag (1 = read). The microprocessor interface can read any address in the DSP engine RAM space. Table 18. DSP Engine RAM Memory Map Address Range RAM Bank 0 0x0000 0x00011 0x00021 0x0003--0x003F 0x00402 0x0080 0x00C0 0x0100 0x0140 0x0180 0x01C0 0x0200 0x0240 0x0280 0x02C0 0x0300 0x0340 0x0380 0x03C0 RAM Bank 1 0x0400--0x040F 0x0410--0x0413 0x0414--0x0434 0x0435 0x0436 0x0437 0x0438 0x0439--0x0442 0x0443 0x0444 0x04453 0x0455 0x0465 0x0475 0x0485 0x0495 0x04A5 Memory Contents Write by Microprocessor Interface Time-Slot Information Tables (See page 18.) Time-slot control word (time slot 0) Y Receive ac routine address (time slot 0) Y Transmit ac routine address (time slot 0) Y Data storage (time slot 0) Selected locations Time slot 1 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 2 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 3 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 4 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 5 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 6 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 7 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 8 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 9 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 10 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 11 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 12 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 13 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 14 information table As shown for time slot 0 Time slot 15 information table As shown for time slot 0 ac Coefficient Reference Tables (See page 17.) Channel coefficient address table N Default coefficient address table N Reserved N ac Per-Channel Coefficients (See page 17.) Receive path relative gain (channel 0) Y Data storage (channel 0) N Receive path absolute gain (channel 0) Y Transmit path absolute gain (channel 0) Y Balance filter coefficients (channel 0) Y Data storage (channel 0) N Transmit path relative gain (channel 0) Y Channel 1 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 2 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 3 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 4 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 5 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 6 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 7 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 1. This address can address ROM code. 2. For time slots 1--15, the address shown is the first address. Refer to time slot 0 for range information. 3. For channels 1--15, the address shown is the first address. Refer to channel 0 for range information. Agere Systems Inc. 33 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 18. DSP Engine RAM Memory Map (continued) Address Range 0x04B5 0x04C5 0x04D5 0x04E5 0x04F5 0x0505 0x0515 0x0525 0x0535--0x053E 0x053F--0x0552 0x0553 0x0554--0x055E 0x055F--0x0560 Memory Contents Write by Microprocessor Interface ac Per-Channel Coefficients (See page 17.) (continued) Channel 8 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 9 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 10 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 11 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 12 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 13 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 14 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 Channel 15 ac filter coefficients As shown for channel 0 ac Per-Board4 Coefficients Receive (equalizer) filter coefficients Transmit (equalizer) filter coefficients Transmit gain coefficients for filter compensation Extended receive (equalizer) filter coefficients Unused 0x07551 Default Per-Board4 Coefficient Tables Default Table 1 receive path relative gain Default Table 1 receive path absolute gain Default Table 1 transmit path absolute gain Default Table 1 balance filter coefficients Default Table 1 transmit path relative gain Default Table 2 coefficient set Self-Test Flags and Tone Processing Temporary storage for self-test routines Call progress tone generation control words Caller ID control words Tone processing data storage Tone processing time-slot tables Tone processing data storage Dial tone filter coefficients Tone processing data storage Receive active routine filter address 0x07561 Receive inactive routine address 0x0561 0x0562 0x0563 0x0564--0x056D 0x056E 0x056F--0x057C 0x057D--0x05EE 0x05EF--0x05F3 0x05F4--0x05FC 0x05FD--0x05FF 0x0600--0x06FF 0x0700--0x071C 0x071D--0x0724 0x0725--0x0754 1 0x0757 0x0758--0x07EF 0x07F0 0x07F2 0x07F4 0x07F5 0x07F6 0x07F7--0x07FF 0x0800--0x0FFF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Transmit inactive routine address Y Unused Result of ROM checksum test Result of RAM checksum test Result of TX path self-test Result of RX path self-test ROM code version number Unused Caller ID and DTMF data storage Y N N N N N Y Y 1. This address can address ROM code. 2. For time slots 1--15, the address shown is the first address. Refer to time slot 0 for range information. 3. For channels 1--15, the address shown is the first address. Refer to channel 0 for range information. 4. Per-board refers to a function that is common to all 16 channels in a single chip set. 34 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 19. T8531A Time-Slot Assignment Memory Map All registers can be written by the microprocessor interface. Address Range 0x1400 0x1401 0x1402 0x1403 0x1404 0x1405 0x1406 0x1407 0x1408 0x1409 0x140A 0x140B 0x140C 0x140D 0x140E 0x140F Memory Contents Time slot 0 channel assignment Time slot 1 channel assignment Time slot 2 channel assignment Time slot 3 channel assignment Time slot 4 channel assignment Time slot 5 channel assignment Time slot 6 channel assignment Time slot 7 channel assignment Time slot 8 channel assignment Time slot 9 channel assignment Time slot 10 channel assignment Time slot 11 channel assignment Time slot 12 channel assignment Time slot 13 channel assignment Time slot 14 channel assignment Time slot 15 channel assignment Table 20A. Bit Map for T8531A Time-Slot Assignment Registers at 0x1400--0x140F 15--6 Not used 5 CTZ disable Bit Number and Function 4 3 2 1 Null channel Binary-coded channel number 0--15 0 Table 20B. Bit Map for CTZ Disable and Null Channel Bit 5 Bit 4 Function X X 0 1 0 1 X X Disables null pointer Nulls channel Enables CTZ Disables CTZ Notes: X = Don't care. Bits 4 and 5 default to 1 upon reset. Agere Systems Inc. 35 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 21. T8531A Channel Register Memory Map for T8532 Device 0 Table 22. T8531A Channel Register Memory Map for T8532 Device 1 All registers can be written by the microprocessor interface. All registers can be written by the microprocessor interface. Address Range 0x1500 0x1501 0x1502 0x1503 0x1504 0x1505 0x1506 0x1507 0x1508 0x1509 0x150A 0x150B 0x150C 0x150D 0x150E 0x150F 0x1510 0x1517 0x1518 0x1519 0x151A 0x151B 0x151C 0x151D 0x151E 0x151F 36 Memory Contents Channel 0 powerup/powerdown register Channel 1 powerup/powerdown register Channel 2 powerup/powerdown register Channel 3 powerup/powerdown register Channel 4 powerup/powerdown register Channel 5 powerup/powerdown register Channel 6 powerup/powerdown register Channel 7 powerup/powerdown register Channel 0 control register 1 Channel 1 control register 1 Channel 2 control register 1 Channel 3 control register 1 Channel 4 control register 1 Channel 5 control register 1 Channel 6 control register 1 Channel 7 control register 1 All channel test register Single-byte soft reset (no data word) Channel 0 control register 2 Channel 1 control register 2 Channel 2 control register 2 Channel 3 control register 2 Channel 4 control register 2 Channel 5 control register 2 Channel 6 control register 2 Channel 7 control register 2 Address Range 0x1540 0x1541 0x1542 0x1543 0x1544 0x1545 0x1546 0x1547 0x1548 0x1549 0x154A 0x154B 0x154C 0x154D 0x154E 0x154F 0x1550 0x1557 0x1558 0x1559 0x155A 0x155B 0x155C 0x155D 0x155E 0x155F Memory Contents Channel 8 powerup/powerdown register Channel 9 powerup/powerdown register Channel 10 powerup/powerdown register Channel 11 powerup/powerdown register Channel 12 powerup/powerdown register Channel 13 powerup/powerdown register Channel 14 powerup/powerdown register Channel 15 powerup/powerdown register Channel 8 control register 1 Channel 9 control register 1 Channel 10 control register 1 Channel 11 control register 1 Channel 12 control register 1 Channel 13 control register 1 Channel 14 control register 1 Channel 15 control register 1 All channel test register Single-byte soft reset (no data word) Channel 8 control register 2 Channel 9 control register 2 Channel 10 control register 2 Channel 11 control register 2 Channel 12 control register 2 Channel 13 control register 2 Channel 14 control register 2 Channel 15 control register 2 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 23. Bit Map for T8532 Powerup/Powerdown Registers at 0x1500--0x1507 and 0x1540--0x1547 Bit Number and Function 15 PWR 14--0 Not used Notes: PWR = 0: powerdown. PWR = 1: powerup--normal operation. Table 24. Bit Map for T8532 Channel Control Register 1 at 0x1508--0x150F and 0x1548--0x154F 15 PWR 14--8 Not used Bit Number and Function 6 5 4 3 2 TX gain Termination impedance 7 1 0 LPBK Table 25. T8532 Control Register 1: Transmit Gain Bit 7 TXGAIN2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Bit 6 TXGAIN1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Bit 5 TXGAIN0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mode 0 dB transmit gain 3.01 dB transmit gain 6.02 dB transmit gain 9.03 dB transmit gain 12.04 dB transmit gain 12.04 dB transmit gain 12.04 dB transmit gain 12.04 dB transmit gain Table 26. T8532 Control Register 1: Analog Termination Impedance Bit 4 TI3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 3 TI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Agere Systems Inc. Bit 2 TI1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Bit 1 TI0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Gain (See equation on page 13.) 0.0000 0.0583 0.1417 0.2250 0.3083 0.3917 0.5000 0.5583 0.6417 0.7083 0.8083 0.8917 0.9750 1.0583 1.2167 2.0000 37 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 27. T8532 Control Register 1: Digital Loopback Bit 0 LPBK 0 1 Mode Normal operation Digital loopback Table 28. Bit Map for T8532 All Channel Test Register at 0x1510 and 0x1550 15--4 Not used 3 Read out address Bit Number and Function 2 1 Reserved Analog loopback 0 Digital loopback Table 29. Bits 3:0 of T8532 All Channel Test Register at 0x1510 and 0x1550 Bit Number 3 0 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- 0 1 -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- 0 1 -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 1 Function Normal operation Read out address Reserved Normal operation Normal operation Analog loopback Normal operation Digital loopback Notes: Read out address provides the previous read or write address to CDO whenever a new address is being written into the register. When analog loopback is high, data that enters the analog transmit path (VTX) is converted to a 1.024 MHz digital bit stream and routed back to the analog receive path (VRP, VRN). The output of the transmit path is available on the oversampled data interface, but receive path oversampled data is ignored. VTX A/D, D/A VRP OVERSAMPLED DATA INTERFACE OSDX OSDR 5-5134 (F) When digital loopback is high, oversampled data receive (OSDR) is routed to oversampled data transmit (OSDX). The receive signal is propagated to VRN/VRP, but any transmit signal from VTX is disconnected. A reference voltage on VRTX is still required in this mode. VTX A/D, D/A VRP OVERSAMPLED DATA INTERFACE OSDX OSDR 5-5135 (F) 38 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 30. Bit Map for T8532 Channel Control Register 2 at 0x1518--0x151F and 0x1558--0x155F 15--8 Not used 7 SUSEQ Bit Number and Function 6--3 2 Not used 1 Receive gain 0 Notes: SUSEQ = 0: normal operation. SUSEQ = 1: start-up calibration sequence. Table 31. T8532 Control Register 2: Receive Gain Bit 2 RXGAIN2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Bit 1 RXGAIN1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Bit 0 RXGAIN0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mode TLP Levels, Termination Impedance Is On 6.02 dB receive gain 3.01 dB receive gain 0.0 dB receive gain -3.01 dB receive gain -6.02 dB receive gain -9.03 dB receive gain -12.04 dB receive gain -12.04 dB receive gain Table 32. T8531A Control Register Map Address Range 0x1FFE 0x1FFC 0x1FFA 0x1FF8 0x1FF6 Register Contents Board control word 1 Board control word 2 Board control word 3 Board control word 4 Board control word 5 Write by Microprocessor Interface Y Y Y Y Y Note: A board control word controls a function that is common to all 16 channels of a given chip set. Agere Systems Inc. 39 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 33. Bits 15:8 of T8531A Board Control Word 1 at 0x1FFE 15 0 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bit Number 12 11 -- -- -- -- -- 0 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Function 10 -- -- -- -- 0 1 -- -- -- -- 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 1 -- -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 1 Normal operation Soft reset Normal operation TZ test mode Normal operation RX dither circuit off Normal operation Nodecim test mode Normal operation Linear mode Table 34. Bits 7:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 1 at 0x1FFE 7 0 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 X X X X X X X X X X 5 -- -- 0 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- Bit Number 4 3 -- -- -- -- x -- 0 -- 1 -- -- C1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Function 2 -- -- -- -- -- C0 -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 1 -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 1 Delayed data timing Nondelayed data timing -law A-law, including even bit inversion A-law, no even bit inversion C1C0 = card address in binary Reserved Normal operation Normal operation Loopback at OSD Notes: All bits in board control register 1 will be zeros upon hardware reset. In OSD loopback mode, OSDR0, OSDR1, OSDR2, and OSDR3 are looped back with a delay of two OSCLK clock cycles to OSDX0, OSDX1, OSDX2, and OSDX3, respectively. Test modes are for production testing only. -law/A-law companding mode provides 8 bits of PCM data with the first bit (bit 1) defined as the MSB and the last bit (bit 8) as the LSB. Bit 1 is the sign bit, bits 2 through 4 are the chord bits, and bits 5 through 8 are the interval bits. In linear mode, the -law/A-law conversion in the PCM interface block is disabled and 16 bits of linear PCM data are provided. In linear mode, bit 1 is the MSB and the sign bit, bits 2 through 14 are the intervals, and bits 15 and 16 are insignificant. Each interval represents 0.0001362745 Vrms with 8031 intervals being the maximum signal output of 3 dBm0. Negative values are two's complement of positive values. X = don't care. 40 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 35. Bits 15:9 of T8531A Board Control Word 2 at 0x1FFC Bit Number and Function 15--9 Not used Table 36. Bits 8:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 2 at 0x1FFC 8 BOF8 7 BOF7 6 BOF6 Bit Number 5, 4, 3 BOF5--3 Function 2 BOF2 1 BOF1 0 BOF0 BOF8--0 = Bit offset in binary Note: Bits 15 through 9 are not used; assumed to be zeros. BOF[8:0] provide a fixed offset, relative to the frame synchronization strobe (SFS), for the first bit transmitted in each time slot. The offset is the number of data periods by which transmission of the first bit on SDX is delayed. All subsequent transmissions also follow this offset. The default value after hardware reset or powerup is 1A3; however, this register must still be written after reset. Table 37. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 3 at 0x1FFA Bit Number and Function 15--5 Not used 4--0 TZ test bits Note: For test use only, do not use in normal operation. The default value after hardware reset or powerup is 0. Table 38. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 4 at 0x1FF8 Bit Number and Function 15--10 Not used 9--0 CTZ alpha coefficients Note: The default value after hardware reset or powerup is A4. Table 39. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Board Control Word 5 at 0x1FF6 Bit Number and Function 15--8 Not used 7--0 CTZ beta coefficients Note: The default value after hardware reset or powerup is 0. Table 40. Bits 15:0 of T8531A Reset of Microprocessor Commands at 0x7FFF 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 Agere Systems Inc. 11 1 10 1 9 1 Bit Number 8 7 6 1 1 1 Function 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 Clear address and data words in T8531 41 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Software Interface (continued) Table 41 shows the memory map for the DSP engine ROM. The ROM information is not accessible via the microprocessor. The total ROM size is 8 Kwords. Table 41. DSP Engine ROM Memory Map Address Range 0x0003 0x0008 0x000B 0x0380 0x03B0 0x03B8 0x0400 0x0500 0x0503 0x0600 0x0610 0x0680 0x0690 0x0700 0x0720 0x07A0 0x0860 0x0A80 0x0B00 0x0B60 0x0B80 0x0C00 0x0E00 0x0F00 0x0F10 0x0F20 0x0F30 0x0F40 0x0F60 0x0FFE 42 Memory Contents HDS interrupt service routine Time-slot sync interrupt service routine Start-up routine Time segment controller (ts_proc) Double precision multiply routine Double precision multiply routine Transmit path active routine Receive path active routine RX path active without reading from the system interface Transmit path inactive/loopback routine Transmit path inactive routine Receive path inactive/loopback routine Receive path inactive routine Self-test pass 1 setup (TX) Self-test pass 2 setup (RX) Tone generation start-up Tone detection start-up Variance calculation Peak detection routine dc generation ROM checker RAM checker Variance calculation with TX filters Simultaneous start-up of tone generator and DFT routine Simultaneous start-up of tone generator and original variance routine Routine places TX and RX halves of a time slot into inactive loopback Places TX and RX halves of a time slot into inactive routine Routine for copying values in channel coefficient table 0 to all 16-channel tables Approximate location of HDS code Checksum for ROM 0x0000 : 0x07FF Agere Systems Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Software Interface (continued) Table 41. DSP Engine ROM Memory Map Address Range 0x0FFF 0x1000 0x102B 0x105A 0x1070--0x146F 0x1470 0x14C8 0x1604 0x160E 0x1650 0x16AA 0x16FE 0x1B3C 0x1BD0 0x1BD3 0x1C30 0x1C37 0x1CA6 0x1CAD 0x1CD0 0x1D00 0x1D60 0x1DBC--0x1FFF Agere Systems Inc. Memory Contents Checksum for ROM 0x0800 : 0x0FFD Call progress tone generation start Call progress tone generation during operation Call progress tone generator initialization Sine-wave lookup table Caller ID generation start Caller ID generation during operation, TX path Caller ID generation during operation, RX path Caller ID generator initialization DTMF detector start DTMF detector during operation subroutine DTMF detector during operation subroutine DTMF detector initialization Extended receive path active routine Extended receive path active without reading from the system interface Extended transmit path inactive/loopback routine Extended transmit path inactive routine Extended receive path inactive with data loopback Extended receive path inactive routine Tone processing initialization Alternate peak detection dc measurement routine Not used 43 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Applications Figure 11 shows a full line card implementation using the T8531/T8532 codec and the L7585 SLIC with integrated relays. One T8531A and two T8532 devices support 16 SLIC devices (only one L7585 SLIC is illustrated). Figure 11 portrays only the transmission paths inside the L7585 SLIC. L7585 functionality includes eight solid-state relays, performing ring, test, and break functions, a ring-trip detector, quiet polarity reversal, 14 operating states, and more. For complete functionality of this SLIC, refer to the L7585 data sheet. The analog connection between the SLIC and the codec is direct; no external components are required. The transfer of control data on the octal interface between the T8531A and T8532 devices is also direct. Data is synchronous with OSCK and transmits at a 4.096 MHz rate. The microprocessor control interface is a standard 4-wire serial port connection, microprocessor clock (UPCK), chip select (UPCS), data input (UPDI), and output (UPDO). The T8531A generates a 16 MHz clock for microprocessor use. This clock is always present. The PCM interface consists of a system clock (SCK) input of either 2.048 MHz or 4.096 MHz, an 8 kHz system frame sync (SFS) input, a system data transmit port (DX), and a system data receive (DR) port. The only external components required by the codec chip set are the power supply decoupling. Decouple as many power supply pins as possible, at a minimum, use one capacitor per device side. Analog and digital grounds should be tied together into one low-impedance ground plane. +10 V -48 V CVB 0.1 F +5 V CVA 0.1 F 10 V 100 V VSP VBAT BGND VCCA AGND DGND CVD 0.1 F VCCD +5 V FB1* 0.047 F 100 V FB1 SLIC 0 L7585 CF1 RELAY K1 CF2 RLCTH 24.9 k RTS PR RCVN RCVP VTX PT VRTX 2.4 V TXI TIP 1 MHz CLOCK RTI TTI CLK VITR ITR NDET NCS B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 0.1 F 0.1 F OCTAL CONTROL INTERFACE INTERFACE VDD VDDA OSFS OSFS UPCK OSCK OSCK UPCS DSP VRP0 MICROOSDR0 OSDR0 ASIC PROCESSOR UPDI OSDR1 OSDR1 VTX0 UPDO OSDX0 OSDX0 CK16 CODEC 0 VRTX0 OSDX1 T8532 OSDX1 SCKSEL CHANNELS CCS0 CCS0 RSTB RSTB 1--7 CDI CDO CB1 SCK 0.1 F CDO CDI 100 V SFS RGX1 TEST RSTB PCM SDR 8.25 k VDDD BUS RSTB T8531A SDX TEST RSTB CDI STSXB CDO PCM OSFS INTERFACE OSCK CHANNEL 0 VRN0 0.1 F VSSD LCTH +5 V 0.1 F VDDD CRTF 0.1 F 50 V +5 V RPROG 64.9 k VSSA IPROG RSW 260 V SURGE PROTECTOR TEST-IN BUS +5 V DCOUT RPR 82.5 RPT 82.5 CF2 0.1 F 100 V DCR VDDA TRNG RRNG (SEE BELOW) RS1* 400 RING CF1 0.22 F 100 V RDO RINGING BUS RRTF 1 M FB2* 0.047 F 100 V FB2 PARALLEL DATA BUS TO MICROPROCESSOR EARTH BACK RINGING VSSD VDDD RRNG VSSA BATTERY BACK RINGING CODEC 1 T8532 CHANNELS 8--15 VDDA TRNG CCS1 OSDR2 CCS1 OSDR2 OSDR3 OSDX2 OSDX3 OSDR3 OSDX2 OSDX3 TRNG RRNG 0.1 F +5 V 0.1 F VSS VSSA +5 V 12-3351p(F) * Optional for quiet reverse battery. 4.096 MHz operation; for 2.048 MHz operation, tie SCKSEL to VSS. Figure 11. Line Card Solution Using the L7585 SLIC 44 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Applications (continued) Figure 12 shows the complete SLIC schematic for interfacing to the Agere L9215G short-loop, sine wave, ringing SLIC. All ac parameters are programmed by the codec. Note, this codec differentiates itself in that no external components are required in the ac interface to provide a dc termination impedance or for stability. For illustration purposes, 0.5 Vrms PPM injection was assumed in this example and no meter pulse rejection is used. Also, this example illustrates the device using programmable overhead and current limit. The components associated with VREF can be replaced by a common voltage reference circuit (see Figure 14). VBAT1 DBAT1 CRT 0.1 F RRT 383 k FUSIBLE OR PTC 50 VBAT2 VBAT2 VCC CBAT1 CBAT2 CCC 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F VBAT1 BGND VBAT2 VCC VCC AGND ICM TRGDET ITR ground key not used RTFLT RVREF1 4.02 k CTX 0.1 F RVREF2 4.32 k VTX DCOUT PR VRTX PT CC1 0.1 F L9215G RVREF3 301 k VITR VTX RCVP VRP RCVN VRN FUSIBLE OR PTC FROM PROGRAMMABLE D/A VOLTAGE SOURCE CVREF 10 F 10 V TXI AGERE L7591 50 RGX 4750 T8532 OVH VPROG rate of battery reversal not ramped VREF CF1 CF2 FB1 FB2 NSTAT BR B2 B1 B0 RINGIN not used PPMIN CF1 0.47 F CF2 0.1 F FROM/TO CONTROL CRING 0.47 F CPPM 10 nF PPM 0.5 Vrms 12-3534C (F) Figure 12. Line Card Solution Using the L9215G SLIC Agere Systems Inc. 45 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Applications (continued) Figure 13 shows the complete SLIC schematic for interfacing to the Agere L9310G Line Interface and Line Access circuit. All ac parameters are programmed by the codec. Note, this codec differentiates itself in that no external components are required in the ac interface to provide a dc termination impedance or for stability. For illustration purposes, 2.2 Vrms PPM injection was assumed in this example and hybrid meter pulse rejection is used. Also, this example illustrates the device using the battery switch with multiple battery operation and programmable overhead, current limit and loop closure threshold. VBAT2 VCC VBAT1 CVBAT2 0.1 F CVBAT1 0.1 F VDD CCC 0.1 F VBAT2/ VBAT1 BGND VCC PWR TRING VBAT A CDD 0.1 F AGND VDD D DGND ICM TRGDET PPMIN PPMOUT RRING RAMPED PPM GENERATION CPPM 0.01 F 0.7 Vrms for 2.2 Vrms at T/R RPPM 17.4 k ITR RINGING SOURCE RS1 FUSIBLE OR PTC 400 CRTS RRTF 0.1 F RGX 6.49 k VTX RSW CTX 0.1 F TXI RTS 1 M TXN PR 50 VRTX VREF 180 V--330 V SECONDARY PROTECTOR L9310G CC1 0.1 F (GAIN OF 2) 100 V--130 V SECONDARY PROTECTOR 50 PT RVREF 301 k T8532 VITR VTX RCVP VRP RCVN VRN FUSIBLE OR PTC FROM PROGRAMMABLE VOLTAGE SOURCE OVH (OVERHEAD = 9.2 V for 2.2 Vrms PPM) RLCTH VPROG (ILIMIT = 25 mA) FB2 LCTH (THRESHOLD = 11 mA) FB1 LCF CF1 CF2 RESET TESTLEV TESTSIG VREF CF2 0.1 F PER-LINE TO/FROM MICROPROCESSOR 0500 (F) Figure 13. Line Card Solution Using the L9310G SLIC 46 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Applications (continued) Common Voltage Reference Every channel of the T8532 codec requires a 2.4 V reference (VRTX) for operation. Some SLICs provide this reference for the codec. An external circuit is required for SLICs without the reference voltage. Figure 14 shows a circuit that can provide the 2.4 V reference for 16 or more channels. Even with the common reference voltage, interchannel crosstalk remains insignificant. The circuit employs a single supply op amp as a voltage follower. R1 and R2 set up the reference voltage. RL provides a reference bias when all channels are programmed off and provides a discharge path for the reference filtering. The op amp supplies an ample minimum of 20 mA. Each channel's VRTX node only requires a maximum of 340 A and VTX is a high-impedance input. The RVREFx resistors provide the necessary bias for the VTX inputs. VRTX15 VRTX1 5V 5V + 10 F 0.1 F 2.37 k R1 VRTX0 2 3 2.15 k R2 - + 8 RVREF0 1 301 k 4 1/2 LM2904 OR EQUIVALENT 1.91 k RL 0.1 F + 10 F VTX0 TO T8531A/2 RVREF1 301 k VTX1 RVREF15 301 k VTX15 12-3570a (F) Figure 14. Common 2.4 V Voltage Reference Agere Systems Inc. 47 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Outline Diagrams 64-Pin MQFP 17.20 0.25 14.00 0.20 PIN #1 IDENTIFIER ZONE 64 49 1 48 14.00 0.20 17.20 0.25 33 16 17 32 DETAIL A DETAIL B 2.55/2.75 3.00 MAX SEATING PLANE 0.10 0.25 MAX 0.80 TYP 1.60 REF 0.13/0.23 0.25 GAGE PLANE 0.30/0.45 SEATING PLANE 0.16 M 0.73/1.03 DETAIL A DETAIL B 5-5202(F) 48 Agere Systems Inc. T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Outline Diagrams (continued) 64-Pin TQFP 12.00 0.20 10.00 0.20 PIN #1 IDENTIFIER ZONE 64 49 48 1 10.00 0.20 12.00 0.20 16 33 17 32 DETAIL A DETAIL B 1.40 0.05 1.60 MAX SEATING PLANE 0.08 0.05/0.15 0.50 TYP 1.00 REF 0.25 0.106/0.200 GAGE PLANE SEATING PLANE 0.19/0.27 0.08 DETAIL B 0.45/0.75 M DETAIL A 5-3080 (F) Agere Systems Inc. 49 T8531A/T8532 Multichannel Programmable Codec Chip Set Preliminary Data Sheet May 2001 Ordering Information Device Code T-8531A - - - TL-DB T-8531A - - - TL-DT T-8532 - - - JL-DB T-8532 - - - JL-TR Package 64-Pin TQFP, Dry pack tray 64-Pin TQFP, Dry-bagged, Tape & Reel 64-Pin MQFP, Dry pack tray 64-Pin MQFP, Tape & Reel Temperature -40 C to +85 C -40 C to +85 C -40 C to +85 C -40 C to +85 C Comcode 108888272 108888678 108697301 108556630 Appendix A. Transmit Path Group Delay vs. Bit Offset Receive path group delay is a fixed value and is specified in the data sheet. Note: Bit offset values for partial time segments would incrementally add to the base data delay value by 488 ns per bit offset for an SCK of 2.048 MHz and in increments of 244 ns per bit offset for an SCK of 4.096 MHz. Table 42. Transmit Path Group Delay vs. Bit Offset Bit Offset in Whole Time Segments 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bit Offset SCK = 2.048 MHz 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 Bit Offset SCK = 4.096 MHz 0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480 TX Data Delay (s) f = 1600 Hz 273.4 281.2 289.0 296.8 304.6 312.4 320.2 328.0 335.8 343.6 351.4 359.2 367.0 250.0 257.8 265.6 For additional information, contact your Agere Systems Account Manager or the following: INTERNET: E-MAIL: N. AMERICA: Agere Systems Inc., 555 Union Boulevard, Room 30L-15P-BA, Allentown, PA 18109-3286 1-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712-4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712-4106) ASIA PACIFIC: Agere Systems Singapore Pte. Ltd., 77 Science Park Drive, #03-18 Cintech III, Singapore 118256 Tel. (65) 778 8833, FAX (65) 777 7495 CHINA: Agere Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 33/F Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 200121 PRC Tel. (86) 21 50471212, FAX (86) 21 50472266 JAPAN: Agere Systems Japan Ltd., 7-18, Higashi-Gotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan Tel. (81) 3 5421 1600, FAX (81) 3 5421 1700 EUROPE: Data Requests: DATALINE: Tel. (44) 7000 582 368, FAX (44) 1189 328 148 Technical Inquiries: GERMANY: (49) 89 95086 0 (Munich), UNITED KINGDOM: (44) 1344 865 900 (Ascot), FRANCE: (33) 1 40 83 68 00 (Paris), SWEDEN: (46) 8 594 607 00 (Stockholm), FINLAND: (358) 9 3507670 (Helsinki), ITALY: (39) 02 6608131 (Milan), SPAIN: (34) 1 807 1441 (Madrid) Agere Systems Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved May 2001 DS01-030ALC