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©2009-2010 by RF Monolithics, Inc. SF2205E - 7/16/10
Electrical Characteristics
Electrical Connections
Characteristic Sym Notes Min Typ Max Units
Center Frequency FC879 MHz
Maximum Insertion Loss, 864 to 894 MHz IL 3.5 dB
Amplitude Ripple, 864 to 894 MHz 2.0 dBP-P
I/O Return Loss, 864 to 894 MHz 10 dB
Attenuation Referenced to 0 dB:
10 to 840 MHz 40 dB 920 to 1000 MHz 30
1000 to 2600 MHz 25
Source Impedance ZS50 Ω
Load Impedance ZL50
Case Style SM3030-6 3.0 x 3.0 mm Nominal Footprint
Lid Symbolization (Y=year, WW=week, S=shift) dot=pin 1 indicator 937, YWWS
S tandard Reel Quantity Reel Size 7 Inch 500 Pieces/Reel
Reel Size 13 Inch 3000 Pieces/Reel
Connection Terminals
Input 5
Output 2
Ground All Others
• Surface-mount 3.0 x 3.0 x 1.3 mm Package
• Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Rating Value Units
Input Power Level 10 dBm
DC V oltage on any Non-ground Terminal 3 V
Operating Temperature Range -25 to +75 °C
Storage Temperature Range in Tape and Reel -40 to +85 °C
Solder Reflow Temperature, 10 seconds, 5 cycles maximum 260 °C
879 MHz
SAW Filter
1. Unless noted ot herwis e, all s pecif icat ions app ly over th e ope rati ng temp erature rang e with filter sol dered to the specifi ed demonstr ation bo ard wit h impedan ce
matching t o 50 Ω and measured with 50 Ω network analyzer.
2. Unless noted otherwise, all frequency spec ifications are referenced to the nominal center frequency, fc.
3. Rejection is measured as attenuat ion below the mi nimum IL point in the pas sband. Rejection in final user app lication is depende nt on PCB layou t and external
impedance mat ching design. See Application Note No. 42 for details.
4. "LRIP" or "L" after the part number indicates "low rate initial production" and "ENG" or "E" indicates "engineering prototypes."
5. The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this filt er are subject to c hange.
6. Either Port 1 o r Po rt 2 may be used f or eith er in put or out put in t he design . Ho wever, impedances and imped ance ma tchin g may va ry betwe en P ort 1 an d Po rt
2, so that the filter must always be installed in one direction per the circu i t design.
7. US and international patents may apply.
8. RFM, stylized RFM logo, and RF Monolithic s, Inc. are registered trademarks of RF Monolithi cs, Inc
CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.