Sign In SHOP BLOG LEARN FORUMS 0 Items VIDEOS COMPONENTS & PARTS / IC & TRANSISTORS / 1N4148 SIGNAL DIODE - 10 PACK 1N4148 Signal Diode 10 pack PRODUCT ID: 1641 71 IN STOCK ADD TO CART 1 1-9 10-99 100+ ADD TO WISHLIST DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DETAILS DESCRIPTION You have some electrons over here, and you want them over there but you don't want the electrons from over there to be able to come over here? That's what a diode is for, these are directional current valves and have the benefit of being waaay smaller than vacuum tubes. Classic 1N4148's are great for any kind of small signal (not power!) rectification. Use them all the time, so they come in a pack of 10. Check the datasheet for more information. New Products 12/21/2013 1N4148 Signal Diode - 10 pack (9:44) TECHNICAL DETAILS LEARN Collin's Lab: Solar Harness the power of our nearest star. Circuit Playground: D is for Diode Learn about the electronic one-way valve! MAY WE ALSO SUGGEST... 1N4001 Diode - 10 pack DISTRIBUTORS CONTACT SUPPORT DISTRIBUTORS EDUCATORS JOBS EXPAND TO SEE DISTRIBUTORS "To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful." - Edward R. Murrow FAQ SHIPPING & RETURNS TERMS OF SERVICE PRIVACY & LEGAL ABOUT US ENGINEERED IN NYC Adafruit (R) 4.9