Analog Devices
Current Output Operating Supply
Accuracy Linearity Iq
Output Scale Range Range
@ +25¡C (¡C) (µA)
@ +25¡C Factor (¡C) (V)
Converters, Temperature Sensors and Signal Conditioners
Prices Subject To Change Ñ We Always Ship At The Lowest Price In Effect ALLIED
TO-52 Flat Pack
AD590JH Ñ 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±5.0 µA ±1.50 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
AD590KH AD590KF 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±2.5 µA ±0.80 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
AD590LH Ñ 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±1.0 µA ±0.40 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
AD590MH Ñ 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±0.5 µA ±0.30 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
AD592AN* Ñ 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±2.5 µA ±0.50 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
AD592CN* Ñ 298.2 µA 1 µA/¡K ±0.5 µA ±0.35 Ð55 to +150 +4 to +30 Iout = Iq
*TO-92 Package.
Thermocouple Signal Conditioners
Voltage Output Operating Supply
Output Accuracy Digital Iq
Scale Range Range
@ +25¡C @ +25¡C Output (µA)
Factor (¡C) (V)
Signal Conditioners
4-to-20 mA Transmitter Signal Conditioners
Power CMV CMR Input Output
Mfr.Õs Accuracy Int.
Volts Min. Range Range
Type ±/% Max. (V
Volts) (rms) (dB) (Volts) (mA)
1B22AN ±15 @ 7.5 mA 1500 90 0.050 0-+5/10 N 0, 4-20
AD693AQ* +12-+36 @ 0.7 mA V
-4 V 80 0.050-0.07 @ 30 mV/60 mV Y 0, 4-20
AD694JN +4.5-+36 @ 2.0 mA Ñ Ñ 0.015-0.30 or 0 to +2 Y 0, 4-20
*Loop powered, no local supply needed.
Strain Gage Signal Conditioners
Power Power Output Offset Output Offset
Mfr.Õs No. of @ Av = 1000 Bandwidth Linearity Error
Supply Supply +25¡C TC
Type Ports @ 60 Hz AV = 1 ±% Max. @ +25¡C
(Volts) (mA) ±mV Max. ±µV Max.
dB Min. ±%
1B32AN 0 ±15 +4/Ð1 140 4 Hz 0.005 0.1 40.0 0.2
1B31AN 0 ±15 ±10 100 1 kHz 0.005 3.0 0.2 2.0
AD594AD AD594AQ Ñ 0.250 10 mV/¡C ±3 +25 to +100 1 Open Collector +5 to ±15 300
AD594CD Ñ Ñ 0.250 10 mV/¡C ±1 +25 to +100 1 Open Collector +5 to ±15 300
Ñ AD595AQ Ñ 0.250 10 mV/¡C ±3 +25 to +100 1 Open Collector +5 to ±15 300
Ñ AD595CQ Ñ 0.250 10 mV/¡C ±1 +25 to +100 1 Open Collector +5 to ±15 300
AD597AH* Ñ AD597AR 0.282 10 mV/¡C ±4 +25 to +100 1 Open Collector +5 to ±15 160
Voltage-to-Frequency/Frequency-to-Voltage Converters
Voltage-to-Frequency Converters (VFCs) convert analog voltage or current levels to pulse trains or square waves in logic
compatible form (usually TTL) at frequencies that are accurately proportional to the analog quantity. The output
continuously tracks the input signal, responding directly to changes in the input signal. Frequency-to-Voltage Converters
(FVCs) perform the inverse operation; they accept a wide variety of periodic waveforms and produce an analog output
proportional to frequency. Combining adjustable threshold, gain and output offset with low linearity error, F/V converters
offer economical solutions to a wide variety of applications where it is required to convert frequency to an analog voltage.
Applications of both forms of conversion, as appropriate to specific device types, are illustrated with varying degrees of
detail on the individual product datasheets.
Voltage-to-Frequency Converters
Full-Scale Linearity FS Calib. Input
Mfr.Õs Output
Frequency Max. Error % Range
Type Format
(MHz) (%) Typ. V
AD652AQ 2.00 ±0.020 0.50 Pulse Train 0 to 10, ±5, 0 to Ð10
AD652BQ 2.00 ±0.010 0.25 Pulse Train 0 to 10, ±5, 0 to Ð10
AD650JN 1.00 0.005 5.00 Pulse Train 0 to 10, ±5, 0 to Ð10
AD654JN 0.50 0.100 10.00 Max. Square Wave 0 to (Vs)
AD654JR 0.50 0.100 10.00 Max. Square Wave 0 to (Vs)
AD537JD 0.15 0.150 5.00 Square Wave ÐVs to (+Vs Ð4)
AD537JH 0.15 0.150 5.00 Square Wave ÐVs to (+Vs Ð4)
Frequency-to-Voltage Converters
Linearity Response
Mfr.Õs Input Range Time Comments
Type (kHz) Max. (%)
AD650JN 0-1000 0.005 Low Nonlinearity, Multiple Input Ranges F-V Converter
AD650KN 0-1000 0.005 Low Nonlinearity, Multiple Input Ranges F-V Converter
Voltage Output Accuracy Operating Supply Iq
Output Linearity
Scale @ +25¡C Range Range Typ.
@ +25¡C (¡C)
Factor Typ. (¡C) (V) (µA)
Thermal Management
Voltage Output Temperature Sensors
AD22100AT 1.375 22.5 mV/¡C ±1.0 0.50% Ð50 to +150 +4.0 to +6.0 500.00
AD22100KT 1.375 22.5 mV/¡C ±0.5 0.50% Ð50 to +150 +4.0 to +6.0 500.00
AD22100ST 1.375 22.5 mV/¡C ±1.0 1.00% Ð50 to +150 +4.0 to +6.0 500.00
Current Output Temperature Sensors