MS5536C SMD Gage Pressure Module
DA5536C_005 www.meas-spec.com Jun. 27, 2011
0005536C1245 ECN1511 13/18
The MS5536C communicates with microprocessors and other digital systems via a 3-wire synchronous serial
interface as shown in Fig. 1. The SCLK (Serial Clock) signal initiates the communication and synchronizes the
data trans fer with each Bit being sam pled b y the MS5536C o n the risin g edge of SCL K and each Bit being s ent
by the MS5536C on the rising edge of SCLK. The data should thus be sampled by the microcontroller on the
falling edg e of SCLK and s ent to the M S5536C with the f alling edge of SCLK. T he SCLK-s ignal is gen erated by
the microprocessor’s system. The digital data provided by the MS5536C on the DOUT pin is either the
conversion result or the software calibration data. In addition the signal DOUT (Data Out) is also used to indicate
the convers ion status ( conversion-r eady signa l, see below). T he selection of the output d ata is done b y sending
the corresponding instruction on the pin DIN (Data Input).
Following is a list of possible output data instructions:
• Conversion start for pressure measurement and ADC-data-out “D1” (Figure 6a)
• Conversion start for temperature measurement and ADC-data-out “D2” (Figure 6b)
• Calibration data read-out sequence for word 1 and word 3 (Figure 6c)
• Calibration data read-out sequence for word 2 and word 4 (Figure 6d)
• RESET sequence (Figure 6e)
Every communication starts with an instruction sequence at Pin DIN. Fig. 6 shows the timing diagrams for the
MS5536C. T he device doe s not need a ‘ Chi p s elect ’ s igna l. Instead there is a S tart Sequenc e ( 3-B it high) bef ore
each Setup Sequence and Stop Sequence (3-Bit low) after each Setup Sequence. The Setup Sequence
consists in 4-Bit that select a reading of pressure, temperature or calibration data. In case of pressure- (D1) or
temperature- (D2) reading the module acknowledges the start of a conversion by a low to high transition at Pin
DOUT during the last Bit of the Stop Sequence.
Two additional clocks at SCLK are required after the acknowledge signal. Then SCLK is to be held low by the
microcontroller until a high to low transition on DOUT indicates the end of the conversion.
This signal can be used to create an interrupt in the microcontroller. The m icrocontroller m ay now read out the
16-Bit word by giving another 17 clock s on the SLCK pin. It is possible to interrupt the data read-out sequence
with a hol d of the SCLK s ignal. It is important to always read out the last conversion result before starting
a new conversion.
The RESET-sequence is special as its unique pattern is recognized by the module in any state. By
consequence it can be used to restart if synchronization between the microcontroller and the MS5536C has
been lost. T his s equence is 21-Bit long. T he DO UT signal m ight chang e during t hat sequenc e (see F ig. 6e). I t is
recom mended to send the RESET sequence before f irst conversion sequ ence to avoid hanging up the pr otocol
permanently in case of el ec tric al interf erenc e.
sequence: START+P-measurement
Conversion start for pressure measurement and ADC-data-out "D1":
end of conversion
ADC-data ou t MSB ADC-dat a out LSB
Bit8 Bit9
Start-bit Stop-bit
start of conversion
Fig. 6a: D1 ACQUISITION sequence