Memory Card functions
Automatically reading programs
(autoboot) from the Memory Card
when the power is turned ON.
Program replacement during PLC
operation Possible.
Format in which data is stored in
Memory Card
User program: Program file format PLC Setup and other parameters:
Data file format I/O memory: Data file format (binary format), text format, or CSV
Functions for which Memory Card
read/write is supported
User program instructions, Programming Devices (including CX-Programmer
and Programming Consoles), Host Link computers, AR Area control bits, easy
backup operation
Filing Memory Card data and the EM (Extended Data Memory) Area can be handled as files.
Debugging Control set/reset, differential monitoring, data tracing (scheduled, each cycle, or when instruction is executed),
instruction error tracing, storing location generating error when a program error occurs.
Online editing
User programs can be overwritten in program-block units when the CPU Unit is in MONITOR or PROGRAM mode.
This function is not available for block programming areas.
With the CX-Programmer, more than one program block can be edited at the same time.
Program protection Overwrite protection: Set using DIP switch.
Copy protection: Password set using CX-Programmer or Programming Consoles.
Error check
User-defined errors (i.e., user can define fatal errors and non-fatal errors)
The FPD(269) instruction can be used to check the execution time and logic of each programming block.
Note: FAL and FALS instructions can be used with the CJ1-H and CJ1M CPU Units to simulate errors.
Error log
Up to 20 errors are stored in the error log. Information includes the error code, error details, and the time the error
Note: CJ1M CPU Unit can be set so that user-defined FAL errors are not stored in the error log.
Serial communications
Built-in peripheral port: Programming Device (including Programming Console) connections, Host Links, NT Links,
Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F master)
Built-in RS-232C port: Programming Device (excluding Programming Console) connections, Host Links, no-protocol
communications, NT Links, Modbus-RTU Slave, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F master or Modbus master)
Serial Communications Unit (sold separately): Protocol macros, Host Links, NT Links
Provided on all models.
Note: Used to store the time when power is turned ON and when errors occur.
Power OFF
detection time
AC Power Supply Unit: 10 to 25 ms (not fixed)
DC Power Supply Unit PD025: 2 to 5 ms; PD022: 2 to 10 ms
Power OFF
detection delay time
0 to 10 ms (user-defined, default: 0 ms)
Note: Not supported when the CJ1W-PD022 Power Supply Unit is mounted.
Memory protection
Held Areas: Holding bits, contents of Data Memory and Extended Data Memory, and status of the counter Completion
Flags and present values.
Note: If the IOM Hold Bit in the Auxiliary Area is turned ON, and the PLC Setup is set to maintain the IOM Hold Bit
status when power to the PLC is turned ON, the contents of the CIO Area, the Work Area, part of the Auxiliary
Area, timer Completion Flag and PVs, Index Registers, and the Data Registers will be saved for up to 20 days.
commands to a Host
FINS commands can be sent to a computer connected via the Host Link System by executing Network
Communications Instructions from the PLC.
programming and
Host Link communications can be used for remote programming and remote monitoring through a Controller Link
System or Ethernet network.
network levels
Remote programming and monitoring from Support Software and FINS message communications can be performed
across different network levels, even for different types of network.
Pre-Ver. 2.0 : Three levels
Version 2.0 or later : Eight levels for Controller Link and Ethernet networks (See note.), three levels for other networks.
Note: To communicate across eight levels, the CX-Integrator or the CX-Net in Programmer version 4.0 or higher must
be used to set the routing tables.
comments in CPU
I/O comments can be stored as symbol table files in the Memory Card, EM file memory, or comment memory (see
Note: Comment memory is supported for CX-Programmer version 5.0 or higher and CS/CJ-series CPU Units with unit
version 3.0 or later only.
Program check
Program checks are performed at the beginning of operation for items such as no END instruction and instruction
CX-Programmer can also be used to check programs.
Control output signals
RUN output: The internal contacts will turn ON (close) while the CPU Unit is operating (CJ1W-PA205R).
Battery life Battery Set for CJ1M CPU Units: CJ1W-BAT01
Self-diagnostics CPU errors (watchdog timer), I/O bus errors, memory errors, and battery errors.
Other functions Storage of number of times power has been interrupted. (Stored in A514.)
Item Specifications
Accuracy: Ambient temperature Monthly error
55°C −3.5 min to +0.5 min
25°C−1.5 min to +1.5 min
0°C−3 min to +1 min