DP83932C DP83932C-20 DP83932C-25 DP83932C-33 MHz SONIC(TM)
Systems-Oriented Network Interface Controller
Literature Number: SNLS074A
DP83932C-20/25/33 MHz SONIC Systems-Oriented Network Interface Controller
July 1995
DP83932C-20/25/33 MHz SONICTM
Systems-Oriented Network Interface Controller
General Description
The SONIC (Systems-Oriented Network Interface Control-
ler) is a second-generation Ethernet Controller designed to
meet the demands of today’s high-speed 32- and 16-bit sys-
tems. Its system interface operates with a high speed DMA
that typically consumes less than 3% of the bus bandwidth
(25 MHz bus clock). Selectable bus modes provide both big
and little endian byte ordering and a clean interface to stan-
dard microprocessors. The linked-list buffer management
system of SONIC offers maximum flexibility in a variety of
environments from PC-oriented adapters to high-speed
motherboard designs. Furthermore, the SONIC integrates a
fully-compatible IEEE 802.3 Encoder/Decoder (ENDEC) al-
lowing for a simple 2-chip solution for Ethernet when the
SONIC is paired with the DP8392 Coaxial Transceiver Inter-
face or a 10BASE-T transceiver.
For increased performance, the SONIC implements a
unique buffer management scheme to efficiently process,
receive and transmit packets in system memory. No inter-
mediate packet copy is necessary. The receive buffer man-
agement uses three areas in memory for (1) allocating addi-
tional resources, (2) indicating status information, and (3)
buffering packet data. During reception, the SONIC stores
packets in the buffer area, then indicates receive status and
control information in the descriptor area. The system allo-
cates more memory resources to the SONIC by adding de-
scriptors to the memory resource area. The transmit buffer
management uses two areas in memory: one for indicating
status and control information and the other for fetching
packet data. The system can create a transmit queue allow-
ing multiple packets to be transmitted from a single transmit
command. The packet data can reside on any arbitrary byte
boundary and can exist in several non-contiguous locations.
Y32-bit non-multiplexed address and data bus
YHigh-speed, interruptible DMA
YLinked-list buffer management maximizes flexibility
YTwo independent 32-byte transmit and receive FIFOs
YBus compatibility for all standard microprocessors
YSupports big and little endian formats
YIntegrated IEEE 802.3 ENDEC
YComplete address filtering for up to 16 physical and/or
multicast addresses
Y32-bit general-purpose timer
YFull-duplex loopback diagnostics
YFabricated in low-power CMOS
Y132 PQFP package
YFull network management facilities support the 802.3
layer management standard
YIntegrated support for bridge and repeater applications
System Diagram
TRI-STATEÉis a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
SONICTM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M105/Printed in U. S. A.
Table of Contents
1.1 IEEE 802.3 ENDEC Unit
1.1.1 ENDEC Operation
1.1.2 Selecting an External ENDEC
1.2 MAC Unit
1.2.1 MAC Receive Section
1.2.2 MAC Transmit Section
1.3 Data Width and Byte Ordering
1.4 FIFO and Control Logic
1.4.1 Receive FIFO
1.4.2 Transmit FIFO
1.5 Status and Configuration Registers
1.6 Bus Interface
1.7 Loopback and Diagnostics
1.7.1 Loopback Procedure
1.8 Network Management Functions
2.1 Preamble and Start Of Frame Delimiter (SFD)
2.2 Destination Address
2.3 Source Address
2.4 Length/Type Field
2.5 Data Field
2.6 FCS Field
2.7 MAC (Media Access Control) Conformance
3.1 Buffer Management Overview
3.2 Descriptor Areas
3.2.1 Naming Convention for Descriptors
3.2.2 Abbreviations
3.2.3 Buffer Management Base Addresses
3.3 Descriptor Data Alignment
3.4 Receive Buffer Management
3.4.1 Receive Resource Area (RRA)
3.4.2 Receive Buffer Area (RBA)
3.4.3 Receive Descriptor Area (RDA)
3.4.4 Receive Buffer Management Initialization
3.4.5 Beginning of Reception
3.4.6 End of Packet Processing
3.4.7 Overflow Conditions
3.5 Transmit Buffer Management
3.5.1 Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA)
3.5.2 Transmit Buffer Area (TBA)
3.5.3 Preparing to Transmit
3.5.4 Dynamically Adding TDA Descriptors
4.1 The CAM Unit
4.1.1 The Load CAM Command
4.2 Status/Control Registers
4.3 Register Description
4.3.1 Command Register
4.3.2 Data Configuration Register
4.3.3 Receive Control Register
4.3.4 Transmit Control Register
4.3.5 Interrupt Mask Register
4.3.6 Interrupt Status Register
4.3.7 Data Configuration Register 2
4.3.8 Transmit Registers
4.3.9 Receive Registers
4.3.10 CAM Registers
4.3.11 Tally Counters
4.3.12 General Purpose Timer
4.3.13 Silicon Revision Register
5.1 Pin Configurations
5.2 Pin Description
5.3 System Configuration
5.4 Bus Operations
5.4.1 Acquiring the Bus
5.4.2 Block Transfers
5.4.3 Bus Status
5.4.4 Bus Mode Compatibility
5.4.5 Master Mode Bus Cycles
5.4.6 Bus Exceptions (Bus Retry)
5.4.7 Slave Mode Bus Cycle
5.4.8 On-Chip Memory Arbiter
5.4.9 Chip Reset
6.1 Manchester Encoder and Differential Driver
6.1.1 Manchester Decoder
6.1.2 Collision Translator
6.1.3 Oscillator Inputs
6.1.4 Power Supply Considerations
1.0 Functional Description
(Figure 1-1 )
consists of an encoder/decoder
(ENDEC) unit, media access control (MAC) unit, separate
receive and transmit FIFOs, a system buffer management
engine, and a user programmable system bus interface unit
on a single chip. SONIC is highly pipelined providing maxi-
mum system level performance. This section provides a
functional overview of SONIC.
The ENDEC (Encoder/Decoder) unit is the interface be-
tween the Ethernet transceiver and the MAC unit. It pro-
vides the Manchester data encoding and decoding func-
tions for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet/Thin-Ethernet type local area
networks. The ENDEC operations of SONIC are identical to
the DP83910A CMOS Serial Network Interface device. Dur-
ing transmission, the ENDEC unit combines non-return-zero
(NRZ) data from the MAC section and clock pulses into
Manchester data and sends the converted data differentially
to the transceiver. Conversely, during reception, an analog
PLL decodes the Manchester data to NRZ format and re-
ceive clock. The ENDEC unit is a functionally complete
Manchester encoder/decoder incorporating a balanced
driver and receiver, on-board crystal oscillator, collision sig-
nal translator, and a diagnostic loopback. The features in-
#Compatible with Ethernet I and II, IEEE 802.3 10base5
and 10base2
#10Mb/s Manchester encoding/decoding with receive
clock recovery
#Requires no precision components
#Loopback capability for diagnostics
#Externally selectable half or full step modes of operation
at transmit output
#Squelch circuitry at the receive and collision inputs reject
#Connects to the transceiver (AUI) cable via external
pulse transformer
1.1.1 ENDEC Operation
The primary function of the ENDEC unit
(Figure 1-2 )
is to
perform the encoding and decoding necessary for compati-
bility between the differential pair Manchester encoded data
of the transceiver and the Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) serial
data of the MAC unit data line. In addition to encoding and
decoding the data stream, the ENDEC also supplies all the
necessary special signals (e.g., collision detect, carrier
sense, and clocks) to the MAC unit. The signals provided to
the MAC unit from the on-chip ENDEC are also provided as
outputs to the user.
Manchester Encoder and Differential Output Driver:
During transmission to the network, the ENDEC unit trans-
lates the NRZ serial data from the MAC unit into differential
pair Manchester encoded data on the Coaxial Transceiver
Interface (e.g., National’s DP8392) transmit pair. To perform
this operation the NRZ bit stream from the MAC unit is
passed through the Manchester encoder block of the
ENDEC unit. Once the bit stream is encoded, it is transmit-
ted out differentially to the transmit differential pair through
the transmit driver.
Manchester Decoder: During reception from the network,
the differential receive data from the transceiver (e.g., the
DP8392) is converted from Manchester encoded data into
NRZ serial data and a receive clock, which are sent to the
receive data and clock inputs of the MAC unit. To perform
this operation the signal, once received by the differential
receiver, is passed to the phase locked loop (PLL) decoder
block. The PLL decodes the data and generates a data re-
ceive clock and a NRZ serial data stream to the MAC unit.
Special Signals: In addition to performing the Manchester
encoding and decoding function, the ENDEC unit provides
control and clocking signals to the MAC unit. The ENDEC
sends a carrier sense (CRS) signal that indicates to the
MAC unit that data is present from the network on the
ENDEC’s receive differential pair. The MAC unit is also pro-
vided with a collision detection signal (COL) that informs the
MAC unit that a collision is taking place somewhere on
FIGURE 1-1. SONIC Block Diagram
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
FIGURE 1-2. Block Diagram of Ethernet ENDEC
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
the network. The ENDEC section detects this when its colli-
sion receiver detects a 10 MHz signal on the differential
collision input pair. The ENDEC also provides both the re-
ceive and transmit clocks to the MAC unit. The transmit
clock is one half of the oscillator input. The receive clock is
extracted from the input data by the PLL.
Oscillator: The oscillator generates the 10 MHz transmit
clock signal for network timing. The oscillator is controlled
by a parallel resonant crystal or by an external clock (see
Section 6.1.3). The 20 MHz output of the oscillator is divided
by 2 to generate the 10 MHz transmit clock (TXC) for the
MAC section. The oscillator provides an internal clock signal
for the encoding and decoding circuits.
Loopback Functions: The SONIC provides three loopback
modes. These modes allow loopback testing at the MAC,
ENDEC and external transceiver level (see Section 1.7 for
details). It is important to note that when the SONIC is trans-
mitting, the transmitted packet will always be looped back
by the external transceiver. The SONIC takes advantage of
this to monitor the transmitted packet. See the explanation
of the Receive State Machine in Section 1.2.1 for more in-
formation about monitoring transmitted packets.
1.1.2 Selecting An External ENDEC
An option is provided on SONIC to disable the on-chip
ENDEC unit and use an external ENDEC. The internal IEEE
802.3 ENDEC can be bypassed by connecting the EXT pin
to VCC (EXTe1). In this mode the MAC signals are redirect-
ed, allowing an external ENDEC to be used. See Section 5.2
for the alternate pin definitions.
The MAC (Media Access Control) unit performs the media
access control functions for transmitting and receiving pack-
ets over Ethernet. During transmission, the MAC unit frames
information from the transmit FIFO and supplies serialized
data to the ENDEC unit. During reception, the incoming in-
formation from the ENDEC unit is deserialized, the frame
checked for valid reception, and the data is transferred to
the receive FIFO. Control and status registers on the SONIC
govern the operation of the MAC unit.
1.2.1 MAC Receive Section
The receive section
(Figure 1-3 )
controls the MAC receive
operations during reception, loopback, and transmission.
During reception, the deserializer goes active after detecting
the one byte SFD (Start of Frame Delimiter) pattern (Section
2.1) consisting of a ‘‘10101011’’ sequence. It then frames
the incoming bits into octet boundaries and transfers the
data to the 32-byte receive FIFO. Concurrently the address
comparator compares the Destination Address Field to the
addresses stored in the chip’s CAM address registers (Con-
tent Addressable Memory cells). If a match occurs, the de-
serializer passes the remainder of the packet to the receive
FIFO. The packet is decapsulated when the carrier sense
input pin (CRS) goes inactive. At the end of reception the
receive section checks the following:
Ð Frame alignment errors
Ð CRC errors
Ð Length errors (runt packets)
The appropriate status is indicated in the Receive Control
register (Section 4.3.3). In loopback operations, the receive
section operates the same as during normal reception.
During transmission, the receive section remains active to
allow monitoring of the self-received packet. The CRC
checker operates as normal, and the Source Address field
is compared with the CAM address entries. Status of the
CRC check and the source address comparison is indicated
by the PMB bit in the Transmit Control register (Section
4.3.4). No data is written to the receive FIFO during transmit
The receive section consists of the following blocks detailed
Receive State Machine (RSM): The RSM insures the prop-
er sequencing for normal reception and self-reception dur-
ing transmission. When the network is inactive, the RSM
remains in an idle state continually monitoring for network
activity. If the network becomes active, the RSM allows the
deserializer to write data into the receive FIFO. During this
state, the following conditions may prevent the complete
reception of the packet.
Ð FIFO OverrunÐThe receive FIFO has been completely
filled before the SONIC could buffer the data to memory.
Ð CAM Address MismatchÐThe packet is rejected be-
cause of a mismatch between the destination address of
the packet and the address in the CAM.
Ð Memory Resource ErrorÐThere are no more resources
(buffers) available for buffering the incoming packets.
Ð Collision or Other ErrorÐA collision occured on the net-
work or some other error, such as a CRC error, occurred
(this is true if the SONIC has been told to reject packets
on a collision, or reject packets with errors).
If these conditions do not occur, the RSM processes the
packet indicating the appropriate status in the Receive Con-
trol register.
FIGURE 1-3. MAC Receiver
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
During transmission of a packet from the SONIC, the exter-
nal transceiver will always loop the packet back to the
SONIC. The SONIC will use this to monitor the packet as it
is being transmitted. The CRC and source address of the
looped back packet are checked with the CRC and source
address that were transmitted. If they do not match, an error
bit is set in the status of the transmitted packet (see Packet
Monitored Bad, PMB, in the Transmit Control Register, Sec-
tion 4.3.4). Data is not written to the receive FIFO during this
monitoring process unless Transceiver Loopback mode has
been selected (see Section 1.7).
Receive Logic: The receive logic contains the command,
control, and status registers that govern the operations of
the receive section. It generates the control signals for writ-
ing data to the receive FIFO, processes error signals ob-
tained from the CRC checker and the deserializer, activates
the ‘‘packet reject’’ signal to the RSM for rejecting packets,
and posts the applicable status in the Receive Control regis-
Deserializer: This section deserializes the serial input data
stream and furnishes a byte clock for the address compara-
tor and receive logic. It also synchronizes the CRC checker
to begin operation (after SFD is detected), and checks for
proper frame alignment with respect to CRS going inactive
at the end of reception.
Address Comparator: The address comparator latches the
Destination Address (during reception or loopback) or
Source Address (during transmission) and determines
whether the address matches one of the entries in the CAM
(Content Addressable Memory).
CRC Checker: The CRC checker calculates the 4-byte
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field from the incoming data
stream and compares it with the last 4-bytes of the received
packet. The CRC checker is active for both normal recep-
tion and self-reception during transmission.
Content Addressable Memory (CAM): The CAM contains
16 user programmable entries and 1 pre-programmed
Broadcast address entry for complete filtering of received
packets. The CAM can be loaded with any combination of
Physical and Multicast Addresses (Section 2.2). See Sec-
tion 4.1 for the procedure on loading the CAM registers.
1.2.2 MAC Transmit Section
The transmit section
(Figure 1-4 )
is responsible for reading
data from the transmit FIFO and transmitting a serial data
stream onto the network in conformance with the IEEE
802.3 CSMA/CD standard. The Transmit Section consists
of the following blocks.
Transmit State Machine (TSM): The TSM controls the
functions of the serializer, preamble generator, and JAM
generator. It determines the proper sequence of events that
the transmitter follows under various network conditions. If
no collision occurs, the transmitter prefixes a 7 byte pream-
ble and 1 byte Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD) consisting of a
‘‘10101011’’ sequence at the beginning of each packet,
then sends the serialized data. At the end of the packet, an
optional 4-byte CRC pattern is appended. If a collision oc-
curs, the transmitter switches from transmitting data to
sending a 4-byte Jam pattern to notify all nodes that a colli-
sion has occurred. Should the collision occur during the pre-
amble, the transmitter waits for it to complete before jam-
ming. After the transmission has completed, the transmitter
writes status in the Transmit Control register (Section 4.3.4).
Protocol State Machine: The protocol state machine as-
sures that the SONIC obeys the CSMA/CD protocol. Before
transmitting, this state machine monitors the carrier sense
and collision signals for network activity. If another node(s)
is currently transmitting, the SONIC defers until the network
is quiet, then transmits after its Interframe Gap Timer
(9.6 ms) has expired. The Interframe Gap time is divided into
two portions. During the first 6.4 ms, network activity restarts
the Interframe Gap timer. Beyond this time, however, net-
work activity is ignored and the state machine waits the re-
maining 3.2 ms before transmitting. If the SONIC experi-
ences a collision during a transmission, the SONIC switches
from transmitting data to a 4-byte JAM pattern (4 bytes of all
1’s), before ceasing to transmit. The SONIC then waits a
random number of slot times (51.2 ms) determined by the
Truncated Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm
reattempting another transmission. In this algorithm, the
number of slot times to delay before the nth retransmission
is chosen to be a random integer r in the range of:
where k emin(n,10)
If a collision occurs on the 16th transmit attempt, the SONIC
aborts transmitting the packet and reports an ‘‘Excessive
Collisions’’ error in the Transmit Control register.
FIGURE 1-4. MAC Transmitter
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
Serializer: After data has been written into the 32-byte
transmit FIFO, the serializer reads byte wide data from the
FIFO and sends a NRZ data stream to the Manchester en-
coder. The rate at which data is transmitted is determined
by the transmit clock (TXC). The serialized data is transmit-
ted after the SFD.
Preamble Generator: The preamble generator prefixes a 7
byte alternating ‘‘1,0’’ pattern and a 1 byte ‘‘10101011’’
SFD pattern at the beginning of each packet. This allows
receiving nodes to synchronize to the incoming data. The
preamble is always transmitted in its entirety even in the
event of a collision. This assures that the minimum collision
fragment is 96 bits (64 bits of normal preamble, and 4 bytes,
or rather 32 bits, of the JAM pattern).
CRC Generator: The CRC generator calculates the 4-byte
FCS field from the transmitted serial data stream. If en-
abled, the 4-byte FCS field is appended to the end of the
transmitted packet (Section 2.6).
For bridging or switched ethernet applications the CRC
Generator can be inhibited by setting bit 13 in the Transmit
Control Register (Section 4.3.4). This feature is used when
an ethernet segment has already received a packet with a
CRC appended and needs to forward it to another ethernet
Jam Generator: The Jam generator produces a 4-byte pat-
tern of all 1’s to assure that all nodes on the network sense
the collision. When a collision occurs, the SONIC stops
transmitting data and enables the Jam generator. If a colli-
sion occurs during the preamble, the SONIC finishes trans-
mitting the preamble before enabling the Jam generator
(see Preamble Generator above).
The SONIC can be programmed to operate with either
32-bit or 16-bit wide memory. The data width is configured
during initialization by programming the DW bit in the Data
Configuration Register (DCR, Section 4.3.2). If the 16-bit
data path is selected, data is driven on pins D15 D0. The
SONIC also provides both Little Endian and Big Endian
byte-ordering capability for compatibility with National/Intel
or Motorola microprocessors respectively by selecting the
proper level on the BMODE pin. The byte ordering is depict-
ed below.
Little Endian mode (National/Intel, BMODE e0): The
byte orientation for received and transmitted data in the Re-
ceive Buffer Area (RBA) and Transmit Buffer Area (TBA) of
system memory is as follows:
16-Bit Word
15 8 7 0
Byte 1 Byte 0
32-Bit Long Word
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
Big Endian mode (Motorola, BMODE e1): The byte ori-
entation for received and transmitted data in the RBA and
TBA is as follows:
16-Bit Word
15 8 7 0
Byte 0 Byte 1
32-Bit Long Word
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
FIGURE 1-5. Receive FIFO
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The SONIC incorporates two independent 32-byte FIFOs
for transferring data to/from the system interface and from/
to the network. The FIFOs, providing temporary storage of
data, free the host system from the real-time demands on
the network.
The way in which the FIFOS are emptied and filled is con-
trolled by the FIFO threshold values and the Block Mode
Select bits (BMS, Section 4.3.2). The threshold values de-
termine how full or empty the FIFOs can be before the
SONIC will request the bus to get more data from memory
or buffer more data to memory. When block mode is set, the
number of bytes transferred is set by the threshold value.
For example, if the threshold for the receive FIFO is 4
words, then the SONIC will always transfer 4 words from the
receive FIFO to memory. If empty/fill mode is set, however,
the number of bytes transferred is the number required to fill
the transmit FIFO or empty the receive FIFO. More specific
information about how the threshold affects reception and
transmission of packets is discussed in Sections 1.4.1 and
1.4.2 below.
1.4.1 Receive FIFO
To accommodate the different transfer rates, the receive
(Figure 1-5 )
serves as a buffer between the 8-bit net-
work (deserializer) interface and the 16/32-bit system inter-
face. The FIFO is arranged as a 4-byte wide by 8 deep
memory array (8 long words, or 32 bytes) controlled by
three sections of logic. During reception, the Byte Ordering
logic directs the byte stream from the deserializer into the
FIFO using one of four write pointers. Depending on the
selected byte-ordering mode, data is written either least sig-
nificant byte first or most significant byte first to accommo-
date little or big endian byte-ordering formats respectively.
As data enters the FIFO, the Threshold Logic monitors the
number of bytes written in from the deserializer. The pro-
grammable threshold (RFT1,0 in the Data Configuration
Register) determines the number of words (or long words)
written into the FIFO from the MAC unit before a DMA re-
quest for system memory occurs. When the threshold is
reached, the Threshold Logic enables the Buffer Manage-
ment Engine to read a programmed number of 16- or 32-bit
words (depending upon the selected data width) from the
FIFO and transfers them to the system interface (the sys-
tem memory) using DMA. The threshold is reached when
the number of bytes in the receive FIFO is greater than the
value of the threshold. For example, if the threshold is 4
words (8 bytes), then the Threshold Logic will not cause the
Buffer Management Engine to write to memory until there
are more than 8 bytes in the FIFO.
The Buffer Management Engine reads either the upper or
lower half (16 bits) of the FIFO in 16-bit mode or reads the
complete long word (32 bits) in 32-bit mode. If, after the
transfer is complete, the number of bytes in the FIFO is less
then the threshold, then the SONIC is done. This is always
the case when the SONIC is in empty/fill mode. If, however,
for some reason (e.g. latency on the bus) the number of
bytes in the FIFO is still greater than the threshold value,
the Threshold Logic will cause the Buffer Management En-
gine to do a DMA request to write to memory again. This
later case is usually only possible when the SONIC is in
block mode.
When in block mode, each time the SONIC requests the
bus, only a number of bytes equal to the threshold value will
be transferred. The Threshold Logic continues to monitor
the number of bytes written in from the deserializer and en-
ables the Buffer Management Engine every time the thresh-
old has been reached. This process continues until the end
of the packet.
Once the end of the packet has been reached, the serializer
will fill out the last word (16-bit mode) or long word (32-bit
mode) if the last byte did not end on a word or long word
boundary respectively. The fill byte will be 0FFh. Immediate-
ly after the last byte (or fill byte) in the FIFO, the received
packets status will be written into the FIFO. The entire pack-
et, including any fill bytes and the received packet status will
be buffered to memory. When a packet is buffered to mem-
ory by the Buffer Management Engine, it is always taken
from the FIFO in words or long words and buffered to mem-
ory on word (16-bit mode) or long word (32-bit mode)
boundaries. Data from a packet cannot be buffered on odd
byte boundaries for 16-bit mode, and odd word boundaries
for 32-bit mode (see Section 3.3). For more information on
the receive packet buffering process, see Section 3.4.
1.4.2 Transmit FIFO
Similar to the Receive FIFO, the Transmit FIFO
(Figure 1-6 )
serves as a buffer between the 16/32-bit system interface
and the network (serializer) interface. The Transmit FIFO is
also arranged as a 4 byte by 8 deep memory array (8 long
words or 32 bytes) controlled by three sections of logic.
Before transmission can begin, the Buffer Management En-
gine fetches a programmed number of 16- or 32-bit words
from memory and transfers them to the FIFO. The Buffer
Management Engine writes either the upper or lower half
(16 bits) into the FIFO for 16-bit mode or writes the com-
plete long word (32 bits) during 32-bit mode.
The Threshold logic monitors the number of bytes as they
are written into the FIFO. When the threshold has been
reached, the Transmit Byte Ordering state machine begins
reading bytes from the FIFO to produce a continuous byte
stream for the serializer. The threshold is met when the
number of bytes in the FIFO is greater than the value of the
threshold. For example, if the transmit threshold is 4 words
(8 bytes), the Transmit Byte Ordering state machine will not
begin reading bytes from the FIFO until there are 9 or more
bytes in the buffer. The Buffer Management Engine contin-
ues replenishing the FIFO until the end of the packet. It
does this by making multiple DMA requests to the system
interface. Whenever the number of bytes in the FIFO is
equal to or less than the threshold value, the Buffer Man-
agement Engine will do a DMA request. If block mode is set,
then after each request has been granted by the system,
the Buffer Management Engine will transfer a number of
bytes equal to the threshold value into the FIFO. If empty/fill
mode is set, the FIFO will be completely filled in one DMA
Since data may be organized in big or little endian byte or-
dering format, the Transmit Byte Ordering state machine
uses one of four read pointers to locate the proper byte
within the 4 byte wide FIFO. It also determines the valid
number of bytes in the FIFO. For packets which begin or
end at odd bytes in the FIFO, the Buffer Management En-
gine writes extraneous bytes into the FIFO. The Transmit
Byte Ordering state machine detects these bytes and only
transfers the valid bytes to the serializer. The Buffer Man-
agement Engine can read data from memory on any byte
boundary (see Section 3.3). See Section 3.5 for more infor-
mation on transmit buffering.
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
FIGURE 1-6. Transmit FIFO
The SONIC contains a set of status/control registers for
conveying status and control information to/from the host
system. The SONIC uses these registers for loading com-
mands generated from the system, indicating transmit and
receive status, buffering data to/from memory, and provid-
ing interrupt control. Each register is 16 bits in length. See
Section 4.0 for a description of the registers.
The system interface
(Figure 1-7 )
consists of the pins nec-
essary for interfacing to a variety of buses. It includes the
I/O drivers for the data and address lines, bus access con-
trol for standard microprocessors, ready logic for synchro-
nous or asynchronous systems, slave access control, inter-
rupt control, and shared-memory access control. The func-
tional signal groups are shown in
Figure 1-7
. See Section
5.0 for a complete description of the SONIC bus interface.
The SONIC furnishes three loopback modes for self-testing
from the controller interface to the transceiver interface.
The loopback function is provided to allow self-testing of the
chip’s internal transmit and receive operations. During loop-
back, transmitted packets are routed back to the receive
section of the SONIC where they are filtered by the address
recognition logic and buffered to memory if accepted.
Transmit and receive status and interrupts remain active
during loopback. This means that when using loopback, it is
as if the packet was transmitted and received by two sepa-
rate chips that are connected to the same bus and memory.
MAC Loopback: Transmitted data is looped back at the
MAC. Data is not sent from the MAC to either the internal
ENDEC or an external ENDEC (the external ENDEC inter-
face pins will not be driven), hence, data is not transmitted
from the chip. Even though the ENDEC is not used in MAC
loopback, the ENDEC clock (an oscillator or crystal for the
internal ENDEC or TXC for an external ENDEC) must be
driven. Network activity, such as a collision, does not affect
MAC loopback. CSMA/CD MAC protocol is not completely
followed in MAC loopback.
ENDEC Loopback: Transmitted data is looped back at the
ENDEC. If the internal ENDEC is used, data is switched
from the transmit section of the ENDEC to the receive sec-
tion (
Figure 1-2
). Data is not transmitted from the chip and
the collision lines, CDg, are ignored, hence, network activi-
ty does not affect ENDEC loopback. The LBK signal from
the MAC tells the internal ENDEC to go into loopback mode.
If an external ENDEC is used, it should operate in loopback
mode when the LBK signal is asserted. CSMA/CD MAC
protocol is followed even though data is not transmitted
from the chip.
Transceiver Loopback: Transmitted data is looped back at
the external transceiver (which is always the case regard-
less of the SONIC’s loopback mode). CSMA/CD MAC pro-
tocol is followed since data will be transmitted from the chip.
This means that transceiver loopback is affected by network
activity. In normal operations, the SONIC only monitors the
packet that is looped back by the transceiver, but does not
fill the receive FIFO and buffer the packet.
1.7.1 Loopback Procedure
The following procedure describes the loopback operation.
1. Initialize the Transmit and Receive Area as described in
Sections 3.4 and 3.5.
2. Load one of the CAM address registers (see Section 4.1),
with the Destination Address of the packet if you are veri-
fying the SONIC’s address recognition capability.
3. Load one of the CAM address registers with the Source
Address of the packet if it is different than the Destination
Address to avoid getting a Packet Monitored Bad (PMB)
error in the Transmit status (see Section 4.3.4).
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
4. Program the Receive Control register with the desired re-
ceive filter and the loopback mode (LB1, LB0).
5. Issue the transmit command (TXP) and enable the receiv-
er (RXEN) in the Command register.
The SONIC completes the loopback operation after the
packet has been completely received (or rejected if there is
an address mismatch). The Transmit Control and Receive
Control registers treat the loopback packet as in normal op-
eration and indicate status accordingly. Interrupts are also
generated if enabled in the Interrupt Mask register.
Note: For MAC Loopback, only one packet may be queued for proper oper-
ation. This restriction occurs because the transmit MAC section,
which does not generate an Interframe Gap time (IFG) between
transmitted packets, does not allow the receive MAC section to up-
date receive status. There are no restrictions for the other loopback
The SONIC fully supports the Layer Management IEEE
802.3 standard to allow a node to monitor the overall per-
formance of the network. These statistics are available on a
per packet basis at the end of reception or transmission. In
addition, the SONIC provides three tally counters to tabulate
CRC errors, Frame Alignment errors, and missed packets.
Table 1-1 shows the statistics indicated by the SONIC.
*Note: DSACK0,1 are used for both Bus and Slave Access Control and are bidirectional. SMACK is used for both Slave access and shared memory access. The
BMODE pin selects between National/Intel or Motorola type buses.
FIGURE 1-7. SONIC Bus Interface Signals
1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TABLE 1-1. Network Management Statistics
Statistic Register Used Bits Used
Frames Transmitted OK TCR (Note) PTX
Single Collision Frames (Note) NC0 NC4
Multiple Collision Frames (Note) NC0 NC4
Collision Frames (Note) NC0 NC4
Frames with Deferred Transmissions TCR (Note) DEF
Late Collisions TCR (Note) OWC
Excessive Collisions TCR (Note) EXC
Excessive Deferral TCR (Note) EXD
Internal MAC Transmit Error TCR (Note) BCM, FU
Frames Received OK RCR (Note) PRX
Multicast Frames Received OK RCR (Note) MC
Broadcast Frames Received OK RCR (Note) BC
Frame Check Sequence Errors CRCT All
Alignment Errors FAET All
Frame Lost Due to Internal MAC Receive Error MPT All
Note: The number of collisions and the contents of the Transmit Control register are posted in the TXpkt.status field (see
Section The contents of the Receive Control register are posted in the RXpkt.status field (see Section 3.4.3).
2.0 Transmit/Receive IEEE 802.3 Frame Format
A standard IEEE 802.3 packet
(Figure 2-1 )
consists of the
following fields: preamble, Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD),
destination address, source address, length, data and
Frame Check Sequence (FCS). The typical format is shown
Figure 2-1
. The packets are Manchester encoded and
decoded by the ENDEC unit and transferred serially to/from
the MAC unit using NRZ data with a clock. All fields are of
fixed length except for the data field. The SONIC generates
and appends the preamble, SFD and FCS field during trans-
mission. The Preamble and SFD fields are stripped during
reception. (The CRC is passed through to buffer memory
during reception.)
The Manchester encoded alternating 1,0 preamble field is
used by the ENDEC to acquire bit synchronization with an
incoming packet. When transmitted, each packet contains
62 bits of an alternating 1,0 preamble. Some of this pream-
ble may be lost as the packet travels through the network.
Byte alignment is performed when the Start of Frame Delim-
iter (SFD) pattern, consisting of two consecutive 1’s, is de-
The destination address indicates the destination of the
packet on the network and is used to filter unwanted pack-
Note: Bebytes
bebits TL/F/104929
FIGURE 2-1. IEEE 802.3 Packet Structure
2.0 Transmit/Receive IEEE 802.3 Frame Format (Continued)
ets from reaching a node. There are three types of address
formats supported by the SONIC: Physical, Multicast, and
Physical Address: The physical address is a unique ad-
dress that corresponds only to a single node. All physical
addresses have the LSB of the first byte of the address set
to ‘‘0’’. These addresses are compared to the internally
stored CAM (Content Addressable Memory) address en-
tries. All bits in the destination address must match an entry
in the CAM in order for the SONIC to accept the packet.
Multicast Address: Multicast addresses, which have the
LSB of the first byte of the address set to ‘‘1’’, are treated
similarly as Physical addresses, i.e., they must match an
entry in the CAM. This allows perfect filtering of Multicast
packets and eliminates the need for a hashing algorithm for
mapping Multicast packets.
Broadcast Address: If the address consists of all 1’s, it is a
Broadcast address, indicating that the packet is intended for
all nodes.
The SONIC also provides a promiscuous mode which al-
lows reception of all physical address packets. Physical,
Multicast, Broadcast, and promiscuous address modes can
be selected via the Receive Control register.
The source address is the physical address of the sending
node. Source addresses cannot be multicast or broadcast
addresses. This field must be passed to the SONIC’s trans-
mit buffer from the system software. During transmission,
the SONIC compares the Source address with its internal
CAM address entries before monitoring the CRC of the self-
received packet. If the source address of the packet trans-
mitted does not match a value in the CAM, the packet moni-
tored bad flag (PMB) will be set in the transmit status field of
the transmit descriptor (see Sections and 4.3.4). The
SONIC does not provide Source Address insertion. Howev-
er, a transmit descriptor fragment, containing only the
Source Address, may be created for each packet. (See Sec-
tion 3.5.1.)
For IEEE 802.3 type packets, this field indicates the number
of bytes that are contained in the data field of the packet.
For Ethernet I and II networks, this field indicates the type of
packet. The SONIC does not operate on this field.
The data field has a variable octet length ranging from 46 to
1500 bytes as defined by the Ethernet specification. Mes-
sages longer than 1500 bytes need to be broken into multi-
ple packets for IEEE 802.3 networks. Data fields shorter
than 46 bytes require appending a pad to bring the com-
plete frame length to 64 bytes. If the data field is padded,
the number of valid bytes are indicated in the length field.
The SONIC does not append pad bytes for short packets
during transmission, nor check for oversize packets during
reception. However, the user’s driver software can easily
append the pad by lengthening the TXpkt.pktÐsize field
and TXpkt.fragÐsize field(s) to at least 64 bytes (see Sec-
tion 3.5.1). While the Ethernet specification defines the
maximum number of bytes in the data field the SONIC can
transmit and receive packets up to 64k bytes in length.
The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) is a 32-bit CRC field
calculated and appended to a packet during transmission to
allow detection of error-free packets. During reception, an
error-free packet results in a specific pattern in the CRC
generator. The AUTODIN II (X32 aX26 aX23 aX22 a
X16 aX12 aX11 aX10 aX8aX7aX5aX4aX2a
X1a1) polynomial is used for the CRC calculations. The
SONIC may optionally append the CRC sequence during
transmission, and checks the CRC both during normal re-
ception and self-reception during a transmission (see Sec-
tion 1.2.1).
The SONIC is designed to be compliant to the IEEE 802.3
MAC Conformance specification. The SONIC implements
most MAC functions in silicon and provides hooks for the
user software to handle the remaining functions. The MAC
Conformance specifications are summarized in Table 2-1.
TABLE 2-1. MAC Conformance Specifications
Test Name
Support By
SONIC User Driver Notes
Minimum Frame Size X
Maximum Frame Size X X 1
Address Generation X X 2
Address Recognition X
Pad Length Generation X X 3
Start Of Frame Delimiter X
Length Field X
Preamble Generation X
Order of Bit Transmission X
Inconsistent Frame Length X X 1
Non-Integral Octet Count X
Incorrect Frame Check X
Frame Assembly X
FCS Generation and Insertion X
Carrier Deference X
Interframe Spacing X
Collision Detection X
Collision Handling X
Collision Backoff and X
FCS Validation X
Frame Disassembly X
Back-to-Back Frames X
Flow Control X
Attempt Limit X
Jam Size (after SFD) X
Jam Size (in Preamble) X
Note 1: The SONIC provides the byte count of the entire packet in the
RXpkt.byteÐcount (see Section 3.4.3). The user’s driver software may per-
form further filtering of the packet based upon the byte count.
Note 2: The SONIC does not provide Source Address insertion; however, a
transmit descriptor fragment, containing only the Source Address, may be
created for each packet. See Section 3.5.1.
Note 3: The SONIC does not provide Pad generation; however, the user’s
driver software can easily append the Pad by lengthening the TXpkt.pktÐ
size field and TXpkt.fragÐsize field(s) to at least 64 bytes. See Section
3.0 Buffer Management
The SONIC’s buffer management scheme is based on sep-
arate buffers and descriptors (
Figures 3-2
). Pack-
ets that are received or transmitted are placed in buffers
called the Receive Buffer Area (RBA) and the Transmit Buff-
er Area (TBA). The system keeps track of packets in these
buffers using the information in the Receive Descriptor Area
(RDA) and the Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA). A single
(TDA) points to a single TBA, but multiple RDAs can point to
a single RBA (one RDA per packet in the buffer). The Re-
ceive Resource Area (RRA), which is another form of de-
scriptor, is used to keep track of the actual buffer.
When packets are transmitted, the system sets up the pack-
ets in one or more TBAs with a TDA pointing to each TBA.
There can only be one packet per TBA/TDA pair. A single
TBA, however, may be made up of several fragments of
data dispersed in memory. There is one TDA pointing to
each TBA which specifies information about the buffer’s
size, location in memory, number of fragments and status
after transmission. The TDAs are linked together in a linked
list. The system causes the SONIC to transmit the packets
by passing the first TDA to the SONIC and issuing the trans-
mit command.
Before a packet can be received, an RDA and RBA must be
set up by the system. RDA’s are made up as a linked list
similar to TDAs. An RDA is not linked to a particular RBA,
though. Instead, an RDA is linked specifically to a packet
after it has been buffered into an RBA. More than one pack-
et can be buffered into the same RBA, but each packet gets
its own RDA. A received packet can not be scattered into
fragments. The system only needs to tell the SONIC where
the first RDA and where the RBAs are. Since an RDA never
specifically points to an RBA, the RRA is used to keep track
of the RBAs. The RRA is a circular queue of pointers and
buffer sizes (not a linked list). When the SONIC receives a
packet, it is buffered into a RBA with a corresponding and
unique RDA that is written to so that it points to and de-
scribes the new packet. If the RBA does not have enough
space to buffer the next packet, a new RBA is obtained from
the RRA.
Descriptors are the basis of the buffer management scheme
used by the SONIC. A RDA points to a received packet
within a RBA, RRA points to a RBA and a TDA points to a
TBA which contains a packet to be transmitted. The con-
ventions and registers used to describe these descriptors
are discussed in the next three sections.
3.2.1 Naming Convention for Descriptors
The fields which make up the descriptors are named in a
consistent manner to assist in remembering the usage of
each descriptor. Each descriptor name consists of three
components in the following format.
[RX/TX][descriptor name].[field]
The first two capital letters indicate whether the descriptor is
used for transmission (TX) or reception (RX), and is then
followed by the descriptor name having one of two names.
rsrc eResource descriptor
pkt ePacket descriptor
The last component consists of a field name to distinguish it
from the other fields of a descriptor. The field name is sepa-
rated from the descriptor name by a period (‘‘.’’). An exam-
ple of a descriptor is shown below.
3.2.2 Abbreviations
The abbreviations in Table 3.1 are used to describe the
SONIC registers and data structures in memory. The ‘‘0’’
and ‘‘1’’ in the abbreviations indicate the least and most
significant portions of the registers or descriptors. Table 3-1
lists the naming convention abbreviations for descriptors.
3.2.3 Buffer Management Base Addresses
The SONIC uses three areas in memory to store descriptor
information: the Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA), Receive
Descriptor Area (RDA), and the Receive Resource Area
(RRA). The SONIC accesses these areas by concatenating
a 16-bit base address register with a 16-bit offset register.
The base address register supplies a fixed upper 16 bits of
address and the offset registers provide the lower 16 bits of
address. The base address registers are the Upper Trans-
mit Descriptor Address (UTDA), Upper Receive Descriptor
Address (URDA), and the Upper Receive Resource Address
(URRA) registers. The corresponding offset registers are
shown below.
Upper Address Registers Offset Registers
See Table 3-1 for definition of register mnemonics.
Figure 3-1
shows an example of the Transmit Descriptor
Area and the Receive Descriptor Area being located by the
UTDA and URDA registers. The descriptor areas, RDA,
TDA, and RRA are allowed to have the same base address.
i.e., URRAeURDAeUTDA. Care, however, must be taken
to prevent these areas from overwriting each other.
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
TABLE 3-1. Descriptor Abbreviations
RRA Receive Resource Area
RDA Receive Descriptor Area
RBA Receive Buffer Area
TDA Transmit Descriptor Area
TBA Transmit Buffer Area
RSA Resource Start Area Register
REA Resource End Area Register
RRP Resource Read Pointer Register
RWP Resource Write Pointer Register
CRDA Current Receive Descriptor
Address Register
CRBA0,1 Current Receive Buffer Address
TCBA0,1 Temporary Current Buffer Address
RBWC0,1 Remaining Buffer Word Count
TRBWC0,1 Temporary Remaining Buffer Word
Count Register
EOBC End of Buffer Count Register
TPS Transmit Packet Size Register
TSA0,1 Transmit Start Address Register
CTDA Current Transmit Descriptor
Address Register
TFC Transmit Fragment Count Register
TFS Transmit Fragment Size Register
UTDA Upper Transmit Descriptor
Address Register
URRA Upper Receive Resource Address
URDA Upper Receive Descriptor Address
RXrsrc.buffÐptr0,1 Buffer Pointer Field in the RRA
RXrsrc.buffÐwc0,1 Buffer Word Count Fields in the
RXpkt.status Receive Status Field in the RDA
RXpkt.byteÐcount Packet Byte Count Field in the
RXpkt.buffÐptr0,1 Buffer Pointer Fields in the RDA
RXpkt.link Receive Descriptor Link Field in
RXpkt.inÐuse ‘‘In Use’’ Field in RDA
TXpkt.fragÐcount Fragment Count Field in TDA
TXpkt.pktÐsize Packet Size Field in TDA
TXpkt.pktÐptr0,1 Packet Pointer Fields in TDA
TXpkt.fragÐsize Fragment Size Field in TDA
TXpkt.link Transmit Descriptor Link Field in
FIGURE 3-1. Transmit and Receive Descriptor Pointers
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
All fields used by descriptors (RXpkt.xxx, RXrsrc.xxx, and
TXpkt.xxx) are word quantities (16-bit) and must be aligned
to word boundaries (A0e0) for 16-bit memory and to long
word boundaries (A1,A0e0,0) for 32-bit memory. The Re-
ceive Buffer Area (RBA) must also be aligned to a word
boundary in 16-bit mode and a long word boundary in 32-bit
mode. The fragments in the Transmit Buffer Area (TBA),
however, may be aligned on any arbitrary byte boundary.
The Receive Buffer Management operates on three areas in
memory into which data, status, and control information are
written during reception
(Figure 3-2 )
. These three areas
must be initialized (Section 3.4.4) before enabling the re-
ceiver (setting the RXEN bit in the Command register). The
receive resource area (RRA) contains descriptors that lo-
cate receive buffer areas in system memory. These descrip-
tors are denoted by R1, R2, etc. in
Figure 3-2
. Packets (de-
noted by P1, P2, etc.) can then be buffered into the corre-
sponding RBAs. Depending on the size of each buffer area
and the size of the packet(s), multiple or single packets are
buffered into each RBA. The receive descriptor area (RDA)
contains status and control information for each packet (D1,
D2, etc. in
Figure 3-2
) corresponding to each received
packet (D1 goes with P1, D2 with P2, etc.).
When a packet arrives, the address recognition logic checks
the address for a Physical, Multicast, or Broadcast match
and if the packet is accepted, the SONIC buffers the packet
contiguously into the selected Receive Buffer Area (RBA).
Because of the previous end-of-packet processing, the
SONIC assures that the complete packet is written into a
single contiguous block. When the packet ends, the SONIC
writes the receive status, byte count, and location of the
packet into the Receive Descriptor Area (RDA). The SONIC
then updates its pointers to locate the next available de-
scriptor and checks the remaining words available in the
RBA. If sufficient space remains, the SONIC buffers the
next packet immediately after the previous packet. If the
current buffer is out of space the SONIC fetches a Re-
source descriptor from the Receive Resource Area (RRA)
acquiring an additional buffer that has been previously allo-
cated by the system.
3.4.1 Receive Resource Area (RRA)
As buffer memory is consumed by the SONIC for storing
data, the Receive Resource Area (RRA) provides a mecha-
nism that allows the system to allocate additional buffer
space for the SONIC. The system loads this area with re-
source descriptors that the SONIC, in turn, reads as its cur-
rent buffer space is used up. Each resource descriptor con-
sists of a 32-bit buffer pointer locating the starting point of
the RBA and a 32-bit Word Count that indicates the size of
the buffer in words (2 bytes per word). The buffer pointer
and word count are contiguously located using the format
shown in
Figure 3-3
with each component composed of
16-bit fields. The SONIC stores this information internally
and concatenates the corresponding fields to create 32-bit
long words for the buffer pointer and word count. Note that
in 32-bit mode the upper word (Dk31:16l) is not used by
the SONIC. This area may be used for other purposes since
the SONIC never writes into the RRA.
The SONIC organizes the RRA as a circular queue for effi-
cient processing of descriptors. Four registers define the
RRA. The first two, the Resource Start Area (RSA) and the
Resource End Area (REA) registers, determine the starting
and ending locations of the RRA, and the other two regis-
ters update the RRA. The system adds descriptors at the
address specified by the Resource Write Pointer (RWP),
and the SONIC reads the next descriptor designated by the
Resource Read Pointer (RRP). The RRP is advanced 4
words in 16-bit mode (4 long words in 32-bit mode) after the
SONIC finishes reading the RRA and automatically wraps
around to the beginning of the RRA once the end has been
reached. When a descriptor in the RRA is read, the
RXrsc.buffÐpt0,1 is loaded into the CRBA0,1 registers and
the RXrsc.buffÐwc0,1 is loaded into the RBWC0,1 regis-
The alignment of the RRA is confined to either word or long
word boundaries, depending upon the data width mode. In
16-bit mode, the RRA must be aligned to a word boundary
(A0 is always zero) and in 32-bit mode, the RRA is aligned
to a long word boundary (A0 and A1 are always zero).
FIGURE 3-2. Overview of Receive Buffer Management
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
3.4.2 Receive Buffer Area (RBA)
The SONIC stores the actual data of a received packet in
the RBA. The RBAs are designated by the resource descrip-
tors in the RRA as described above. The RXrsrc.buffÐ
wc0,1 fields of the RRA indicate the length of the RBA.
When the SONIC gets a RBA from the RRA, the
RXrsrc.buffÐwc0,1 values are loaded into the Remaining
Buffer Word Count registers (RBWC0,1). These registers
keep track of how much space (in words) is left in the buffer.
When a packet is buffered in a RBA, it is buffered contigu-
ously (the SONIC will not scatter a packet into multiple buff-
ers or fragments). Therefore, if there is not enough space
left in a RBA after buffering a packet to buffer at least one
more maximum sized packet (the maximum legal sized
packet expected to be received from the network), a new
buffer must be acquired. The End of Buffer Count (EOBC)
register is used to tell the SONIC the maximum packet size
that the SONIC will need to buffer. End of Buffer Count (EOBC)
The EOBC is a boundary in the RBA based from the bottom
of the buffer. The value written into the EOBC is the maxi-
mum expected size (in words) of the network packet that
the SONIC will have to buffer. This word count creates a line
in the RBA that, when crossed, causes the SONIC to fetch a
new RBA resource from the RRA.
Note: The EOBC is a word count, not a byte count. Also, the value pro-
grammed into EOBC must be a double word (32-bit) quantity when
the SONIC is in 32-bit mode (e.g. in 32-bit mode, EOBC should be set
to 758 words, not 759 words even though the maximum size of an
IEEE 802.3 packet is 759 words). Buffering the Last Packet in an RBA
At the start of reception, the SONIC stores the packet be-
ginning at the Current Receive Buffer Address (CRBA0,1)
and continues until the reception is complete. Concurrent
with reception, the SONIC decrements the Remaining Buff-
er Word Count (RBWC0,1) by one in 16-bit mode or by two
in 32-bit mode. At the end of reception, if the packet has
crossed the EOBC boundary, the SONIC knows that the
next packet might not fit in the RBA. This check is done by
comparing the RBWC0,1 registers with the EOBC. If
RBWC0,1 is less than the EOBC (the last packet buffered
has crossed the EOBC boundary), the SONIC fetches the
next resource descriptor in the RRA. If RBWC0,1 is greater
than or equal to the EOBC (the EOBC boundary has not
been crossed) the next packet reception continues at the
present location pointed to by CRBA0,1 in the same RBA.
Figure 3-4
illustrates the SONIC’s actions for (1) RBWC0,1
tEOBC and (2) RBWC0,1 kEOBC. See Section
for specific information about setting the EOBC.
Note: It is important that the EOBC boundary be ‘‘crossed.’’ In other words,
case Ý1in
Figure 3-4
must exist before case Ý2 exists. If case Ý2
occurs without case Ý1 having occurred first, the test for RBWC0,1
kEOBC will not work properly and the SONIC will not fetch a new
buffer. The result of this will be a buffer overflow (RBAE in the Inter-
rupt Status Register, Section 4.3.6).
FIGURE 3-3. Receive Resource Area Format
Case Ý1Case Ý2
Case Ý1: SONIC buffers next packet in same RBA.
Case Ý2: SONIC detects an exhausted RBA and will buffer the next packet in another RBA.
FIGURE 3-4. Receive Buffer Area
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
3.4.3 Receive Descriptor Area (RDA)
After the SONIC buffers a packet to memory, it writes 6
words of status and control information into the RDA, reads
the link field to the next receive descriptor, and writes to the
in-use field of the current descriptor. In 32-bit mode, the
upper word, Dk31:16l, is not used. This unused area in
memory should not be used for other purposes, since the
SONIC may still write into these locations. Each receive de-
scriptor consists of the following sections (
Figure 3-5
FIGURE 3-5. Receive Descriptor Format
receive status: indicates status of the received packet. The
SONIC writes the Receive Control register into this field.
Figure 3-6
shows the receive status format. This field is
loaded from the contents of the Receive Control register.
Note that ERR, RNT, BRD, PRO, and AMC are configura-
tion bits and are programmed during initialization. See Sec-
tion 4.3.3 for the description of the Receive Control register.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7654 3 210
FIGURE 3-6. Receive Status Format
byte count: gives the length of the complete packet from
the start of Destination Address to the end of FCS.
packet pointer: a 32-bit pointer that locates the packet in
the RBA. The SONIC writes the contents of the CRBA0,1
registers into this field.
sequence numbers: this field displays the contents of two
8-bit counters (modulo 256) that sequence the RBAs used
and the packets buffered. These counters assist the system
in determining when an RBA has been completely process-
ed. The sequence numbers allow the system to tally the
packets that have been processed within a particular RBA.
There are two sequence numbers that describe a packet:
the RBA Sequence Number and the Packet Sequence
Number. When a packet is buffered to memory, the SONIC
maintains a single RBA Sequence Number for all packets in
an RBA and sequences the Packet Number for succeeding
packets in the RBA. When the SONIC uses the next RBA, it
increments the RBA Sequence Number and clears the
Packet Sequence Number. The RBA’s sequence counter is
not incremented when the read RRA command is issued in
the Command register. The format of the Receive Se-
quence Numbers are shown in
Figure 3-7
. These counters
are reset during hardware reset or by writing zero to them.
15 8 7 0
RBA Sequence Number Packet Sequence Number
(Modulo 256) (Modulo 256)
FIGURE 3-7. Receive Sequence Number Format
receive link field: a 15-bit pointer (A15 A1) that locates
the next receive descriptor. The LSB of this field is the End
Of List (EOL) bit, and indicates the last descriptor in the list.
(Initialized by the system.)
in use field: this field provides a handshake between the
system and the SONIC to indicate the ownership of the de-
scriptor. When the system avails a descriptor to the SONIC,
it writes a non-zero value into this field. The SONIC, in turn,
sets this field to all ‘‘0’s’’ when it has finished processing the
descriptor. (That is, when the CRDA register has advanced
to the next receive descriptor.) Generally, the SONIC releas-
es control after writing the status and control information
into the RDA. If, however, the SONIC has reached the last
descriptor in the list, it maintains ownership of the descriptor
until the system has appended additional descriptors to the
list. The SONIC then relinquishes control after receiving the
next packet. (See Section for details on when the
SONIC writes to this field). The receive packet descriptor
format is shown in
Figure 3-5
3.4.4 Receive Buffer Management Initialization
The Receive Resource, Descriptor, and Buffer areas (RRA,
RDA, RBA) in memory and the appropriate SONIC registers
must be properly initialized before the SONIC begins buffer-
ing packets. This section describes the initialization pro-
cess. Initializing The Descriptor Page
All descriptor areas (RRA, RDA, and TDA) used by the
SONIC reside within areas up to 32k (word) or 16k (long
word) pages. This page may be placed anywhere within the
32-bit address range by loading the upper 16 address lines
into the UTDA, URDA, and URRA registers. Initializing The RRA
The initialization of the RRA consists of loading the four
SONIC RRA registers and writing the resource descriptor
information to memory.
The RRA registers are loaded with the following values.
Resource Start Area (RSA) register: The RSA is loaded
with the lower 16-bit address of the beginning of the RRA.
Resource End Area (REA) register: The REA is loaded
with the lower 16-bit address of the end of the RRA. The
end of the RRA is defined as the address of the last
RXrsrc.ptr0 field in the RRA plus 4 words in 16-bit mode or 4
long words in 32-bit mode (
Figure 3-3
Resource Read Pointer (RRP) register: The RRP is load-
ed with the lower 16-bit address of the first resource de-
scriptor the SONIC reads.
Resource Write Pointer (RWP) register: The RWP is load-
ed with the lower 16-bit address of the next vacant location
where a resource descriptor will be placed by the system.
Note: The RWP register must only point to either (1) the RXrsrc.ptr0 field of
one of the RRA Descriptors, (2) the memory address that the RSA
points to (the start of the RRA), or (3) the memory address that the
REA points to (the end of the RRA). When the RWP eRRP compari-
son is made, it is performed after the complete RRA descriptor has
been read and not during the fetch. Failure to set the RWP to any of
the above values prevents the RWP eRRP comparison from ever
becoming true.
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
All RRA registers are concatenated with the URRA register
for generating the full 32-bit address.
The resource descriptors that the system writes to the RRA
consists of four fields: (1) RXrsrc.buffÐptr0, (2)
RXrsrc.buffÐptr1, (3) RXrsrc.buffÐwc0, and (4)
RXrsrc.buffÐwc1. The fields must be contiguous (they can-
not straddle the end points) and are written in the order
shown in
Figure 3-8
. The ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’ in the descriptors
denote the least and most significant portions for the Buffer
Pointer and Word Count. The first two fields supply the 32-
bit starting location of the Receive Buffer Area (RBA), and
the second two define the number of 16-bit words that the
RBA occupies.
Note that two restrictions apply to the Buffer Pointer and
Word Count. First, in 32-bit mode, since the SONIC always
writes long words, an even count must be written to
RXrsrc.buffÐwc0. Second, the Buffer Pointer must either
be pointing to a word boundary in 16-bit mode (A0e0) or a
long word boundary in 32-bit mode (A0,A1e0,0). Note also
that the descriptors must be properly aligned in the RRA as
discussed in Section 3.3.
FIGURE 3-8. RRA Initialization
After configuring the RRA, the RRA Read command (setting
RRRA bit in the Command register) may be given. This
command causes the SONIC to read the RRA descriptor in
a single block operation, and load the following registers
(see Section 4.2 for register mnemonics):
CRBA0 register
CRBA1 register
RBWC0 register
RBWC1 register
When the command has completed, the RRRA bit in the
Command register is reset to ‘‘0’’. Generally this command
is only issued during initialization. At all other times, the RRA
is automatically read as the SONIC finishes using an RBA. Initializing The RDA
To accept multiple packets from the network, the receive
packet descriptors must be linked together via the
RXpkt.link fields. Each link field must be written with a 15-bit
(A15 A1) pointer to locate the beginning of the next de-
scriptor in the list. The LSB of the RXpkt.link field is the End
of List (EOL) bit and is used to indicate the end of the de-
scriptor list. EOL e1 for the last descriptor and EOL e0 for
the first or middle descriptors. The RXpkt.inÐuse field indi-
cates whether the descriptor is owned by the SONIC. The
system writes a non-zero value to this field when the de-
scriptor is available, and the SONIC writes all ‘‘0’s’’ when it
finishes using the descriptor. At startup, the Current Receive
Descriptor Address (CRDA) register must be loaded with the
address of the first RXpkt.status field in order for
the SONIC to begin receive processing at the first descrip-
tor. An example of two descriptors linked together is shown
Figure 3-9
. The fields initialized by the system are dis-
played in bold type. The other fields are written by the
SONIC after a packet is accepted. The RXpkt.inÐuse field
is first written by the system, and then by the SONIC. Note
that the descriptors must be aligned properly as discussed
in Section 3.3. Also note that the URDA register is concate-
nated with the CRDA register to generate the full 32-bit ad-
FIGURE 3-9. RDA Initialization Example Initializing the Lower Boundary of the RBA
A ‘‘false bottom’’ is set in the RBA by loading the End Of
Buffer Count (EOBC) register with a value equal to the maxi-
mum size packet in words (16 bits) that may be received.
This creates a lower boundary in the RBA. Whenever the
Remaining Buffer Word Count (RBWC0,1) registers decre-
ment below the EOBC register, the SONIC buffers the next
packet into another RBA. This also guarantees that a pack-
et is always contiguously buffered into a single Receive
Buffer Area (RBA). The SONIC does not buffer a packet into
multiple RBAs. Note that in 32-bit mode, the SONIC holds
the LSB always low so that it properly compares with the
RBWC0,1 registers.
After a hardware reset, the EOBC reset, the EOBC register
is automatically initialized to 2F8h (760 words or 1520
bytes). For 32-bit applications this is the suggested value for
EOBC. EOBC defaults to 760 words (1520 bytes) instead of
759 words (1518 bytes) because 1518 is not a double word
(32-bit) boundary (see Section If the SONIC is used
in 16-bit mode, then EOBC should be set to 759 words
(1518 bytes) because 1518 is a word (16-bit) boundary.
Sometimes it may be desired to buffer a single packet per
RBA. When doing this, it is important to set EOBC and the
buffer size correctly. The suggested practice is to set EOBC
to a value that is at least 4 bytes, in 32-bit mode, or 2 bytes,
in 16-bit mode, less than the buffer size. An example of this
for 32-bit mode is to set EOBC to 760 words (1520 bytes)
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
and the buffer size to 762 words (1524 bytes). A similar
example for 16-bit mode would be EOBC e759 words
(1518 bytes) and the buffer size set to 760 words (1520
bytes). The buffer can be any size, but as long as the EOBC
is 2 words, for 32-bit mode, or 1 word, for 16-bit mode, less
than the buffer size, only one packet will be buffered in that
Note 1: It is possible to filter out most oversized packets by setting the buff-
er size to 760 words (1520 bytes) in 32-bit mode or 759 words (1518
bytes) in 16-bit mode. EOBC would be set to 758 words (1516
bytes) for both cases. With this configuration, any packet over 1520
bytes, in 32-bit mode, or 1518 bytes, in 16-bit mode, will not be
completely buffered because the packet will overflow the buffer.
When a packet overflow occurs, a Receive Buffer Area Exceeded
interrupt (RBAE in the Interrupt Status Register, Section 4.3.6) will
Note 2: When buffering one packet per buffer, it is suggested that the val-
ues in Note 1 above be used. Since the minimum legal sized Ether-
net packet is 64 bytes, however, it is possible to set EOBC as much
as 64 bytes less than the buffer size and still end up with one packet
per buffer.
Figure 3-10
shows this ‘‘range.’’
3.4.5 Beginning Of Reception
At the beginning of reception, the SONIC checks its inter-
nally stored EOL bit from the previous RXpkt.link field for a
‘‘1’’. If the SONIC finds EOLe1, it recognizes that after the
previous reception, there were no more remaining receive
packet descriptors. It re-reads the same RXpkt.link field to
check if the system has updated this field since the last
reception. If the SONIC still finds EOLe1, reception ceas-
es. (See Section 3.5 for adding descriptors to the list.) Oth-
erwise, the SONIC begins storing the packet in the RBA
starting at the Current Receive Buffer Address (CRBA0,1)
registers and continues until the packet has completed.
Concurrent with the packet reception, the Remaining Buffer
Word Count (RBWC0,1) registers are decremented after
each word is written to memory. This register determines
the remaining words in the RBA at the end of reception.
3.4.6 End Of Packet Processing
At the end of a reception, the SONIC enters its end of pack-
et processing sequence to determine whether to accept or
reject the packet based on receive errors and packet size.
At the end of reception the SONIC enters one of the follow-
ing two sequences:
Ð Successful reception sequence
Ð Buffer recovery for runt packets or packets with errors Successful Reception
If the SONIC accepts the packet, it first writes 5 words of
descriptor information in the RDA beginning at the address
pointed to by the Current Receive Descriptor Address
(CRDA) register. It then reads the RXpkt.link field to ad-
vance the CRDA register to the next receive descriptor. The
SONIC also checks the EOL bit for a ‘‘1’’ in this field. If
EOLe1, no more descriptors are available for the SONIC.
The SONIC recovers the address of the current RXpkt.link
field (from a temporary register) and generates a ‘‘Receive
Descriptors Exhausted’’ indication in the Interrupt Status
register. (See Section 3.4.7 on how to add descriptors.) The
SONIC maintains ownership of the descriptor by not writing
to the RXpkt.inÐuse field. Otherwise, if EOLe0, the SONIC
advances the CRDA register to the next descriptor and re-
sets the RXpkt.inÐuse field to all ‘‘0’s’’.
The SONIC accesses the complete 7 word RDA descriptor
in a single block operation.
The SONIC also checks if there is remaining space in the
RBA. The SONIC compares the Remaining Buffer Word
Count (RBWC0,1) registers with the static End Of Buffer
Count (EOBC). If the RBWC is less than the EOBC, a maxi-
mum sized packet will no longer fit in the remaining space in
the RBA; hence, the SONIC fetches a resource descriptor
from the RRA and loads its registers with the pointer and
word count of the next available RBA. Buffer Recovery For Runt Packets Or
Packets With Errors
If a runt packet (less than 64 bytes) or packet with errors
arrives and the Receive Control register has been config-
ured to not accept these packets, the SONIC recovers its
pointers back to the original positions. The CRBA0,1 regis-
ters are not advanced and the RBWC0,1 registers are not
decremented. The SONIC recovers its pointers by maintain-
ing a copy of the buffer address in the Temporary Receive
Buffer Address registers (TRBA0,1). The SONIC recovers
the value in the RBWC0,1 registers from the Temporary
Buffer Word Count registers (TBWC0,1).
3.4.7 Overflow Conditions
When an overflow condition occurs, the SONIC halts its
DMA operations to prevent writing into unauthorized memo-
ry. The SONIC uses the Interrupt Status register (ISR) to
indicate three possible overflow conditions that can occur
Range of EOBC e(RXrsrc.wc0,1 b2 to RXrsrc.wc0,1 b32)
FIGURE 3-10. Setting EOBC for Single Packet RBA
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
when its receive resources have been exhausted. The sys-
tem should respond by replenishing the resources that have
been exhausted. These overflow conditions (Descriptor Re-
sources Exhausted, Buffer Resources Exhausted, and RBA
Limit Exceeded) are indicated in the Interrupt Status register
and are detailed as follows:
Descriptor Resources Exhausted: This occurs when the
SONIC has reached the last receive descriptor in the list,
meaning that the SONIC has detected EOLe1. The system
must supply additional descriptors for continued reception.
The system can do this in one of two ways: 1) appending
descriptors to the existing list, or 2) creating a separate list.
1) Appending descriptors to the existing list. This is the eas-
iest and preferred way. To do this, the system, after cre-
ating the new list, joins the new list to the existing list by
simply writing the beginning address of the new list into
the RXpkt.link field and setting EOL e0. At the next
reception, the SONIC re-reads the last RXpkt.link field,
and updates its CRDA register to point to the next de-
2) Creating a separate list. This requires an additional step
because the lists are not joined together and requires
that the CRDA register be loaded with the address of the
RXpkt.link field in the new list.
During this overflow condition, the SONIC maintains owner-
ship of the descriptor (RXpkt.inÐuse i00h) and waits for
the system to add additional descriptors to the list. When
the system appends more descriptors, the SONIC releases
ownership of the descriptor after writing 0000h to the
RXpkt.inÐuse field.
Buffer Resources Exhausted: This occurs when the
SONIC has detected that the Resource Read Pointer (RRP)
and Resource Write Pointer (RWP) registers are equal (i.e.,
all RRA descriptors have been exhausted). The RBE bit in
the Interrupt Status register is set when the SONIC finishes
using the second to last receive buffer and reads the last
RRA descriptor. Actually, the SONIC is not truly out of re-
sources, but gives the system an early warning of an im-
pending out of resources condition. To continue reception
after the last RBA is used, the system must supply addition-
al RRA descriptor(s), update the RWP register, and clear
the RBE bit in the ISR. The SONIC rereads the RRA after
this bit is cleared.
RBA Limit Exceeded: This occurs when a packet does not
completely fit within the remaining space of the RBA. This
can occur if the EOBC register is not programmed to a value
greater than the largest packet that can be received. When
this situation occurs, the packet is truncated and the SONIC
reads the RRA to obtain another RBA. Indication of an RBA
limit being exceeded is signified by the Receive Buffer Area
Exceeded (RBAE) interrrupt being set (see Section 4.3.6).
An RDA will not be set up for the truncated packet and the
buffer space will not be re-used. To rectify this potential
overflow condition, the EOBC register must be loaded with a
value equal to or greater than the largest packet that can be
accepted. (See Section 3.4.2.)
To begin transmission, the system software issues the
Transmit command (TXPe1 in the CR). The Transmit Buff-
er Management uses two areas in memory for transmitting
(Figure 3-11),
the Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA)
and the Transmit Buffer Area (TBA). During transmission,
the SONIC fetches control information from the TDA, loads
its appropriate registers, and then transmits the data from
the TBA. When the transmission is complete, the SONIC
writes the status information in the TDA. From a single
transmit command, packets can either be transmitted singly
or in groups if several descriptors have been linked togeth-
FIGURE 3-11. Overview of Transmit Buffer Management
3.5.1 Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA)
The TDA contains descriptors that the system has generat-
ed to exchange status and control information. Each de-
scriptor corresponds to a single packet and consists of the
following 16-bit fields.
TXpkt.status: This field is written by the SONIC and pro-
vides status of the transmitted packet. (See Section
for more details.)
TXpkt.config: This field allows programming the SONIC to
one of the various transmit modes. The SONIC reads this
field and loads the corresponding configuration bits (PINT,
POWC, CRCI, and EXDIS) into the Transmit Control regis-
ter. (See Section for more details.)
TXpkt.pktÐsize: This field contains the byte count of the
entire packet.
TXpkt.fragÐcount: This field contains the number of frag-
ments the packet is segmented into.
TXpkt.fragÐptr0,1: This field contains a 32-bit pointer
which locates the packet fragment to be transmitted in the
Transmit Buffer Area (TBA). This pointer is not restricted to
any byte alignment.
TXpkt.fragÐsize: This field contains the byte count of the
packet fragment. The minimum fragment size is 1 byte.
TXpkt.link: This field contains a 15-bit pointer (A15 A1) to
the next TDA descriptor. The LSB, the End Of List (EOL) bit,
indicates the last descriptor in the list when set to a ‘‘1’’.
When descriptors have been linked together, the SONIC
transmits back-to-back packets from a single transmit com-
The data of the packet does not need to be contiguous, but
can exist in several locations (fragments) in memory. In this
case, the TXpkt.fragÐcount field is greater than one, and
additional TXpkt.fragÐptr0,1 and TXpkt.fragÐsize fields
corresponding to each fragment are used. The descriptor
format is shown in
Figure 3-12.
Note that in 32-bit mode the
upper word, Dk31:16l, is not used.
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
FIGURE 3-12. Transmit Descriptor Area Transmit Configuration
The TXpkt.config field allows the SONIC to be programmed
into one of the transmit modes before each transmission. At
the beginning of each transmission, the SONIC reads this
field and loads the PINT, POWC, CRCI, and EXDIS bits into
the Transmit Control register (TCR). The configuration bits
in the TCR correspond directly with the bits in the
TXpkt.config field as shown in
Figure 3-13.
See Section
4.3.4 for the description on the TCR.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7654321 0
Note: xedon’t care
FIGURE 3-13. TXpkt.config Field Transmit Status
At the end of each transmission the SONIC writes the status
bits (k10:0l) of the Transmit Control Register (TCR) and
the number of collisions experienced during the transmis-
sion into the TXpkt.status field
(Figure 3-14
, res ere-
served). Bits NC4-NC0 indicate the number of collisions
where NC4 is the MSB. See Section 4.3.4 for the descrip-
tion of the TCR.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
FIGURE 3-14. TXpkt.status Field
3.5.2 Transmit Buffer Area (TBA)
The TBA contains the fragments of packets that are defined
by the descriptors in the TDA. A packet can consist of a
single fragment or several fragments, depending upon the
fragment count in the TDA descriptor. The fragments also
can reside anywhere within the full 32-bit address range,
and be aligned to any byte boundary. When an odd byte
boundary is given, the SONIC automatically begins reading
data at the corresponding word boundary in 16-bit mode or
a long word boundary in 32-bit mode. The SONIC ignores
the extraneous bytes which are written into the FIFO during
odd byte alignment fragments. The minimum allowed frag-
ment size is 1 byte.
3-11 shows the relationship be-
tween the TDA and the TBA for single and multi-fragmented
3.5.3 Preparing To Transmit
All fields in the TDA descriptor and the Current Transmit
Descriptor Address (CTDA) register of the SONIC must be
initialized before the Transmit Command (setting the TXP bit
in the Command register) can be issued. If more than one
packet is queued, the descriptors must be linked together
with the TXpkt.link field. The last descriptor must have
EOLe1 and all other descriptors must have EOLe0. To
begin transmission, the system loads the address of the first
TXpkt.status field into the CTDA register. Note that the up-
per 16-bits of address are loaded in the Upper Transmit
Descriptor (UTDA) register. The user performs the following
transmit initialization.
1) Initialize the TDA
2) Load the CTDA register with the address of the first
transmit descriptor
3) Issue the transmit command
Note that if the Source Address of the packet being trans-
mitted is not in the CAM, the Packet Monitored Bad (PMB)
bit in the TXpxt.status field will be set (see Section 6.3.4). Transmit Process
When the Transmit Command (TXP e1 in the Command
register) is issued, the SONIC fetches the control informa-
tion in the TDA descriptor, loads its appropriate registers
(shown below) and begins transmission. (See Section 4.2
for register mnemonics.)
(CTDA is loaded after all fragments have been read and
successfully transmitted. If the halt transmit command is is-
sued (HTX bit in the Command register is set) the CTDA
register is not loaded.)
During transmission, the SONIC reads the packet descriptor
in the TDA and transmits the data from the TBA. If
TXpkt.fragÐcount is greater than one, the SONIC, after fin-
ishing transmission of the fragment, fetches the next
TXpkt.fragÐptr0,1 and TXpkt.fragÐsize fields and transmits
the next fragment. This process continues until all frag-
ments of a packet are transmitted. At the end of packet
transmission, status is written in to the TXpkt.status field.
The SONIC then reads the TXpkt.link field and checks if
EOL e0. If it is ‘‘0’’, the SONIC fetches the next descriptor
and transmits the next packet. If EOL e1 the SONIC gen-
erates a ‘‘Transmission Done’’ indication in the Interrupt
Status register and resets the TXP bit in the Command reg-
In the event of a collision, the SONIC recovers its pointer in
the TDA and retransmits the packet up to 15 times. The
SONIC maintains a copy of the CTDA register in the Tempo-
rary Transmit Descriptor Address (TTDA) register.
The SONIC performs a block operation of 6, 3, or 2 access-
es in the TDA, depending on where the SONIC is in the
transmit process. For the first fragment, it reads the
3.0 Buffer Management (Continued)
TXpkt.config to TXpkt.fragÐsize (6 accesses). For the next
fragment, if any, it reads the next 3 fields from TXpkt.fragÐ
ptr0 to TXpkt.fragÐsize (3 accesses). At the end of trans-
mission it writes the status information to TXpkt.status and
reads the TXpkt.link field (2 accesses). Transmit Completion
The SONIC stops transmitting under two conditions. In the
normal case, the SONIC transmits the complete list of de-
scriptors in the TDA and stops after it detects EOL e1. In
the second case, certain transmit errors cause the SONIC
to abort transmission. If FIFO Underrun, Byte Count Mis-
match, Excessive Collision, or Excessive Deferral (if en-
abled) errors occur, transmission ceases. The CTDA regis-
ter points to the last packet transmitted. The system can
also halt transmission under software control by setting the
HTX bit in the Command register. Transmission halts after
the SONIC writes to the TXpkt.status field.
3.5.4 Dynamically Adding TDA Descriptors
Descriptors can be dynamically added during transmission
without halting the SONIC. The SONIC can also be guaran-
teed to transmit the complete list including newly appended
descriptors (barring any transmit abort conditions) by ob-
serving the following rule: The last TXpkt.link field must
point to the next location where a descriptor will be added
(see step 3 below and
Figure 3-15
). The procedure for ap-
pending descriptors consists of:
1. Creating a new descriptor with its TXpkt.link pointing to
the next vacant descriptor location and its EOL bit set to
a ‘‘1’’.
2. Resetting the EOL bit to a ‘‘0’’ of the previously last de-
3. Re-issuing the Transmit command (setting the TXP bit in
the Command register).
Step 3 assures that the SONIC will transmit all the packets
in the list. If the SONIC is currently transmitting, the Trans-
mit command has no effect and continues transmitting until
it detects EOL e1. If the SONIC had just finished transmit-
ting, it continues transmitting from where it had previously
FIGURE 3-15. Initializing Last Link Field
4.0 SONIC Registers
The SONIC contains two sets of registers: The status/con-
trol registers and the CAM memory cells. The status/control
registers are used to configure, control, and monitor SONIC
operation. They are directly addressable registers and occu-
py 64 consecutive address locations in the system memory
space (selected by the RA5 RA0 address pins). There are
a total of 64 status/control registers divided into the follow-
ing categories:
User Registers: These registers are accessed by the user
to configure, control, and monitor SONIC operation. These
are the only SONIC registers the user needs to access.
ure 4-3
shows the programmer’s model and Table 4-1 lists
the attributes of each register.
Internal Use Registers: These registers (Table 4-2) are
used by the SONIC during normal operation and are not
intended to be accessed by the user.
National Factory Test Registers: These registers (Table
4-3) are for National factory use only and should never be
accessed by the user. Accessing these registers during nor-
mal operation can cause improper functioning of the
The CAM unit memory cells are indirectly accessed by pro-
gramming the CAM descriptor area in system memory and
issuing the LCAM command (setting the LCAM bit in the
Control register). The CAM cells do not occupy address lo-
cations in register space and, thus, are not accessible
through the RA5 RA0 address pins. The CAM control regis-
ters, however, are part of the user register set and must be
initialized before issuing the LCAM command (see Section
The Content Addressable Memory (CAM) consists of six-
teen 48-bit entries for complete address filtering
(Figure 4-1)
of network packets. Each entry corresponds to a 48-bit des-
tination address that is user programmable and can contain
any combination of Multicast or Physical addresses. Each
entry is partitioned into three 16-bit CAM cells accessible
through CAM Address Ports (CAP 2, CAP 1 and CAP 0) with
CAP0 corresponding to the least significant 16 bits of the
Destination Address and CAP2 corresponding to the most
significant bits. The CAM is accessed in a two step process.
First, the CAM Entry Pointer is loaded to point to one of the
16 entries. Then, each of the CAM Address Ports is ac-
cessed to select the CAM cell. The 16 user programmable
CAM entries can be masked out with the CAM Enable regis-
ter (see Section 4.3.10).
Note: It is not necessary to program a broadcast address into the CAM
when it is desired to accept broadcast packets. Instead, to accept
broadcast packets, set the BRD bit in the Receive Control register. If
the BRD bit has been set, the CAM is still active. This means that it is
possible to accept broadcast packets at the same time as accepting
packets that match physical addresses in the CAM.
4.1.1 The Load CAM Command
Because the SONIC uses the CAM for a relatively long peri-
od of time during reception, it can only be written to via the
CAM Descriptor Area (CDA) and is only readable when the
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
FIGURE 4-1. CAM Organization
SONIC is in software reset. The CDA resides in the same
64k byte block of memory as the Receive Resource Area
(RRA) and contains descriptors for loading the CAM regis-
ters. These descriptors are contiguous and each descriptor
consists of four 16-bit fields
(Figure 4-2).
In 32-bit mode the
upper word, Dk31:16l, is not used. The first field contains
the value to be loaded into the CAM Entry Pointer and the
remaining fields are for the three CAM Address Ports (see
Section 4.3.10). In addition, there is one more field after the
last descriptor containing the mask for the CAM Enable reg-
ister. Each of the CAM descriptors are addressed by the
CAM Descriptor Pointer (CDP) register.
After the system has initialized the CDA, it can issue the
Load CAM command to program the SONIC to read the
CDA and load the CAM. The procedure for issuing the Load
CAM command is as follows.
1. Initialize the Upper Receive Resource Address (URRA)
register. Note that the CAM Descriptor Area must reside
within the same 64k Page as the Receive Resource
Area. (See Section 4.3.9).
2. Initialize the CDA as described above.
3. Initialize the CAM Descriptor Count with the number of
CAM descriptors. Note, only the lower 5 bits are used in
this register. The other bits are don’t cares. (See Section
4. Initialize the CAM Descriptor Pointer to locate the first
descriptor in the CDA. This register must be reloaded
each time a new Load CAM command is issued.
5. Issue the Load CAM command (LCAM) in the Command
register. (See Section 4.3.1).
If a transmission or reception is in progress, the CAM DMA
function will not occur until these operations are complete.
When the SONIC completes the Load CAM command, the
CDP register points to the next location after the CAM en-
able field and the CDC equals zero. The SONIC resets the
LCAM bit in the Command register and sets the Load CAM
Done (LCD) bit in the ISR.
FIGURE 4-2. CAM Descriptor Area Format
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
RAk5:0l15 0
0h Command Register Status and C Control Fields
1 Data Configuration Register Control Fields
Control Registers
Status and 2 Receive Control Register Status and Control Fields
3 Transmit Control Register Status and Control Fields
4 Interrupt Mask Register Mask Fields
5 Interrupt Status Register Status Fields
$3F Data Configuration Register 2 Control Fields
Transmit 6 Upper Transmit Descriptor Address Register Upper 16-bit Address Base
Ð7 Current Transmit Descriptor Address Register Lower 16-bit Address Offset
0D Upper Receive Descriptor Address Register Upper 16-bit Address Base
0E Current Receive Descriptor Address Register Lower 16-bit Address Offset
14 Upper Receive Resource Address Register Upper 16-bit Address Base
Receive 15 Resource Start Address Register Lower 16-bit Address Offset
Registers 16 Resource End Address Register Lower 16-bit Address Offset
17 Resource Read Register Lower 16-Bit Address Offset
18 Resource Write Register Lower 16-bit Address Offset
$2B Receive Sequence Counter Count Value 8 7 Count Value
21 CAM Entry Pointer Pointer
22 CAM Address Port 2 Most Significant 16 bits of CAM Entry
23 CAM Address Port 1 Middle 16 bits of CAM Entry
CAM 24 CAM Address Port 0 Least Significant 16 bits of CAM Entry
25 CAM Enable Register Mask Fields
26 CAM Descriptor Pointer Lower 16-bit Address Offset
$27 CAM Descriptor Count Count Value
2C CRC Error Tally Counter Count Value
2D Frame Alignment Error Tally Count Value
)2E Missed Packet Tally Count Value
29 Watchdog Timer 0 Lower 16-bit Count Value
Ð2A Watchdog Timer 1 Upper 16-bit Count Value
28 Silicon Revision Register Chip Revision Number
FIGURE 4-3. Register Programming Model
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
This set of registers is used to convey status/control infor-
mation to/from the host system and to control the operation
of the SONIC. These registers are used for loading com-
mands generated from the system, indicating transmit and
receive status, buffering data to/from memory, and provid-
ing interrupt control. The registers are selected by asserting
chip select to the SONIC and providing the necessary ad-
dress on register address pins RA5RA0. Tables 4-1, 4-2,
and 4-3 show the locations of all SONIC registers and
where information on the registers can be found in the data
TABLE 4-1. User Registers
RA5 RA0 Access Register Symbol Description
00h R/W Command CR 4.3.1
01 (Note 3) R/W Data Configuration DCR 4.3.2
02 R/W Receive Control RCR 4.3.3
03 R/W Transmit Control TCR 4.3.4
04 R/W Interrupt Mask IMR 4.3.5
05 R/W Interrupt Status ISR 4.3.6
3F (Note 3) R/W Data Configuration 2 DCR2 4.3.7
06 R/W Upper Transmit Descriptor Address UTDA 4.3.8,
07 R/W Current Transmit Descriptor Address CTDA 4.3.8, 3.5.3
0D R/W Upper Receive Descriptor Address URDA 4.3.9,
0E R/W Current Receive Descriptor Address CRDA 4.3.9,
13 R/W End of Buffer Word Count EOBC 4.3.9, 3.4.2
14 R/W Upper Receive Resource Address URRA 4.3.9,
15 R/W Resource Start Address RSA 4.3.9, 3.4.1
16 R/W Resource End Address REA 4.3.9, 3.4.1
17 R/W Resource Read Pointer RRP 4.3.9, 3.4.1
18 R/W Resource Write Pointer RWP 4.3.9, 3.4.1
2B R/W Receive Sequence Counter RSC 4.3.9,
21 R/W CAM Entry Pointer CEP 4.1, 4.3.10
22 (Note 1) R CAM Address Port 2 CAP2 4.1, 4.3.10
23 (Note 1) R CAM Address Port1 CAP1 4.1, 4.3.10
24 (Note 1) R CAM Address Port 0 CAP0 4.1, 4.3.10
25 (Note 2) R/W CAM Enable CE 4.1, 4.3.10
26 R/W CAM Descriptor Pointer CDP 4.1, 4.3.10
27 R/W CAM Descriptor Count CDC 4.1, 4.3.10
2C (Note 4) R/W CRC Error Tally CRCT 4.3.11
2D (Note 4) R/W FAE Tally FAET 4.3.11
2E (Note 4) R/W Missed Packet Tally MPT 4.3.11
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
TABLE 4-1. User Registers (Continued)
RA5 RA0 Access Register Symbol Description
29 R/W Watchdog Timer 0 WT0 4.3.12
2A R/W Watchdog Timer 1 WT1 4.3.12
28 R Silicon Revision SR 4.3.13
Note 1: These registers can only be read when the SONIC is in reset mode (RST bit in the CR is set). The SONIC gives invalid data when these registers are read in
non-reset mode.
Note 2: This register can only be written to when the SONIC is in reset mode. This register is normally only loaded by the Load CAM command.
Note 3: The Data Configuration registers, DCR and DCR2, can only be written to when the SONIC is in reset mode (RST bit in CR is set). Writing to these registers
while not in reset mode does not alter the registers.
Note 4: The data written to these registers is inverted before being latched. That is, if a value of FFFFh is written, these registers will contain and read back the
value of 0000h. Data is not inverted during a read operation.
TABLE 4-2. Internal Use Registers (Users should not write to these registers)
(RA5 RA0) Access Register Symbol Description
08 (Note 1) R/W Transmit Packet Size TPS 3.5
09 R/W Transmit Fragment Count TFC 3.5
0A R/W Transmit Start Address 0 TSA0 3.5
0B R/W Transmit Start Address 1 TSA1 3.5
0C (Note 2) R/W Transmit Fragment Size TFS 3.5
20 R/W Temporary Transmit Descriptor Address TTDA 3.5.4
2F R Maximum Deferral Timer MDT 4.3.4
0F R/W Current Receive Buffer Address 0 CRBA0 3.4.2,
10 R/W Current Receive Buffer Address 1 CRBA1 3.4.2,
11 R/W Remaining Buffer Word Count 0 RBWC0 3.4.2,
12 R/W Remaining Buffer Word Count 1 RBWC1 3.4.2,
19 R/W Temporary Receive Buffer Address 0 TRBA0
1A R/W Temporary Receive Buffer Address 1 TRBA1
1B R/W Temporary Buffer Word Count 0 TBWC0
1C R/W Temporary Buffer Word Count 1 TBWC1
1F R/W Last Link Field Address LLFA none
1D R/W Address Generator 0 ADDR0 none
1E R/W Address Generator 1 ADDR1 none
Note 1: The data that is read from these registers is the inversion of what has been written to them.
Note 2: The value that is written to this register is shifted once in 16-bit mode and shifted twice in 32-bit mode.
TABLE 4-3. Internal Use Registers (Users should not access these registers)
(RA5 RA0) Access Register Symbol Description
30 These registers are for factory use only. Users must not
#R/W address these registers as improper SONIC operation none none
3E can occur.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.1 Command Register
This register
(Figure 4-4
) is used for issuing commands to the SONIC. These commands are issued by setting the correspond-
ing bits for the function. For all bits, except for the RST bit, the SONIC resets the bit after the command is completed. With the
exception of RST, writing a ‘‘0’’ to any bit has no effect. Before any commands can be issued, the RST bit must first be reset to
‘‘0’’. This means that, if the RST bit is set, two writes to the Command Register are required to issue a command to the SONIC;
one to clear the RST bit, and one to issue the command.
This register also controls the general purpose 32-bit Watchdog Timer. After the Watchdog Timer register has been loaded, it
begins to decrement once the ST bit has been set to ‘‘1’’. An interrupt is issued when the count reaches zero if the Timer
Complete interrupt is enabled in the IMR.
During hardware reset, bits 7, 4, and 2 are set to a ‘‘1’’; all others are cleared. During software reset bits 9, 8, 1, and 0 are
cleared and bits 7 and 2 are set to a ‘‘1’’; all others are unaffected.
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
FIGURE 4-4. Command Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
15 10 Must be 0
Setting this bit causes the SONIC to load the CAM with the descriptor that is pointed to by the CAM Descriptor
Pointer register.
Note: This bit must not be set during transmission (TXP is set). The SONIC will lock up if both bits are set simultaneously.
Setting this bit causes the SONIC to read the next RRA descriptor pointed to by the Resource Read Pointer (RRP)
register. Generally this bit is only set during initialization. Setting this bit during normal operation can cause improper
receive operation.
Setting this bit resets all internal state machines. The CRC generator is disabled and the Tally counters are halted,
but not cleared. The SONIC becomes operational when this bit is reset to ‘‘0’’. A hardware reset sets this bit to a ‘‘1’’.
It must be reset to ‘‘0’’ before the SONIC becomes operational.
6Must be 0.
Setting this bit enables the general-purpose watchdog timer to begin counting or to resume counting after it has
been halted. This bit is reset when the timer is halted (i.e., STP is set). Setting this bit resets STP.
Setting this bit halts the general-purpose watchdog timer and resets the ST bit. The timer resumes when the ST bit is
set. This bit powers up as a ‘‘1’’. Note: Simultaneously setting bits ST and STP stops the timer.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.1 Command Register (Continued)
Bit Description
Setting this bit enables the receive buffer management engine to begin buffering data to memory. Setting this bit
resets the RXDIS bit. Note: If this bit is set while the MAC unit is currently receiving a packet, both RXEN and RXDIS
are set until the network goes inactive (i.e., the SONIC will not start buffering in the middle of a packet being
Setting this bit disables the receiver from buffering data to memory or the Receive FIFO. If this bit is set during the
reception of a packet, the receiver is disabled only after the packet is processed. The RXEN bit is reset when the
receiver is disabled. Tally counters remain active regardless of the state of this bit.
Note: If this bit is set while the SONIC is currently receiving a packet, both RXEN and RXDIS are set until the packet is fully received. When both
RXEN and RXDIS are set, RXDIS could be cleared by writing zero to it.
Setting this bit causes the SONIC to transmit packets which have been set up in the Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA).
The SONIC loads its appropriate registers from the TDA, then begins transmission. The SONIC clears this bit after
any of the following conditions have occurred: (1) transmission had completed (i.e., after the SONIC has detected
EOL e1), (2) the Halt Transmission command (HTX) has taken effect, or (3) a transmit abort condition has
occurred. This condition occurs when any of the following bits in the TCR have been set: EXC, EXD, FU, or BCM.
This bit must not be set if a Load CAM operation is in progress (LCAM is set). The SONIC will lock up if both bits are
set simultaneously.
Setting this bit halts the transmit command after the current transmission has completed. TXP is reset after
transmission has halted. The Current Transmit Descriptor Address (CTDA) register points to the last descriptor
transmitted. The SONIC samples this bit after writing to the TXpkt.status field.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.2 Data Configuration Register
This register
(Figure 4-5)
establishes the bus cycle options for reading/writing data to/from 16- or 32-bit memory systems.
During a hardware reset, bits 15 and 13 are cleared; all other bits are unaffected. (Because of this, the first thing the driver
software does to the SONIC should be to set up this register.) All bits are unaffected by a software reset. This register must only
be accessed when the SONIC is in reset mode (i.e., the RST bit is set in the Command register).
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
FIGURE 4-5. Data Configuration Register
Field Meaning
Bits Description
Setting this bit enables the Extended Bus mode which enables the following:
1)Extended Programmable Outputs, EXUSR k3:0l: This changes the TXD, LBK, RXC and RXD pins from the
external ENDEC interface into four programmable user outputs, EXUSR k3:0lrespectively, which are similar to
USR k1:0l. These outputs are programed with bits 15-12 in the DCR2 (see Section 4.3.7). On hardware reset,
these four pins will be TRI-STATE and will remain that way until the DCR is changed. If EXBUS is enabled, then
these pins will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC becomes a bus master, at which time they will be driven according
to the DCR2. If EXBUS is disabled, then these four pins work normally as external ENDEC interface pins.
2)Synchronous Termination, STERM: This changes the TXC pin from the External ENDEC interface into a
synchronous memory termination input for compatibility with Motorola style processors. This input is only useful
when Asynchronous Bus mode is selected (bit 10 below is set to ‘‘0’’) and BMODE e1 (Motorola mode). On
hardware reset, this pin will be TRI-STATE and will remain that way until the DCR is changed. If EXBUS is enabled,
this pin will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC becomes a bus master, at which time it will become the STERM
input. If EXBUS is disabled, then this pin works normally as the TXC pin for the external ENDEC interface.
3)Asynchronous Bus Retry: Causes BRT to be clocked in asynchronously off the falling edge of bus clock. This only
applies, however, when the SONIC is operating in asynchronous mode (bit 10 below is set to ‘‘0’’). If EXBUS is not
set, XTO (BRT) is sampled synchronously off the rising edge of bus clock. (See Section 5.4.6.)
14 Must be 0.
The LBR bit controls the mode of operation of the BRT signal (see pin description). It allows the BUS Retry operation
to be latched or unlatched.
0:Unlatched mode: The assertion of BRT forces the SONIC to finish the current DMA operation and get off the bus.
The SONIC will retry the operation when BRT is deserted.
1:Latched mode: The assertion of BRT forces the SONIC to finish the current DMA operation as above, however, the
SONIC will not retry until BRT is deasserted, the BR bit in the ISR (see Section 4.3.6) has been reset, and BRT is
deasserted. Hence, the mode has been latched on until the BR bit is cleared.
Note: Unless LBR is set to a ‘‘1’’, BRT must remain asserted at least until the SONIC has gone idle. See Section 5.4.6 and the timing for Bus Retry
in section 7.0.
The PO1,PO0 bits individually control the USR1,0 pins respectively when SONIC is a bus master (HLDA or BGACK is
active). When PO1/PO0 are set to a 1 the USR1/USR0 pins are high during bus master operations and when these
bits are set to a 0 the USR1/USR0 pins are low during bus master operations.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.2 Data Configuration Register (Continued)
Bits Description
The SBUS bit is used to select the mode of system bus operation when SONIC is a bus master. This bit selects the internal
ready line to be either a synchronous or asynchronous input to SONIC during block transfer DMA operations.
0: Asynchronous mode. RDYi (BMODE e0) or DSACK0,1 (BMODE e1) are respectively internally synchronized
at the falling edge of the bus clock (T2 of the DMA cycle). No setup or hold times need to be met with respect to this edge
to guarantee proper bus operation. The minimum memory cycle time is 3 bus clocks.
1: Synchronous mode. RDYi (BMODE e0) and DSACK0,1 (BMODE e1) must respectively meet the setup and
hold times with respect to the rising edge of T1 or T2 to guarantee proper bus operation.
The USR1,0 bits report the level of the USR1,0 signal pins, respectively, after a chip hardware reset. If the USR1,0 signal pins
are at a logical 1 (tied to VCC) during a hardware reset the USR1,0 bits are set to a 1. If the USR1,0 pins are at a logical 0 (tied
to ground) during a hardware reset the USR1,0 bits are set to a 0. These bits are latched on the rising edge of RST. Once set
they remain set/reset until the next hardware reset.
These encoded bits determine the number of additional bus cycles (T2 states) that are added during each DMA cycle.
WC1 WC0 Bus Cycles Added
00 0
01 1
10 2
11 3
These bits select the data path width for DMA operations.
DW Data Width
0 16-bit
1 32-bit
Determines how data is emptied or filled into the Receive or Transmit FIFO.
0: Empty/fill mode: All DMA transfers continue until either the Receive FIFO has emptied or the Transmit FIFO has
filled completely.
1: Block mode: All DMA transfers continue until the programmed number of bytes (RFT0, RFT1 during reception or TF0,
TF1 during transmission) have been transferred. (See note for TFT0, TFT1.)
These encoded bits determine the number of words (or long words) that are written into the receive FIFO from the MAC unit
before a receive DMA request occurs. (See Section 1.4.)
LB1 LB0 Function
0 0 2 words or 1 long word (4 bytes)
0 1 4 words or 2 long words (8 bytes)
1 0 8 words or 4 long words (16 bytes)
1 1 12 words or 6 long words (24 bytes)
Note: In block mode (BMS bit e1), the receive FIFO threshold sets the number of words (or long words) written to memory during a receive DMA block cycle.
These encoded bits determine the minimum number of words (or long words) the DMA section maintains in the transmit
FIFO. A bus request occurs when the number of words drops below the transmit FIFO threshold. (See Section 1.4.)
LB1 LB0 Function
0 0 4 words or 2 long words (8 bytes)
0 1 8 words or 4 long words (16 bytes)
1 0 12 words or 6 long words (24 bytes)
1 1 14 words or 7 long words (28 bytes)
Note: In block mode (BMS e1), the number of bytes the SONIC reads in a single DMA burst equals the transmit FIFO threshold value. If the number of words
or long words needed to fill the FIFO is less than the threshold value, then only the number of reads required to fill the FIFO in a single DMA burst will be made.
Typically, with the FIFO threshold value set to 12 or 14 words, the number of memory reads needed is less than the FIFO threshold value.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.3 Receive Control Register
This register is used to filter incoming packets and provide status information of accepted packets
(Figure 4-6).
Setting any of
bits 15 11 to a ‘‘1’’ enables the corresponding receive filter. If none of these bits are set, only packets which match the CAM
Address registers are accepted. Bits 10 and 9 control the loopback operations.
After reception, bits 8 0 indicate status information about the accepted packet and are set to ‘‘1’’ when the corresponding
condition is true. If the packet is accepted, all bits in the RCR are written into the RXpkt.status field. Bits 8 6 and 3 0 are
cleared at the reception of the next packet.
This register is unaffected by a software reset.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r r r r r r r r r
reread only, r/weread/write
FIGURE 4-6. Receive Control Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
0: Reject all packets with CRC errors or when a collision occurs.
1: Accept packets with CRC errors and ignore collisions.
0: Normal address match mode.
1: Accept runt packets (packets less than 64 bytes in length).
Note: A hardware reset clears this bit.
0: Normal address match mode.
1: Accept broadcast packets (packets with addresses that match the CAM are also accepted).
Note: This bit is cleared upon hardware reset.
Enable all Physical Address packets to be accepted.
0: normal address match mode.
1: promiscuous mode.
0: normal address match mode.
1: enables all multicast packets to be accepted. Broadcast packets are also accepted regardless
of the BRD bit. (Broadcast packets are a subset of multicast packets.)
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.3 Receive Control Register (Continued)
Bits Description
These encoded bits control loopback operations for MAC loopback, ENDEC loopback and Transceiver loopback. For
proper loopback operation, the CAM Address registers and Receive Control register must be initialized to accept the
Destination address of the loopback packet (see Section 1.7).
Note: A hardware reset clears these bits.
LB1 LB0 Function
0 0 no loopback, normal operation
0 1 MAC loopback
1 0 ENDEC loopback
1 1 Transceiver loopback
This bit is set when a packet is received with a Multicast Address.
This bit is set when a packet is received with a Broadcast Address.
This bit is set when the last packet is buffered into a Receive Buffer Area (RBA). The SONIC detects this condition
when its Remaining Buffer Word Count (RBWC0,1) register is less than or equal to the End Of Buffer Count (EOBC)
register. (See Section 3.4.2.)
Set when CRS is active. Indicates the presence of network activity.
Indicates that the packet received had a collision occur during reception.
Indicates the packet contains a CRC error. If the packet also contains a Frame Alignment error, FAER will be set
instead (see bit 2, below). The rev C SONIC has the potential to report CRC error’d frames as FAE. This bit is also not
set during CRC error’d RUNT packets.
Indicates that the incoming packet was not correctly framed on an 8-bit boundary. Note: if no CRC errors have
occurred, this bit is not set (i.e., this bit is only set when both a frame alignment and CRC error occurs).
Indicates that the SONIC has successfully received a loopback packet.
Indicates that a packet has been received without CRC, frame alignment, length (runt packet) errors or collisions.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.4 Transmit Control Register
This register is used to program the SONIC’s transmit actions and provide status information after a packet has been transmit-
(Figure 4-7).
At the beginning of transmission, bits 15, 14, 13 and 12 from the TXpkt.config field are loaded into the TCR to
configure the various transmit modes (see Section When the transmission ends, bits 100 indicate status information
and are set to a ‘‘1’’ when the corresponding condition is true. These bits, along with the number of collisions information, are
written into the TXpkt.status field at the end of transmission (see Section Bits 9 and 5 are cleared after the TXpkt.status
field has been written. Bits 10, 7, 6, and 1 are cleared at the commencement of the next transmission while bit 8 is set at this
A hardware reset sets bits 8 and 0 to a ‘‘1’’ and bit 1 to a 0. This register is unaffected by a software reset.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
r/w r/w r/w r/w r r r r r r r r r r r r
reread only, r/weread/write
FIGURE 4-7. Transmit Control Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
This bit allows transmit interrupts to be generated under software control. The SONIC will issue an interrupt (PINT in
the Interrupt Status Register) immediately after reading a TDA and detecting that PINT is set in the TXpkt.config
Note: In order for PINT to operate properly, it must be set and reset in the TXpkt.config field by alternating TDAs. This is necessary because after
PINT has been issued in the ISR, PINT in the Transmit Control Register must be cleared before it is set again in order to have the interrupt issued for
another packet. The only effective way to do this is to set PINT toa1nomore often than every other packet.
This bit programs when the out of window collision timer begins.
0: timer begins after the Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD).
1: timer begins after the first bit of preamble.
0: transmit packet with 4-byte FCS field.
1: transmit packet without 4-byte FCS field.
0: excessive deferral timer enabled.
1: excessive deferral timer disabled.
11 Must be 0.
Indicates that the SONIC has been deferring for 3.2 ms. The transmission is aborted if the excessive deferral timer is
enabled (i.e. EXDIS is reset). This bit can only be set if the excessive deferral timer is enabled.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.4 Transmit Control Register (Continued)
Bit Description
Indicates that the SONIC has deferred its transmission during the first attempt. If subsequent collisions occur, this bit
is reset. This bit is cleared after the TXpkt.status field is written in the TDA.
Indicates that Carrier Sense (CRS) was not present during transmission. CRS is monitored from the beginning of the
Start of Frame Delimiter to the last byte transmitted. The transmission will not be aborted. This bit is set at the start
of preamble and is reset if CRS is detected. Hence, if CRS is never detected throughout the entire transmission of
the packet, this bit will remain set.
Note: NCRS will remain set in MAC loopback as long as there is no activity on the RXg.
Indicates that CRS has gone low or has not been present during transmission. CRS is monitored from the beginning
of the Start of Frame Delimiter to the last byte transmitted. The transmission will not be aborted.
Note: If CRS was never present, both NCRS and CRSL will be set simultaneously. Also, CRSL will always be set in MAC loopback.
Indicates that 16 collisions have occurred. The transmission is aborted.
Indicates that an illegal collision has occurred after 51.2 ms (one slot time) from either the first bit of preamble or
from SFD depending upon the POWC bit. The transmission backs off as in a normal transmission. This bit is cleared
after the TXpkt.status field is written in the TDA.
4 Must be 0.
This bit is set, if after the receive unit has monitored the transmitted packet, the CRC has been calculated as invalid
as a result of a frame alignment error, or the Source Address does not match any of the CAM address registers.
Note 1: The SONIC’s CRC checker is active during transmission.
Note 2: If CRC has been inhibited for transmissions (CRCI is set), this bit will always be low. This is true regardless of Frame Alignment or Source
Address mismatch errors.
Note 3: If a Receive FIFO overrun has occurred, the transmitted packet is not monitored completely. Thus, if PMB bit is set along with the RFO bit in
the ISR, then PMB has no meaning. The packet must be completely received before PMB has meaning.
Note 4: This bit is always zero in MAC, ENDEC, and Transceiver loopback modes.
Indicates that the SONIC has not been able to access the bus before the FIFO has emptied. This condition occurs
from excessive bus latency and/or slow bus clock. The transmission is aborted. (See Section 1.4.2.)
This bit is set when the SONIC detects that the TXpkt.pktÐsize field is not equal to the sum of the TXpkt.fragÐsize
field(s). Transmission is aborted. This bit will also be set when Excessive Collisions (bit 6 of the transmit control
register) occur during transmission.
Indicates that a packet has been transmitted without the following errors:
ÐExcessive Collisions (EXC)
ÐExcessive Deferral (EXD)
ÐFIFO Underrun (FU)
ÐByte Count Mismatch (BCM)
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.5 Interrupt Mask Register
This register masks the interrupts that can be generated from the ISR
(Figure 4 8).
Writing a ‘‘1’’ to the bit enables the
corresponding interrupt. During a hardware reset, all mask bits are cleared.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
FIGURE 4-8. Interrupt Mask Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
15 Must be 0.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when a Bus Retry operation is requested.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when a heartbeat lost condition occurs.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the Load CAM command has finished.
0: disable
1: enables programmable interrupts to occur when the PINT bit the TXpkt.config field is set to a ‘‘1’’.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts for packets accepted.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts for transmit completions.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts for packets transmitted with error.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.5 Interrupt Mask Register (Continued)
Bit Description
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the general purpose timer has rolled over from 0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when all receive descriptors in the RDA have been exhausted.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when all resource descriptors in the RRA have been exhausted.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the SONIC attempts to buffer data beyond the end of the Receive Buffer Area.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the CRC tally counter has rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the FAE tally counter rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the MP tally counter has rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h.
0: disable
1: enables interrupts when the receive FIFO has overrun.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.6 Interrupt Status Register
This register
(Figure 4-9)
indicates the source of an interrupt when the INT pin goes active. Enabling the corresponding bits in
the IMR allows bits in this register to produce an interrupt. When an interrupt is active, one or more bits in this register are set to
a ‘‘1’’. A bit is cleared by writing ‘‘1’’ to it. Writing a ‘‘0’’ to any bit has no effect.
This register is cleared by a hardware reset and unaffected by a software reset.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
FIGURE 4-9. Interrupt Status Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
15 Must be 0.
Indicates that a Bus Retry (BRT) operation has occurred. In Latched Bus Retry mode (LBR in the DCR), BR will only
be set when the SONIC is a bus master. Before the SONIC will continue any DMA operations, BR must be cleared. In
Unlatched mode, the BR bit should be cleared also, but the SONIC will not wait for BR to be cleared before
requesting the bus again and continuing its DMA operations. (See Sections 4.3.2 and 5.4.6 for more information on
Bus Retry.)
If the transceiver fails to provide a collision pulse (heart beat) during the first 6.4 ms of the Interframe Gap after
transmission, this bit is set.
Indicates that the Load CAM command has finished writing to all programmed locations in the CAM. (See Section
Indicates that upon reading the TXpkt.config field, the SONIC has detected the PINT bit to be set. (See Section
Indicates that a packet has been received and been buffered to memory. This bit is set after the RXpkt.seqÐno field
is written to memory.
Indicates that either (1) there are no remaining packets to be transmitted in the Transmit Descriptor Area (i.e., the
EOL bit has been detected as a ‘‘1’’), (2) the Halt Transmit command has been given (HTX bit in CR is set to a ‘‘1’’),
or (3) a transmit abort condition has occurred. This condition occurs when any of following bits in the TCR are set:
BCM, EXC, FU, or EXD. This bit is set after the TXpkt.status field has been written to.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.6 Interrupt Status Register (Continued)
Bit Description
Indicates that a packet has been transmitted with at least one of the following errors.
ÐByte count mismatch (BCM)
ÐExcessive collisions (EXC)
ÐFIFO underrun (FU)
ÐExcessive deferral (EXD)
The TXpkt.status field reveals the cause of the error(s).
Indicates that the timer has rolled over from 0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh. (See Section 4.3.12.)
Indicates that all receive packet descriptors in the RDA have been exhausted. This bit is set when the SONIC
detects EOL e1. (See Section 3.4.7.)
Indicates that the SONIC has detected the Resource Read Pointer (RRP) is equal to the Resource Write Pointer
(RWP). This bit is set after the last field is read from the resource area. (See Section 3.4.7.)
Note 1: This bit will be set as the SONIC finishes using the second to last receive buffer and reads the last RRA descriptor. This gives the system an
early warning of impending no resources.
Note 2: The SONIC will stop reception of packets when the last RBA has been used and will not continue reception until additional receive buffers
have been added (i.e., RWP is incremented beyond RRP) and this bit has been reset.
Note 3: If additional buffers have been added, resetting this bit causes the SONIC to read the next resource descriptor pointed to by the RRP in the
Receive Resource Area. Note that resetting this bit under this condition is similar to issuing the Read RRA command (setting the RRRA bit in the
Command Register). This bit should never be reset until after the additional resources have been added to the RRA.
Indicates that during reception, the SONIC has reached the end of the Receive Buffer Area. Reception is aborted
and the SONIC fetches the next available resource descriptors in the RRA. The buffer space is not re-used and an
RDA is not setup for the truncated packet (see Section 3.4.7).
Indicates that the tally counter has rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h. (See Section 4.3.11.)
Indicates that the FAE tally counter has rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h. (See Section 4.3.11.)
Indicates that the MP tally counter has rolled over from FFFFh to 0000h. (See Section 4.3.11.)
Indicates that the SONIC has been unable to access the bus before the receive FIFO has filled from the network.
This condition is due to excessively long bus latency and/or slow bus clock. Note that FIFO underruns are indicated
in the TCR. (See Section 1.4.1.)
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.7 Data Configuration Register 2
This register
(Figure 4-10)
is for enabling the extended bus interface options.
A hardware reset will set all bits in this register to ‘‘0’’ except for the Extended Programmable Outputs which are unknown until
written to and bits 5 to 11 which must always be written with 0s but are ‘‘don’t cares’’ when read. A software reset will not affect
any bits in this register. This register should only be written to when the SONIC is in software reset (the RST bit in the Command
Register is set).
15 14 13 12 111098765 4 3 2 1 0
r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
FIGURE 4-10. Data Configuration Register
Field Meaning
Bit Description
These bits program the level of the Extended User outputs (EXUSRk3:0l) when the SONIC is a bus master.
Writing a ‘‘1’’ to any of these bits programs a high level to the corresponding output. Writing a ‘‘0’’ to any of these
bits programs a low level to the corresponding output. EXUSRk3:0lare similiar to USRk1:0lexcept that
EXUSRk3:0lare only available when the Extended Bus mode is selected (bit 15 in the DCR is set to ‘‘1’’, see
Section 4.3.2).
11 5 Must be written with zeroes.
When this bit is set to ‘‘0’’, the HOLD request output is asserted/deasserted from the falling edge of bus clock. If this
bit is set to ‘‘1’’, HOLD will be asserted/deasserted (/2 clock later on the rising edge of bus clock.
3 Must be zero.
When this bit is set to a ‘‘1’’ (and the PCNM bit is reset to a ‘‘0’’), the PCOMP output will be asserted if the
destination address of the packet being received matches one of the entries in the CAM (Content Addressable
Memory). This bit, along with PCNM, is used with the Management Bus of the DP83950, Repeater Interface
Controller (RIC). See the DP83950 datasheet for more details on the RIC Management Bus. This mode is also called
the Managed Bridge Mode.
Note 1: Setting PCNM and PCM to ‘‘1’’ at the same time is not allowed.
Note 2: If PCNM and PCM are both ‘‘0’’, the PCOMP output will remain TRI-STATE until PCNM or PCM are changed.
When this bit is set to a ‘‘1’’ (and the PCM bit is set to ‘‘0’’), the PCOMP output will be asserted if the destination
address of the packet does not match one of the entries in the CAM. See the PCM bit above. This mode is also
called the Managed Hub Mode.
Note: PCOMP will not be asserted if the destination address is a broadcast address. This is true regardless of the state of the BRD bit in the
Receive Control Register.
When this bit is set to ‘‘1’’, the SONIC will reject a packet on a CAM match. Setting RJCM to ‘‘0’’ causes the SONIC
to operate normally by accepting packets on a CAM match. Setting this mode is useful for a small bridge with a
limited number of nodes attached to it. RJCM only affects the CAM, though. Setting RJCM will not invert the function
of the BRD, PRO or AMC bits (to accept broadcast, all physical or multicast packets respectively) in the Receive
Control Register (see Section 4.3.3). This means, for example, that it is not possible to set RJCM and BRD to reject
all broadcast packets. If RJCM and BRD are set at the same time, however, all broadcast packets will be accepted,
but any packets that have a destination address that matches an address in the CAM will be rejected.
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.8 Transmit Registers
The transmit registers described in this section are part of
the User Register set. The UTDA and CTDA must be initial-
ized prior to issuing the transmit command (setting the TXP
bit) in the Command register.
Upper Transmit Descriptor Address Register (UTDA):
This register contains the upper address bits (Ak31:16l)
for accessing the transmit descriptor area (TDA) and is con-
catenated with the contents of the CTDA when the SONIC
accesses the TDA in system memory. The TDA can be as
large as 32k words or 16k long words and can be located
anywhere in system memory. This register is unaffected by
a hardware or software reset.
Current Transmit Descriptor Address Register (CTDA):
The 16-bit CTDA register contains the lower address bits
(Ak15:1l) of the 32-bit transmit descriptor address. During
initialization this register must be programmed with the low-
er address bits of the transmit descriptor. The SONIC con-
catenates the contents of this register with the contents of
the UTDA to point to the transmit descriptor. For 32-bit
memory systems bit 1, corresponding to address signal A1,
must be set to ‘‘0’’ for alignment to long-word boundaries.
Bit 0 of this register is the End of List (EOL) bit and is used
to denote the end of the list. This register is unaffected by a
hardware or software reset.
4.3.9 Receive Registers
The receive registers described in this section are part of
the User Register set. A software reset has no effect on
these registers and a hardware reset only affects the EOBC
and RSC registers. The receive registers must be initialized
prior to issuing the receive command (setting the RXEN bit)
in the Command register.
Upper Receive Descriptor Address Register (URDA):
This register contains the upper address bits (Ak31:16l)
for accessing the receive descriptor area (RDA) and is con-
catenated with the contents of the CRDA when the SONIC
accesses the RDA in system memory. The RDA can be as
large as 32k words or 16k long words and can be located
anywhere in system memory. This register is unaffected by
a hardware or software reset.
Current Receive Descriptor Address Register (CRDA):
The CRDA is a 16-bit read/write register used to locate the
received packet descriptor block within the RDA. It contains
the lower address bits (Ak15:1l). The SONIC concate-
nates the contents of the CRDA with the contents of the
URDA to form the complete 32-bit address. The resulting
32-bit address points to the first field of the descriptor block.
For 32-bit memory systems, bit 1, corresponding to address
signal A1, must be set to ‘‘0’’ for alignment to long-word
boundaries. Bit 0 of this register is the End of List (EOL) bit
and is used to denote the end of the list. This register is
unaffected by a hardware or software reset.
End of Buffer Word Count Register (EOBC): The SONIC
uses the contents of this register to determine where to
place the next packet. At the end of packet reception, the
SONIC compares the contents of the EOBC register with
the contents of the Remaining Buffer Word Count registers
(RBWC0,1) to determine whether: (1) to place the next
packet in the same RBA or (2) to place the next packet in
another RBA. If the EOBC is less than or equal to the re-
maining number of words in the RBA after a packet is re-
ceived (i.e., EOB sRBWC0,1), the SONIC buffers the next
packet in the same RBA. If the EOBC is greater than
the remaining number of words in the RBA after a packet is
received (i.e., EOBC lRBWC0,1), the Last Packet in RBA
bit, LPKT in the Receive Control Register, Section 4.3.3, is
set and the SONIC fetches the next resource descriptor.
Hence, the next packet received will be buffered in a new
RBA. A hardware reset sets this register to 02F8H (760
words or 1520 bytes). See Sections 3.4.2 and for
more information about using EOBC.
Upper Receive Resource Address Register (URRA): The
URRA is a 16-bit read/write register. It is programmed with
the base address of the receive resource area (RRA). This
16-bit upper address value (Ak31:16l) locates the receive
resource area in system memory. SONIC uses the URRA
register when accessing the receive descriptors within the
RRA by concatenating the lower address value from one of
four receive resource registers (RSA, REA, RWP, or RRP).
Resource Start Address Register (RSA): The RSA is a
15-bit read/write register. The LSB is not used and always
reads back as a 0. The RSA is programmed with the lower
15-bits (Ak15:1l) of the starting address of the receive
resource area. SONIC concatenates the contents of this
register with the contents of the URRA to form the complete
32-bit address.
Resource End Address Register (REA): The REA is a
15-bit read/write register. The LSB is not used and always
reads back as a 0. The REA is programmed with the lower
15-bits (Ak15:1l) of the ending address of the receive re-
source area. SONIC concatenates the contents of this reg-
ister with the contents of the URRA to form the complete
32-bit address.
Resource Read Pointer Register (RRP): The RRP is a
15-bit read/write register. The LSB is not used and always
reads back as a 0. The RRP is programmed with the lower
15-bit address (Ak15:1l) of the first field of the next de-
scriptor the SONIC will read. SONIC concatenates the con-
tents of this register with the contents of the URRA to form
the complete 32-bit address.
Resource Write Pointer Register (RWP): The RWP is a
15-bit read/write register. The LSB is not used and always
reads back as a 0. The RWP is programmed with the lower
15-bit address (Ak15:1l) of the next available location the
system can add a descriptor. SONIC concatenates the con-
tents of this register with the contents of the URRA to form
the complete 32-bit address. In 32-bit mode, bit 1, corre-
sponding to address signal A1, must be zero to insure the
proper equality comparison between this register and the
RRP register.
Receive Sequence Counter Register (RSC): This is a
16-bit read/write register containing two fields. The SONIC
uses this register to provide status information on the num-
ber of packets within a RBA and the number of RBAs. The
RSC register contains two 8-bit (modulo 256) counters. Af-
ter each packet is received the packet sequence number is
incremented. The SONIC maintains a single sequence num-
ber for each RBA. When the SONIC uses the next RBA, the
packet sequence number is reset to zero and the RBA se-
quence number is incremented. This register is reset to 0 by
a hardware reset or by writing zero to it. A software reset
has no affect.
15 8 7 0
RBA Sequence Number Packet Sequence Number
(Modulo 256) (Modulo 256)
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.10 CAM Registers
The CAM registers described in this section are part of the
User Register set. They are used to program the Content
Addressable Memory (CAM) entries that provide address
filtering of packets. These registers, except for the CAM
Enable register, are unaffected by a hardware or software
CAM Entry Pointer Register (CEP): The CEP is a 4-bit
register used by SONIC to select one of the sixteen CAM
entries. SONIC uses the least significant 4-bits of this regis-
ter. The value of 0h points to the first CAM entry and the
value of Fh points to the last entry.
CAM Address Port 2, 1, 0 Registers (CAP2, CAP1,
CAP0): Each CAP is a 16-bit read-only register used to ac-
cess the CAM cells. Each CAM cell is 16-bits wide and con-
tains one third of the 48-bit CAM entry which is used by the
SONIC for address filtering. The CAP2 register is used to
access the upper bits (k47:32l), CAP1 the middle bits
(k31:16l) and CAP0 the lower bits (k15:0l) of the CAM
entry. Given the physical address 60:50:40:30:20:10, which
is made up of 6 octets or bytes, where 10h is the least
significant byte and 60h is the most significant byte (60h
would be the first byte received from the network and 10h
would be the last), CAP0 would be loaded with 2010h, CAP1
with 4030h and CAP2 with 6050h.
To read a CAM entry, the user first places the SONIC in
software reset (set the RST bit in the Command register),
programs the CEP register to select one of sixteen CAM
entries, then reads CAP2, CAP1, and CAP0 to obtain the
complete 48-bit entry. The user can not write to the CAM
entries directly. Instead, the user programs the CAM de-
scriptor area in system memory (see Section 4.1.1), then
issues the Load CAM command (setting LCAM bit in the
Command register). This causes the SONIC to read the de-
scriptors from memory and loads the corresponding CAM
entry through CAP2-0.
47 0
Destination Address
47 32 31 16 15 0
CAM Enable Register (CE): The CE is a 16-bit read/write
register used to mask out or enable individual CAM entries.
Each register bit position corresponds to a CAM entry.
When a register bit is set to a ‘‘1’’ the corresponding CAM
entry is enabled. When ‘‘0’’ the entry is disabled. This regis-
ter is unaffected by a software reset and cleared to zero
(disabling all entries) during a hardware reset. Under normal
operations the user does not access this register. Instead
the user sets up this register through the last entry in the
CAM descriptor area. The SONIC loads the CE register dur-
ing execution of the LCAM Command.
CAM Descriptor Pointer Register (CDP): The CDP is a
15-bit read/write register. The LSB is unused and always
reads back as 0. The CDP is programmed with the lower
address (Ak15:1l) of the first field of the CAM descriptor
block in the CAM descriptor area (CDA) of system memory.
SONIC uses the contents of the CDP register when access-
ing the CAM descriptors. This register must be programmed
by the user before issuing the LCAM command. During exe-
cution of the LCAM Command SONIC concatenates the
contents of this register with the contents of the URRA reg-
ister to form the complete 32-bit address. During the Load
CAM operation this register is incremented to address the
fields in the CDA. After the Load Command completes, this
register points to the next location after the CAM Descriptor
CAM Descriptor Count Register (CDC): The CDC is a
5-bit read/write register. It is programmed with the number
of CAM descriptor blocks in the CAM descriptor area. This
register must be programmed by the user before issuing the
LCAM command. SONIC uses the value in this register to
determine how many entries to place in the CAM during
execution of the LCAM command. During LCAM execution
SONIC decrements this register each time it reads a de-
scriptor block. When the CDC decrements to zero SONIC
terminates the LCAM execution. Since the CDC register is
programmed with the number of CAM descriptor blocks in
the CAM Descriptor Area, the value programmed into the
CDC register ranges 1 to 16 (1h to 10h).
4.3.11 Tally Counters
The SONIC provides three 16-bit counters used for monitor-
ing network statistics on the number of CRC errors, Frame
Alignment errors, and missed packets. These registers roll-
over after the count of FFFFh is reached and produce an
interrupt if enabled in the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR).
These counters are unaffected by the RXEN bit in the CR,
but are halted when the RST bit in the CR is set. The data
written to these registers is inverted before being latched.
This means that if a value of FFFFh is written to these regis-
ters by the system, they will contain and read back the value
0000h. Data is not inverted during a read operation. The
Tally registers, therefore, are cleared by writing all ‘‘1’s’’ to
them. A software or hardware reset does not clear the tally
CRC Tally Counter Register (CRCT): The CRCT is a 16-bit
read/write register. This register is used to keep track of the
number of packets received with CRC errors. After a packet
is accepted by the address recognition logic, this register is
incremented if a CRC error is detected. If the packet also
contains a Frame Alignment error, this counter is not incre-
FAE Tally Counter Register (FAET): The FAET is a 16-bit
read/write register. This register is used to keep track of the
number of packets received with frame alignment errors.
After a packet is accepted by the address recognition logic,
this register is incremented if a FAE error is detected.
Missed Packet Tally Counter Register (MPT): The MPT is
a 16-bit read/write register. After a packet is received, this
counter is incremented if there is: (1) lack of memory re-
sources to buffer the packet, (2) a FIFO overrun, or (3) a
valid packet has been received, but the receiver is disabled
(RXDIS is set in the command register).
4.0 SONIC Registers (Continued)
4.3.12 General Purpose Timer
The SONIC contains a 32-bit general-purpose Watchdog
Timer for timing user-definable events. This timer is ac-
cessed by the user through two 16-bit read/write registers
(WT1 and WT0). The lower count value is programmed
through the WT0 register and the upper count value is pro-
grammed through the WT1 register.
These two registers are concatenated together to form the
complete 32-bit timer. This timer, clocked at (/2 the Transmit
Clock (TXC) frequency, counts down from its programmed
value and generates an interrupt, if enabled (Interrupt Mask
register), when it rolls over from 0000 0000h to FFFF
FFFFh. When the counter rolls over it continues decrement-
ing unless explicitly stopped (setting the STP bit). The timer
is controlled by the ST (Start Timer) and STP (Stop Timer)
bits in the Command register. A hardware or software reset
halts, but does not clear, the General Purpose timer.
31 16 15 0
WT1 (Upper Count Value) WT0 (Lower Count Value)
4.3.13 Silicon Revision Register
This is a 16-bit read only register. It contains information on
the current revision of the SONIC. The value of the
DP83932CVF revision register is 6h.
5.0 Bus Interface
SONIC features a high speed non-multiplexed address and
data bus designed for a wide range of system environments.
The data bus can be programmed (via the Data Configura-
tion Register) to a width of either 32- or 16-bits. SONIC con-
tains an on-chip DMA and supplies all the necessary signals
for DMA operation. With 31 address lines SONIC can ac-
cess a full 2 G-word address space. To accommodate dif-
ferent memory speeds wait states can be added to the bus
cycle by two methods. The memory subsystem can add wait
states by simply withholding the appropriate handshake sig-
nals. In addition, the SONIC can be programmed (via the
Data Configuration Register) to add wait states.
The SONIC is designed to interface to both the National/In-
tel and Motorola style buses. To facilitate minimum chip
count designs and complete bus compatibility the user can
program the SONIC for the following bus modes:
Ð National/Intel bus operating in synchronous mode
Ð National/Intel bus operating in asynchronous mode
Ð Motorola bus operating in synchronous mode
Ð Motorola bus operating in asynchronous mode
The mode pin (BMODE) along with the SBUS bit in the Data
Configuration Register are used to select the bus mode.
This section describes the SONIC’s pin signals, provides
system interface examples, and describes the various
SONIC bus operations.
There are two user selectable pin configurations for SONIC
to provide the proper interface signals for either the Nation-
al/Intel or Motorola style buses. The state of the BMODE
pin is used to define the pin configuration.
Figure 5-1
the pin configuration when BMODEe1 (tied to VCC) for the
Motorola style bus.
Figure 5-2
shows the pin configuration
when BMODEe0 (tied to ground) for the National/Intel
style bus.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-1. Connection Diagram (BMODEe1)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-2. Connection Diagram (BMODEe0)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
ZeTRI-STATE inputs are TTL compatible
ECL eECL-like drivers for interfacing to the Attachment
Unit Interface.
TP eTotem pole like drivers. These drivers are driven ei-
ther high or low and are always driven. Drive levels
are CMOS compatible.
TRI eTRI-STATE drivers. These pins are driven high, low
or TRI-STATE. Drive levels are CMOS compatible.
These pins may also be inputs (depending on the
OC eOpen Collector type drivers. These drivers are
TRI-STATE when inactive and are driven low when
active. These pins may also be inputs (depending
on the pin). Pin names which contain a ‘‘/’’ indicate
dual function pins.
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description
Symbol Driver Direction Description
EXT I External ENDEC Select: Tying this pin to VCC (EXT e1) disables the internal ENDEC
and allows an external ENDEC to be used. Tying this pin to ground (EXTe0) enables
the internal ENDEC. This pin must be tied either to VCC or ground. Note the alternate
pin definitions for CRSo/CRSi, COLo/COLi, RXDo/RXDi, RXCo/RXCi, and TXCo/TXCi.
When EXTe0 the first pin definition is used and when EXTe1 the second pin definition
is used.
CDaICollision a:The positive differential collision input from the transceiver. This pin should
be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
CDbICollision b:The negative differential collision input from the transceiver. This pin
should be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
RXaIReceive a:The positive differential receive data input from the transceiver. This pin
should be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
RXbIReceive b:The negative differential receive data input from the transceiver. This pin
should be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
TXaECL O Transmit a:The positive differential transmit output to the transceiver. This pin should
be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
TXbECL O Transmit b:The negative differential transmit output to the transceiver. This pin should
be unconnected when an external ENDEC is selected (EXT e1).
CRSo/ TP O Carrier Sense Output (CRSo) from the internal ENDEC (EXT e0): When EXT e0 the
CRSo signal is internally connected between the ENDEC and MAC units. It is asserted
on the first valid high-to-low transition in the receive data (RXa/b). This signal remains
active 1.5 bit times after the last bit of data. Although this signal is used internally by the
SONIC it is also provided as an output to the user.
Carrier Sense Input (CRSi) from an external ENDEC (EXT e1): The CRSi signal is
activated high when the external ENDEC detects valid data at its receive inputs.
COLo/ TP O Collision Output (COLo) from the internal ENDEC (EXT e0): When EXT e0 the
COLo signal is internally connected between the ENDEC and MAC units. This signal
generates an active high signal when the 10 MHz collision signal from the transceiver is
detected. Although this signal is used internally by the SONIC it is also provided as an
output to the user.
Collision Detect Input (COLi) from an external ENDEC (EXT e1): The COLi signal is
activated from an external ENDEC when a collision is detected. This pin is monitored
during transmissions from the beginning of the Start Of Frame Delimiter (SFD) to the
end of the packet. At the end of transmission, this signal is monitored by the SONIC for
CD heartbeat.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Driver Direction Description
RXDo/ TP O This pin will be TRI-STATE until the DCR has been written to. (See Section 4.3.2,
EXBUS, for more information.)
Receive Data Output (RXDo) from the internal ENDEC (EXT e0): NRZ data output.
When EXT e0 the RXDOUT signal is internally connected between the ENDEC and
MAC units. This signal must be sampled on the rising edge of the receive clock output
(RXCo). Although this signal is used internally by the SONIC it is also provided as an
output to the user.
Receive Data Input (RXDi) from an external ENDEC (EXT e1): The NRZ data
decoded from the external ENDEC. This data is clocked in on the rising edge of RXCi.
Extended User Output (EXUSR0): When EXBUS has been set (see Section 4.3.2), this
pin becomes a programmable output. It will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC
becomes a bus master, at which time it will be driven according to the value
programmed in the DCR2 (Section 4.3.7).
RXCo/ TP O This pin will be TRI-STATE until the DCR has been written to. (See Section 4.3.2,
EXBUS, for more information.)
Receive Clock Output (RXCo) from the internal ENDEC (EXT e0): When EXT e0
the RXCo signal is internally connected between the ENDEC and MAC units. This signal
is the separated receive clock from the Manchester data stream. It remains active 5-bit
times after the deassertion of CRSo. Although this signal is used internally by the
SONIC it is also provided as an output to the user.
Receive Clock Input (RXCi) from an external ENDEC (EXT e1): The separated
received clock from the Manchester data stream. This signal is generated from an
external ENDEC.
Extended User Output (EXUSR1): When EXBUS has been set (see Section 4.3.2), this
pin becomes a programmable output. It will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC
becomes a bus master, at which time it will be driven according to the value
programmed in the DCR2 (Section 4.3.7).
TXD/ TP O This pin will be TRI-STATE until the DCR has been written to. (See Section 4.3.2,
EXBUS, for more information.)
Transmit Data (TXD): The serial NRZ data from the MAC unit which is to be decoded
by an external ENDEC. Data is valid on the rising edge of TXC. Although this signal is
used internally by the SONIC it is also provided as an output to the user.
Extended User Output (EXUSR3): When EXBUS has been set (see Section 4.3.2), this
pin becomes a programmable output. It will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC
becomes a bus master, at which time it will be driven according to the value
programmed in the DCR2 (Section 4.3.7).
TXE TP O Transmit Enable: This pin is driven high when the SONIC begins transmission and
remains active until the last byte is transmitted. Although this signal is used internally by
the SONIC it is also provided as an output to the user.
TXCo/ TRI O, Z This pin will be TRI-STATE until the DCR has been written to. (See Section 4.3.2,
EXBUS, for more information.)
Transmit Clock Output (TXCo) from the internal ENDEC (EXT e0): This 10 MHz
clock transmit clock output is derived from the 20 MHz oscillator. When EXT e0 the
TXCOUT signal is internally connected between the ENDEC and MAC units. Although
this signal is used internally by the SONIC it is also provided as an output to the user.
Transmit Clock Input (TXCi) (EXT e1): This input clock from an external ENDEC is
used for shifting data out of the MAC unit serializer. This clock is nominally 10 MHz.
Synchronous Termination (STERM): When the SONIC is a bus master, it samples this
pin before terminating its memory cycle. This pin is sampled synchronously and may
only be used in asynchronous bus mode when BMODE e1. See Section 5.4.5 for more
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Driver Direction Description
LBK/ TP O This pin will be TRI-STATE until the DCR has been written to. (See Section 4.3.2,
EXBUS, for more information.)
Loopback (LBK): When ENDEC loopback is programmed, LBK is asserted high.
Although this signal is used internally by the SONIC it is also provided as an output to
the user.
Extended User Output (EXUSR2): When EXBUS has been set (see Section 4.3.2), this
pin becomes a programmable output. It will remain TRI-STATE until the SONIC
becomes a bus master, at which time it will be driven according to the value
programmed in the DCR2 (Section 4.3.7).
PCOMP TRI O, Z Packet Compression: This pin is used with the Management Bus of the DP83950,
Repeater Interface Controller (RIC). The SONIC can be programmed to assert PCOMP
whenever there is a CAM match, or when there is not a match. The RIC uses this signal
to compress (shorten) a received packet for management purposes and to reduce
memory usage. (See the DP83950 datasheet for more details on the RIC Management
Bus.) The operation of this pin is controlled by bits 1 and 2 in the DCR2 register. PCOMP
will remain TRI-STATE until these bits are written to. This signal is asserted right after
the 4th bit of the 7th byte of the incoming packet and is deasserted one transmit clock
(TXC) after CRS is driven low.
SEL I Mode Select (EXT e0): This pin is used to determine the voltage relationship between
TXaand TXbduring idle at the primary of the isolation transformer on the network
interface. When tied to VCC,TX
aand TXbare at equal voltages during idle. When tied
to ground, the voltage at TXais positive with respect to TXbduring idle on the primary
side of the isolation transformer (
Figure 6-2
PREJ I Packet Reject: This signal is used to reject received packets. When asserted low for at
least two receive clocks (RXC), the SONIC will reject the incoming packet. This pin can
be asserted up to the 2nd to the last bit of reception to reject a packet.
OSCOUT TP O Crystal Feedback Output: This signal is used to provide clocking signals for the
internal ENDEC. A crystal can be connected to this pin along with OSCIN. See Section
6.1.3 for more information about using oscillators or crystals.
OSCIN I Crystal Feedback Input or External Oscillator Input: This signal is used to provide
clocking signals for the internal ENDEC. A crystal may be connected to this pin along
with OSCOUT, or an oscillator module may be used. Typically the output of an oscillator
module is connected to this pin. See Section 6.1.3 for more information about using
oscillator modules or crystals.
BMODE I Bus Mode: This input enables the SONIC to be compatible with standard
microprocessor buses. The level of this pin affects byte ordering (little or big endian) and
controls the operation of the bus interface control signals. A high level (tied to VCC)
selects Motorola mode (big endian) and a low level (tied to ground) selects National/
Intel mode (little endian). Note the alternate pin definitions for AS/ADS, MRW/MWR,
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Driver Direction Description
D31 D0 TRI I, O, Z Data Bus: These bidirectional lines are used to transfer data on the system bus. When
the SONIC is a bus master, 16-bit data is transferred on D15 D0 and 32-bit data is
transferred on D31 D0. When the SONIC is accessed as a slave, register data is driven
onto lines D15 D0. D31 D16 are held TRI-STATE if SONIC is in 16-bit mode. If SONIC
is in 32-bit mode, they are driven, but invalid.
A31 A1 TRI O, Z Address Bus: These signals are used by the SONIC to drive the DMA address after the
SONIC has acquired the bus. Since the SONIC aligns data to word boundaries, only 31
address lines are needed.
RA5 RA0 I Register Address Bus: These signals are used to access SONIC’s internal registers.
When the SONIC is accessed, the CPU drives these lines to select the desired SONIC
AS/ TRI O, Z Address Strobe (AS): When BMODE e1, the falling edge indicates valid status and
address. The rising edge indicates the termination of the memory cycle.
Address Strobe (ADS): When BMODE e0, the rising edge indicates valid status and
MRW/ TRI O, Z When the SONIC has acquired the bus, this signal indicates the direction of data.
MWR TRI O, Z Memory Read/Write Strobe (MRW): When BMODE e1, this signal is high during a
read cycle and low during a write cycle.
Memory Read/Write Strobe (MWR): When BMODE e0, the signal is low during a
read cycle and high during a write cycle.
INT/ OC O, Z Indicates that an interrupt (if enabled) is pending from one of the sources indicated by
the Interrupt Status register. Interrupts that are disabled in the Interrupt Mask register
will not activate this signal.
Interrupt (INT): This signal is active low when BMODE e1.
Interrupt (INT): This signal is active high when BMODE e0.
RESET I Reset: This signal is used to hardware reset the SONIC. When asserted low, the SONIC
transitions into the reset state after 10 transmit clocks or 10 bus clocks if the bus clock
period is greater than the transmit clock period.
S2–S0 TP O Bus Status: These three signals provide a continuous status of the current SONIC bus
operations. See Section 5.4.3 for status definitions.
BSCK I Bus Clock: This clock provides the timing for the SONIC DMA engine.
BR/OCO,ZBus Request (BR): When BMODE e1, the SONIC asserts this pin low when it
attempts to gain access to the bus. When inactive this signal is tri-stated.
Hold Request (HOLD): When BMODE e0, the SONIC drives this pin high when it
intends to use the bus and is driven low when inactive.
BG/IBus Grant (BG): When BMODE e1 this signal is a bus grant. The system asserts this
pin low to indicate potential mastership of the bus.
Hold Acknowledge (HLDA): When BMODE e0 this signal is used to inform the
SONIC that it has attained the bus. When the system asserts this pin high, the SONIC
has gained ownership of the bus. This signal is sampled synchronously and the setup
time must be met to ensure proper operation.
BGACK TRI I, O, Z Bus Grant Acknowledge: When BMODE e1, the SONIC asserts this pin low when it
has determined that it can gain ownership of the bus. The SONIC checks the following
signal before driving BGACK.1)BGhas been received through the bus arbitration
process. 2) AS is deasserted, indicating that the CPU has finished using the bus. 3)
DSACK0 and DSACK1 are deasserted, indicating that the previous slave device is off
the bus. 4) BGACK is deasserted, indicating that the previous master is off the bus. This
pin is only used when BMODE e1.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Driver Direction Description
CS I Chip Select: The system asserts this pin low to access the SONIC’s registers. The
registers are selected by placing an address on lines RA5 RA0.
Note: Both CS and MREQ must not be asserted concurrently. If these signals are
successively asserted, there must be at least two bus clocks between the deasserting
edge of the first signal and the asserting edge of the second signal.
SAS I Slave Address Strobe: The system asserts this pin to latch the register address on
lines RA0 RA5. When BMODE e1, the address is latched on the falling edge of SAS.
When BMODE e0 the address is latched on the rising edge of SAS.
SRW/ I The system asserts this pin to indicate whether it will read from or write to the SONIC’s
SWR I registers.
Slave Read/Write (SRW): When BMODE e1, this signal is asserted high during a
read and low during a write.
Slave Write/Read (SWR): when BMODE e0, this signal is asserted low during a read
and high during a write.
DS TRI O, Z Data Strobe: When the SONIC is bus master, it drives this pin low during a read cycle to
indicate that the slave device may drive data onto the bus; in a write cycle, this pin
indicates that the SONIC has placed valid data onto the bus.
DSACK0/ TRI I, O, Z Data and Size Acknowledge 0 and 1 (DSACK0,1 BMODE e1): These pins are the
RDYi/ I output slave acknowledge to the system when the SONIC registers have been
DSACK1/ TRI I, O, Z accessed and the input slave acknowledgement when the SONIC is busmaster. When a
RDYo TP O register has been accessed, the SONIC drives both DSACK0 and DSACK1 pins low to
terminate the slave cycle. (Note that the SONIC responds as a 32-bit peripheral by
driving both DSACK0 and DSACK1 low, but drives data only on lines D0 D15. Lines
D16 D31 are driven, but invalid.) When the SONIC is bus master, it samples these pins
before terminating its memory cycle. When SONIC is in 32-bit bus master mode, both
DSACK0 and DSACK1 must be asserted to terminate the cycle. However, if the SONIC
is in 16-bit bus master mode, only the assertion of DSACK1 is required to terminate the
cycle. These pins are sampled synchronously or asynchronously depending on the state
of the SBUS bit in the Data Configuration register. See Section 5.4.5 for details. Note
that the SONIC does not allow dynamic bus sizing. Bus size is statically defined in the
Data Configuration register (see Section 4.3.2).
Ready Input (RDYi, BMODE e0): When the SONIC is a bus master, the system
asserts this signal high to insert wait-states and low to terminate the memory cycle. This
signal is sampled synchronously or asynchronously depending on the state of the SBUS
bit. See Section 5.4.5 and 4.3.2 for details.
Ready Output (RDYo, BMODE e0): When a register is accessed, the SONIC asserts
this signal to terminate the slave cycle.
BRT I Bus Retry: When the SONIC is bus master, the system asserts this signal to rectify a
potentially correctable bus error. This pin has 2 modes. Mode 1 (the LBR in the Data
Configuration register is set to 0): Assertion of this pin forces the SONIC to terminate
the current bus cycle and will repeat the same cycle after BRT has been deasserted.
Mode 2 (the LBR bit in the Data Configuration register is set to 1): Assertion of this
signal forces the SONIC to retry the bus operation as in Mode 1. However, the SONIC
will not continue DMA operations until the BR bit in the ISR is reset.
ECS TRI O, Z Early Cycle Start: This output gives the system earliest indication that a memory
operation is occurring. This signal is driven low at the rising edge of T1 and high at the
falling edge of T1.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
TABLE 5-1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Driver Direction Description
MREQ I Memory Request: The system asserts this signal low when it attempts to access the
shared-buffer RAM. The on-chip arbiter resolves accesses between the system and the
Note: Both CS and MREQ must not be asserted concurrently. If these signals are
successively asserted, there must be at least two bus clocks between the deasserting
edge of the first signal and the asserting edge of the second signal.
In Motorola mode, if a bus master uses the MREQ to request the bus from the SONIC,
care should be taken to isolate the DSACK0,1 from the bus (e.g., use tri-state buffers)
because the DSACK0,1 will be driven by the SONIC even after the SONIC has given up
the bus.
SMACK TP O Slave and Memory Acknowledge: SONIC asserts this dual function pin low in
response to either a Chip Select (CS) or a Memory Request (MREQ) when the SONIC’s
registers or its buffer memory is available for accessing. This pin can be used for
enabling bus drivers for dual-bus systems.
USR0,1 TRI I, O, Z User Define 0,1: These signals are inputs when SONIC is hardware reset and are
outputs when SONIC is a bus master (HLDA or BGACK asserted). When hard reset
(RST) is low, these signals input directly into bits 8 and 9 of the Data Configuration
register (DCR) respectively. The levels on these pins are latched on the rising edge of
RST. During busmaster operations (HLDA or BGACK is active), these pins are outputs
whose levels are programmable through bits 11 and 12 of the DCR respectively. The
USR0,1 pins should be pulled up to VCC or pulled down to ground. A 4.7 kXpull-up
resistor is recommended.
VCC1 5 Power: The a5V power supply for the digital portions of the SONIC.
TXVCC Power: These pins are the a5V power supply for the SONIC ENDEC unit. These pins
must be tied to VCC even if the internal ENDEC is not used.
GND1 6 Ground: The ground reference for the digital portions of the SONIC.
TXGND Ground: These pins are the ground references for the SONIC ENDEC unit. These pins
must be tied to ground even if the internal ENDEC is not used.
Any device that meets the SONIC interface protocol and
electrical requirements (timing, threshold, and loading) can
be interfaced to SONIC. Since two bus protocols are provid-
ed, via the BMODE pin, the SONIC can interface directly to
most microprocessors.
Figure 5-3
shows a typical interface
to the National/Intel style bus (BMODEe0) and
Figure 5-4
shows a typical interface to the Motorola style bus
The BMODE pin also controls byte ordering. When
BMODEe1 big endian byte ordering is selected and when
BMODEe0 little endian byte ordering is selected.
There are two types of system bus operations: 1) SONIC as
a slave, and 2) SONIC as a bus master. When SONIC is a
slave (e.g., a CPU accessing SONIC registers) all transfers
are non-DMA. When SONIC is a bus master (e.g., SONIC
accessing receive or transmit buffer/descriptor areas) all
transfers are block transfers using SONIC’s on-chip DMA.
This section describes the SONIC bus operations. Pay spe-
cial attention to all sections labeled as ‘‘Note’’. These con-
ditions must be met for proper bus operation.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-3. SONIC to Intel CPU Interface Example
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-4. SONIC to Motorola 68030/20 Interface Example
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
5.4.1 Acquiring The Bus
The SONIC requests the bus when 1) its FIFO threshold has
been reached or 2) when the descriptor areas in memory
(i.e., RRA, RDA, CDA, and TDA) are accessed. Note that
when the SONIC moves from one area in memory to anoth-
er (e.g., RBA to RDA), it always deasserts its bus request
and then requests the bus again when accessing the next
area in memory.
The SONIC provides two methods to acquire the bus for
compatibility with National/Intel or Motorola type microproc-
essors. These two methods are selected by setting the
proper level on the BMODE pin.
Figures 5-5
show the National/Intel (BMODE e0)
and Motorola (BMODE e1) bus request timing. Descrip-
tions of each mode follows. For both modes, when the
SONIC relinquishes the bus, there is an extra holding state
(Th) for one bus cycle after the last DMA cycle (T2). This
assures that the SONIC does not contend with another bus
master after it has released the bus.
The National/Intel processors require a 2-way handshake
Figure 5-5
). When the SONIC needs to access the bus, it
issues a HOLD REQUEST (HOLD) to the microprocessor.
The microprocessor, responds with a HOLD ACKNOWL-
EDGE (HLDA) to the SONIC. The SONIC then begins its
memory transfers on the bus. As long as the CPU maintains
HLDA active, the SONIC continues until it has finished its
memory block transfer. The CPU, however, can preempt the
SONIC from finishing the block transfer by deasserting
HLDA before the SONIC deasserts HOLD. This allows a
higher priority device to preempt the SONIC from continuing
to use the bus. The SONIC will request the bus again later
to complete any operation that it was doing at the time of
preemption. The HLDA signal is sampled synchronously by
the SONIC at the rising edge of the BSCK, setup time must
be met to ensure proper operation.
As shown in
Figure 5-5,
the SONIC will assert HOLD to
either the falling or rising edge of the bus clock (BSCK). The
default is for HOLD to be asserted on the falling edge. Set-
ting the PH bit in the DCR2 (see Section 4.3.7) causes
HOLD to be asserted (/2 bus clock later on the rising edge
(shown by the dotted line). Before HOLD is asserted, the
SONIC checks the HLDA line. If HLDA is asserted, HOLD
will not be asserted until after HLDA has been deasserted
Note: If HLDA is driven low to preempt the SONIC from the bus while the
SONIC is accessing the CAM (LCAM command), the SONIC will get
off the bus but will not deassert HOLD even though the status bit will
indicate idle state. If HLDA is driven low while the SONIC is accessing
descriptor areas (RRA, RDA, TDA), the SONIC will be preempted
normally (i.e., get off the bus and deassert HOLD) and the HOLD
signal will be reasserted again after one bus clock. If HLDA is driven
low while the SONIC is accessing data areas (RBA, TBA), the SONIC
will be preempted normally but may not reassert HOLD unless re-
quired to do so depending on the threshold condition of the FIFO.
The Motorola protocol requires a 3-way handshake using a
KNOWLEDGE handshake (
Figure 5-6
). When using this
protocol, the SONIC requests the bus by lowering BUS RE-
QUEST (BR). The CPU responds by issuing BUS GRANT
(BG). Upon receiving BG, the SONIC assures that all devic-
es have relinquished control of the bus before using the
bus. The following signals must be deasserted before the
SONIC acquires the bus:
STERM (Asynchronous Mode Only)
Deasserting BGACK indicates that the previous master has
released the bus. Deasserting AS indicates that the previ-
ous master has completed its cycle and deasserting
DSACK0,1 and STERM indicates that the previous slave
has terminated its connection to the previous master. The
SONIC maintains its mastership of the bus until it deasserts
BGACK. It cannot be preempted from the bus.
FIGURE 5-5. Bus Request Timing, BMODEe0
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-6. Bus Request Timing BMODEe1
5.4.2 Block Transfers
The SONIC performs block operations during all bus ac-
tions, thereby providing efficient transfers to memory. The
block cycle consists of three parts. The first part is the bus
acquisition phase, as discussed above, in which the SONIC
gains access to the bus. Once it has access of the bus, the
SONIC enters the second phase by transferring data
to/from its internal FIFOs or registers from/to memory. The
SONIC transfers data from its FIFOs in either EXACT
EXACT BLOCK mode: In this mode the number of words
(or long words) transferred during a block transfer is deter-
mined by either the Transmit or Receive FIFO thresholds
programmed in the Data Configuration Register.
EMPTY/FILL mode: In this mode the DMA completely fills
the Transmit FIFO during transmission, or completely emp-
ties the Receive FIFO during reception. This allows for
greater bus latency.
When the SONIC accesses the Descriptor Areas (i.e., RRA,
RDA, CDA, and TDA), it transfers data between its registers
and memory. All fields which need to be used are accessed
in one block operation. Thus, the SONIC performs 4 ac-
cesses in the RRA (see Section, 7 accesses in the
RDA (see Section, 2, 3, or 6 accesses in the TDA
(see Section 3.5.4) and 4 accesses in the CDA.
5.4.3 Bus Status
The SONIC presents three bits of status information on pins
S2 S0 which indicate the type of bus operation the SONIC
is currently performing (Table 5-2). Bus status is valid at the
falling edge of AS or the rising edge of ADS.
TABLE 5-2. Bus Status
S2 S1 S0 Status
1 1 1 The bus is idle. The SONIC is not
performing any transfers on the bus.
1 0 1 The Transmit Descriptor Area (TDA) is
currently being accessed.
0 0 1 The Transmit Buffer Area (TBA) is
currently being read.
0 1 1 The Receive Buffer Area (RBA) is
currently being written to. Only data is
being written, though, not a Source or
Destination address.
0 1 0 The Receive Buffer Area (RBA) is
currently being written to. Only the
Source or Destination address is being
written though.
1 1 0 The Receive Resource Area (RRA) is
currently being read.
1 0 0 The Receive Descriptor Area (RDA) is
currently being accessed.
0 0 0 The CAM Descriptor Area (CDA) is
currently being accessed.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued) Bus Status Transitions
When the SONIC acquires the bus, it only transfers data
to/from a single area in memory (i.e., TDA, TBA, RDA, RBA,
RRA, or CDA). Thus, the bus status pins remain stable for
the duration of the block transfer cycle with the following
three exceptions: 1) If the SONIC is accessed during a block
transfer, S2 S0 indicates bus idle during the register ac-
cess, then returns to the previous status. 2) If the SONIC
finishes writing the Source Address during a block transfer
S2 S0 changes from [0,1,0]to [0,1,1]. 3) During an RDA
access between the RXpkt.seqÐno and RXpkt.link access,
and between the RXpkt.link and RXpkt.inÐuse access,
S2 S0 will respectively indicate idle [1,1,1]for2or1bus
clocks. Status will be valid on the falling edge of AS or rising
edge of ADS.
Figure 5-7
illustrates the SONIC’s transitions through mem-
ory during the process of transmission and reception. Dur-
ing transmission, the SONIC reads the descriptor informa-
tion from the TDA and then transmits data of the packet
from the TBA. The SONIC moves back and forth between
the TDA and TBA until all fragments and packets are trans-
mitted. During reception, the SONIC takes one of two paths.
In the first case (path A), when the SONIC detects EOLe0
from the previous reception, it buffers the accepted packet
into the RBA, and then writes the descriptor information to
the RDA. If the RBA becomes depleted (i.e., RBWC0,1 k
EOBC), it moves to the RRA to read a resource descriptor.
In the second case (path B), when the SONIC detects
EOLe1 from the previous reception, it rereads the
RXpkt.link field to determine if the system has reset the EOL
bit since the last reception. If it has, the SONIC buffers the
packet as in the first case. Otherwise, it rejects the packet
and returns to idle.
5.4.4 Bus Mode Compatibility
For compatibility with different microprocessor and bus ar-
chitectures, the SONIC operates in one of two modes (set
by the BMODE pin) called the National/Intel or little endian
mode (BMODE tied low) and the Motorola or big endian
mode (BMODE tied high). The definitions for several pins
change depending on the mode the SONIC is in. Table 5-3
shows these changes. These modes affect both master and
slave bus operations with the SONIC.
TABLE 5-3. Bus Mode Compatibility
Pin Name BMODEe0 BMODEe1
(National/Intel) (Motorola)
FIGURE 5-7. Bus Status Transitions
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
5.4.5 Master Mode Bus Cycles
In order to add additional compatibility with different bus
architectures, there are two other modes that affect the op-
eration of the bus. These modes are called the synchronous
and asynchronous modes and are programmed by setting
or resetting the SBUS bit in the Data Configuration Register
(DCR). The synchronous and asynchronous modes do not
have an effect on slave accesses to the SONIC but they do
affect the master mode operation. Within the particular bus/
processor mode, synchronous and asynchronous modes
are very similar. This section discusses all four modes of
operation of the SONIC (National/Intel vs. Motorola, syn-
chronous vs. asynchronous) when it is a bus master.
In this section, the rising edge of T1 and T2 means the
beginning of these states, and the falling edge of T1 and T2
means the middle of these states. Adding Wait States
To accommodate different memory speeds, the SONIC pro-
vides two methods for adding wait states for its bus opera-
tions. Both of these methods can be used individually or in
conjunction with each other. A memory cycle is extended by
adding additional T2 states. The first method inserts wait-
states by withholding the assertion of DSACK0,1/STERM or
RDYi. The other method allows software to program wait-
states. Programming the WC0, WC1 bits in the Data Config-
uration Register allows 1 to 3 wait-states to be added on
each memory cycle. These wait states are inserted between
the T1 and T2 bus states and are called T2(wait) bus states.
The SONIC will not look at the DSACK0,1, STERM or RDYi
lines until the programmed wait states have passed. Hence,
in order to complete a bus operation that includes pro-
grammed wait states, the DSACK0,1, STERM or RDYi lines
must be asserted at their proper times at the end of the
cycle during the last T2, not during a programmed wait
state. The only exception to this is asynchronous mode
where DSACK0,1 or RDYi would be asserted during the last
programmed wait state, T2 (wait). See the timing for these
signals in the timing diagrams for more specific information.
Programmed wait states do not affect Slave Mode bus cy-
cles. Memory Cycle for BMODE e1, Synchronous
On the rising edge of T1, the SONIC asserts ECS to indicate
that the memory cycle is starting. The address (A31-A1),
bus status (S2-S0) and the direction strobe (MRW) are driv-
en and do not change for the remainder of the memory
cycle. On the falling edge of T1, the SONIC deasserts ECS
and asserts AS.
In synchronous mode, DSACK0,1 are sampled on the rising
edge of T2. T2 states will be repeated until DSACK0,1 are
sampled properly in a low state. DSACK0,1 must meet the
setup and hold times with respect to the rising edge of bus
clock for proper operation.
During read cycles (
Figure 5-8
) data (D31-D0) is latched at
the falling edge of T2 and DS is asserted at the falling edge
of T1. For write cycles (
Figure 5-9
) data is driven on the
rising edge of T1. If there are wait states inserted, DS is
asserted on the falling edge of T2. DS is not asserted for
zero wait state write cycles. The SONIC terminates the
memory cycle by deasserting AS and DS at the falling edge
of T2.
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-8. Memory Read, BMODEe1, Synchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-9. Memory Write, BMODEe1, Synchronous (1 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued) Memory Cycle for BMODE e1,
Asynchronous Mode
On the rising edge of T1, the SONIC asserts ECS to indicate
that the memory cycle is starting. The address (A31-A1),
bus status (S2-S0) and the direction strobe (MRW) are driv-
en and do not change for the remainder of the memory
cycle. On the falling edge of T1, the SONIC deasserts ECS
and asserts AS.
In asynchronous mode, DSACK0,1 are asynchronously
sampled on the falling edge of both T1 and T2. DSACK0,1
do not need to be synchronized to the bus clock because
the chip always resolves these signals to either a high or
low state. If a synchronous termination of the bus cycle is
required, however, STERM may be used. STERM is sam-
pled on the rising edge of T2 and must meet the setup and
hold times with respect to that edge for proper operation.
Meeting the setup time for DSACK0,1 or STERM guaran-
tees that the SONIC will terminate the memory cycle 1.5
FIGURE 5-10. Memory Read, BMODEe1, Asynchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-11. Memory Read, BMODEe1, Asynchronous (2 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
bus clocks after DSACK0,1 were sampled, or 1 cycle after
STERM was sampled. T2 states will be repeated until
DSACK0,1 or STERM are sampled properly in a low state
(see note below).
During read cycles (
Figures 5-10
), data (D31-D0)
is latched at the falling edge of T2 and DS is asserted at the
falling edge of T1. For write cycles (
Figures 5-12
data is driven on the rising edge of T1. If there are wait
states inserted, DS is asserted on the falling edge of the first
T2 (wait). DS is not asserted for zero wait state write cycles.
The SONIC terminates the memory cycle by deasserting AS
and DS at the falling edge of T2.
Note: If the setup time for DSACK0,1 is met during T1, or the setup time for
STERM is met during the first T2, the full asynchronous bus cycle will
take only 2 bus clocks. This may be an unwanted situation. If so,
DSACK0,1 and STERM should normally be deasserted during T1 and
the start of T2 respectively.
FIGURE 5-12. Memory Write, BMODEe1, Asynchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-13. Memory Write, BMODEe1, Asynchronous (2 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued) Memory Cycle for BMODE e0, Synchronous
On the rising edge of T1, the SONIC asserts ADS and ECS
to indicate that the memory cycle is starting. The address
(A31-A1), bus status (S2-S0) and the direction strobe
(MWR) are driven and do not change for the remainder of
the memory cycle. On the falling edge of T1, the SONIC
deasserts ECS. ADS is deasserted on the rising edge of T2.
In Synchronous mode, RDYi is sampled on the rising edge
at the end of T2 (the rising edge of the next T1). T2 states
will be repeated until RDYi is sampled properly in a low
state. RDYi must meet the setup and hold times with re-
spect to the rising edge of bus clock for proper operation.
During read cycles (
Figure 5-14
), data (D31-D0) is latched
at the rising edge at the end of T2. For write cycles (
) data is driven on the rising edge of T1 and stays driv-
en until the end of the cycle.
FIGURE 5-14. Memory Read, BMODEe0, Synchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-15. Memory Write, BMODEe0, Synchronous (1 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued) Memory Cycle for BMODE e0, Asynchronous
On the rising edge of T1, the SONIC asserts ADS and ECS
to indicate that the memory cycle is starting. The address
(A31-A1), bus status (S2-S0) and the direction strobe
(MWR) are driven and do not change for the remainder of
the memory cycle. On the falling edge of T1, the SONIC
deasserts ECS. ADS is deasserted on the rising edge of T2.
In Asynchronous mode, RDYi is asynchronously sampled
on the falling edge of both T1 and T2. RDYi does not need
to be synchronized to the bus clock because the chip al-
ways resolves these signals to either a high or low state.
Meeting the setup time for RDYi guarantees that the SONIC
will terminate the memory cycle 1.5 bus clocks after RDYi
was sampled. T2 states will be repeated until RDYi is sam-
pled properly in a low state (see note on following page).
FIGURE 5-16. Memory Read, BMODEe0, Asynchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-17. Memory Read, BMODEe0, Asynchronous (2 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
During read cycles (
Figures 5-16
), data (D31-D0)
is latched on the rising edge at the end of T2 and DS is
asserted at the falling edge of T1. For write cycles (
) data is driven on the rising edge of T1. If
there are wait states inserted, DS is asserted on the falling
edge of the first T2(wait). DS is not asserted for zero wait
state write cycles. The SONIC terminates the memory cycle
by deasserting DS at the falling edge of T2.
Note: If the setup time for RDYi is met during T1, the full asynchronous bus
cycle will take only 2 bus clocks. This may be an unwanted situation.
If so, RDYi should be deasserted during T1.
5.4.6 Bus Exceptions (Bus Retry)
The SONIC provides the capability of handling errors during
the execution of the bus cycle (
Figure 5-20
The system asserts BRT (bus retry) to force the SONIC to
repeat the current memory cycle. When the SONIC detects
the assertion of BRT, it completes the memory cycle at the
end of T2 and gets off the bus by deasserting BGACK or
HOLD. Then, if Latched Bus Retry mode is not set (LBR in
the Data Configuration Register, Section 4.3.2), the SONIC
requests the bus again to retry the same memory cycle. If
FIGURE 5-18. Memory Write, BMODEe0, Asynchronous (1 Wait-State)
FIGURE 5-19. Memory Write, BMODEe0, Asynchronous (2 Wait-State)
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-20. Bus Exception (Bus Retry)
Latched Bus Retry is set though, the SONIC will not retry
until the BR bit in the ISR (see Section 4.3.6) has been reset
and BRT is deasserted. BRT has precedence of terminating
a memory cycle over DSACK0,1, STERM or RDYi.
BRT may be sampled synchronously or asynchronously by
setting the EXBUS bit in the DCR (see Section 4.3.2). If
synchronous Bus Retry is set, BRT is sampled on the rising
edge of T2. If asynchronous Bus Retry is set, BRT is double
synchronized from the falling edge of T1. The asynchronous
setup time does not need to be met, but doing so will guar-
antee that the bus exception will occur in the current bus
cycle instead of the next bus cycle. Asynchronous Bus Re-
try may only be used when the SONIC is set to asynchro-
nous mode.
Note 1: The deassertion edge of HOLD is dependent on the PH bit in the
DCR2 (see Section 4.3.7). Also, BGACK is driven high for about (/2
bus clock before going TRI-STATE.
Note 2: If Latched Bus Retry is set, BRT need only satisfy its setup time
(the hold time is not important). Otherwise, BRT must remain as-
serted until after the Th state.
Note 3: If DSACK0,1, STERM or RDYi remain asserted after BRT, the next
memory cycle may be adversely affected.
5.4.7 Slave Mode Bus Cycle
The SONIC’s internal registers can be accessed by one of
two methods (BMODE e1 or BMODE e0). In both meth-
ods, the SONIC is a slave on the bus. This section de-
scribes the SONIC’s slave mode bus operations. Slave Cycle for BMODE e1
The system accesses the SONIC by driving SAS,CS, SRW
and RAk5:0l. SONIC will start a slave cycle once CS and
SAS are asserted properly. SONIC samples CS asynchro-
nously at the falling edge of each BSCK. SAS signal can be
asserted anytime as long as it is before the next falling edge
of the clock that the CS is sampled on.
The register address RAk5:0land the read/write signal
SRW will be latched by the SONIC on the falling edge of the
SAS signal. Once SAS and CS are asserted, SMACK will be
asserted by the SONIC to signify that the SONIC has started
the slave cycle. Although CS and SAS are asynchronous
inputs, meeting their setup times (as shown in
Figures 5-21
) will guarantee that SMACK, which is asserted off
of a falling edge, will be asserted 1 bus clock after the falling
edge that CS was clocked in on. This is assuming that the
SONIC is not a bus master when CS was asserted. If the
SONIC is a bus master, then, when CS is asserted, the
SONIC will complete its current master bus cycle and get off
the bus temporarily (see Section 5.4.8). In this case,
SMACK will be asserted maximum 5 bus clocks after the
falling edge that CS was clocked in on. This is assuming
that there were no wait states in the current master mode
access. Wait states will increase the time for SMACK to go
low by the number of wait states in the cycle.
If the slave access is a read cycle (
Figure 5-21
), then the
data will be driven off the same edge as SMACK.Ifitisa
write cycle (
Figure 5-22
), then the data will be latched in
exactly 2 bus clocks after the assertion of SMACK. In either
case, DSACK0,1 are driven low 2 bus clocks after SMACK
to terminate the slave cycle. For a read cycle, the assertion
of DSACK0,1 indicates valid register data and for a write
cycle, the assertion indicates that the SONIC has latched
the data. The SONIC deasserts DSACK0,1 at the rising
edge of SAS or CS depending on which is deasserted first.
The data bus is deasserted on the rising edge of SAS. The
SONIC deasserts SMACK and causes DSACK0,1 to be-
come TRI-STATE on the falling edge of the BSCK that SAS
was sampled high on.
Note 1: Although the SONIC responds as a 32-bit peripheral when it drives
both DSACK0 and DSACK1 low, it transfers data only on lines
Note 2: For multiple register accesses, CS can be held low and SAS can be
used to delimit the slave cycle. In this case, SMACK will be driven
low due to SAS going low since CS has already been asserted.
Notice that this means SMACK will not stay asserted low during the
entire time CS is low (as is the case for MREQ, Section 5.4.8).
Note 3: If memory request (MREQ) follows a chip select (CS), it must be
asserted at least 2 bus clocks after CS is deasserted. Both CS and
MREQ must not be asserted concurrently.
Note 4: When CS is deasserted, it must remain deasserted for at least one
bus clock.
Note 5: The way in which SMACK is asserted due to CS is not the same as
the way in which SMACK is asserted due to MREQ. The assertion
of SMACK is dependent upon both CS and SAS being low, not just
CS. This is not the same as the case for MREQ (see Section 5.4.8).
The assertion of SMACK in these two cases should not be con-
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-21. Register Read, BMODEe1
FIGURE 5-22. Register Write, BMODEe1
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued) Slave Cycle for BMODE e0
The system accesses the SONIC by driving SAS,CS, SWR
and RAk5:0l. SONIC will start a slave cycle once CS and
SAS are asserted properly. SONIC samples CS asynchro-
nously at the falling edge of each BSCK. SAS signal may be
asserted low anytime before or simultaneously to the falling
edge of the CS and the deassertion of SAS will start the
slave cycle. CS should not be asserted low before the falling
edge of SAS as this will cause improper slave operation.
The register address RAk5:0land the read/write signal
SWR will be latched by the SONIC on the rising edge of the
SAS signal. Once CS is asserted and SAS is deasserted,
SMACK will be asserted by the SONIC to signify that the
SONIC has started the slave cycle. Although CS and SAS
are asynchronous inputs, meeting their setup times (as
shown in
Figures 5-23
) will guarantee that
SMACK, which is asserted off a falling edge, will be assert-
ed on the falling edge of the BSCK and SAS was sampled
high on. This is assuming that the SONIC is not a bus mas-
ter when CS is asserted. If the SONIC is a bus master, then,
when CS is asserted, the SONIC will complete its current
master bus cycle and get off the bus temporarily (see Sec-
tion 5.4.8). In this case, SMACK will be asserted maximum 4
bus clocks after the falling edge of BSCK that SAS was
sampled high on. This is assuming that there were no wait
states in the current master mode access. Wait states will
increase the time for SMACK to go low by the number of
wait states in the cycle.
If the slave access is a read cycle (
Figure 5-23
), then the
data will be driven off the same edge as SMACK.Ifitisa
write cycle (
Figure 5-24
), then the data will be latched in
exactly 2 bus clocks after the assertion of SMACK. In either
case, RDYo is driven low 2.5 bus clocks after SMACK to
terminate the slave cycle. For a read cycle, the assertion of
RDYo indicates valid register data and for a write cycle, the
assertion indicates that the SONIC has latched the data.
The SONIC deasserts RDYo, SMACK and the data if the
cycle is a read cycle at the falling edge of SAS or the rising
edge of CS depending on which is first.
Note 1: The SONIC transfers data only on lines Dk15:0lduring slave
mode accesses.
Note 2: For multiple register accesses, CS can be held low and SAS can be
used to delimit the slave cycle (this is the only case where CS may
be asserted before SAS). In this case, SMACK will be driven low
due to SAS going high since CS has already been asserted. Notice
that this means SMACK will not stay asserted low during the entire
time CS is low (as is the case for MREQ, see Section 5.4.8).
Note 3: If memory request (MREQ) follows a chip select CS, it must be
asserted at least 2 bus clocks after CS is deasserted. Both CS and
MREQ must not be asserted concurrently.
Note 4: When CS is deasserted, it must remain deasserted for at least one
bus clock.
Note 5: The way in which SMACK is asserted due to CS is not the same as
the way in which SMACK is asserted due to MREQ. The assertion of
SMACK is dependent upon both CS and SAS being low, not just CS.
This is not the same as the case for MREQ (see Section 5.4.8). The
assertion of SMACK in these two cases should not be confused.
FIGURE 5-23. Register Read, BMODEe0
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
FIGURE 5-24. Register Write, BMODEe0
FIGURE 5-25. On-Chip Memory Arbiter
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
5.4.8 On-Chip Memory Arbiter
For applications which share the buffer memory area with
the host system (shared-memory applications), the SONIC
provides a fast on-chip memory arbiter for efficiently resolv-
ing accesses between the SONIC and the host system (
ure 5-25
). The host system indicates its intentions to use
the shared-memory by asserting Memory Request (MREQ).
The SONIC will allow the host system to use the shared
memory by acknowledging the host system’s request with
Slave and Memory Acknowledge (SMACK). Once SMACK
is asserted, the host system may use the shared memory
freely. The host system gives up the shared memory by
deasserting MREQ.
MREQ is clocked in on the falling edge of bus clock and is
double synchronized internally to the rising edge. SMACK is
asserted on the falling edge of a Ts bus cycle. If the SONIC
is not currently accessing the memory, SMACK is asserted
immediately after MREQ was clocked in. If, however, the
SONIC is accessing the shared memory, it finishes its cur-
rent memory transfer and then issues SMACK. SMACK will
be asserted one bus clock minimum to five bus clocks maxi-
mum after MREQ is clocked in. Since MREQ is double syn-
chronized, it is not necessary to meet its setup time. Meet-
ing the setup time for MREQ will, however, guarantee that
SMACK is asserted one to five bus clocks after the current
bus clock. SMACK will deassert within one bus clock after
MREQ is deasserted. The SONIC will then finish its master
operation if it was using the bus previously.
If the host system needs to access the SONIC’s registers
instead of shared memory, CS would be asserted instead of
MREQ. Accessing the SONIC’s registers works almost ex-
actly the same as accessing the shared memory except that
the SONIC goes into a slave cycle instead of going idle. See
Section 5.4.7 for more information about how register ac-
cesses work.
Note 1: The successive assertion of CS and MREQ must be separated by
at least two bus clocks. Both CS and MREQ must not be asserted
Note 2: The number of bus clocks between MREQ being asserted and the
assertion of SMACK when the SONIC is in Master Mode is 5 bus
clocks assuming there were no wait states in the Master Mode
access. Wait states will increase the time for SMACK to go low by
the number of wait states in the cycle (the time will be 5 athe
number of wait states).
Note 3: The way in which SMACK is asserted due to CS is not the same as
the way in which SMACK is asserted due to MREQ. SMACK goes
low as a direct result of the assertion of MREQ, whereas, for CS,
SAS must also be driven low (BMODE e1) or high (BMODE e0)
before SMACK will be asserted. This means that when SMACK is
asserted due to MREQ, SMACK will remain asserted until MREQ is
deasserted. Multiple memory accesses can be made to the shared
memory without SMACK ever going high. When SMACK is asserted
due to CS, however, SMACK will only remain low as long as SAS is
also low (BMODE e1). SMACK will not remain low throughout
multiple register accesses to the SONIC because SAS must toggle
for each register access. This is an important difference to consider
when designing shared memory designs.
Note 4: In Motorola mode, if a bus master uses the MREQ to request the
bus from the SONIC, care should be taken to isolate the DSACK0,1
from the bus (e.g., use TRI-STATE buffers) because the DSACK0,1
will be driven by the SONIC even after the SONIC has given up the
5.4.9 Chip Reset
The SONIC has two reset modes; a hardware reset and a
software reset. The SONIC can be hardware reset by as-
serting the RESET pin or software reset by setting the RST
bit in the Command Register (Section 4.3.1). The two reset
modes are not interchangeable since each mode performs
a different function.
TABLE 5-4. Internal Register Content after RESET
Contents after Reset
Hardware Software
Reset Reset
Command 0094h 0094h/00A4h
Data Configuration *unchanged
(DCR and DCR2)
Interrupt Mask 0000h unchanged
Interrupt Status 0000h unchanged
Transmit Control 0101h unchanged
Receive Control ** unchanged
End Of Buffer Count 02F8h unchanged
Sequence Counters 0000h unchanged
CAM Enable 0000h unchanged
*Bits 15 and 13 of the DCR and bits 4 through 0 of the DCR2 are reset to a 0
during a hardware reset. Bits 15-12 of the DCR2 are unknown until written
to. All other bits in these two registers are unchanged.
**Bits LB1, LB0 and BRD are reset to a 0 during hardware reset. All other
bits are unchanged.
After power-on, the SONIC must be hardware reset before it
will become operational. This is done by asserting RESET
for a minimum of 10 transmit clocks (10 ethernet transmit
clock periods, TXC). If the bus clock (BSCK) period is great-
er than the transmit clock period, RESET should be assert-
ed for 10 bus clocks instead of 10 transmit clocks. A hard-
ware reset places the SONIC in the following state. (The
registers affected are listed in parenthesis. See Table 5-4
and Section 4.3 for more specific information about the reg-
isters and how they are affected by a hardware reset. Only
those registers listed below and in Table 5-4 are affected by
a hardware reset.)
1. Receiver and Transmitter are disabled (CR).
2. The General Purpose timer is halted (CR).
3. All interrupts are masked out (IMR).
4. The NCRS and PTX status bits in the Transmit Control
Register (TCR) are set.
5. The End Of Byte Count (EOBC) register is set to 02F8h
(760 words).
6. Packet and buffer sequence number counters are set to
7. All CAM entries are disabled. The broadcast address is
also disabled (CAM Enable Register and the RCR).
8. Loopback operation is disabled (RCR).
9. The latched bus retry is set to the unlatched mode
10. All interrupt status bits are reset (ISR).
11. The Extended Bus Mode is disabled (DCR).
12. HOLD will be asserted/deasserted from the falling clock
edge (DCR2).
5.0 Bus Interface (Continued)
13. Latched Ready Mode is disabled (DCR2).
14. PCOMP will not be asserted (DCR2).
15. Packets will be accepted (not rejected) on CAM match
A software reset immediately terminates DMA operations
and future interrupts. The chip is put into an idle state where
registers can be accessed, but the SONIC will not be active
in any other way. The registers are affected by a software
reset as shown in Table 5-4 (only the Command Register is
6.0 Network Interfacing
The SONIC contains an on-chip ENDEC that performs the
network interfacing between the AUI (Attachment Unit Inter-
face) and the SONIC’s MAC unit. A pin selectable option
allows the internal ENDEC to be disabled and the MAC/
ENDEC signals to be supplied to the user for connection to
an external ENDEC. If the EXT pin is tied to ground
(EXTe0) the internal ENDEC is selected and if EXT is tied
to VCC (EXTe1) the external ENDEC option is selected.
Internal ENDEC: When the internal ENDEC is used
(EXTe0) the interface signals between the ENDEC and
MAC unit are internally connected. While these signals are
used internally by the SONIC they are also provided as an
output to the user
(Figure 6-1
The internal ENDEC allows for a 2-chip solution for the
complete Ethernet interface.
Figure 6-2
shows a typical dia-
gram of the network interface.
FIGURE 6-1. MAC and Internal ENDEC Interface Signals
6.0 Network Interfacing (Continued)
Note: When using BNC-CONN only, R10 to R13 should be 1.5 kXeach
FIGURE 6-2. Network Interface Example (EXTe0), using a single jumper, JB1, for network interface selection
6.0 Network Interfacing (Continued)
External ENDEC: When EXTe1 the internal ENDEC is by-
passed and the signals are provided directly to the user.
Since SONIC’s on-chip ENDEC is the same as National’s
DP83910 Serial Network Interface (SNI) the interface con-
siderations discussed in this section would also apply to
using this device in the external ENDEC mode.
The ENDEC unit’s encoder begins operation when the MAC
section begins sending the serial data stream. It converts
NRZ data from the MAC section to Manchester data for the
differential drivers (TXa/b). In Manchester encoding, the
first half of the bit cell contains the complementary data and
the second half contains the true data
(Figure 6-3)
. A tran-
sition always occurs at the middle of the bit cell. As long as
the MAC continues sending data, the ENDEC section re-
mains in operation. At the end of transmission, the last tran-
sition is always positive, occurring at the center of the bit
cell if the last bit is a one, or at the end of the bit cell if the
last bit is a zero.
The differential transmit pair drives up to 50 meters of twist-
ed pair AUI cable. These outputs are source followers which
require two 270Xpull-down resistors to ground. In addition,
a pulse transformer is required between the transmit pair
output and the AUI interface.
The driver allows both half-step and full-step modes for
compatibility with Ethernet and IEEE 802.3. When the SEL
pin is tied to ground (for Ethernet), TXais positive with
respect to TXbduring idle on the primary side of the isola-
tion transformer (
Figure 6-2
). When SEL is tied to VCC (for
IEEE 802.3), TXaand TXbare equal in the idle state.
FIGURE 6.3. Manchester Encoded Data Stream
6.1.1 Manchester Decoder
The decoder consists of a differential receiver and a phase
lock loop (PLL) to separate the Manchester encoded data
stream into clock signals and NRZ data. The differential in-
put must be externally terminated with two 39Xresistors
connected in series. In addition,
a pulse transformer is re-
quired between the receive input pair and the AUI interface.
To prevent noise from falsely triggering the decoder, a
squelch circuit at the input rejects signals with a magnitude
less than b175 mV. Signals more negative than b300 mV
are decoded.
Once the input exceeds the squelch requirements, the de-
coder begins operation. The decoder detects the end of a
frame within one and a half bit times after the last bit of
6.1.2 Collision Translator
When the Ethernet transceiver (DP8392 CTI) detects a colli-
sion, it generates a 10 MHz signal to the differential collision
inputs (CDaand CDb) of the SONIC. When SONIC de-
tects these inputs active, its Collision translator converts the
10 MHz signal to an active collision signal to the MAC sec-
tion. This signal causes SONIC to abort its current transmis-
sion and reschedule another transmission attempt.
The collision differential inputs are terminated the same way
as the differential receive inputs and a pulse transformer is
required between the collision input pair and the AUI inter-
face. The squelch circuitry is also similar, rejecting pulses
with magnitudes less than b175 mV.
6.1.3 Oscillator Inputs
The oscillator inputs to the SONIC (OSCIN and OSCOUT)
can be driven with a parallel resonant crystal or an external
clock. In either case the oscillator inputs must be driven with
a 20 MHZ signal. The signal is divided by 2 to generate the
10 MHz transmit clock (TXC) for the MAC unit. The oscilla-
tor also provides internal clock signals for the encoding and
decoding circuits. External Crystal
According to the IEEE 802.3 standard, the transmit clock
(TXC) must be accurate to 0.01%. This means that the os-
cillator circuit, which includes the crystal and other parts
involved must be accurate to 0.01% after the clock has
been divided in half. Hence, when using a crystal, it is nec-
essary to consider all aspects of the crystal circuit. An ex-
ample of a recommended crystal circuit is shown in
and suggested crystal specifications are shown in Table
The load capacitors in
Figure 6-4
, C1 and C2, should be no
greater than 36 pF each, including all stray capacitance
(see note 2 below). The resistor, R1, may be required in
order to minimize frequency drift due to changes in VCC.If
R1 is required, its value must be carefully selected since R1
decreases the loop gain. If R1 is made too large, the loop
gain will be greatly reduced and the crystal will not oscillate.
If R1 is made too small, normal variations in VCC may cause
the oscillation frequency to drift out of specification. As a
first rule of thumb, the value of R1 should be made equal to
five times the motional resistance of the crystal. The mo-
tional resistance of 20 MHz crystals is usually in the range
of 10Xto 30X. This implies that reasonable values for R1
should be in the range of 50Xto 150X. The decision of
whether or not to include R1 should be based upon mea-
sured variations of crystal frequency as each of the circuit
parameters are varied.
6.0 Network Interfacing (Continued)
FIGURE 6.4. Crystal Connection to the SONIC (see text)
Note 1: The OSCOUT pin is not guaranteed to provide a TTL compatible
logic output, and should not be used to drive any external logic. If
additional logic needs to be driven, then an external oscillator
should be used as described in the following section.
Note 2: The frequency marked on the crystal is usually measured with a
fixed load capacitance specified in the crystal’s data sheet. The
actual load capacitance used should be the specified value minus
the stray capacitance.
TABLE 6-1. Crystal Specifications
Resonant frequency 20 MHz
Tolerance (see text) 0.01% at 25§C
Accuracy 0.005% (50 ppm) at 0 to 70§C
Fundamental Mode
Series Resistance s25X
Specified Load
Capacitance s18 pF
Type AT cut
Circuit Parallel Resonance Clock Oscillator Module
The SONIC also allows for an external clock oscillator to be
used. The connection configuration is shown in
Figure 6.5
This connection requires an oscillator with the following
1. TTL or CMOS output with a 0.01% frequency tolerance
2. 40% 60% duty cycle (50% duty cycle preferred)
3. One CMOS loads output drive
The above assumes no other circuitry is driven. In this con-
figuration, the OSCOUT pin must be left open.
FIGURE 6.5. Oscillator Module Connection to the SONIC PCB Layout Considerations
Care should be taken when connecting a crystal. Stray ca-
pacitance (e.g., from PC board traces and plated through
holes around the OSCIN and OSCOUT pins) can shift the
crystal’s frequency out of range, causing the transmitted fre-
quency to exceed the 0.01% tolerance specified by IEEE.
The layout considerations for using an external crystal are
rather straightforward. The oscillator layout should locate all
components close to the OSCIN and OSCOUT pins and
should use short traces that avoid excess capacitance and
inductance. A solid ground should be used to connect the
ground legs of the two capacitors.
When connecting an external oscillator, the only considera-
tions are to keep the oscillator module as close to the
SONIC as possible to reduce stray capacitance and induc-
tance and to give the module a clean VCC and a solid
6.1.4 Power Supply Considerations
In general, power supply routing and design for the SONIC
need only follow standard practices. In some situations,
however, additional care may be necessary in the layout of
the analog supply. Specifically, special care may be needed
for the TXVCC, RXVCC and PLLVCC power supplies and
the TXGND and ANGND. In most cases the analog and
digital power supplies can be interconnected. However, to
ensure optimum performance of the SONIC’s analog func-
tions, power supply noise should be minimized. To reduce
analog supply noise, any of several techniques can be used.
1. Route analog supplies as a separate set of traces or
planes from the digital supplies with their own decoupling
2. Provide noise filtering on the analog supply pins by insert-
ing a low pass filter. Alternatively, a ferrite bead could be
used to reduce high frequency power supply noise.
3. Utilize a separate regulator to generate the analog sup-
The PLLVCC pin is the a5V power supply for the phase lock
loop (PLL) of the SONIC ENDEC unit. Since this is an ana-
log circuit, excessive noise on the PLLVCC pin can affect
the performance of the PLL. This noise, if in the 10 kHz to
400 kHz range, can reduce the jitter performance of the
ENDEC, resulting in missing packets or CRC errors. If the
power supply noise is causing significant packet reception
error, a low pass filter could be added to reduce the power
supply noise and hence improve the jitter performance.
Standard analog design techniques should be utilized when
laying out the power supply traces on the board. If the digital
power supply is used, it may be desirable to add a one pole
RC filter (designed to have a cut-off frequency of 1 kHz) as
shown in
Figure 6.6
to improve the jitter performance. The
PLLVCC only draws 3 mA 4 mA so the voltage across the
resistor is less than 90 mV, which will not affect the PLL’s
FIGURE 6.6. Filtering the Power Supply Noise
7.0 AC and DC Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage (VCC)b0.5V to 7.0V
DC Input Voltage (VIN)b0.5V to VCC a0.5V
DC Output Voltage (VOUT)b0.5V to VCC a0.5V
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG)b65§Cto150
Power Dissipation (PD) 500 mW
Lead Temp. (TL) (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260§C
ESD Rating
(RZAP e1.5k, CZAP e120 pF) 1.5 kV
DC Specifications TAe0§Cto70
C, VCC e5V g5%, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Units
VOH Minimum High Level Output Voltage IOH eb
8 mA 3.0 V
VOL Maximum Low Level Output Voltage IOL e8 mA 0.4 V
VIH Minimum High Level Input Voltage 2.0 V
VIL Maximum Low Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
IIN Input Current VIN eVCC or GND b1.0 1.0 mA
IOZ TRI-STATE Output VOUT eVCC or GND b10 10 mA
Leakage Current
ICC Average Operating Supply Current IOUT e0 mA, Freq e20 MHz 90 mA
ICC Average Operating Supply Current IOUT e0 mA, Freq e25 MHz 100 mA
ICC Average Operating Supply Current IOUT e0 mA, Freq e33 MHz 115 mA
, and CDg)
VOD Diff. Output Voltage (TXg)78XTermination and 270Xg550 g1200 mV
from Each to GND
VOB Diff. Output Voltage Imbalance (TXg)78XTermination and 270XTypical: 40 mV
from Each to GND
VUUndershoot Voltage (TXg)78XTermination and 270XTypical: 80 mV
from Each to GND
VDS Diff. Squelch Threshold b175 b300 mV
(RXgand CDg)
VIH OSCIN Input High Voltage OSCIN is Connected to an Oscillator 2.0 V
and OSCOUT is Open
VIL OSCIN Input Low Voltage OSCIN is Connected to an Oscillator 0.8 V
and OSCOUT is Open
IOSC2 X2 Input Leakage Current OSCIN is Connected to an Oscillator
and OSCOUT is Open b10 10 mA
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
AC Characteristics
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T1 Bus Clock Low Time 20 16 13.5 ns
T2 Bus Clock High Time 20 16 13.5 ns
T3 Bus Clock Cycle Time 50 40 30 ns
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T4 USRk1:0lSetup to RST 765 ns
T5 USRk1:0lHold from RST 987 ns
T6 Power-On Reset Low (Notes 1, 2) 10 10 10 TXC
T8 Reset Pulse Width (Notes 1, 2) 10 10 10 TXC
Note 1: The reset time is determined by the slower of BSCK or TXC. If BSCK lTXC, T6 and T8 equal 10 TXCs. If BSCK kTXC, T6 and T8 equal 10 BSCKs (T3).
Note 2: These specifications are not tested.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
MEMORY WRITE, BMODE e0, SYNCHRONOUS MODE (one wait-state shown)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid/Hold Time 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11 BSCK to ADS Low 26 24 22 ns
T11b BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12 BSCK to ADS High 24 22 20 ns
T12b BSCK to ECS High 29 27 25 ns
T15 ADS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T32 RDYi Setup to BSCK 19 17 15 ns
T33 RDYi Hold from BSCK 5 3 3 ns
T36 BSCK to Memory Write Data 350348346 ns
Valid/Hold Time (Note 2)
T37 BSCK to MWR (Write) Valid (Note 1) 24 22 20 ns
Note 1: For successive write operations, MWR remains high.
Note 2: One idle clock cycle (Ti) will be inserted between the last write cycle and the following read cycle in RDA and TDA operation. Note that the data bus will
become TRI-STATE from the rising edge of the clock after the idle cycle (see T52 for BSCK to data TRI-STATE timing).
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
MEMORY READ, BMODE e0, SYNCHRONOUS MODE (one wait-state shown)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid/Hold Time 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11 BSCK to ADS Low 26 24 22 ns
T11b BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12 BSCK to ADS High 24 22 20 ns
T12b BSCK to ECS High 29 27 25 ns
T15 ADS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T23 Read Data Setup Time to BSCK 5 4 3 ns
T24 Read Data Hold Time to BSCK 5 5 5 ns
T28 BSCK to MWR (Read) Valid (Note 1) 26 24 22 ns
T32 RDYi Setup Time to BSCK 19 17 15 ns
T33 RDYi Hold Time to BSCK 5 3 3 ns
Note 1: For successive read operations, MWR remains low.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid/Hold Time 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11 BSCK to ADS Low 26 24 22 ns
T11b BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T11d BSCK to DS Low 17 15 13 ns
T12 BSCK to ADS High 24 22 20 ns
T12b BSCK to ECS High 29 27 25 ns
T12d BSCK to DS High 17 15 13 ns
T15 ADS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T18 Write Data Strobe Low Width (Note 2) 40 30 20 ns
T32a RDYi Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Note 3) 5 4 3 ns
T33a RDYi Asynch. Hold from BSCK 5 5 5 ns
T36 BSCK to Memory Write Data 350348346 ns
Valid/Hold Time (Note 4)
T37 BSCK to MWR (Write) Valid (Note 1) 24 22 20 ns
T39 Write Data Valid to DS Low 34 21 7 ns
Note 1: For successive write operations, MWR remains high.
Note 2: DS will only be asserted if the bus cycle has at least one wait state inserted.
Note 3: This setup time assures that the SONIC terminates the memory cycle on the next bus clock (BSCK). RDYi does not need to be synchronized to the bus
clock, though, since it is an asynchronous input in this case. RDYi is sampled during the falling edge of BSCK. If the SONIC samples RDYi low during the T1 cycle,
the SONIC will finish the current access in a total of two bus clocks instead of three, which would be the case if RDYi had been sampled low during T2(wait). (This is
assuming that programmable wait states are set to 0).
Note 4: One idle clock cycle (Ti) will be inserted between the last write cycle and the following read cycle in RDA and TDA operation. Note that the data bus will
become TRI-STATE from the rising edge of the clock after the idle cycle (see T52 for BSCK to data TRI-STATE timing).
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid/Hold Time 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11 BSCK to ADS Low 26 24 22 ns
T11b BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T11d BSCK to DS Low 17 15 13 ns
T12 BSCK to ADS High 24 22 20 ns
T12b BSCK to ECS High 29 27 25 ns
T12d BSCK to DS High 17 15 13 ns
T15 ADS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T16 Read Data Strobe High Width 45 35 25 ns
T17 Read Data Strobe Low Width 40 30 20 ns
T23 Read Data Setup Time to BSCK 5 4 3 ns
T24 Read Data Hold Time from BSCK 5 5 5 ns
T28 BSCK to MRR (Read) Valid (Note 1) 26 24 22 ns
T32a RDYi Asynch. Setup Time to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T33a RDYi Asynch. Hold Time to BSCK 5 5 5 ns
Note 1: For successive read operations, MWR remains low.
Note 2: This setup time assures that the SONIC terminates the memory cycle on the next bus clock (BSCK). RDYi does not need to be synchronized to the bus
clock, though, since it is an asynchronous input in this case. RDYi is sampled during the falling edge of BSCK. If the SONIC samples RDYi low during the T1 cycle,
the SONIC will finish the current access in a total of two bus clocks instead of three, which would be the case if RDYi had been sampled low during T2(wait). (This is
assuming that programmable wait states are set to 0).
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
MEMORY WRITE, BMODE e1, SYNCHRONOUS MODE (one wait-state shown)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid/Hold Time 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11a BSCK to AS Low 17 15 13 ns
T11c BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12a BSCK to AS High 17 15 13 ns
T12c BSCK to ECS High 19 17 15 ns
T13a BSCK to DS Low (Note 1) 16 14 12 ns
T13b BSCK to DS High (Note 1) 16 14 12 ns
T14 AS Low Width 44 34 24 ns
T15a AS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T18 Write Data Strobe Width (Note 1) 40 30 20 ns
T19 Address Hold Time from AS 18 14 10 ns
T20 Data Hold Time from AS 20 16 12 ns
T22 Address Valid to AS (Note 3) 9 6 2 ns
T30 DSACK0,1 Setup to BSCK (Note 3) 5 4 3 ns
T31 DSACK0,1 Hold from BSCK 9 8 7 ns
T36 BSCK to Memory Write Data Valid/Hold Time (Note 4) 3 50 3 48 3 46 ns
T37a BSCK to MRW (Write) Valid (Note 2) 26 24 22 ns
T39 Write Data Valid to Data Strobe Low 34 21 7 ns
Note 1: DS will only be asserted if the bus cycle has at least one wait state inserted.
Note 2: For successive write operations, MRW remains low.
Note 3: DSACK0,1 must be synchronized to the bus clock (BSCK) during synchronous mode.
Note 4: One idle clock cycle (Ti) will be inserted between the last write cycle and the following read cycle in RDA and TDA operation. Note that the data bus will
become TRI-STATE from the rising edge of the clock after the idle cycle (see T52 for BSCK to data TRI-STATE timing).
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
MEMORY READ, BMODE e1, SYNCHRONOUS MODE (one wait-state shown)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11a BSCK to AS Low 17 15 13 ns
T11c BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12a BSCK to AS High 17 15 13 ns
T12c BSCK to ECS High 19 17 15 ns
T13a BSCK to DS Low (Note 3) 16 14 12 ns
T13b BSCK to DS High (Note 3) 16 14 12 ns
T14 AS Low Width 44 34 24 ns
T15a AS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T16 Read Data Strobe High Width 45 35 25 ns
T17 Read Data Strobe Low Width 40 30 20 ns
T19 Address Hold Time from AS 18 14 10 ns
T22 Address Valid to AS 962 ns
T23a Read Data Setup Time to BSCK 5 4 3 ns
T24a Read Data Hold Time from BSCK 5 5 5 ns
T28 BSCK to MRW (Read) Valid (Note 1) 26 24 22 ns
T30 DSACK0,1 Setup to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T31 DSACK0,1 Hold from BSCK 9 8 7 ns
Note 1: For successive write operations, MRW remains low.
Note 2: DSACK0,1 must be synchronized to the bus clock (BSCK) during synchronized mode.
Note 3: DS will only be asserted if the bus cycle has at last one wait state inserted.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11a BSCK to AS Low 17 15 13 ns
T11c BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12a BSCK to AS High 17 15 13 ns
T12c BSCK to ECS High 19 17 15 ns
T13a BSCK to DS Low 16 14 12 ns
T13b BSCK to DS High 16 14 12 ns
T14 AS Low Width 44 34 24 ns
T15a AS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T18 Write Data Strobe Low Width (Note 3) 40 30 20 ns
T19 Address Hold Time from AS 18 14 10 ns
T20 Data Hold Time from AS 20 16 12 ns
T22 Address Valid to AS 962 ns
T30 DSACK0,1 Setup to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T30a STERM Setup to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T31 DSACK0,1 Hold from BSCK 9 8 7 ns
T31a STERM Hold from BSCK 8 7 6 ns
T36 BSCK to Memory Write Data Valid (Note 4) 3 50 3 48 3 46 ns
T37a BSCK to MRW (Write) Valid (Note 1) 26 24 22 ns
T39 Write Data Valid to Data Strobe Low 34 21 7 ns
Note 1: For successive write operations, MRW remains low.
Note 2: Meeting the setup time for DSACK0,1 or STERM guarantees that the SONIC will terminate the memory cycle 1(/2 bus clocks after DSACK0,1 were
sampled, or 1 cycle after STERM was sampled. T2 states will be repeated until DSACK0,1 or STERM are sampled properly in a low state. If the SONIC samples
DSACK0,1 or STERM low during the T1 or first T2 state respectively, the SONIC will finish the current access in a total of two bus clocks instead of three (assuming
that programmable wait states are set to 0). DSACK0,1 are asynchronously sampled and STERM is synchronously sampled.
Note 3: DS will only be asserted if the bus cycle has at least one wait state inserted.
Note 4: One idle clock cycle (Ti) will be inserted between the last write cycle and the following read cycle in RDA and TDA operation. Note that the data bus will
become TRI-STATE from the rising edge of the clock after the idle cycle (see T52 for BSCK to data TRI-STATE timing).
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T9 BSCK to Address Valid 3 26 3 24 3 22 ns
T11a BSCK to AS Low 17 15 13 ns
T11c BSCK to ECS Low 19 17 15 ns
T12a BSCK to AS High 17 15 13 ns
T12c BSCK to ECS High 19 17 15 ns
T13a BSCK to DS Low 16 14 12 ns
T13b BSCK to DS High 16 14 12 ns
T14 AS Low Width 44 34 24 ns
T15a AS High Width 45 35 25 ns
T16 Read Data Strobe High Width 45 35 25 ns
T17 Read Data Strobe Low Width 40 30 20 ns
T19 Address Hold Time from AS 18 14 10 ns
T22 Address Valid to AS 962 ns
T23a Read Data Setup Time to BSCK 5 4 3 ns
T24a Read Data Hold Time from BSCK 5 5 5 ns
T28 BSCK to MRW (Read) Valid (Note 1) 26 24 22 ns
T30 DSACK0,1 Setup to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T30a STERM Setup to BSCK (Note 2) 5 4 3 ns
T31 DSACK0,1 Hold from BSCK 9 8 7 ns
T31a STERM Hold from BSCK 8 7 6 ns
Note 1: For successive read operations, MRW remains high.
Note 2: Meeting the setup time for DSACK0,1 or STERM guarantees that the SONIC will terminate the memory cycle 1(/2 bus clocks after DSACK0,1 were
sampled, or 1 cycle after STERM was sampled. T2 states will be repeated until DSACK0,1 or STERM are sampled properly in a low state. If the SONIC samples
DSACK0,1 or STERM low during the T1 or first T2 state respectively, the SONIC will finish the current access in a total of two bus clocks instead of three (assuming
that programmable wait states are set to 0). DSACK0,1 are asynchronously sampled and STERM is synchronously sampled.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T43 BSCK to HOLD High (Note 2) 18 16 14 ns
T44 BSCK to HOLD Low (Note 2) 19 17 15 ns
T45 HLDA Synchronous Setup Time to BSCK (Note 5) 7 6 5 ns
T46 HLDA Synchronous Deassert Setup Time (Note 1) 7 6 5 ns
T51 BSCK to Address, ADS, MWR,DS, ECS,
USRk1:0land EXUSRk3:0lTRI-STATE 34 32 30 ns
(Note 4)
T52 BSCK to Data TRI-STATE 34 32 30 ns
T53 BSCK to USRk1:0lor EXUSRk3:0lValid 34 32 30 ns
T55 BSCK to Bus Status Valid 29 27 25 ns
T55b Sk2:0lHold from BSCK 3 3 3 ns
Note 1: A block transfer by the SONIC can be pre-empted from the bus by deasserting HLDA provided HLDA is deasserted T46 before the rising edge of the last
T2 in the current access.
Note 2: The assertion edge for HOLD is dependent upon the PH bit in the DCR2. The default situation is shown wih a solid line in the timing diagram. T43 and T44
apply for both modes. Also, if HLDA is asserted when the SONIC wants to acquire the bus, HOLD will not be asserted until HLDA has been deasserted first.
Note 3: Sk2:0lwill indicate IDLE at the end of T2 if the last operation is a read operation, or at the end of Th if the last operation is a write operation.
Note 4: This timing value includes an RC delay inherent in the test measurement. These signals typically TRI-STATE 7 ns earlier, enabling other devices to drive
these lines without contention.
Note 5: The HLDA signal is sampled by the SONIC on each rising edge of BSCK. The maximum setup time is ((BSCKÐperiod T45ÐminÐspec) 5ns). The HLDA
max setup time is for information only, and is not tested.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T45a BG,AS, BGACK, DSACK0,1, and STERM 765 ns
Asynchronous Setup Time to BSCK (Note 1)
T51a BSCK to Address, AS, MRW,DS, ECS, 34 32 30 ns
T52 BSCK to Data TRI-STATE 34 32 30 ns
T53 BSCK to Address, AS, MRW,DS, ECS, 34 32 30 ns
USRk1:0l, and EXUSRk3:0lActive (Note 1)
T54 BSCK Low to BR Low/TRI-STATE 23 21 19 ns
T54a BSCK High to BGACK Low/High 24 22 20 ns
T54b BSCK High to BGACK TRI-STATE 19 17 15 ns
T55 BSCK to Bus Status Valid 29 27 25 ns
T55b Sk2:0lHold from BSCK 3 3 3 ns
Note 1: BGACK is asserted one bus clock after all the signals (AS, DSACK0,1, BGACK, STERM (Extended bus mode), and BG) meet the T45a setup time (see
Section 5.4.1 for more information). The address bus, AS,DS, ECS, MRW, USRk1:0l, and EXUSRk3:0lwill also be driven active on the same clock.
Note 2: Sk2:0lwill indicate IDLE at the end of T2 if the last operation is a read operation, or at the end of Th if the last operation is a write operation.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T41 Bus Retry Synchronous Setup Time to BSCK 543 ns
(Note 3)
T41a Bus Retry Asynchronous 654 ns
Setup Time to BSCK (Note 3)
T42 Bus Retry Hold Time from BSCK (Note 2) 7 6 5 ns
Note 1: Depending upon the mode, the SONIC will assert and deassert HOLD from the rising or falling edge of BSCK.
Note 2: Unless Latched Bus Retry mode is set (LBR in the Data Configuration Register, Section 4.3.2), BRT must remain asserted until after the Th state. If
Latched Bus Retry mode is used, BRT does not need to satisfy T42.
Note 3: T41 is for synchronous bus retry and T41a is for asynchronous bus retry (see Section 4.3.2, bit 15, Extended Bus Mode). Since T41a is an asynchronous
setup time, it is not necessary to meet it, but doing so will guarantee that the bus exception occurs in the current memory transfer, not the next.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T56 CS Low Asynch. Setup to BSCK 876 ns
(Note 2)
T58 MREQ Low Asynch. Setup to BSCK 876 ns
(Note 2)
T60 MREQ or CS Valid to SMACK Low 151515bcyc
(Notes 3, 4)
T80 MREQ to SMACK High 18 16 14 ns
T81 BSCK to SMACK Low 22 20 18 ns
Note 1: Both CS and MREQ must not be asserted concurrently. If these signals are successively asserted, there must be at least two bus clocks between the
deasserting and asserting edges of these signals.
Note 2: It is not necessary to meet the setup times for MREQ or CS since these signals are asynchronously sampled. Meeting the setup time for these signals,
however, makes it possible to use T60 to determine when SMACK will be asserted.
Note 3: T60 could range from 1 bus clock minimum to 5 bus clock maximum depending on what state machine the SONIC is in when the CS or MREQ signal is
asserted. This timing is not tested, but is guaranteed by design. This specification assumes that CS or MREQ is asserted before the falling edge that these signals
are asynchronously clocked in on (see T56 and T58). SAS must have been asserted for this timing to be correct. See SAS and CS timing in the Register Read, and
Register Write timing specifications.
Note 4: bcyc ebus clock cycle time (T3).
Note 5: The way in which SMACK is asserted due to CS is not the same as the way in which SMACK is asserted due to MREQ. SMACK goes low as a direct result
of the assertion of MREQ, whereas, for CS, SAS must also be driven low (BMODE e1) or high (BMODE e0) before SMACK will be asserted. This means that
when SMACK is asserted due to MREQ, SMACK will remain asserted until MREQ is deasserted. Multiple memory accesses can be made to the shared memory
without SMACK ever going high. When SMACK is asserted due to CS, however, SMACK will only remain low as long as SAS is also low (BMODE e1) or high
(BMODE e0). SMACK will not remain low throughout multiple register accesses to the SONIC because SAS must toggle for each register access. This in an
important difference to consider when designing shared memory designs.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T56 CS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 4, 6) 8 7 6 ns
T60a CS and SAS to SMACK Low (Notes 3, 5, 6) 0 4 0404bcyc
T62 SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 4, 6) 7 6 5 ns
T63 Register Address Setup Time to SAS 765 ns
T64 Register Address Hold Time from SAS 876 ns
T65 Minimum SAS Low Width (Notes 4, 6) 20 17 15 ns
T68 SWR (Read) Hold from SAS 876 ns
T73 SWR (Read) Setup to SAS 765 ns
T75 BSCK to RDYo Low 20 18 16 ns
T76 SAS or CS to RDYo High (Note 2) 34 32 30 ns
T79 SAS or CS to SMACK High (Note 2) 18 16 14 ns
T81 BSCK to SMACK Low 22 20 18 ns
T82 BSCK to Register Data Valid 44 42 40 ns
T85 SAS or CS to Data TRI-STATE (Notes 2, 7) 34 32 30 ns
T85a Min. CS Deassert Time (Note 3) 1 1 1 bcyc
Note 1: This figure shows a slave access to the SONIC. The BSCK states (T1, T2, etc.) are the equivalent processor states during a slave access.
Note 2: If CS is deasserted before the falling edge of SAS, T76, T79 and T85 are referenced from the rising edge of CS.
Note 3: bcyc ebus clock cycle time (T3).
Note 4: It is not necessary to meet the setup time for CS (T56) and the setup time for SAS (T62) since these signals are asynchronously sampled. Meeting these
setup times for these signals, however, makes it possible to use T60a to determine exactly when SMACK will be asserted. For multiple register accesses, CS can
be held low and SAS can be used to delimit the slave cycle. In this case, SMACK will be driven low by the SONIC after T60a when T62 is met. T85a must be met to
ensure proper slave operation once CS is deasserted.
Note 5: The smaller value for T60a refers to when the SONIC is accessed during an Idle condition and the other value refers to when the SONIC is accessed during
non-idle conditions. These values are not tested, but are guaranteed by design.
Note 6: SAS may be asserted low anytime before or simultaneous to the falling edge of CS. Register address and slave read/write signals are latched on the rising
edge of the SAS, and if T62 is met, SMACK will be asserted by the SONIC after T60a. If T62 is not met, SONIC will sample SAS again on the next falling edge of the
clock, and SMACK will not be asserted until SAS is deasserted.
Note 7: This timing value includes an RC delay inherent in the test measurement. These signals typically TRI-STATE 7 ns earlier, enabling other devices to drive
these lines without contention.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T56 CS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 4, 6) 8 7 6 ns
T60a CS and SAS to SMACK Low (Notes 3, 5, 6) 040404bcyc
T62 SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 4, 6) 7 6 5 ns
T63 Register Address Setup Time to SAS 765 ns
T64 Register Address Hold Time from SAS 876 ns
T65 Minimum SAS Low Width (Notes 4, 6) 20 17 15 ns
T70 SWR (Write) Setup to SAS 765 ns
T71 SWR (Write) Hold from SAS 876 ns
T75 BSCK to RDYo Low 20 18 16 ns
T76 SAS or CS to RDYo High (Note 2) 34 32 30 ns
T79 SAS or CS to SMACK High (Note 2) 18 16 14 ns
T81 BSCK to SMACK Low 22 20 18 ns
T83 Register Write Data Setup to BSCK 7 6 5 ns
T84 Register Write Data Hold from BSCK 14 12 10 ns
T85a Min. CS Deassert Time (Note 3) 1 1 1 bcyc
Note 1: This figure shows a slave access to the SONIC. The BSCK states (T1, T2, etc.) are the equivalent processor states during a slave access.
Note 2: If CS is deasserted before the falling edge of SAS, T76, T79 and T85 are referenced from the rising edge of CS.
Note 3: bcyc ebus clock cycle time (T3).
Note 4: It is not necessary to meet the setup time for CS (T56) and the setup time for SAS (T62) since these signals are asynchronously sampled. Meeting these
setup times for these signals, however, makes it possible to use T60a to determine exactly when SMACK will be asserted. For multiple register accesses, CS can
be held low and SAS can be used to delimit the slave cycle. In this case, SMACK will be driven low by the SONIC after T60a when T62 is met. T85a must be met to
ensure proper slave operation once CS is deasserted.
Note 5: The smaller value for T60a refers to when the SONIC is accessed during an Idle condition and the other value refers to when the SONIC is accessed during
non-idle conditions. These values are not tested, but are guaranteed by design.
Note 6: SAS may be asserted low anytime before or simultaneous to the falling edge of CS. Register address and slave read/write signals are latched on the rising
edge of the SAS, and if T62 is met, SMACK will be asserted by the SONIC after T60a. If T62 is not met, SONIC will sample SAS again on the next falling edge of the
clock, and SMACK will not be asserted until SAS is deasserted.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T56 CS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 4) 8 7 6 ns
T60 CS Valid to SMACK Low (Notes 2, 3, 4) 1 5 1 5 1 5 bcyc
T63 Register Address Setup to SAS 654 ns
T64 Register Address Hold from SAS 876 ns
T67 SRW (Read) Setup to SAS 432 ns
T69 SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 4) 7 6 5 ns
T69a SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 5) 5 4 3 ns
T74 SRW (Read) Hold from SAS 876 ns
T75a BSCK to DSACK0,1 Low 14 12 10 ns
T77 CS to DSACK0,1 High (Note 5) 20 18 16 ns
T77a SAS to DSACK0,1 High (Note 5) 24 22 20 ns
T77b BSCK to DSACK0,1 TRI-STATE (Note 5) 19 17 15 ns
T78 Skew between DSACK0,1 332ns
T79a BSCK to SMACK High (Note 5) 19 17 15 ns
T81 BSCK to SMACK Low 22 20 18 ns
T82 BSCK to Register Data Valid 44 42 40 ns
T85a Min. CS Deassert Time (Notes 2, 3) 1 1 1 bcyc
T86 SAS to Register Data TRI-STATE (Note 6) 42 40 38 ns
Note 1: This figure shows a slave access to the SONIC when the SONIC is idle, or rather not in master mode. If the SONIC is a bus master, there will be some
differences as noted in the Memory Arbitration/Slave Access diagram. The BSCK states (T1, T2, etc.) are the equivalent processor states during a slave access.
Note 2: bcyc ebus clock cycle time (T3).
Note 3: It is not necessary to meet the setup time for CS and SAS (T56 and T69) since these signals are asynchronously sampled. Meeting the setup time for these
signals, however, makes it possible to use T60 to determine when SMACK will be asserted. SAS may be asserted anytime before the next falling edge of the clock
that the CS is sampled on (as shown by specification T69). For multiple register accesses, CS can be held low and SAS can be used to delimit the slave cycle
(T69a must be met in order to terminate and start another cycle). In this case, SMACK will be asserted as soon as T69 timing is met.
Note 4: T60 could range from 1 bus clock minimum to 5 bus clock maximum depending on what state machine the SONIC is in when the CS signal is asserted. This
timing is not tested, but is guaranteed by design. This specification assumes that both T56 is met for CS and T69 is met for SAS. T60 specification also assumes
that there were no wait states in the current master mode access (if CS is asserted when SONIC is in Master Mode). If there were wait states, then it would increase
the T60 further.
Note 5: It is not necessary to meet the setup times for SAS (T69a) since this signal is asynchronously sampled. Meeting the setup time for this signal, however, will
ensure DSACK0,1 becomes TRI-STATE (T77b) and SMACK goes high (T79) at the falling edge of T1. Both CS and SAS could cause DSACK0,1 to deassert but
only SAS could cause DSACK0,1 to become TRI-STATE.
Note 6: This timing value includes an RC delay inherent in the test measurement. These signals typically TRI-STATE 7 ns earlier, enabling other devices to drive
these lines without contention.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter 20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz Units
Min Max Min Max Min Max
T56 CS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 4) 8 7 6 ns
T60 CS valid to SMACK Low (Notes 2, 3, 4) 1 5 1 5 1 5 bcyc
T63 Register Address Setup to SAS 654 ns
T64 Register Address Hold from SAS 876 ns
T69 SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 4) 7 6 5 ns
T69a SAS Asynch. Setup to BSCK (Notes 3, 5) 5 4 3 ns
T70a SRW (Write) Setup to SAS 432 ns
T71a SRW (Write) Hold from SAS 876 ns
T75b BSCK to DSACK0,1 Low 14 12 10 ns
T77 CS to DSACK0,1 High (Note 5) 20 18 16 ns
T77a SAS to DSACK0,1 High (Note 5) 24 22 20 ns
T77b BSCK to DSACK0,1 TRI-STATE (Note 5) 19 17 15 ns
T78 Skew between DSACK0,1 332ns
T79a BSCK to SMACK High (Note 5) 19 17 15 ns
T81 BSCK to SMACK Low 22 20 18 ns
T83 Register Write Data Setup to BSCK 7 6 5 ns
T84 Register Write Data Hold from BSCK 14 12 10 ns
T85a Min. CS Deassert Time (Notes 2, 3) 1 1 1 bcyc
Note 1: This figure shows a slave access to the SONIC when the SONIC is idle, or rather not in master mode. If the SONIC is a bus master, there will be some
differences as noted in the Memory Arbitration/Slave Access diagram. The BSCK states (T1, T2, etc.) are the equivalent processor states during a slave access.
Note 2: bcyc ebus clock cycle time (T3).
Note 3: It is not necessary to meet the setup time for CS and SAS (T56 and T69) since these signals are asynchronously sampled. Meeting the setup time for these
signals, however, makes it possible to use T60 to determine when SMACK will be asserted. SAS may be asserted anytime before the next falling edge of the clock
that the CS is sampled on (as shown by specification T69). For multiple register accesses, CS can be held low and SAS can be used to delimit the slave cycle
(T69a must be met in order to terminate and start another cycle). In this case, SMACK will be asserted as soon as T69 timing is met.
Note 4: T60 could range from 1 bus clock minimum to 5 bus clock maximum depending on what state machine the SONIC is in when the CS signal is asserted. This
timing is not tested, but is guaranteed by design. This specification assumes that both T56 is met for CS and T69 is met for SAS. T60 specification also assumes
that there were no wait states in the current master mode access (if CS is asserted when SONIC is in Master Mode). If there were wait states, then it would increase
the T60 further.
Note 5: It is not necessary to meet the setup time for SAS (T69a) since this signal is asynchronously sampled. Meeting the setup time for this signal, however, will
ensure DSACK0,1 becomes TRI-STATE (T77b) and SMACK goes high (T79) at the falling edge of T1. Both CS and SAS could cause DSACK0,1 to deassert but
only SAS could cause DSACK0,1 to become TRI-STATE.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter Min Max Units
T87 Transmit Clock High Time (Note 1) 40 ns
T88 Transmit Clock Low Time (Note 1) 40 ns
T89 Transmit Clock Cycle Time (Note 1) 99.99 100.01 ns
T95 Transmit Output Delay (Note 1) 55 ns
T96 Transmit Output Fall Time (80% to 20%, Note 1) 7 ns
T97 Transmit Output Rise Time (20% to 80%, Note 1) 7 ns
T98 Transmit Output Jitter (Not Shown) 0.5 Typical ns
T100 Transmit Output High before Idle (Half Step) 200 ns
T101 Transmit Output Idle Time (Half Step) 8000 ns
Note 1: This specification is provided for information only and is not tested.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter Min Max Units
T102 Receive Clock Duty Cycle Time (Note 1) 40 60 ns
T105 Carrier Sense On Time 70 ns
T106 Data Acquisition Time 700 ns
T107 Receive Data Output Delay 150 ns
T108 Receive Data Valid from RXC 15 ns
T109 Receive Data Stable Valid Time 85 ns
T112 Carrier Sense Off Delay (Note 2) 250 ns
T113 Minimum Number of RXCs after CRS Low (Note 3) 5 rcyc
T114 Collision Turn On Time 55 ns
T115 Collision Turn Off Time 250 ns
Note 1: This parameter is measured at the 50% point of each clock edge.
Note 2: When CRSi goes low, it remains low for a minimum of 2 receive clocks (RXCs).
Note 3: rcyc ereceive clocks.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter Min Max Units
T118 Receive Clock High Time 40 ns
T119 Receive Clock Low Time 40 ns
T120 Receive Clock Cycle Time 90 110 ns
T121 RXD Setup to RXC 20 ns
T122 RXD Hold from RXC 15 ns
T124 Maximum Allowed Dribble Bits 6 Bits
T125 Receive Recovery Time (Note 2)
T126 RXC to Carrier Sense Low (Notes 1, 3) 1 rcyc
Note 1: tcyc etransmit clocks, rcyc ereceive clocks, bcyc eT3.
Note 2: This parameter refers to longest time (not including wait-states) the SONIC requires to perform its end of receive processing and be ready for the next
start of frame delimiter. This time is 4 a36 tcyc bcyc. This is guaranteed by design and is not tested.
Note 3: To ensure proper receive operation, a minimum of 5 RXCs after CRS low are required.
Number Parameter Min Max Units
T127 Transmit Clock High Time 40 ns
T128 Transmit Clock Low Time 40 ns
T129 Transmit Clock Cycle Time 90 110 ns
T130 TXC to TXE High 40 ns
T131 TXC to TXD Valid 15 ns
T132 TXD Hold Time from TXC 5 ns
T133 TXC to TXE Low 40 ns
T134 TXE Low to Start of CD Heartbeat (Note 1) 64 tcyc
T135 Collision Detect Width (Note 1) 2 tcyc
Note 1: tcyc etransmit clock.
7.0 AC and DC Specifications (Continued)
Number Parameter Min Max Units
T135 Collision Detect Width (Note 1) 2 tcyc
T136 Delay from Collision 8 tcyc
T137 Jam Period 32 tcyc
Note 1: tcyc etransmit clock.
8.0 AC Timing Test Conditions
All specifications are valid only if the mandatory isolation is
employed and all differential signals are taken to be at the
AUI side of the pulse transformer.
Input Pulse Levels
(TTL/CMOS) GND to 3.0V
Input Rise and Fall Times
(TTL/CMOS) 5 ns
Input and Output Reference
Levels (TTL/CMOS) 1.5V
Input Pulse Levels (Diff.) b350 mV to b1315 mV
Input and Output 50% Point of
Reference Levels (Diff.) the Differential
TRI-STATE Reference Levels Float (DV) g0.5V
Output Load (See Figure below)
Note 1: 50 pF, includes scope and jig capacitance.
Note 2: S1 eOpen for timing test for push pull outputs.
S1 eVCC for VOL test.
S1 eGND for VOH test.
S1 eVCC for High Impedance to active low and active low to High
Impedance measurements.
S1 eGND for High Impedance to active high and active high to
High Impedance measurements.
Pin Capacitance
TAe25§C, f e1 MHz
Symbol Parameter Typ Units
CIN Input Capacitance 7 pF
COUT Output Capacitance 7 pF
Output timing is measured with a purely capacitive load of
50 pF. The following correction factor can be used for other
loads: CLt50 pF, add 0.05 ns/pF.
AUI Transmit Test Load
Note: In the above diagram, the TXaand TXbsignals are taken from the
AUI side of the isolation (pulse transformer). The pulse transformer
used for all testing is a 100 mHg0.1% Pulse Engineering PE64103.
DP83932C-20/25/33 MHz SONIC Systems-Oriented Network Interface Controller
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)
132-Lead Plastic Chip Carrier
Order Number DP83932C
NS Package Number V132A
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component is any component of a life
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant support device or system whose failure to perform can
into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
failure to perform, when properly used in accordance support device or system, or to affect its safety or
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can effectiveness.
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.
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