AFBR-0549Z, AFBR-0550Z
Evaluation Kits for the HFBR-1414PTZ Fiber Optic Transmitter
and the AFBR-2418TZ/AFBR-2419TZ Fiber Optic Receivers
Product Brief
The AFBR-0549Z/AFBR-0550Z evaluation kits provide sys-
tem designers with a convenient means to evaluate the
performance of the HFBR-1414PTZ ber optic transmitter
and the AFBR-2418TZ/AFBR-2419TZ ber optic receivers.
Each evaluation board is mounted with an HFBR-1414PTZ
module, which will be used as the reference transmitter;
an AFBR-2418TZ or an AFBR-2419TZ module; two SMA
connectors for input/output signals; and two 2-pin head-
ers, one for monitoring the electrical input signal supplied
to the transmitter section of the evaluation board (JP1)
and the other one for monitoring the electrical output
signal generated by the receiver (JP2).
The evaluation board is a two-layer PCB designed for up
to 50 Mbit/s. The transceiver lines are placed below the
ground plane (top side) to ensure a low inductance signal
return path and continuous impedance along the trace.
The ground plane under/around the transceiver helps dis-
sipate thermal energy. For best transceiver performance,
the decoupling capacitor and ferrite bead should be
placed as close as possible to the transceiver supply volt-
Evaluation Kit Components
The evaluation kit includes:
a. Evaluation board (mounted with either AFBR-2418TZ
or AFBR-2419TZ)
b. 1-meter-long ST/ST 62.5 µm multimode ber.
c. 1-meter-long ST/ST 200 µm PCS ber.
Ordering Information
AFBR-0549Z Evaluation board mounted with HFBR-1414PTZ
ber optic transmitter and AFBR-2418TZ* ber
optic receiver.
AFBR-0550Z Evaluation board mounted with HFBR-1414PTZ
ber optic transmitter and AFBR-2419TZ** ber
optic receiver.
* AFBR-2418TZ - input data rate ranging from DC to 50 MBd
** AFBR-2419TZ - input data rate ranging from from 100 kBd to 50 MBd.
Application Note 5577, AFBR-0549Z/AFBR-0550Z - Evalu-
ation Kits for the HFBR-1414PTZ Fiber Optic Transmitter
and the AFBR-2418TZ/AFBR-2419TZ Fiber Optic Receivers
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AV02-4887EN - April 7, 2015