tyca QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT BE ERR SS 11DIA SQUIB CONNECTOR SLIM TYPE MK- I WIDIA ADF ARIE AYLAAT YTI 501-5434 Rev.o Product Specification : 108-5818 Reference Test Report No. : TRE-100161 Date : BMAYO2 Classification : Unrestricted Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by Approved by BMAYO2 BMAY02 OMAYO2 QMAYO2 E.SASAKI T.KOHN N.MATSUBARA M.TSUKAKOSHI E.Sasaki T.Kohno N. Matsubara M. Tsukakoshi P/E Engineer P/E Section Chief Reliability Analysis Q/A Manager Chief * Signature on file. Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. Hisamoto 3-5-8, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan 1of4 This AMP controlled document is subject to change. For latest revision call the AMP. Copyright 2000 by Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. All rights reserved. * Trademark Released Per EC FJQ0-0940-02 tyca Electronics 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose Testing was performed on the 11DIA Squib Connector Slim Type MK-II to determine if it meets the requirements of AMP specification, 108-5818 Rev. O. 1.2 Scope This report covers the results of electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements testing of the 1 1DIA Squib Connector Slim Type MK-II. The qualification testing was performed between 10 Apr. 2002 and 23 Apr. 2002. 1.3 Conclusion The 11DIA Squib Connector Slim Type meets the performance requirements of Product Specification, 108-5818 Rev. 0. 1.4 Product Description This connector has been designed for use of automotive wire-to-squib termination connector. 1.5 Test Samples Samples were taken randomly from current production. The following samples were used (Fig. 1). 1.6 Others The test result of Shorting is shown on the Qualification Test Report based on 108-5748 11DIA SQUIB CONNECTOR SLIM TYPE MK-II 1. (EUMHI= 1184 AEtERIL. 11IDIA A247 ARGH AYE BAT V 9 1 BL LHS 108-5818 Rev. 0 [cdES ALICtERED BSS RL CSP eEeT Stool, 1.2 Ae ASRS BILL VIDIA AIF 1499 AYIA TIT OBAH, RMS EURIRMTERED BS HIDUC HT A RSE TL Bo AS! IRE ABIL, 2002 4 A 10 AAS 2002 4A 23 BECKTON. 1.3 fei 4ADIA A947 AIR YLT V9 (LY SB FBR 108-5818 Rev. O OLEREMERH