High Temperature Operation (125°C)
This data sheet addendum is to be used in conjunction with the existing AT25DF041B
datasheet specifications. The Adesto AT25DF041B 4Mbit Serial Flash devices will
operate @ 125°C with the following datasheet caveats. All other parameters will meet
the existing datasheet specifications.
The ordering code suffix (CAN# Code) 'HR' or ‘HT’ must be used to ensure correct
operation at this extended temperature range. Adesto will not modify and republish the
current datasheet to reflect the CAN# ordering code or the above caveats. The
standard AT25DF041B datasheet is available at http://www.adestotech.com.
4-Mbit, 1.7V-3.6V Minimum
SPI Serial Flash Memory
1. Electrical Specifications
1.2 DC, AC, Program and Erase Characteristics
1.1 DC and AC Operating Range
Operating Temperature -40C to +125C
Endurance (Maximum) 20,000 Cycles
Symbol Parameter
1.7V to 3.6V 2.3V to 3.6V
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
IUDPD Ultra Deep Power-Down Current .2 1.3 1µA
IDPD Deep Power-Down Current 4.5 40 540 µA
ISB Standby Current 25 65 25 65 µA
Maximum Clock Frequency for All
Operation ( including 0Bh Opcode) 85 85 MHz
fRDLF Maximum Clock Frequency for 03h 25 25 MHz
Maximum Clock Frequency for 3Bh
Opcode 40 40 MHz
tCSH Minimum CS - High Time 40 25 ns
tPP Page Program Time (256 Bytes) 2 6 2 4 ms
Block Erase Time (4K) 45 100 45 100 ms
Block Erase Time (32K) 250 800 250 500 ms
Block Erase Time (64K) 450 1700 450 1000 ms
tCHPE Chip Erase Time 3.6 12 3.6 6.8 s