Series PVU414PbF
2 www.irf.com © 2015 International Rectifier Submit Datasheet Feedback June 02, 2015
Minimum Dielectric Strength, Input-Output 4000 VRMS
Minimum Insulation Resistance, Input-Output @TA=+25°C, 50%RH, 100VDC 1012 Ω
Maximum Capacitance, Input-Output 1.0 pF
Maximum Pin Soldering Temperature (10 seconds maximum) +260 °C
Ambient Temperature Range: Operating -40 to +85 °C
Storage -40 to +100
Operating Voltage Range 0 to ±400 V(DC or AC peak)
Maximum Load Current @TA=+40°C, 5mA Control (See figure 1)
A Connection 140 mA (AC or DC)
B Connection 150 mA (DC)
C Connection 210 mA (DC)
Maximum On-State Resistance @TA=+25°C
For 50mA pulsed load, 5mA Control (see figure 4)
A Connection 27 Ω
B Connection 14 Ω
C Connection 7 Ω
Minimum Off-State Resistance @TA=+25°C, ±320V (see figure 5) 1010 Ω
Maximum Turn-On Time @TA=+25°C (see figure 7) 500 µs
For 50mA, 100 VDC Load, 5mA Control
Maximum Turn-Off Time @TA=+25°C (see figure 7) 200 µs
For 50mA, 100 VDC Load, 5mA Control
Maximum Thermal Offset Voltage @ 5mA Control 0.2 µV
Maximum Output Capacitance @ 50VDC (see figure 2) 12 pF
Minimum Control Current (see figure 1) 3.0 mA
Maximum Control Current for Off-State Resistance @TA=+25°C 0.4 mA
Control Current Range (Caution: current limit input LED, see figure 6) 3.0 to 25 mA
Maximum Reverse Voltage 6.0 V
Electrical Specifications (-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C unless otherwise specified)
International Rectifier does not recommend the use of this product in aerospace, avionics, military or life support applications.
Users of this International Rectifier product in such applications assume all risks of such use and indemnify International
Rectifier against all damages resulting from such use.