The LSI53C1010R supports up to 1 MB of external expansion ROM through
a parallel interface, for add-in card designs. For ease of software development
and field upgrades of the ROM, the interface supports local programming of
FLASH memory. A serial 2-wire interface on each SCSI channel provides a
connection to an external serial EEPROM for storing Subsystem Vendor ID
and Subsystem ID.
The LSI53C1010R is supported with the proven SDMS software. SDMS
software enables the performance enhancements of Ultra160 data transfer
speed increases and improved PCI bus utilization capabilities included in the
LSI53C1010R. The LSI53C1010R reliability capabilities of AIP and CRC are
enabled and managed by the SDMS software. SDMS software implements
the manageability improvements of the LSI Logic SureLINK domain validation
technology. SureLINK technology extends standard domain validation with
the addition of full cable plant margining. The cable plant margining capability,
exclusive to LSI Logic’s Ultra160 solution, includes end-to-end margining from
the LSI53C1010R through LSI Logic’s LSI53C180 SCSI bus expander to the
target device. The domain validation capability of SDMS software is available
as an independent application as well as integrated in the DMI 2.0 based
system management solution for enterprise class implementations. SDMS software
includes BIOS and OSV certified drivers for all major operating systems
including DOS with ASPI support, Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000,
UnixWare, OS/2, NetWare, Solaris and Linux. A complete set of SCSI utilities
rounds out the software solution, which includes a DMI 2.0 based system
management software for Windows NT, NetWare, UnixWare, Solaris and
Linux, and a stand-alone or snap-in DMI browser applet and SureLINK applet.
For more information please visit
the LSI Logic web site at:
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LSI Logic KK Headquarters
Tokyo, Japan
Tel: 81 3 5463 7165
Fax 81 3 5463 7820
ISO 9000 Certified
LSI Logic logo design and TolerANT are registered
trademarks, and LVDlink, SCRIPTS, SDMS, and
SureLINK are trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation.
All other brand and product names may be trade-
marks of their respective companies.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make
changes to any products and services herein at
any time without notice. LSI Logic does not
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Copyright ©2001 by LSI Logic Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Order No. S20035
7/01-1M – Printed in USA
LSI53C1010R Ultra160 SCSI Controller