Pin Descriptions
1 GNDCOR PWR Ground pin for the PLL core.
2 S SC1/ASIC _3.3V_2.5# IN S pread S pectrum amplitude c ontrol with ASIC 3.3V/2.5V# select.
3 S SC0/C PU_3.3V_2.5# IN S pread S pectrum amplitude c ontrol with CP U 3.3V/2.5V# selec t.
4 X1 IN Crystal input,nom inally 14.318M Hz.
5 X2 OUT Cr ys tal output, nominally 14 .318M Hz.
6 VDDCOR PWR 3.3V power for the PLL core.
7 VDDDIG PWR 3.3V internal digital pow er.
8 VDDPCI PWR Power supply for PCI clocks, nominal 3.3V
9 PCICL K0/PCI_3.3 V_2 .5# I/O PCI clock o utp u t with CPU 3.3 V/2.5V# select.
10 PCICL K1 /PCI _ EN* I/O PCI clock o utp u t with latched PCI e n ab le function a t startu p .
11 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs .
12 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs.
13 USB 0/US B_E N* I/O US B cloc k output with latched U SB enable func tion at startup.
14 VDDUSB PWR Supply for USB clocks,3.3V nominal
15 CLK_S EL0 IN Function select pin. See table for details .
16 CLK_S EL1 IN Function select pin. See table for details .
17 AS IC1_S EL* IN Function select pin. S ee table for details.
18 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs.
19 VDDASIC 1 P WR Supply for A SIC 1clocks,3.3V nominal
20 AS IC1 OUT ASIC1 clock output.
21 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs.
22 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs.
23 ASIC 2B O U T ASIC 2B clock output.
24 ASIC2A/ASIC2A_EN* I/O ASIC2A c lock output with latc hed P CI enable function at startup.
25 VDDASIC 2 P WR S upply for ASIC 2 cloc ks ,3.3V nominal
26 VDDCPU PWR Supply for CPU clocks, 3.3V nominal
27 CPUCLK0 OUT CPU cloc k outputs.
28 GND P WR Ground pin for 3V outputs.
NOTE: Internal pull-up res itors on pin 10, 13, 17, and 24. No internal res is tor for pin 2, 3, 9, 15 or 16.