0.8 micron CMOS
Standard Cells
Digital ASICs
August 1993
Products and Services
The Design Library
AMI provides a robust collection of building blocks for the
AMI8S standard cell family. A broad range of primary
cells is complemented with memory cell compilers and
useful megafunctions. With such broad, US-based design
talent, AMI can quickly design specific cells that
customers need to add an edge in customization.
The AMI ASIC Standard Library
The AMI ASIC Standard Library contains a rich set of
core and pad cells which allow great flexibility in building
competitive devices for customer applications . The libr ary
is portable across all AMI’s gate array and standard cell
families. The ASIC Standard Library is listed in detail on
pages 9 to 21.
Soft Datapath Library (xx by yy)
Name Function
MGAxxyyDv Adder
MGAxxyyEv Adder-subtracter
MGBxxyyAv Arithmetic/barrel shifter
MGBxxBv Barrel shifter
MGBxxCv Arithmetic shifter
MGCxxAv 2-function binary comparator
MGCxxBv 6-function binary comparator
MGDxxAv Decrementer
MGFxxyyC1 Latch-based FIFO
MGIxxAv Incrementer
MGIxxBv Incrementer/decrementer
MGMxxyyDv Signed/unsigned multiplier
MGMxxyyEv Multiplier-accumulator
MGSxxyyAv Signed/unsigned subtracter
Memory Compilers
The AMI8S family includes the line of memor y compilers
shown abo v e . Each of the thousands of possible memory
blocks is optimized precisely to the customers’
parameters rather than built from a presized leaf cell that
covers a range of sizes. This yields a better size and
performance match for each application.
Upon supplying the cell specification to AMI, the
customer can receive an accurate simulation timing
specification overnight by facsimile and a full simulation
model f or any AMI supported software environment within
five working days.
Datapath Synthesizers
AMI8S also supports the complex datapath functions
listed here. These functions are synthesized from an
input set of design parameters, and can be optimized for
either minimum delay, minimum area or a compromise
between the two. Contact AMI for the size range and
parameter set for any desired functions.
These logic synthesizers produce soft megacell
schematics in the ASIC Standard Library, and a
schematic symbol for incorporation and simulation with
the design netlist.
The AMI8S standard cell family supports soft megacell
versions of many popular architectures. These products
are listed on the following page.
Soft megacells are functionally and logically compatible
with the standard products of similar names, but are
captured in the AMI ASIC Standard Library and are
placed and routed with the user’s defined logic.
AMI supplies an actual gate le v el netlist and schematic of
the soft megacell to the customer allowing him to make
design changes or remove unneeded features as
required. Test vectors are provided and can be used
directly or incorporated into the overall design test. All
soft megacells are static designs and use AMI’s ASIC
Standard Library to ensure portability.
Memory Compiler Library
Memory Compiler Size Increment Comments
min. max.
SRAM (single-port, synchronous) 32 x 1 2K x 32 16 words, 1 bit 7 ns typical access time on 1Kx16
11 ns typical cycle time on 1Kx16
SRAM (dual-port, synchronous) 32 x 1 1K x 32 16 words, 1 bit 8 ns typical access time on 1Kx16
ROM (synchronous) 64 x 1 16K x 32 64 words, 1 bit 4.5 ns typical access time on 256x16
SRAM (single-port, asynchronous) 32 x 1 2K x 32 16 words, 1 bit Under development
SRAM (dual-port, asynchronous) 32 x 1 1K x 32 16 words, 1 bit Under development