Pin Number Symbol Name Description
8 LOS Loss of Signal Out (OC) Suffi cient optical signal for potential BER < 1x10-12 = Logic “0”
Insuffi cient signal for potential BER < 1x10-12 = Logic “1”
This pin is open collector compatible, and should be pulled up
to Host Vcc with a 10 kΩ resistor.
10, 11, 14 VeeR Receiver Signal Ground These pins should be connected to signal ground on the host board.
The VeeR and VeeT signals are connected together within the module
and are isolated from the module case.
12 RD- Receiver Negative Light on = Logic “0” Output
DATA Out (PECL) Receiver DATA output is internally AC coupled and series
terminated with a 50 Ω resistor.
13 RD+ Receiver Positive Light on = Logic “1” Output
DATA Out (PECL) Receiver DATA output is internally AC coupled and series
terminated with a 50 Ω resistor.
15 VccR Receiver Power Supply This pin should be connected to a fi ltered +3.3 V power supply
on the host board. See Application schematics on page 4 for
fi ltering suggestions.
7 RS0 RX Rate Select (LVTTL) This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-down to ground. A signal
on this pin will not affect module performance.
3 TX_Disable Transmitter Disable In (LVTTL) Logic “1” Input (or no connection) = Laser off
Logic “0” Input = Laser on
This pin is internally pulled up to VccT with a 10 kΩ resistor.
1, 17, 20 VeeT Transmitter Signal Ground These pins should be connected to signal ground on the host board.
The VeeR and VeeT signals are connected together within the module
and are isolated from the module case.
2 TX_Fault Transmitter Fault Out (OC) Logic “1” Output = Laser Fault (Laser off before t_fault)
This pin is open collector compatible, and should be pulled up
to Host Vcc with a 10 kΩ resistor.
16 VccT Transmitter Power Supply This pin should be connected to a fi ltered +3.3 V power supply
on the host board. See Application schematics on page 4 for
fi ltering suggestions.
18 TD+ Transmitter Positive Logic “1” Input = Light on
DATA In (PECL) Transmitter DATA inputs are internally AC coupled and
terminated with a differential 100 Ω resistor.
19 TD- Transmitter Negative Logic “0” Input = Light on
DATA In (PECL) Transmitter DATA inputs are internally AC coupled and
terminated with a differential 100 Ω resistor.
9 RS1 TX Rate Select (LVTTL) This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pulldown to ground. A signal
on this pin will not affect module performance.
Module Defi nition
4 SDA Two-wire Serial Data Serial ID with SFF 8472 Diagnostics.
Module defi nition pins should be pulled up to Host Vcc with
appropriate resistors for the speed and capacitive loading of the
bus. See SFF8431.
5 SCL Two-wire Serial Clock Serial ID with SFF 8472 Diagnostics.
Module defi nition pins should be pulled up to Host Vcc with
appropriate resistors for the speed and capacitive loading of the
bus. See SFF8431.
6 MOD_ABS Module Absent Pin should be pulled up to Host Vcc with 10 kΩ resistor.
MOD_ABS is asserted “high” when the SFP+ module is
physically absent from the host slot.
SFP+ Optical Transceiver Pin Descriptions