For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,
or visit Maxim’s website at
General Description
The MAX7375 is a silicon oscillator, intended as a low-
cost improvement replacing ceramic resonators, crys-
tals, and crystal oscillator modules used as the clock
source for microcontrollers and UARTs in 3V, 3.3V, and
5V applications.
The MAX7375 is a fully integrated oscillator, supplied at
specific factory-trimmed frequencies with a rail-to-rail
50% duty cycle square-wave output. The oscillator fre-
quency is generated directly without the use of a
phase-locked loop (PLL). No additional components
are used to set or adjust the frequency.
Unlike typical crystal and ceramic resonator oscillator
circuits, the MAX7375 is highly resistant to vibration
and EMI. The high output drive current and absence of
high-impedance nodes also makes the oscillator less
susceptible to dirty or humid operating conditions. With
a wide operating temperature range, the oscillator is a
good choice for demanding home appliance and auto-
motive environments.
Available in 3-pin space-saving SC70 package, the
MAX7375 is offered in standard and nonstandard fac-
tory-set frequencies ranging from 600kHz to 9.99MHz.
See the MAX7381 data sheet for frequencies ≥10MHz.
The MAX7375’s standard operating temperature range
is -40°C to +125°C. See the Applications Information
section for extended operating temperature range.
White Goods Portable Equipment
Automotive Microcontroller Systems
Appliances and Controls
Hand-Held Products
♦2.7V to 5.5V Operation
♦Factory-Trimmed Oscillator (600kHz to 9.99MHz)
♦No External Components Required
♦±10mA Output Drive Current
♦2% Initial Accuracy
♦±50ppm/°C Temp Drift
♦Fast Startup Time: 5µs
♦40% to 60% Maximum Duty Cycle
♦5ns Output Rise and Fall Time-Low EMI
♦Very Low EMI Susceptibility-No High-Impedance
♦Very Low Jitter: 160psP-P at 8MHz
♦Tiny Surface-Mount Package (SC70)
♦-40°C to +125°C Temperature Range
3-Pin Silicon Oscillator
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
Ordering Information
19-3060; Rev 3; 12/07
Typical Application Circuit
Pin Configuration and Selector Guide appear at end of data
Note: The MAX7375 is available in factory-set frequencies from
600kHz to 9.99MHz. There are seven standard versions (1MHz,
1.84MHz, 3.58MHz, 3.69MHz, 4MHz, 4.19MHz, and 8MHz, as
shown in the Selector Guide) with a required 2.5k order incre-
ment. Nonstandard frequencies are also available with a required
10k order increment. For nonstandard versions, contact factory
for availability and ordering information. All versions available in
tape-and-reel only.